The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 02, 1950, SECTION 2, Page 9, Image 9

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    Reports 16 Inches
Snow in Portland
AMELIA — Sam Gilman ar
rived in Amelia from Portland,
K Ore., Monday. He reports about
f* 16 inches of snow in that city.
Mr. Gilman said the city’s
water system had been “frozen
up’’ and the inconvience creat
ed considerable concern. Port
land, he said, had been experi
I encing some unusual weather.
Other Amelia News
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Warner
and family, of O’Neill visited
at Bud Warner’s Sunday.
Percy Strenger, of Norden,
has been visiting at the Lind
seys the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kurtz
and Linda, of Stanton, and Mr.
, and Mrs. Kieth Shellhase, and
* family, of Fremont, spent last
weekend at the home of the
ladies’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Frahm.
Will Thompson, of Scotts
bluff, visited his son. Gene and
Vernon, a few days last week.
The sale at Ed Skudlers last
Thursday was quite well at
tended. The Skudlers will move
to Burwell and then “look a
round” awhile before locating
Arlen Leder, who is attend
ing business college at Norfolk,
visited over Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Le
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Friedrich
« and son, Kirk, of Omaha, Jim
mie Kirkland, of Atkinson, and
Mrs. Alfred Walters, of Cham
bers, visited at the C. F. Small
home Sunday. _
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith,
Jackie and Carolyn were din
ner guests Sunday at the Alex
Cleary home in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Small en
tertained 3 other families at a
pinochle party Friday evening.
Those present were the George
Fullerton, Harold Fullerton and
Lawrence Barnett families.
Mr. and fJrs. Lou Backus en
tertained the Howard Berry
family at dinner Saturday. The
occasion was in honor of one
of the little Berry girl’s birth
day anniversary.
* Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson
entertained friends at a pitch
party Friday evening. Sevtral
families were not able to at
tend on account of sickness.
Among those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. EaVnie Johnston, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Gilman and fam
ily, Mr and Mrs. Frank Nacht
| man and Mr. and Mrs Howard
I Berry and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson
and Donnie and Mrs. Bob Rees
attended the finals of the bas
I ketball games in Burwell Sun
i day.
Several fritnds and relatives
helped Mr. and Mrs. James
Havranek. of Atkinson, cele
brate their 46th wedding anni
versary Sunday, February 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kaup
have rented their new home in
town and have moved to the
Vincenz farm southwest of At
kinson. Mr. Kaup had been em
ployed on the Standard Oil de
livery truck here in Atkinson
with his brother-in law Roy
Gilg, for a year or more.
Mrs. James Kubart left Sat
urday, Feruary 25, for Arling
ton, Va., where she will spend
some time'at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Russell Berry,
and family. Mrs. Russell be
foe her marriage was Almeda
, Guests at the Harvey Shaw
home this weekend were their
2 sons Jack and Ned, and their
wives and children. Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Shaw came from
Lincoln Saturday and Mr. and
Mrs. Ned Shaw and family came
from Bassett to spend the day.
Frank Weber returned Fri
day, February 24, from Oimaha
where he had been receiving
medical care. He came with Mr.
and Mrs. Elven White, who had
been in the city on business.
James White, who is attending
school at Norfolk, came home
for the weekend also.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Fritton, Mrs.
Marie McDonald and son, Tom,
and daughter, Mrs. Tom (Ar
lene) Preston and Mrs. Pres
ton’s son, Michael, were guests
at the J. E. (“Jack”) Murphy
home Sunday, February 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Shellhase
and family have moved to their
new location at Avoca after a
short visit with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Shellhase
and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frahm.
Mrs. Ed Slaymaker and her
brother-in-law, Harry Slaymak
er, and sister-in-law, Mrs. Per
ry Barnes went to Sioux Falls,
S. D., Tuesday to be with Mrs.
Slaymaker’s husband, Ed, for a
few days.
