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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS ASHER—Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Asher, of Valentine, an nounce the adoption of a daugh ter, Susan Lee, bom Sunday, July 30. Mrs. Asher is the for mer Margaret Wyant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wyant, of O’Neill. Mr. Asher is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Asher, of O’ Neill. FERNEN — Mr. and Mrs. Ce cil Ferner, of Lynch, a son, Ken neth James, born Friday, July, 28, in the Sacred Heart hospit al at Lynch. Mrs. Fernen is the former Mavis Johnson. COURTNEY — Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Courtney, jr., of Lynch, a son, Steven Morris, born Thursday, August 3, at Sac red Heart hospital at Lynch They also have 2 daughters. GABLE — Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Gable, of Fairfax, S. D., a son, born Monday, July 31, at the Sacred Heart hospital, at Lynch. HANZLIK. — Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hanzlik, of Niobrara, a 6on, born at the Sacred Heart hospital, at Lynch. They were dismissed from the hospital August 2. McKAY - Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKay, of Magazine, Ark., an 8 4 pound daughter, born Mon- 1 day, July 31. They formerly liv- ! ed at Chambers. BOWKER—Mr. and Mrs. W H. Bowker, of Atkinson, a daughter, Mary Bonita, weigh ing 8 pounds 2 ounces, born Wednesday, August 2, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in 1 Norfolk. This is the couples’ third child. Mrs. Bowker is the former Margaret Hammond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hammond. MOODY—Mr. and Mrs M. L. Moody, of Cashmere, Wash., a son, weighing 74 pounds, born Tuesday, August 1, at a Wash- : ington hospital. This Is the cou ple’s second son. Mrs. Moody is the former Madeline Cavan augh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cavanaugh, KURTZ — Mr. and Mis. Jero me Kurtz, of Stanton, twins, a son, David Ray, and a duaght er, Darla Faye, born Thursday, August 3 at the Lutheran hos pital in Norfolk Mrs. Kurtz is the former Hilda Frahm of Am- j elia. HOERNER — Mr. and Mrs. Rex. Hoerner, of (North Platte, a daughter, Judy Marie, born Tuesday, July 25, at North Platte. The mother is the form- 1 er Margaret Hickey, daughter1 of P. V. Hickey, of O'Neill. GODEL—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Godel, of San Antonio, Tex., a son, Michael Richard, weigh ing 64 pounds, born Monday, 1 July 17, at a hospital in San An- ( tonio. Corporal Godel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Godel. CASSEN — Mr. and Mrs 1 Donald Cassen, of Los Angeles, Calif-, a daughter, born Friday, August 4. Mrs. Cassen is the former Delores Pollock, of Ew mi. MEYERS — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyers, a son, James Gordon, born Saturday, Au August 5. EPPENBAUGH—Mr. and Mrs. Orville Eppenbaugh, of O’Neill, a son, born Thursday, August 3, at the O’Neill hospital. TURAY - Mr and Mrs. Joe '%iray, of Page', a son born Fri day, August 4. at the O'Neill hospital. MILLS — Mr. and Mrs. Don Mills, of Atkinson, a son, born ' Saturday, August 5, at O’Neill hospital. DAVIDSOiN — Mr. and Mrs. Owen Davidson, of O’Neill, a son, born Monday, August 7, at O’Neill hospital. SITZ — Mr. and Mrs. Sitz, of Atkinson, a daughter, born Mon^ day, August 7, at O'Neill hos pital ALDAY — Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Alday, of Chambers, a daughter, born Tuesday, Au gust 8, at O'Neill hospital. 5|28TH DISTRICT CONTEST CLOSE (Continued from page 1.) Green Valley .. .. 3 5 4 Holt Creek_7 4 2 Inman 58 28 21 Iowa 5 0 ( I Josie 10 3 Lake 15 4 3 McClure _._9 2 3 Paddock _ 48 5 7 Pleas. View_ 12 9 5 Rock Falls 25 5 2 Sand Creek _ 28 7 14 I Scott 26 2 Shamrock ..._15 3 1 Sheridan 25 22 16 Shields 47 6 6 Steel Creek 24 , Stuart 56 30 168 | Swan _ 2 3 ! Saratoga 8 7 4 ! Verdigris ...._ 81 29 17 Willowdale_ 26 8 3 Wyoming __ 21 23 3 Antelope_5 2 1 Totals 1340 760 706 — Few Surprises in State Primaries— On the state front the voters : came through Tuesday just a I bout as predicted. Val Peterson 1 jumped into an early lead for I the gubernatorial nomination ! and was never headed. That he l was to be the GOP choice for a i third term nomination was nev I er in doubt after the early re j turns began coming in. What little excitement was ! provided in the opening round i of battle for the governor’s chair ! wa sprovided by the Democrats. Walter R. Raecke was still lead I ing in the late stages of the bal lot counting with Terry.Carpen ! ter, of Scottsbluff, apparently having an outside chance of pulling an upset. Frank Morri son, McCook; Harry R. Swan ! son, Omaha; and Henry L. Fill man, York; also ran. In the 4th district congression i al race it looked like no