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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
k ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor “The harvest is past, the sum mer is ended, and we are not saved.” Jeremiah 8:20. We are looking forward with great anticipation to our revival beginning August 23, with Rev and Mrs. J. Lee Gorman. Plan now to attend. Services for the week are as follows: Sunday-school, 10 a. m.; worship, 11 a. m.; young peo pie’s meeting, 7:30 p. m.; evan gelistic rally 8 p. m.; story hour, Wednesdays, 2 p. m.; prayer and Bible study, Wednesdays, 8 p. m. State camp meeting begins August 11 to 20 near Lexington. Some real men of faith will be ministering the Word in these services daily. Take your vaca tion at camp. You are invited to visit our services at any time. METHODIST (Inman-Ewing) Rev. Charles C. Chappell, pastor Sunday-school, 10 a. m. Worship, 11:10 a. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship, Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Choir practice, Thudsday, 7:30 p. m. The joint quarterly confer ence of the Inman-Ewing cir cuit will be held Sunday, Au gust 13, at 8 p. m. A pot-luck supper is being planned for 6:30 in the Ewing Methodist church basement. Following supper, Bob Pruden will show the picture “Queen Esther,” a 16-mm sound movie. The narrative is based on the story found in the world’s best selling book. Doctor Jackman district superintendent of the Norfolk district of the Methodist church, will preside. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing RFD) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, August 13: Worship service, 9:30 a. m., sermon by the pastor. Sunday - school, 10:30 a. m., Lawrence Chipps, superintend ent. Mr. and Mrs- Milford Coats and daughter have moved onto the McVay ranch near Cham bers. METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor Church school, 10 a. m., class es for all ages. Worship service, 11 a. m., ser mon, special music. Senior MYF, 7:30 p. m. The Young Adult Fellowship met Tuesday evening for a meeting and party in the church parlors. Dr. and Mrs. Harry D. Gildersleeve and Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Gillespie were the hosts. The WSCS are having a pic nic at the park today (Thurs day), beginning at 3 o’clock and finishing with a picnic supper. Doctor Jackman will hold the first quarterly conference on Sunday, September 3. We invite you to worship with us. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O'Neill) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Sunday-school, 10 a. m. Divine service, 11:15 a. m. Matt. 28:19 Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in ’the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday - school, 9:45 a. m., Roy Sauers, superintendent. Worship service, 11a. m., mu sic by the choir, sermon by the pastor. Suspects Returned To St. Paul, Nebr. Morris Gross and Everett L. Perkins, the two Minnesotans | lodged in the Holt county jail ! last Thursday noon, have been returned to St. Paul, Nebr., to ! face charges in connection with j I their alleged hold-up of a filling ( station there, during the course of which the station operator, an elderly woman, was slugged. According to Austin Jacobs, ' town marshall of St. Paul, Mrs. Frances Ludington, 65, operator of the station, was struck on the head a number of times by one of the men. However, she was not seriously injured. The pair were arrested a mile east of Chambers last Thursday j morning by State Patrolmen Fay Robeson and Frank Dineen, I both of O’Neill. They submitted I to arrest after a chase, during I which a number of warning shots were fired by the officers. Guests Taken to Rustic Garden— EWING—Mrs. Bertha Urban entertained a number of friends and neighbors Sunday evening \ at her home in Ewing. Showers | threatened in the late afternoon i 1 but the skies cleared by 6:30 > ! when she invited her guests to \ j the picnic corner of her back | yard. They found a nook sheltered by trees and shrubbery. Bloom- ' ! ing flowers and vines added to , i the beauty. Rustic seats, a pic nic table and a brick fireplace in which a fire was blazing, completed the picture. Weiners were toasted and served with hot buttered rolls, coffee and salads and relishes of various kinds. For dessert the hostess served ice cream with home grown berries and cake. The evening was spent socially, and on departing, the guests ex pressed their thanks to Mrs. Ur ban for a very happy evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Wunner, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris, Mrs. Charles