Last Thursday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Warner were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hanel. Sunday they en
tertained Mrs. Frank Kazda,
Mrs. Carl Hoppe and son, Jim
8 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator
K& : _
*Hotp0Uit Quality and Advantages
at the Price of Ordinary Refrigerators
You’ll find extra features
when you look inside this
new 1950 big-family size
tlotpoint Refrigerator, yet
the price is no more than
for ordinary makes! Built by
the makers of the world’s
finest refrigerators, it offers
such advantages as Hot
Clnt’s vacuum-sealed Thrift
ister Unit with 5-year pro
tection plan ... pop-ice trays
which hold 80 cubes . ; ;
complete stain-resistant in
terior ... one-piece, all-steel
cabinet ...butter conditioner
in the door ... plus other
"extras” which mean more
convenience and value for
you. See it and see the big
gest refrigerator buy in town!
Moving Day Brings
Changes At Celia
CELIA—Moving day, March
j 1, saw several changes made in
| the CeLia neighborhood:
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott mov
[ed back to the ranch. Mr. and
! Mrs. Charley Sloan moved into
| the apartment in the Hewitt
house in Atkinson where the
1 Seotts formerly lived.
Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Hoff
man and sons. Roger and Gary,
moved into the Sloan place.
Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Kilmurry
1 moved into Atkinson into their
new home, which they purchas
! ed several months ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfax
and 3 children moved into the
place vacated by Hoffman’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Colfax bought
the ranch where Hoffman liv
ed last year.
Other Celia News
Celia Homemakers club met
Wednesday, February 22, at
the Lawrence Smith home with
Nina Smith as hostess. Eleven
members responded to roll call.
Mystery sisters exchanged Val
entines. Lesson on clothing con
struction was given by leader
Mrs. Connie Frickel, jr. The
club had 2 stork showers in the
I afternoon — for the Focken
twins, Darryl and Dale, also
Gary, new son of Mr. and Mrs.
Le Roy Hoffman. The hostess
served a lunch. Next meeting
will be with Mrs. Lee Terwilli
ger on March 22.
Ed. Hoffman and son Cpl.
Wayne Hoffman, who is sta
tioned at Lowery Air Force
, Base, near Denver, Colo., and
Miss Patricia Fulk, of Denver,
visited Wayne’s brother, Le
Roy Hoffman and family, for
dinner Thursday. February 23.
They were supper guests at the
Stanley Johnson home that
evening. Other after supper
guests at the Johnson home
were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bausch.
Steve Bausch and Milton Mc
Kathnie. Wayne expects to be
transferred to California next
month and thinks he goes to
Japan soon.
Mrs. Stanley Johnson visited
the O. A. Hammerbergs Friday
afternoon, February 24.
Clarence Focken was in O’
Neill visitor Monday. February
Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and
son visited the Marvin Focken
family Sunday evening. Febr
uary 19.
Rev. and Mrs. Asa Woods
were dinner guests in the Mark
Hendricks home Monday, Feb
ruary 20. In the afternoon Rev
erend Woods and Mark visited
David Adams.
Gary Hoffman stayed with
Mrs. Geo Beck Friday after
noon while his parents were
moving some things to their
new home.
Mrs. Mark Hendricks and
sons, Robert and Leon, also
Mrs. Bob Cearns were O’Neill
visitors Saturday, February 18.
They also visited the Percy
Anderson family, who live in
Clarence Slotfelt brought up
a truckload of machinery to
the J. V. Johnson ranch for Al
bert Johnson, who has rented
his father’s place. They will
bring up several tiuckloads of
cattle for the ranch by March 1.
Albert and family moved) to
Lyons from a farm near Oak
land, February 17. -When school
is out, the family will spend
part of the summer at the J.
V. Johnson ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley John
son were Tuesday evening,
February 21, supper guests of
Mrs. Amelia Hoffman.
Mr. and Mrs Eugene Possnes
ker and family visited the Clar
ence Focken family Sunday af
ternoon, February 26.
Mrs. Asa Woods, M s. Mark
Hendricks and son. Leon, went
to Stuart Sunday afternoon, j
February 26. and visited Mrs.
Alice Axtell.