contest with Miller, the incumbent, pil ing up a lead that approached 4 to 1 with only half of the pre cincts accounted for. O'Neill Resident Heard On Popular Broadcast— Radio listeners in the O'Neill and Holt county area report having heard Miss Elja McCul lough on the "Welcome Travel er” broadcast with Tommy Bartlett Tuesday morning. The program, originating in the Union Station in Chicago, 111., was heard here over WOW, Omaha. Miss McCullough, Holt county ! superintendent of public educa ton, stopped off in Chicago while enroute to the East. She is a member of a party of school teachers and education super visors on a joint tour of the eastern states. Heiser Family Wins Deer's Friendship— A 3-months-old deer has made staunch friends of the Herman Heiser family, east of Lynch. The deer apparently doesn’t like to be petted, for after each petting he licks away the hu man scent. But he stays nearby and, at the call of "Bambi” comes running for his supper. Mrs. Heiser says the deer is not at all fussy about his menu and readily eats sandwiches, bread, potatoes, and milk. Shower Held— The Starlight extension club held a stork shower for Mrs. Mayme Turay on Tue^ay, Au gust 1. All members took a cov ered dish and they met at her home for a luncheon. BUYS EWES Russel Miner recently pur chased 6 purebred Cordell ewes at the August 4 sheep sale at the University of Nebraska. He will use them as an FFA pro ject. "Voice of The Fronlier" . . . WJAG . . . 780 on your dial. _y ;ryr )f __ • » • ** . •. Independent Starts New Building Here Work was begun Monday on the excavation for the new i building for the Holt County Independents The building is located on the west side of Fourth street, block north of the present lo cation of the printing and pub , lishing firm. Of brick and tile construc tion, the structure will measure 25 x 67 feet and will be one story with full basement. E Swensen, of Wakefield, is doing the building except for heating and plumbing. G. E. and F. A. Miles, publishers of | ‘.he Independent, expect the building to be ready for occu pancy within approximately 60 days. ATKINSON READY ! FOR CELEBRATION (Continued from page 1.) first contest. Atkinson and Til den will be opponents in the second. Loads of fun will be provided for the kiddies. Free merry-go- 1 round rides will be offered them | Wednesday morning from 10 to1 II. Thursday morning at the; same hour, they will present their own gala parade. The Curl Amusement Co. will present a midway packed with good, clean fun, including thrill- 1 ing rides and other carnival at tractions. The sponsors urge early atten- ] dance and ask jjatrons to bring a picnic lunch. O'NEILL LOCALS Miss Madge Mathews, of Lin coln. visited the week of Au gust 1 to 5, with her aunts and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter, and Mr. and Mrs. ' Clyde Streeter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brewster and son, Gary, and Mrs. Maur ice Graham and daughter, J Mary Catherine, visited rela tives in western Nebraska sev eral days last week. They vis ited Mr. and Mrs Delmer H. Brewster and daughters, at Ainsworth, and Mr. Brewster’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S E. Brewster, of Harrison, also other relatives in and around Harison. Rev. C. J .Werner, of Omaha, visited friends here Monday. Mi\ and Mrs. George Ham mond and family are movng in to the Hanley house this weke. Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby and Miss Virginia Rouse called on Mrs. Carrie Borg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Ressel spent the weekend visiting in Saunders county. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brink-1 man and son, David, of Kear ney, have been enjoying a 2 weeks vacation visiting rela tives at Atkinson, O’Neill and in Gregory, S. D- Mr. Brinkman, ' a Swift & Co., salesman, re turns to work Monday. Ronnie Timm and Miss Betty Jane Williamson are spending this week visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson. Miss Marilyn Fritton return ed to Omaha on Sunday, Au 6, to St. Catherine’s hospital where she is a student nurse, after spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Fritton. SICK & INJURED ATKINSON — Ernest Gott schalk returned to his home al ter spending 3 days in the Stu art Community hospital follow ing a heart attack. . . . Frank Brady returned Thursday from an Omaha hospital where he received medical treatment. . . Leo Seger brought Ralph Chace home in the ambulance from St. Vincent’s hospital in Sioux Ci ty Sunday, August 6. . . George Goldfuss, accompanied by Carl Ohde and Mrs. Matie Weller, drove to Omaha Monday, Au gust 7, for medical treatment. .. Junior Grothe had a minor op eration performed at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital Friday. He is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Her man Grothe. . . . Leon Beckwith underwent an emergency ap pendectomy at Our Lady of j Lourdes hospital. His brother, 1 Ralph Beckwith, had an appen dectomy performed the samej day at the Lutheran hospital at Norfolk. . . . R. J. Wright re turned from Bishop Memorial tospital at Omaha Sunday, Au gust 6, where he underwent surgery. LYNCH — Mr. and Mrs Charley Mills, of Riverton, Wyo., writes that their son, Gerald, wtas released from a Casper, Wyo., hospital, Friday, August 4, having undergone major surgery there. He had been in a “critical” condition for several days following sur gery. The Mills family is form erly of Lynch . . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Milks, of Lynch, report that that their son, Duane, who is taking treatment in the Sioux Falls, S. D, veterans' hospital j is “slowly improving” and he is now able to walk some each day. EWING—Mrs. George Shiff ! bauer is a patient at Our Lady | of Lourdes at Norfolk. Her con- 1 dition is “satisfactory.” . . . Mrs. Robert Eacher and daughrte came home from the Tilden hos pital on -Thursday, August 3. . . Jolene Kaczor came home Mon day from the Orchard hospital. She underwent surgery Tues day, August 2. She is “feeling fine.” NORTH OF STUART — Mrs- j Elmgr McClurg came home from the Stuart Stuart com munity hospital Saturday morn ing She is reported “feeling fine.” O’NEILL—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCarville went to Sioux City Tuesday where Mrs. McCarville underwent surgery at St. Jo- ! sfeph’s hospital Wednesday. PAGE — Mrs. Walter Chris ton entered Our Lady of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk Thursday, August 3. Plans were for her to submit to a major operation Tuesday morning . . . Mrs. Rob ert Stevens and baby son re turned home Thursday from the Tilden hospital. They stay ed at the R. D Stevens home until Sunday. Mrs. Gailord Al bright and Mr. Stevens drove to Tilden to bring them home. AMELIA—Lawrence Thomp son, of Sedro Wooley, Wash., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thompson. Mrs. Thompson has been a recent patient in the O’Neill hospital. She returned home Thursday . Mike Curran went to O’ Neill Saturday, where he will stay for a few days to be un der a doctor's care. He has not been “feeling well” lately. CHAMBERS— Mr. and Mrs Ed Thorin drove to Omaha on Monday where Mrs. Thorin con sulted a doctor. CELIA—Clarence Focken has been “quite sick” the past week with virus pneumonia. _ j — --—~— — Too Late to Classify ; WANTED BY BUY: Oats, wheat and com.—Corkle Hatchery, O’Neill. 13tf FOR RENT: Hay land SWV4 Sec. 31 Twp. 28 R 13, 8 miles south of Emmet. Write; Box 809, Grand Island, Nebr. 13-15c LOST: Billfold containing mon ey and valuable papers; ur gently needed; Reward to finder. — Joe Sobatka. jr., Inman, Nebr. 14c65 FOR SALE: New granary. 10 x 16 ft., special, $395 00. Meets specification for govt, grain storage loan. — Spelts^Kay Lbr. Co., O'Neill. CDA CARD PARTY ★ K. C. HALL 8 O’Clock * Sunday, Aug. 13 Everyone INVITED OAK or sumac Science hdS discovered an excellent new treat ment for ivy, oak or su mac poisoning. It’s gen tle and sate, quickly dries up the blisters-often within 24 hours “ST IVY-DRY Butternut Powder, 4 pkgs. 23c Swans Down Reg. Pkg. CAKE FLOUR.. 37c in—.—— Van Camp PORK - BEANS, 2 No. 2 cans.. 35c Rare Treat Green BEANS 2- 29c Granulated BEET SUGAR 1<C 97< Rare Treat - R. S. P. CHERRIES 2-49c WHEATIES1^: 21c Post’s or Kellogg’s CORN FLAKES • * 18-oz.pkg. -23c Sunshine Hi-Ho CRACKERS 29c NBTREHfl Fine Quality Feeds ALL MASH EGG CRUMBLES 100-Lb. OQ Print Bag JP^FbbOX# 20% EGG CRUMBLES 100-Lb. QA Print Bag ZP^bO NUTRENA DOG FOOD r. $2.49 Pilot Brand O’ Shell Crushed Rock Salt WHITE. GRAY. SULPHUR IODIZED and MINERAL Block Salt CUDAHY ALL PURPOSE MINERAL MEAT BEPT. I LOIN END PORK CHOPS Lb. 49c MINCED HflMLb.45c PORK HOCKS Lb. 25t RIB BOILING BEEF Lb. 37c PICKLE and PIMIENTO VEAL LOAF Lb. 45c 1^1 GARDEN FRESH FRUITS & ^^==5H*sas^s*i SEEDLESS GRAPES lb 15c Home Grown, Green Top CARROTS 2 ■“ 13c MEDIUM SIZE ORANGES 3 Lbs. 25c GREEN PASCAL CELERY Lb 10c NEBR. RED TRIUMPH POTATOES- $193 Sat. Special I A premium of 2 c Per P°un^ over our regular door price will be paid on all poultry delivered our door SATURDAY SHELHAMER FOODS O'NEILL-PHONES 56 . 78 Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. August 10-11-12 Yellowstone Salad | DRESSING £ 23c ■ Upton’s Mix I FROSTEE, Pkg. 15c ■ Y/ilson’s Certified OLEO, Lb.29c Rare Treat CATSUP 237c DAVID HAM { FLOUR E 3 10 50-LB * BAG | Sure Jell or | PEN JELL, Pkg. 12c ' I Two-Piece Canning I LIDS, Ctn.25c I Bleach I CLOROX, 17c H Heinz, Gerber’s strained I BABY FOODS, I 3 42-oz. cans 25c ' TRY OUR MARKET WITH YOUR CREAM EGGS POULTRY CALL OR SEE US For COUNTRY PICKUP On Poultry