The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 25, 1945, Image 3

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    Gay Luncheon Cloth
Curtains and Valance
,v«i.«nci Mm®
f^OLORFUL kitchen curtains are
^something every homemaker is
looking for, and here they are
made from a gay printed luncheon
cloth in your room colors. Cut the
cloth as shown here to make a
pair of sash curtains and a
valance. A square cloth is general
ly best and it should be at least
once and a half the width of the
The back edge of each curtain is
finished with a narrow hem. If all
the depth of the luncheon cloth is
needed to make the curtains long
enough and the valance as deep
as you want it, face the tops with
jf a strip of muslin to make the head
Fings and rod casings.
• • *
NOTE—These curtains are from the 32
page booklet “Make Your Own Curtains."
This book contains the illustrated step-by
step directions you have been wanting and
(s full of new and novel ways to solve your
curtain and drapery problems. Booklets
are 15 cents postpaid. Address:
Bedford Hills New York
Drawer 10
Enclose 15 cents for book “Make
Your Own Curtains.”
Address... ....
Get below the gargle line with
F & F Cough Lozenges. Each F & F
Lozenge gives your throat a 15
minute soothing, comforting treat
ment all the way down. Millions
use them for coughs, throat irrita
tions or hoarseness resulting from
colds or smoking. Box—only 10(1.
Technical men say that about
three gallons of alcohol are
used to produce sufficient
butadiene to make an aver
age-size synthetic tire.
Use of synthetics and alternate
materials, particularly in field wire
and telephone cable, resulted in
the conservation by the Signal
Corps of the U. S. Army of more
than 12 million pounds of crude
rubber in the first 4 months of 1944.
The importance of rubber
tires to the economy of Michi
gan is indicated by the fact
that 65.2 per cent of all in
bound and 69 per cent of all
outbound freight in that state
is carried by motor truck.
Relief At Last
For Your Cough
Creomulsion relieves promptly be
cause it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, in
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulsion with the un
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis
jSXvX*XvX\,>X*XvX*>X\vX\v>XvXvXv’*Xv yXvXyXy.'Xy.-.; y. .v.y!v.wy. ■ . ' '
2v*vv**Mv>*v>‘- . iviwix vi'. l
Vitamins for Winter
Are Very Essential
For Health, Well Being
— «.«~»~wwi<»niiniv>rr-m-r ■ v-n-' -v-'>
Vitamin-rich vegetables tossed to
gether with mayonnaise make this
salad bowl good, healthy eating.
Carrot curls and lettuce make a
pretty color combination.
It’s an easy matter to get vegeta
bles and fruits into the diet dur
mg tne summer
months because
supplies are plen
tiful. However,
we need just as
many fruits and
vegetables in win
ter, and there is
not as much available.
Every homemaker should make it
her job to see that the family does
not suffer from fruit and vegetable
lack during the winter. True, sup
plies are shy but there are foods in
both categories that are in season,
and these should be used for all
they’re worth.
If fruits and vegetables are served
raw, more of the valuable vitamins
can be saved. Salads should have
a big place in the menu. Apples,
pears, oranges and grapefruit offer
variety and vitamins aplenty, while
carrots, cabbage, beets, green
beans, squash, turnips, spinach and
brussels sprouts can hold their own
on the vegetable front.
Today I’ve selected vegetables
which are particularly adaptable
served in salad form. Tack these
recipes where you can find them
and serve often:
•Spinach Toss.
(Serves 6)
3 cups broken lettuce
54 cup fresh spinach
54 cup shredded raw carrots
54 cup iced celery
6 radishes, sliced
1 tablespoon minced onion
54 cup French dressing
Rub bowl with a clove of garlic,
but do not let it remain in bowl.
Put all vegetables together in bowl
just before serving. Pour French
dressing over all and toss with fork
and spoon until well mixed.
Hearty Winter Salad.