Mrs. Geo. Syfie and daugh- j
ter, Judy, visited her brother,
Victor Frickel. and family, Sun |
day, February 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Frickel,
ir„ were O’Neill business vis
itors Saturday, February 25.
Mr. and Mrs. George Beck
visited P. W. and Frank Kil
murry’s Sunday afternoon, Feb
ruary 26, and were supper
guests at the P. W. Kilmurry
home that evening.
Mr. and Mis. Albert Wasson j
and daughter and Hans Braun
and family were Sunday after
noon visitors at the Marvin
Focken home.
Mrs. Mark Hendricks visited
Mrs. Bernard Blackmore Fri
day, February 24.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mrs. Edna Hendricks,
were her son, Mark, and fam
George and Duane Beck were
O’Neill visitors Tuesday, Febr
uary 21.
The George Beck family vis
ited her sister, Mrs. Dwaine
Lockman, and family, of Stu
art Wednesday evening, Febr
uary 22.
Brownies Make
Bath Salts—
Members of Brownie troop I
met Tuesday afternoon with
their leaders, Mrs. M. E. Jacob
son and Mrs. E. F Sullivan.
Sharon Marcellus was the mon
itor. Treasurer’s report w a s l
read by Sharon Hartronft, and |
the secretary’s report was made
by Cecelia Arbuthnot. Mrs. Ho
ard Dean was a visitor. We
made bath salts.—By Nyla Jas
zkowiak, scribe.
“Voice of The Frontier . . .
9:45 a.m, Mon., Wed., Sat
Robertsons Return
From Duty in Japan
EMMET—Mr. and Mrs. Rob
bert Robertson are spending
several days visiting at the
Charles Abart home. Mr. Rob
ertson is Mr. Abart’s nephew.
They have recently returned
from Japan where Mr. Robert
son was with the U. S. occupa
tion forces.
Other Emmet News
Sunday visitors at the Jack
Murphy home were Mr. and
Mrs. A1 Fritton and Mrs. Marie
; McDonnell, of O’Neill, Tommy
McDonnell, of Atkinson, and
Mrs. Preston and son Michel,
of Georgia state.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank BurivaU
and family, of O’Neill, were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernie Kloppenborg.
Miss Bernice Grothe was a
weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Farr and family at O’Neill.
Mrs. Rose Tenborg and Mrs.
Geary Enbody visited Mrs. Julia
Samples at Atkinson Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wagner,
of Chadron, were Tuesday af
ternoon, February 21, visitors
of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey
and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wills.
They were enroute to Creston
to attend Mr. Wagner’s parents
50th wedding anniversary and
a lumberman’s convention at
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Con
nor were Sunday afternoon vis
itors at the Hugh O’Connor
home in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farr, of 1
Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Farr and family, of O’Neill,
were Sunday visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Farr.
Sharon Wagnon spent the
weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Fox and sons.
Howard Newton, of O’Neill,
was a Sunday visitor at the
Wm. Newton home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman
atnd sons, of Bristow, were
Monday dinner guests at the
Frank Foreman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milner,
of Atkinson, were Sunday af
ternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black
more and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Beckwith, of Atkinson, were
Saturday evening visitors at
the Guy Beckwith home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fox moved
to their new home on Wednes
day. February 22, known as the
Hersberger place.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith
and son, Daryl, were Sunday
afternoon visitors of Mrs. Vera
Hickman at Atkinson.
Dolly Grunke visited Leah
Serck Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler
were Sunday visitors of Ed
Winkler, of Butte.
Mrs. Alice Cole, of Atkinson,
spent the weekend visiting
Mrs. Georgia McGinnis.
The Victory Homemakers
card club met Sunday evening,
Febiuary 26, at the home of
Mrs. Anna Ramold with 9 tables
of progressive pitch being play
ed. Mrs. Joe Babl won high
for the ladies and Don Brash
took low for ladies. Ray Schaaf
won high for the men and
George Pongratz received low.
Lunch was served late in the
The Victory Homemakers j
club met on Monday afternoon
with Mrs. Anna Ramold. Din
ner was served at 1 o’clock. Af- j
ter the business meeting the
ladies did embroidery work
for the hostess.