Good and son, Jim, Mrs. Perry Saiser and Mrs. W. H. Bnggs and Mrs. D. W. Gemmill. Billy Harris Host To 6 Friends— EWING —• Billy Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Harris, celebrated his 7th birthday an niversary on Thursday, August 3. In honor of the occasion, 6 little boys were his guests for the afternoon. Games were played and re freshments were servd with the birthday cake being the center of attraction James Merriman drove to Sioux City Monday afternoon. August 7. He was accompanied by Mrs. Elna Lyons and daugh ters, who were returning to their home in Sutherland, la. ATKINSON HAY DAYS WED. & THURS. August 16 & 17 Don’t Miss - - Nebraska's finest Parade "Holidays in Our America" Coronation Pageant "Hay Land Holiday" Coronation of Hay Queen and Hay King Presentation of Honor Holt County Farm Family World's Championship Hay Cabling Contest * BASEBALL ★ BANDS ★ CARNIVAL ★ DANCE NfORTH NEBRASKA'S BIG CELEBRATION 4-H TALENT SHOW Sponsored By Atkinson \merican Legion DANCE f American Legion Ballroom... O’Neill “Where the Big Bands Play” SUNDAY, AUGUST13TH “Chuck” Eddy with HARRY COLLINS ORCHESTRA Admission: $1 Per Person (Inch Tax) Fishermen Find Shelter Under Boat — EWING — Frank Noffke, jr.. and Durward Loughfrey went to Lake Andes, S. D., for some fishing over the weekend. On Sunday, a severe storm came up which caught the men before they could reach their car. However, they pulled for shore and on reaching it, pulled thedr boat out, turned it over and took shleter under it. Other Ewing News Earl Bollen. who lives near Lincoln, is calling on old friends I in the Ewing and Orchard vic inities this week. Mrs. Helen Lee and children, of La Honda, Calif., came Sat urday to spend some time at the home of her parents, Mr. ; and Mrs. Nels Jacobsen, and her sister, Mrs Hazel Norwood, and family and other relatives in Ewing. On Monday afternoon, Mrs. John Ruther was pleasantly surprised when she was invit ed to spend the afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hazel Nor wood, where the ladies of the neighborhood had gathered to remind her of a birthday anni j versary. M!rs. Hans Peterson was the assisting hostess. Mr. and Mr. Osmond Paul i Frud, and son, of Pacific Palis ade, Calif., were guests at the j home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph i Munn on Tuesday and Wednes day August 1 and 2. Clyde Allen, of Los Angeles, Calif., is now assisting in Ralph s food center. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Davidson, of Culver City, Calif., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn, ! and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Pruden made a business trip to Cham berlain. S. D. Her sister, Mrs. P. B. Cooper and daughters re ! turned home with them to ; spend the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murphy, of Omaha, were guests on Sun day at the J L. Pruden home. | They returned in the evening, accompanied by Mrs. P. B. Cooper and daughters, of Cham berlain. S. D.. who had been guests of the Pruden’s over the weekend. Weekpnd guests at tne nomt | ! of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ruby, i i were Mr and Mrs. Claus Siev ers and Bill and Betty Zane, of I Gillette, Wyo. Mrs Anita Lee and son, Ken ! neth, accompanied by Stanley Allen, went to O’Neill on Sun day where they visited at the Reimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mar quardt drove to Omaha on Sun day to spend a few days. H R Porter returned home ion Sunday from Cheyenne, Wyo., where he had visited rel atives the past 2 weeks. Mrs. Clarence Shaw and son, Grover, and Jerry Tomjack went to O’Neill on Sunday to spend the day visiting with Miss Mary Carney. A business transaction was completed on Saturday in the sale of the Inman Locker sys tem by Ebben Grafft, of Ewing, to David Morsbach of Inman. He took possession the same j day- A . The Reid family from Atkin son are now residents of Ew ing, having moved into the Sis son property recently. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huffman and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sisson were among the Ewing folks who attended the races at Co lumbus on Saturday. Mrs. Lyle McNabb and sons, of Omaha, are houseguests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Rotherham- Mrs. McNabb, is assisting at the postoffice while Miss Hazel Ruby enjoys a vacation from her duties there. Mr. and Mrs. John Archer transacted business at Orchard on Thursday. Mrs. Teresa Breiner, of O’ Neill, is a guest at the home of hqr daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs- Wm. Murray, this week. Hazel Ruby and Elsie Chase are vacationing in Lincoln. Miss Chase has attended the summer session at Kearney state teach ers college. She completed her course and returned to Ewing on Monday, July 31. