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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1950)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS PEPPLE — Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Pepple, of Naper, a son, born Tuesday, June 13, at the Burke, S. D., hospital The Pep pies are well-known in Boyd county. LECHTENBERG — Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lechtenberg, of Spencer, a son, born Tuesday, June 20, at the Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. NEWTON — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newton, of Emmet, a daughter, weighing 8 4 pounds, bom Saturday evening, June 24, at the O’Neill hospital. WALTERS — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walters, of Parkston, S. D, a son, Danny, born Sat urday, June 3. The Walters are former Ewing residents. THORIN—AMC (PA) Duane Thorin and Mrs. Thorin, of San Diego, Calif-, a son, weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces born Wed nesday, June 21 in San Diego. The Thorins have a 2-year-old daughter. The father is former ly of Chambers. DALE—Rev. and Mrs. L. A Dale of Chambers, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces, bom Saturday, June 24, at the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk. They have 2 other daughters COHN— Mr. and Mrs Phil Cohn, of O'Neill, a son, Ronald Jay, weighing 9 pounds, born Thursday, June 22, at O’Neill hospital. HARKINS — Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harkins, of Ewing, a daughter, weighing 9 pounds, born Friday, June 23, at O’ Neill hospital DeGROFF — Mr. and Mrs. Jay DeGroff, of O’Neill, a son, weighing »V4 pounds, born Monday, June 26, at O,’Neill hospital. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE: 3-bedroom house with sleeping porth, 2 comer lots, double garage, paving, best O’Neill residential dis trict, oil heat, immediate pos session. — Mrs. P. J. Biglin, O’Neill, phone 328 8c “Voice of The Frontier . . . WJAG . , . 780 on your dial! SICK & INJURED O’NEILL — “Grandmother” ■summers, who is 90-years-old, was “very ill,” but is a littie I better now . . . Dean Reed sub 1 mitted to an operation in a hos >ita! in Omaha recently. . . . Leonard Bazelman, member of fme Frontier staff, is suffering from blood poisoning in a leg. The infection set in following an injury while working on his new house . . . Fred Appleby is in Omaha for medical treatment. . . Woodrow Gaughenbaugh was in Sioux City Wednesday, June 21, for a medical check up He is now able to use his right arm slightly but the oth er is still in a cast. . . District Judge D. R Mounts is in an Omaha hospital where he un derwent surgery Monday. Mrs Mounts is in Omaha with him. ATKINSON—Helen Martans severely burned her left arm and left side of her body when hot grease splashed on her this week. Miss Martens has been the teacher in the Emmet school the past 3 years. . . Mrs. Edard Mlinar had a minor operation in a Norfolk hospital last week and has now return ed to her home here- . . Ralph Chace is still ip a Sioux City hospital suffering from a kid ney infection. He had recover ed from virus pneumonia. . . Frank Brady returned home this week from an Ainsworth hospital. He is looking “very good.” INMAN — Miss Murl Keyes submitted to major surgery Thursday, June 22, in a Sioux City hospital. Her condition is “good.” AMELIA—Mrs. Alice Prew itt is a patient in the general hospital at Lincoln, where she submitted to surgery Friday, June 16. Seven Brunswick Persons at Party— BRISTOW— The following Bristow residents were at the Plainview Country club Sunday | in honor of the birthday anni-1 versary of Miss Betty