The Ladies Aid of the Meth
odist church met at the home
of Mrs. Geary Enbody Thurs- |
day afternoon, February 3, with '
9 members present .Mrs. Leon !
Beckwith gave the lesson.
Lunch was served.
Hollywood - Produced
Religious Film Coming—
In an evening service on Sun
day, March 5, at 7:30 o’clock,
the First Presbyterian church
will present the new sound film
The Guiding Star". This pic
ture is the newest release of
Family Film. Inc., of Holly
wood, Calif , and was produced
by professional technicians and
“Critics have acclaimed it as
much above the ordinary',” ac
cording to Rev. Ralph Gerber,
church pastor.
The public is invited to this
Need printing done? Prompt
deliveries . . . The Frontier, adv.
Dramatic Pageant
Scheduled Tonight
A program of unusual Len
ten significance will be pre
. sented in First Presbyterian
, church tonight (Thursday) at
1 H p. m. when the Women’s as
sociation meets for a March
meeting. Circle III of the as
sociation will present a page
ant entitled, “The Challenge of
the Cross.”
‘This drama contains dy
namic appeal for members of
the Christian faith,” Rev. Ralph
Gerber, church pastor said.
Miss LaVeta Lehn is direct
ing the pageant. Those mem
bers of the Circle who are tak
ing part in the drama are Mrs.
Vernon Tietsort, Mrs. Harry
Peterson, Mrs. R. G. Shelham
er, Mrs. Norman Medcalf, Mrs.
George Weingartner, Miss Ruth
Hoffman and Mrs. Warren Tay
Music for the pageant is be
ing furnished by a quartet com
posed of Mrs. Earl Ralya, Miss
Bonnie Harmon, Mrs. Don Mc
Kamy, and Mrs. Ray Betten
hausen. Pianist for the service
is Mrs. James Duckworth.
Attendance at this meeting
is not limited to members of
the associaion, but everyone in
the community is cordially in
vited to attend, Reverend Ger
ber added.
2 Page Couples
Wed 25 Y ears
PAGE—Mrs. Celia Terrill and
Mrs. Alma Tegeler entertained
Sunday in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Tegeler and Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Terrill, who
were celebrating their 25th
wedding anniversaries. They
were married February 26,
1925, at the Methodist parson
age by the Rev. H. H. Todd.
A no-host dinner was served.
Three decorated angle food
cakes graced the table. The
cakes were baked by Mrs. Otto
Terrill and Mrs. George Clasey,
of Page, and Mrs. Frank Wisch,
of Battle Creek, a cousin of
Mrs. Terrill.
Gene Terrill read the “trials”
of Harry Tegeler and Otto Ter
rill during taelr courtships. Or
lin Stolle, of Meadow Grove,
played several selections on
his piano-accordian.
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Tegeler, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Terrill, Joan, Jerry
and Marilyn; Mr. and Mrs. John
Stauffer, sr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Wilson, all of Page; Gene
Terrill, of Rushville; Miss Ar
lene Hall, of Lincoln; Mrs. An
na Stolle, of Battle Creek; Mr.
and Mrs. John Stolle and Arlin
Stolle, of Meadow Grove.
Harold Tegeler, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Tegeler, who
attends college at Wayne, was
unable to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Tegeler and
Mr. and Mrs. Terrill have spent
all their married life at Page.
Other Page News
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Reed
drove to Wayne Sunday to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hayne,
who have been spending the
winter there with relatives.
They plan to return to Page this
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Allen
and family were dinner guests
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Gailon
Miller at Niobrara. Mrs. Miller
is a sister of Mrs. Allen.
The fourth quarterly confer
ence was held at Page Sunday
evening Dr. Everett Jackman,
of Norfolk, delivered the ser
Ton from Page attended the
midwinter institute at O’Neill.
They were: Nancy Heiss, Delor
es Kemper, Barbara and Judith
Trowbridge, Carol French, Ver
non Dorr, Ernest Graves and f
Don Prill, with the sponsor, Mrs.