(Serves 8)
1 package lemon-flavored gelatin
2 cups hot water
1 teaspoon vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup cooked peas
54 cup diced celery
54 cup finely shredded cabbage
54 cup diced pimiento, if desired
Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Add
vinegar and salt. Chill until slight
ly thickened. Fold
vegetables into
gelatin and pour
into shallow pan
or 8 individual
molds. Unmold on
crisp lettuce and
serve with may
onnaise which has
been thinned with sour cream or
Golden Winter Salad.
(Serves 6)
1 package orange-flavored gelatin
2 cups boiling water or 1 cup fruit
juice and 1 cup w-ater
1 apple, unpeeled and diced
2 tablespoons lemon juice
% teaspoon salt
Lynn Says
Don’t Waste a Scrap: Every bit
of food you buy can be made to
work. Outer leaves of lettuce,
spinach, and leftover bits of pars
ley from garnish can be used to
give flavor to soups. The same is
true of leftover liquids left from
cooking vegetables.
Stale cak#"may be sliced and
served with fruit and fruit juice?
Combine with eggs and milk and
bake into pudding. Or, use it to
line pudding molds and pour gela
tin or custard over it to make
icebox dessert.
Dry, leftover bread may be
toasted and used on top of soup.
Or, grind and make into bread
crumbs, or use in stuffings to
stretch meat.
Syrups from canned fruit may
be utilized for fruit sauces to pour
over puddings and custards Left
over jams and jellies are ideal
for pastry fillings and for flavor
ing and sweetening stewed fruits
and berries.
Lynn Chambers’ Point-Saving
Chicken Liver Spaghetti
Parsleyed Carrots ‘Spinach Toss
French Bread with Butter
Pickles Olives
Honey-Baked Pears
Orange Crisps
‘Recipe given.
IS cups diced grapefruit sections
V4 cup chopped walnut meats
Dissolve gelatin in boiling water
and chill until it begins to thicken.
Cube apple and sprinkle with lemon
juice and salt. Remove all mem
brane from grapefruit sections and
dice. Combine grapefruit, apples
and nut meats into gelatin. Pour
into molds that have been rinsed
with cold water. Chill until set and
serve with mayonnaise.
Hot Siaw.
(Serves 8)
2 egg yolks, slightly beaten
% cup cold water
Y\ cup vinegar
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon sugar
% teaspoon salt
3 cups shredded raw cabbage
Combine egg yolks, water, vine
gar, butter, salt and sugar. Cook
on low heat, stirring constantly, un
til mixture thickens. Add cabbage
and reheat.
One of the factors which makes
salad making so easy is the use of
a real mayonnaise which is so
smooth-textured and easily blended
with the ingredients. It is nutri
tious, too, for it contains oil and egg
yolk which adds a vitamin D boost
to the diet:
Side Dish Salad.
(Serves 6)
12 carrot curls
1 cucumber, cut ,*ji fingers
(or dill pickle)
Lettuce, sliced
Wash and scrape carrots; cut in
very thin lengthwise strips and leave
in ice water until curled. Arrange
carrot curls, cucumber fingers and
lettuce slices in salad bowl. Serve
with real mayonnaise.
Make your lunches vfcamin rich
by serving a sandwich with a rich
in-vitamin-B salad:
Vitamin “B” Salad.
(Serves 6)
6 cups cooked or shredded cabbage
114 cups cooked peas
114 teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
6 tablespoons mayonnaise
Mix cabbage, peas and season
ings with real mayonnaise. Chill.
Serve with a ba
con sandwich
f made with whole
wheatbread. Gar
nish with water
i cress.
Pears make a lovely salad when
combined simply with lettuce, car
rots and American cheese balls. It’s
nice enough for company!
When served with a whole wheat
bread sandwich, this salad gives a
rich vitamin "B” lunch. Lunch is a
good time to get the salad into the
Company Salad.
(Serves 5)
2 cups finely shredded lettuce
214 cups grated carrots
5 pear halves
10 14-lnch balls of American cheese
10 14-inch balls of cream cheese
French dressing
Arrange shredded lettuce on salad
plates. In center of lettuce make a
nest of grated carrot. Place pear
half in each nest with balls of
cheese in the pear cavity. Serve
with French dressing.
