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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1950)
Legal Notices (First pub. June 15, 1950) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation in the State Capitol at Lincoln, Ne braska, on July 6, 1950, until 10:00 o’clock A.M., and at that time publicly opened and read for SAND GRAVEL FOR SUR FACING and incidental work on the LYNCH-PAGE Patrol No. 81002 State Road. The approximate quantity is: 2,320 Cu. Yds. Sand Gravel Surface Course Material. The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provis ions covering subletting or as signing the contract. Compliance by the contractor with the standards as to hours of labor prescribed by the “Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938,” approved June 25, 1938 (Public No. 718, 75th Congress), will be required in the performance of the work under this contract. The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this contract shall be one dollar and five cents ($1.05) per hour, except that a minimum wage of one dollar and twenty-five ($1.25) per hour shall be paid to: Crane Operators; Dragline Operators; Power Shovel Oper ators. The minimum wage paid to all intermediate labor employed on this contract shall be ninety five (95) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor employed on this contract shall be seventy five (75) cents per hour. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and in formation secured at tha office o< the County Clerk at Butte, Nebraska, at the office of the County Clerk at O’Neill, Ne braska, at the office of the Dis trict Engineer of the Depart ment of Roads and Irrigation at Ainsworth, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be required to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100% of his contract. As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work, the bidder must file, with his proposal, a certified check made payable to the De partment of Roads and Irriga tion and in an amount not less than two hundred (200) dollars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND IRRIGATION. F. H. Klietch, State Engineer J. M. Crook, District Engineer C. J. Tomek, County Clerk, Boyd County. Ruth Hoffman, County Clerk. Holt County. 6-8c (First pub. June 8, 1950) NOTICE OF SUIT To: Alexander Miller; The heirs, devisees, legatees, person al representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Alexander Miller, deceased, real names unknown; James Miller, The heirs, devisees, leg atees, personal representatives and all other persons interest ed in the estate of James Mil ler, deceased, real names un known; Mary Barton, Agnes Clifton, The heirs, devisees, leg tees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Agnes Clifton, deceased, real names unknown; Frank Lichty, The heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal repre sentatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Frank Lichty, deceased, real names unknown; Jane Swan, Alexand er Lichty, David Lichty, The heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of David Lichty, deceas ed, real names unknown, John Lichty, Walter Lichty, Robert Lichty, Flossie Anson, Jane Lichty, The heirs, devisees, leg atees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Jane Lichty, de ceased, real names unknown; All persons having or claiming any interest in the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 25, North, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebras ka, Real Names Unknown, De fendants. You and each of you are here-' by notified that on the 1st day of June, 1950, Adolph J. Koenig, as Plaintiff, filed his petition and commenced an action in the District Court of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of said petition is to quiet and confirm in the Plain tiff the title and possession of the following described real estate, to-wit: The southwest Quarter of Section 27, Town ship 25, North, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, and to exclude you and each of you from any right, title, lien or interest in or to said above described real estate. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 17th day of July, 1950. ADOLPH J. KOENIG, John R. Gallagher His Attorney 5-8c (First pub. June 22, 1950) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Consumers Public Power District (hereinafter called “Dis trict”), with principal office at Columbus, Nebraska, will re ceive sealed bids at its office at 1452 - 25 Avenue, Columbus, Nebraska, for the following des cribed work: Furnish all labor, materials, according to Plans and Specifi cations to REMODEL PRESENT OFFICE BUILDING AT O’NEILL, NE BRASKA AND CONSTRUCT ADDITION TO SAME CON TRACT NO. E50-6. Plans and specifications to bidders are available for in spection at the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Dis trict at 1452 - 25 Avenue, Col umbus, Nebraska, and at the office of Helleberg & Helleberg, Architects, 2412 Central Ave nue, Kearney, Nebraska. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of Helleberg & Helleberg, Archi tects, Kearney, Nebraska, by responsible bidders in good faith upon a deposit of $10.00, which will be refunded upon the return of said plans and specifications in good condition within ten (10) days after award of contract or rejection of all bids. All bids snail be maae in i rinted forms attached to and made a part of the contract doc uments. Sealed bids must be filed in the office of the Assist ant Secretary of the District nol later than 1:30 P.M., CST, July 25, 1950, at which time all bids v/ill be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids must be accompanied by either a certified check pay able to Consumers Public Pow . er District in an amount of 5% of the bid drawn on a banl< which is a member of the Fed eral Reserve System, or by t Bidder’s Bond. The amount oJ said certified check or bond wil. be collected or retained by the District as liquidated damages if the successful bidder refuses or neglects to enter into a con tract or furnish bond within IE days after being notified of the award. No bidder shall be permitted to withdraw his bid for a per iod of thirty (30) days after op ening of said bids. Bids not or proper forms or not prepared in accordance with instructions may be rejected. District will award the con tract to the lowest responsible bidder, or at its sole discretion may reject all bids. By Order of the Board of Di rectors of Consumers Public Power District. By R. L. SCHACHT, General Manager Columbus, Nebraska May 25, 1950 7-9c .(First pub. June 15 1950) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received al the County Clerk’s office ir Holt County until 1 o’clock P M. Tuesday, July 11, 1950 and will be publicly opened at that time, for furnishing the follow ing materials delivered to any town in Holt County as request ed by the purchaser. 1. Corrugated metal culverts from 12” to 72” in diameter iron or, and steel in the proper gauges. 2. Structural Plate from 60 to 180” in diameter in the auth orized gauges. Quantities will be specified al the time of order but will be ir such quantities as estimated i; sufficient to meet all road build ing requirements in Holt Coun ty for budget year 1950-51. No bids will be considerec unless accompanied by a certi fied check, by a Nebraska Bank of $500.00 payable to the Coun ty Clerk of Holt County. ' The Board of Supervisors re serves the right to reject any or all bids. Bond of $1,000.00 musl be given for the faithful per formance of the carrying out ol any contract entered into. By Order of the Board of Su pervisors rfolt County, Nebraska Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska this 23rd day of May, 1950. RUTH HOFFMAN, County Clerk of Holt County ALBERT STERNS, Chairman 6-9 (First pub. June 15 1950) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Holt County Board of Su pervisors of Holt County, Ne braska, for the construction ol one 20x150 foot steel and con crete bridge, located between Sections 17 & 18, Twp. 28, Range 11 and furnishing of ma- J terial in connection therewith at a specified sum per lineal foot for the superstructure, all in accordance with plans and specifications provided by the Department of Roads and Irri- j gation, State of Nebraska, now on file in the office of the Coun ty Clerk of Holt County. Said bids must be submitted on bid ding blanks furnished by the Department of Roads and Irri gation, State of Nebraska, and must be accompanied by a cer tified check in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) said check to be on a solvent Bank in Holt County, Nebras ka, as a guarantee. The success ful bidder will execute contract of such award. All bids must be plainly marked on the outside ! of the envelope, “Bridge Bid." At the same time and place as herein above specified, bids will also be received for the furnishing of all labor and ma terial for the construction and repair of all wood, steel and concrete bridges and culverts in said County of Holt, for the Budget year 1950-51, as neces sity may require and at the di rection of the Board of Super visors. Sealed bids as requested above will be received up to 11 o’clock A.M. on the 11th day of July 1950, at the office of the County Clerk, at O’Neill, Ne braska, and will be opened by the Board of Supervisors at that time. The Board of Supervisors re serve the right to accept or re ject any or all bids. Done by order of the Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska, this 23rd day of May, 1950. ALBERT STERNS, Chairman. RUTH HOFFMAN, County Clerk. 6-9 (First pub. June 15, 1950) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 3677 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 12th, 1950. In the matter of the estate of Claude A. Hamilton, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in said Court for the probate of a writ ten instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Claude A. Hamilton, Deceased, and for the appointment of Min nie Hamilton, as executrix thereof; that July 6th, 1950, at 10 o’clock A.M., has been set for hearing said petition and proving said instrument in said Court when all persons concern ed may appear and contest the probate thereof. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 6-3c (First pub. June 29, 1950) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 3665 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, Jun» 23rd, 1950. In the matter of the Estate of James B. Ryan, also known as J. B. Ryan, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is Oc tober 20th, 1950, and for the payment of debts is June 23, 1951, and that on July 20th, 1950, and on October 21st, 1950, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 8-10 Club Meets Friday At Owen Parks Home— PAGE — The Sewing Sisters club met Tuesday, June 20, at the George Clasey home. Roll call was answered by giving a suggestion for the name of our club. Ruth Parks’s name, "The Sewing Sisters,” was selected. Eight members were present. They brought their patterns and material to show the club. We filled out our yearbooks and a report on demonstration day was given by Elaine Clasey. We decided to go to O’Neill judging day. Next meeting will be held at the Owen Parks home June 30. LYNCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Craw /ord visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Miller, north of Bris tow, Friday, June 23. Mrs. Cora Barnes, of Butte, spent several days recently with j her sisters, Mrs. Guy Barnes and Mrs. Charley Bare, and, families at Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waechter spent Friday evening, June 23, at the James Foreman home near Bristow. Mrs. Richard Kraemer and Lila Mae and Mrs. John Kraem er, of Rochester, Minn., spent a day last week with Mrs. Tillie Novak. The George Sedlacek family, of Butte, visited at the Lloyd Mills home Sunday, June 18. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hansen, of Spencer, visited at the Edwin Vomacka home Friday evening, June 23. Roseann Whetham, of Omaha, is spending this week at the Martin Jehorek home. Mr. and Mrs Martin Jehorek visited at the William Hambek home at Spencer Saturday eve ning, June 24. Allan Craig, of Algona, la., is here for an extended visit at the Fred Spencer home. Mrs. A. M. Oi L/Hidua, spent last week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Ed Hajek. A community sale was held north of the telephone office Wednesday evening, June 21, with a good consignment of goods offered. A large crowd attended. Mrs. Mattie McCalhster, of Omaha, is here visting old time friends. She was a houseguest of Mrs. Josie Mannen and Mrs. C. W. Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Finn Nelson and son, John, visited relatives in Bristow Saturday, June 24. O. E. Sinclair is in Denver, Colo., called there to the bedside of his father, who ft seriously ill. Mrs. A. Mamot and son, of Grand Island, visited at the Le land Moody home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hazen flug and children, of Verdel, visited at the John Hazenflug home Sunday, June 18. Mrs. Mildred Horan, of Win ner, S. D., visited her sister, Mrs. C. A. Moody, and family i week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dahlberg, of Gross, were business visitors here last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggatt, of Bakersfield, Calif., visited at the Roy Mulhair home the past week. Mr. and Mrs. William Van Patten, of Winner, S. D., spent Sunday with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Pearle Spencer. Edward Heiser and his son, Harry Heiser, and family of Riga, Mich., visited the Heiser families the past week. Mr. and Mrs. David Wisecup, of Sioux City, spent several days recently at the Fred Wurtz home. The women are cousins. “Voice of The Frontier.” Mon. Wed., Sat., 9:45 a m., WJAQ. old stock is usually the source of infection for coccidiosis, res piratory diseases, worms, etc. When a new flock takes the range, cull your old birds for marketing. Sell old hens before housing pullets. GROW HEALTHY PULLETS THE REN-O-SAL WAY Depend on Us for Poultry Service RALPH N. LEIDY — O'Neill — O’NEILL TRANSFER John Turner, Prop. ★ Daily Trips Omaha to O’Neill O’Neill to Omaha Irregular Trips O’Neill to All Nebraska Points ★ Telephones: O'NEILL—241-J OMAHA—JAckson 3727 + Your Patronage Appreciated 9fa Sc Somj To Install A Modern . Electric ‘Range I t* It’s «o easy to install a modern elec tric range and economical too. bast, clean cooking heat comes by wire. There’s no messy, complicated installa tion for you to make or pay for. Re gardless of where you buy your elec tric range Consumers Public Power District, as a part of its service facili ties, provides the complete wiring up to and including the master switch into your house. All yon supply is the small cable to connect the range to the electric source inside your house. Take advantage of this new, modern way to better meals—new household economy. Switch to Modern Electric Cooking today. I-See your Electric Range dealer or ...-1 I With FORD AUTOMATIC OVERDRIVE OU ACTUALLY "pocket” up to 15% of every gas dollar of highway driving. Because in Ford Automatic Overdrive your engine apeed relaxes 10% while your road speed remains unchanged. Your car hustles at 50 m.p.h., for example, while your engine loafs at only 35. This saving, plus extra long engine life, adds up to a smoother "4th gear” ride that pays its own way. In every way Ford’s an economical car to buy and own —with low first cost, low maintenance and upkeep costs, high resale v. lue. •OvtrdnVt and whita iIda wall first optional at antra coif. Ford is the only car in automotive history to twice receive the Fashion Academy's Gold Medal Award as "Fashion Car of the Year.'' /in THE LOW-PRICE FIELD/ 'leatPwiA itotijoui FORD Pe«lc4 ir WHISPURRS Yes, this silent new Ford V-8 engine de livers its amazing power without raising its voice. It's the type ot engine powering America’s costliest cars, yet Ford (alone in its held) brings it to you tor hundred* less than most "Sixes.” (Ford’s "Six” is priced even lower.) "Test Drive” thi* ’yo Ford ... its King Size Brake* ... it* "Mid Ship” Ride. It’ll open your eye* i There's o in your fiiturt' fUHh a fiiturt Mfti I LOHAUS MOTOR CO. PHONE 16 „ O’NEILL' ..■■ -■■■ - ' ■ i i ,ii ii 4