T. O. Brownfield, all of the
MYF of the Methodist church.
Mrs. Brownfield taught the class .
on worship and evangelism. |
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hall
beck entertained the following ;.
guests at a dinner Friday eye- |,
ning: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nis
sen and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Dorenze Riege and daughter |
and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Riege |
and family. The evening was
spent playing pinochle.
The WSCS met last Thurs
day afternoon at the Methodist
church parlors. Mrs. Melvin
Smith gave the lesson, “The
World Must Learn to Read.”
Hostesses w'ere Mrs. Merwyn
French and Mrs Leonard Heiss.
Melvin and La Vonne Al
14 - HEAD OF -14
Ranging in Age from 9 to 17 Months
Pclpular Hereford; families will be repre
sented in this offering. Half brothers to
many champions at former shows and
sales. Selling in range condition.
A. M Engelhaupt & W. G. Sire, Butte
■ . " -■ 1 —1——~
| bright, of Wayne state college,
i spent the weekend with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gailord
) Albright. Other dinner guests
| Sunday at the Albright home
i were: Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hoff
' man and daughter, of Clear
i water, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
i Stevens.
Mrs. James Voehl and daugh
ter, Vicki, left Friday for Lin
coln to spend a few days with
Mr. Voehl and her 2 brothers,
Lee and Wendell Stevens, and
I their families.
W. E. Snyder, of Ainsworth, j
came Monday for a short visit
with his brother, Frank Snyder,
and wife and with his son-in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Carson.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes
spent from Wednesday, Febru
ary 22, until Friday at O’Neill
visiting their son and daughter
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence
Haynes, and family. Thursday
evening they were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. John Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crumly
and family spent last week vis
iting at the home of Mrs. Crum
ly’s brother at Chadron and at
her sister’s home at North
Dinner guests Sunday of Mr
Evelyn Gray were: Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Weyer, of Essex, la.; Miss
Shirley Weyer, of Lincoln; Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Baber and fam
ily, of Plainview; Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Gray, of Inman and Mrs.
C. E. Walker and children, of
Mr .and Mrs. Soren Sorenson
drove to Creighton Saturday aft
ernoon to visit at the home of
their son, Russell Sorenson, and
family. They returned home
Sunday forennoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lamason
and son, Wilson, and Mr. and
Mrs. L. B. Taylor were Sunday
evening dinner guests of Miss
Maude Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nixon
and daughter. Ruby Faye, of
McCool Junction .spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes
and Miss Viola.
Mr. and Mrs Bill Sorenson
and daughter, of Ainsworth, and
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorenson
were dinner guests Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorenson.
Mrs. Elsie Cork returned home
Saturday afternoon after spend
i mg 2 weeks visiting relatives at
I Castana and Turin, la.
A group of friends met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Braddock Sunday evening hon
oring Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Woods, who were married a few
weeks ago. They were present
ed with a card table and chairs.
The evening was spent playing
Mrs. Dale Stauffer
A Srower Honoree—
PAGE — Mrs. Robert Van
Horn and Miss Charlen Park
assisted by friends entertained
at a miscellaneous shower at
the Methodist church palrlors
Monday evening for Mrs Dale
Stauffer, a recent bride. There
were around 50 in attendance.
The honored guest received
many gifts.
The church parlors were nice
ly decorated for the occasion.
The bride’s table was decora
ted with carnations and tapers
in pink and white her chosen
Entertainment consisted of
contests, musical numbers and
A luncheon of ice cream, cake
and coffee was served.
Frontier for printing!
A beautiful cotton slip that's just right under the
new season's lighter cottons and soft rayons, non
clinging under nylon! 80 square Sanforized wliite
cotton, 4 gore straight cut, eyelet trimmed.
• Mr. and Mrs. N. O. McCrary have
purchased the Mode O’Day Frock —
Shop from Mrs. Katye Peterson. i
• Mrs. McCrary has assumed active *
management of MODE O’DAY
and will continue to offer outstanding
MODE O’DAY values in women’s wear
ing apparel.
_— O’NEILL —