French Dressing.
1 clove garlic, grated fine
14 cup sugar
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 small onion, grated
% cup tomato catsup
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups salad oil
Mix all ingredients in order given
with a rotary egg beater. Place in
quart jar and store in cool place un
til ready to serve. Shake well be
fore using.
Gel the most from your meat! Get
your meat roasting chart from Miss
Lynn Chambers by writing to her in
care of Western Newspaper Union, 210
South Desplaines Street, Chicago 6, 111.
1‘lease send a stamped, self-addressed
envelope for your reply.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
Light Color Top and Dark Skirt
Is Latest Theme of Designers
ANEW and promising fashion is
in the making! It is the cos
tume that teams a light color jacket
or topcoat with a dark skirt or one
piece dress. Already designers are
turning their time and effort to pro
moting this interesting trend for
It is well worthwhile to watch this
new style gesture as it develops into
an outstanding vogue during the
coming weeks. Illustrated herewith
are three smart advance models
that interpret the light-top-and-dark
skirt movement in versatile mood.
Hounds tooth checked wool is aen
nitely high style for city suits. It
adds to the interest of the new
spring checks that they come in
such out-of-the-ordinary colors. The
suit pictured to the left, a Sophie
original, is in peacock blue and
black. The all-wool black skirt is
topped with a swank jacket tailored
of peacock blue and black check.
It is attractively styled with cuffed
pockets set diagonally across the
hips. All signs point to a season
wherein the big play will be made
on the styling of pockets in unique
The light tunic coat centered in
the group is good style because it is
a tunic. There’s nothing smarter
than tunic effects for dresses and
blouses, jackets and coats. This
model is one of the latest short
fitted types, and is in aqua wool,
an especially smart pastel. Worn
with a dark weskit-type suit, it
makes a three-piece ensemble. It is
big news as to that which is to be
the mode this spring.
A characteristic feature of incom
ing fashions for the new season is
their soft feminine styling. The
charming costume to the right not
only emphasizes the new soft styl
ing technique, but it stresses the
idea of a light jacket and a match
ing topcoat worn with a dark skirt.
Pink for the coat and jacket with
black for the skirt is a first-class
color combination for spring, al
though the three-piece is refreshing
ly springlike in any of the pastel
colors with black.
The glory of a spring costume
will depend more than ever this
year on the accessories worn with
it. Which is why we are showing be
low to the left a group of the “little
things” that are newly designed to
dress up the spring costume to ultra
charm and style distinction.
A flick of a gay and flirtatious
"hanky,” the flash of a jewel, the
dash of a new handbag, a gay belt
of unusual design, these are the
tricks that dispel winter ennui as
much as the arrival of the first
robin. See in the inset below several
of these gay little flatterers that
will add glamour touches to many
a midseason or early spring cos
Draped petals on a handbag of
crushed goatskin is Jenny's inter
pretation of the now-so-fashionable
softer look. This bag is designed
with the thought in mind that it car
ry all your feminine paraphernalia
tidily so as to be easily available at
all times.
In designing the belt, Criterion fol
lows the direction of the current
fashion trend by placing emphasis
on side treatments. With its swirls
of stitching on a unique side-slung
wing, this belt sends your spirits
soaring in that it foretells greater
versatility in belt styling. The hand
kerchief by Burmel offers you a
prelude to spring with a beautiful
bouquet printed on really and truly
pure Irish linen.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
Evening Sweater
This practically sleeveless dress
up sweater of lightweight white
wool and cotton yarn is lovely for
evening wear now, and later on in
the summer it can be worn for
either day or night gala occasion.
The shoulders are laced with rib
bon that can be changed at will to
tune with the color scheme of one’s
costume. The low oval neckline is
a flattering detail.
White Wool Dresses
The date dress that young girls
like best is the simple little type of
white jersey or crepe, usually high
lighted with gold embroidery and
accessory gold belt or yarn flower
embroidery or made glamorous with
■triking jewel buttons. This type is
is charming worn under a fur coat.