Huston, of Plainview: Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Middleton and Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith and Janis and Mrs. Bertha Brandt. Others present for the picnic dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Foster and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Huston, Betty and Rich ard and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stone, all of Plainview; and Robert Cressman, Pickstown, S. D. Elected President— ORCHARD — Frank Clifton was elected president of the Men’s Brotherhood of the Evan 1 gelical United Brethren church Monday evening. Robert Willats was named vice-president; Fred Howard, secretary and Harvey Holbrook, sr., treasurer, who is also the retiring president. STAR NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Art Juracek and family, of Norfolk, were June 17-18 weekend visitors at the Bill Hibbs home The Star-Get-Together club met Wednesday, June 14, at the home of Mrs. Elmer Jura ; eek. Several families from here i eharivaried the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heese, at , theii home near Middlebranch on Thursday evening, June 15. Mrs. Heese is the former Mil dred Dericksoin, of Star. Barbara Miller spent Thurs day afternoon, June 15, with Irma Juracek. Wayne Boelter and Allen. Glen Hull and Gerry were Sun day, June 18, callers at the Ewalt Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Derick son and family returned Wed nesday, June 14. from York They took Mrs Elroy Leib and sons home from here where they had been to attend the wpdding of Mrs Leib’s sister. Mildred Derickson, and Darrel Heese. The Star Get-Together club met Wednesday, June 14 at the home of Mrs. Elmer Jura cek in the afternoon. There were 10 members and 3 visit ors present. Three lessons were demosntrated, Mrs Dale Revel demonstrating rug making; Mrs. William Derickson, textile nainting. and Mrs Ewalt Mil ler, shell craft. Mrs. Robert Miller was appointed the new secretary-treasurer as the for mer officer. Mrs- Ray Siders, re signed, being unable to fulfill her duties as she is recovering fram a major operation. A crowd gathered Sunday. Tnn« 11. at the eity park in Verdigre, where friends and relatives gathered for a picnic and to visit those coming from a distance to be present at the gathering. After a dinner at noon, the afternoon was spent visiting, some attending the ball game, some fishing and al so taking several group pic tures. Those present were: Mrs Roy Heinz, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Irwin, of Sac City. I la • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morril and son, of Royal; Mr and Mrs. Raymond Hoxsie and family, of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs Jus tin Butterfield and family of Mr and Mrs Earl Wright and family, of Inman; Mr. and Mrs Elmer Butterfield, of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Caskey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moser and family, all of Venus: Mr and Mrs. Eloyd Hildreth and daughters. Mrs Hattie Boelter, Mr. and Mrs T. E. Tikalsky and son, all of Walnut; Mr. and Mrs Lvsle Hansen, Marilyn Han «°n. all of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Bar bara, of Star; Mr. and Mrs. Roy ''’"darburg and family, Mr •A Mrs Clarence Cedarburg *,'J family, Mr. and Mrs. T'onard Boelter and daughter, **r end Mrs. Joe Jacot, sr., •3"d fTmily; Mrs. and Mrs. J. A. Hildreth and Mrs August Boel all of Verdigre. This gath ering is to be an annual affair though no exact date was set. HOSPITAL NOTES O NEILL HOSPITAL NOTES Admissions: June 21 — Mrs. Harry Sullivan, o f O’Neill, medical. 22—Mrs. Phil Cohn, of O’Neill. 