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, accompanied by their guests. Rev. and Mrs. Lee Hofmo and Rev. Wm. Durbin and family., ( spent Sunday visiting at the country home of Mr and Mrs. Richard Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and family moved on Friday from east Ewing to the Merle Shilousky residence which they recently purchased. Mrs. Dewain Bendon and fam ily returned to their home in Des Moines, la., on Monday with Mr. Bendon, who had made a business trip into Nebraska and was on his way back to Iowa. They had been guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Krachie, since August 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone left Saturday for the Ray Kurtz farm, where they will do the chores for a week or 10 days while the Kurtz family is on vacation in Idaho. Willard Naprstek returned Monday from a 2 weeks vaca tion, Last week he and Mrs. Naprstek and daughter visited relatives in Osmond and Creigh ton. They have moved into their new home which they purchas ed recently from Francis Gilg. Guests Sunday, August 6, of Mr- and Mrs. Stanley Holly and family were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Liska and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bruner, of Seward. Mrs. Mary Applegate, of Fre mont, visited her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gene San ders, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter and Patty McKenzie visited with relatives in Brunswick on Sunday, August 6 Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Peter son, of Neligh, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Niles and family. Miss Authea Roggasch* of Sid ney, visited from Thursday to Sunday, August 3 to 6, with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy and family, of Scottsbluff, ar rived Saturday, August 5, to visit relatives. They were re turning from a trip to Green Bay, Wise. Edward McCarthy accompanied them home on Monday to visit a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Crab and Donna, returned home Tuesday, August 1, from a trip through the Rockies and at Denver and Colorado Springs, Colo. Ed Quinn was in Mapleton and Denison, la., last week on business. Mrs. John Mullen and chil dren visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Disterhaupt, of Atkinson, on Wednesday, Au gust 2. Tommy Donohoe and Mrs. Merle Kaiser and 2 children, of Seottsbluft, came Wednesday, August 2, to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Donohoe. Mr. Donohoe returned home Monday, August 7, but Mrs. Kaiser and children will re main a week or so. Visitors on Sunday, August 6, of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKim and faimily were Mr. and Mrs McKim’s mother, Mrs. Lizzie McKim, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ste vens and Miss Mable Miller, all of Clearwater. Mrs- Joseph Donohoe and children, of Fremont, visited from Thursday to Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Catherine Craig, and other relatives in and a round O’Neill. _ Mr. and Mrs. Max Chapman and daughters, Patty and Nan cy, of Kansas City, Mo., arriv ed Sunday, August 6, to visit Mrs. Chapman's mother and brother, Mrs. Elsie Slattery and Don McKenna. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rubeek were Mtr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeek, and daughter, Kathy, and Mr. and Mrs. Milford Coats and daughter, Linda. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and family, of Brunswick, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter and family. Mrs. Elsie Slattery and Mr. and Mrs. Max Chapman and children were Monday, August 7, supper guests of Mrs. Bessie Burge and June, oT Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Med calf and children and Mr. and Mrs Earl Starkey and daught er attended the Wheeler coun ty fair on Sunday, August 6. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Taylor and son, Steven, visited over the weekend with Mr. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, of Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. D. B Lyons, of Winner, S D., and Mrs. Elna Lyons and daughters, Sharon and Marilyn, of Sutherland, la., visited Sunday and Monday, August 6 and 7, with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman and son, Jaimes. Evalyn and Dona Rae Asher returned Sunday, August 6, from Kansas City, Kans., where they had been visiting their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Asher. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs M. A. Schelkopf were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Drueke and daughter, of Ainswoth. Mrs. Lekander, of Ft. Collins, Colo., and Miss June Chambers, of Dubuque, la., are visiting at the home of Mrs. C. H. Cham bers Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Sutcliff, of Rapid City, S. D„ are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wanser. Mrs. Gertie Minahan visited Sunday with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Cur ran. Another brother Mike Cur ran, of Amelia, was also a vis itor. Donald Donohoe accompan ied his friend, Donavan Becker, to Lake Okaboji, la., to spend the weekend. Brings Home Prize— Mrs. Roy Cole accompanied by 2 of her granddaughters, and Mrs. Ivan Cone. Mrs. T. M. Harrington and Mrs- Norbert Uhl and daughter, attended the Mary Moore picnic at Norfolk on Friday. August 4. When the guests were inter viewed those from O'Neill had come the greatest distance and Mrs. Cole, as driver of the car, was awarded a prize._ k_ __—-__ i ANNOUNCING ★ ★ ★ We’re Now In Our m LOCATION • Effective Friday, August 4, we are now located in the Odd Fellow build ing, J4 block south of the traffic light (for- ; mer location of Tiny Town), and we’re now better equipped to serve you. Ice Cream - Popcorn - Soft Drinks Novelties ★ ★ ★ FOX ICE CREAM SECTION 2 — PAGES 9 TO 12 I *_ O'NEILL, NEBR., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. 1950.—PAGE 9.^ Miss Loretta Berry To Teach in 218 NORTH OF STUART — Miss Loretta Berry has been hired to teach school in district 218. Miss Berry is a Stuart high school graduate of 1950 and has been working as secretary to Rev. Orin Graff in Atkinson this summer. —-. Other North of Stuart News Mrs. D. F. Scott and daught-1 er, Miss Dorothy and Mrs. Gene Livingston, visited at the Char les Dobias home Thursday, Au gust 3. Mrs. Chas Dobias and boys called at the Merrill Smith home Friday morning. Mr and Mrs Lou Prange: were O'Neill callers Saturday where they visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. > and Mrs. Dwrvin Kipple, and new baby daughter. Mrs. Prange is spending a few days at the ' Kipples. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith and family were Sunday din ner guests at the Charles Do-1 bias home. Cleveland Progressive club met at the home of Mrs. Russell Hipke Thursday afternoon, Au gust 3, with 9 members and a guest. Mrs. Ed Vogel, answer ing roll call by telling of a trip they'd like to take. Mrs. Vogel joined the club as a new mem ber. The contest conducted by the hostess was won by Mrs. Mah lin Shearer, who named the largest number of flowers cor rectly from a group of 36 blos soms. The next meeting will be at the Mahlin Shearer home September 7. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hipke, Ray, Kieth and Wynn were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. I and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell and I family. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Allyn returned Thursday from a 2 1 weeks’ vacation with relatives on the West coast They report home in Holt county to be the “greenest country” they had seen. Mrs. Russell Hipke and boys called on Mrs. Herbert Sweet and Mrs. Elmer Allyn Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Marcel lus visited in Lincoln from Sun day to Tuesday, August 6 to 8. FOR SALE White Pekin Ducks • I his is special stock we have just flown in from Ohio. They have the finest fla /or you ever tasted. Dress a few and put in your locker for those special occasions. Weight from 8 to 1 0 pounds alive. PRICE 35c PER POIINO CORKLE FARM NO. 1 I Phone 483-J O’Neill Ladies’ Winter Coats Choose Yours Now! Use Our Convenient LAY AWAY Plan 10% Down Holds Your Coal Till You Need It! Exceptional Values! Zip-out Linings! WOMEN’S COATS $34.95 . • Blended Gabardine • Wear Belied or Noil • Stand-up Collars • All Sixes—10 to 20! News, indeed—such ver satile, fine quality coats, priced so very low! The fabric is super - smooth gabardine (40% wool, 80% rayon), carefully tailored with a 4-gore back, face-flattering col lar, and smart pocket de tail. Best of all, there's an all-wool linng to zip ,n or out to suit the wea ther! Choice of soft grey )r brown tones. See these jut-standing coat values aow! We also have several different styles of inter-lined coats to choose from. New winter coats arriving daily. ^