23 — Mrs. Harvey Harkins, of Ewing; John Haake, of Chambers, medical, condi tion “fair.” 24 — Mrs. Lester Bergstrom, of Ewing, medical, condition “good”; Mrs. Paul Newton, of Emmet. 25—Mrs. Fred Miller, of San Carlos, Cal if., accident, condition “good”; Carol Miller, of San Carlos, Calif., accident, condition “good”; Natalie Jean Miller, San Carlos, Calif, accident, condition "good.’’ 26—Mrs. Jay DeGroff, of O’Neill; Dercy A bart, of Emmet, medical, con dition “good”; Orley Rickard, of Ewnig, medical, condition “improved”; Bernard Rickard, of Chambers, accident, condi tion “improved.'' 28—Mrs. Lyle Green, of O’Neill, tonsillectomy, condition “good.” Dismissals: June 24 — Mrs. Harry Sullivan, of O’Neill 25 —Mrs. Lester Bergstrom, of Ewing; Mbs. August Black, of . Walnut. 27 — Mrs. Phil Cohn I and son. of O’Neill; Dercy A I bart, of Emmet. 28—Mrs. Har I vey Harkins and daughter, of I Ewing; Mrs. Paul Newton and ] daughter, of Emmet. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Tonsillectomy operat ions; > Ronnie Dean Carson, of Lynch, June 20; Mrs. Lee Brady, jr., of O’Neill, June 14; Marlin Bruce Miller, of Spencer, June 16. Admissions: Irvin Nelson, of Niobrara, accident, fracture of pelvic bones, June 14, “satisfact ory”; William Dix, of Butte, medical case, June 14; Lawson Lightfoot, of Spencer, throat in fection, June 17, “improved”; Mrs. Arthur Stewart, of Lynch, I major operation, June 17, con { dition “good”; Frank Cuhel, of ! Verdel, “satisfactory”; Mrs. Wil liam Blitzkie, o f Spencer, “about the same”; Alfred Loom is, of Spqneer, “improving”; Howard Carsten, of Dorsey, “satisfactory”; John L. Barn bridge, of Bristow, “unchanged”; June Classen, of Spencer, ap pendectomy, June 21. Dismissals: Harry Johnson, of Bristow, June 19; Mrs. Paul Zakrzewski, of O’Neill, and ba by daughter, June 20. Mrs. Vir gil Hubby, of O’Neill, June 19; Donna Mae Stiefvater, of Ver del, June 20; Mrs. A. Wecker, June 20. Frontier for Printing. ROYAL THEATER — O'WEILL — Friday - Saturday June 30 July 1 Howard Hawks’ RED RIVER Starring John Wayne, Mont gomery Clift, Walter Brennan, Joanne Dru, with Harry Carey, sr., Coleen Gray. John Ireland, Noah Berry, jr„ Paul Fix. Adm. 42c plus tax 8c. Total 50c Children 10c. plus 2c tax Total 12c Matinee: Saturday 2<20 Sunday • Monday - Tuesday July 2-3-4 Danny Kaye in hitdom’s new comedy Kayo from Warner Bros. THE INSPECTOR GENERAL With Walter Slezak, Barbara Bates, Elsa Lanchester. Matinee Sunday 2:30 Adm. 42c plus tax 8c. Total 50( Children 10c. plus tax 2c. Total 12c Wednesday - Thursday July 5-6 Myrna Loy and Robert Mitchum in John Steinbeck’s. THE RED PONY Color by Technicolor A Lewis Milestone production with Louis Calhern and Shep perd Strudwick and introducing Peter Miles as Tom. Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total 50c Children 10c, plus tax 2c: Total 12c THE FRONTIER PHONE 51 I THINK ZHCnjLU BE W VO YOJ ON THE M REALLY X RAOC?7 / \ MEAN j V THAT?y m* x I Cleveland Bible School Opens NORTH OF STUART— The Cleveland church Bible school i opened Monday, June 26. for the children in the north of Stuart vicinity Classes are being held every day this week under the direc tion of Rev. Orin Graff and his assistants. Other North of Stuart News i Mr and Mrs. O. A. Hammer I berg called at the Linford ! Sweet, James Deming and Mer | rill Smith homes Sunday after noon, June 25 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Living ston and Miss Dorothy Scott visited at the Charles Dobias home Wednesday, June 21. Mr and Mrs. Robert Fuller ton were Saturday, June 24, guests of Mr and Mrs. Merrill Smith and family. Robert Lofquest visited Rob ert Deming Sunday afternoon, June 25. Warren Berry hauled a piano from Atkinson for school dis trict 52 recently. Merrill Smith, Charles Dobias and Willard Ratliff went along to help with the loading. The Cleveland Ladies’ Aid met with Mrs. Charles Mulford on Wednesday afternoon, June 21- Mrs Lottie Lofquest, the president, conducted the devo tionals, using the theme “In the Garden.” Fourteen mem- I bers and a guest, Mrs. Violet Montgomery, answered roll call. After the business meet ing, Mrs. Russell Hipke led the lesson. The hostess and co hostess, Mrs. Merrill Smith, served lunch at the close ot ihe meeting- The next meeting will be at Mrs. Merrill Smith's. | This will be a missionary meet- ; ing and Vesta Adams will show some pictures and Mrs. Mar shall, of Stuart, plans to pre sent a missionary program for ; the ladies. Miss Mary Anne Allyn visit : ed with Mrs. Russell Hipke and boys on Friday afternoon, June 23 Mrs. Russell Hipke and boys called on Mrs. Arthur Olber ding and girls Saturday morn- j ing, June 24. The men’s council of the Cleveland church met at the Elmer McClurg home Thurs- I day evening, June 22. PETERSON TO CREIGHTON CREIGHTON — Gov. Val Pet erson is expected to discuss bills passed by the last legislature to raise road tax money and to be up for referendum vote this fall when he visits here July 17. He will be guest of the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. R. Tryon and Sons Are on Trip— BRISTOW — Mr. and Mrs. R. Tryon and sons, John and James, left for the southern part of the state Saturday where Mrs. Tryon and sons will spend a week with her parents. Mr. Tryon returned here Sunday night. Visit in Page— PAGE — Mrs. Jessie Shaw, of Orchard, and Mrs. Claude Carey and 2 children, of Ver ona, Mo., visited Mrs. Allen Haynes Saturday. The Shawa and Haynes were neighbors for many years when they lived on farms southeast of Page. NEW DEGREE? A university in Pennsylvania is reported to confer the degree of PhT upon women who stay home, care for the baby, cook meals and other household per formances while their husbands are students at the university. The PhT as translated reads, Push Husband Through. SODA POP ( ALL FLAVORS Case of 24 33 c plus dep. i --__ m 'wr. a —-it———■rTiwrt—t—lawn—wri - - ' wunr ■ ».:ztir.'.TMr-.rarmmmmmmmaw i GREEN - PASCAL CELERY lb 10c CRISP - FIRM HEADS LETTUCE n. 12c RARE TREAT CATSUP 14-oz. bottle.16c ' HARDING’S CREAMERY BUTTER fe 59c VAN CAMP PORK - BEANS 2 No. 2 cns 33c ROYAL DESSERT I GELATIN 3 reg. pkgs. Ijkl PET - Evap. MILK, 3 tall cans 35c RARE TREAT - Cut Way I Beans, 2 No. 2 cn. 29c I SILVER RIVER - CRUSHED I PIWEAPPLE 2 Wo. 2 cans 47c I SERVIT __ j QLEO 2-lbs. 37c RARE TREAT - GOLDEN CORN 6 No. 2 cans 59c RARE TREAT - SIFTED pWIFT'S SWEET RASHER - SLICED I1 MOON lb 49c Pure - Ground Beef, lb. 45c BEEF ROAST lb. | Swift’s Minced Ham, lb. 35c RARE TREAT-CUT GREEN BEANS 2 No. 2 cans.. 29c Breakfast of Champions Whaties, 12-oz. 21c BLEACH Clorox, quart.... 15c Quaker - Puffed I Wheat, 41-oz pk. 13c I Blue Barrel I Soap, 2-lb. bars 21c I _s NUTRENA FEEDS Attention Hog Raisers HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE SPECIAL OFFER NIL TRENA IS MAKING ON THEIR 40% HOG SUPPLEMENT — TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS Special Offer $6 Per Ton DISCOUNT ON 40% HOG SUPPLMENT AT THIS TIME SPECIAL AT THE SNACK BAR MALTED MILKS.19c BANANA SPLITS. 23c l-CALLON ICE CREAM.79c SHELHAMER FOODS O'NEILL-PHONES 56 . 78 Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. JUNE 29 - 30 - JULY 1 PRODUCE DEPARTMENT CASH FOR YOUR CREAM EGGS POULTRY CALL US FOR COUNTRY PICKUP ON POULTRY THURS. ■ FRI. . SAT. s SALT SPECIAL I Crushed Rock 77 Per Cwt. _IIC White Block Each Di/C