Bright Embroidery
Trims Formal Wraps
Formality in evening wraps is as
necessary this season as formality
in the evening gown. Most popular
are the bright wool three-quarter
length rippled toppers with glitter
shoulder trimmings. The most daz
zling embroidery imaginable is lav
ished on the shoulders and the lin
ings add brilliant color. These styles
are particular favorites with wom
en, but young girls find them flatter
ing too. Newer than these gorgeous
toppers and of infinite appeal to the
young set are the capes, for the
most part hip length, though the full
length cape is a very smart number,
too. The distinguishing thing about
these capes, as well as the toppers,
is the gorgeous embroidery and
beadwork that animates the shoul
ders. Best-liked model is of white
wool, lined with scarlet, and gold
embroidered at the shoulders, some
times in deep yoke fashion, or as
some prefer, military epaulette
Swish-Back Dresses Are
New Trend in Designing
A new trend in dress design is to
place dramatic style features at the
back. The newest dinner gowns in
modish black stress this smart trend
in various ways. A slender black
lace with knee flare hemline
achieves style prestige via three but
terfly bows of starched lace. One is
placed at the back waistline, anoth
er midway between flare-flounce and
waist, the other where the flounce
is seamed to the skirt at the back.
The swish-back effect is seen in Cas
cade draperies that extend from
waist to hemline, bustle-back bows
and sashes that tie at the back in
big loops and long streamers.
A Smart Outfit for the Matron
Cover-All Apron Has Tulip Trim
Two-Piece Suit Dress
'T'HIS two-piece suit dress is de
signed to slim and flatter the
slightly heavier figure. A crisp
white collar gives your face a
radiant glow. Here is an outfit to
take you everywhere with charm
and confidence.
• • •
Pattern No. 1232 comes In sizes 34. 36.
38, 40, 42. 44, 46 and 48. Size 36, jacket,
The fingerprint division of the
FBI is now 20 years old. There
are more than 90,000,000 finger
prints on record.
short sleeves, requires 2'i yards of 33 or
39 inch material; skirt l"i« yards; 3/a yard
for contrasting collar; 2 yards ruffling to
trim as pictured.
Cover-AI' Apron
IF YOU like a covered-up feel
*■ ing while you work, you’ll be
delighted with this pretty and
practical apron with tulip shaped
pocket and border. Look through
your scrap bag for pretty pieces
to trim this attractive apron.
• • •
Pattern No. 1815 comes in sizes 14, 18.
18, 20; 40, 42, 44 and 40. Size 16 requires
2'/s yards of 32 or 36 Inch material; S
yards rickrack to trim.
Due to an unusually large demand and
current war conditions, slightly more time
is required in filling orders for a few of
the most popular pattern numbers.
Send your order to:
530 South Wells St. Chicago
Enclose 25 cents In coins for each
pattern desired.
Pattern No.Size.
Balanced double action •••
for positive action in the
mixing bowl... for gratify
ing results in
the oven. m/tSiltUMIk
(' Guoranletd Dy WU
(Good Houseketpinj ^
Vib, •unci"
>>-“ Unmli ^
MUSCLE PAINS can do it to yon
—make you feel old—look drawn
and haggard, soretone Liniment
contains methyl salicylate, a most
effective pain-relieving agent. And
Soretone's cold heat action brings ■ AVI A II
you fast, so-o-o-thing relief. mk I I 119 M
1. Quickly Soretone acts to en
hance local circulation. ,n coses
2. Check muscular cramps. JSCULAR LUMBAGO I
3. Help reduce local stcelling. Qp BACKACHE
4. Dilate surface capillary blood due to htigue or eiposuro
For fastest action, let dry, rub in duotoooido
again. There’s only one Soretone— CfNDC Ml ICr*l CC
Insist on it for Soretone results. OwKC IVlUatLE)
50c. Big bottle, only $1. u* ° 0,er"“rk
♦Though Applied, cold, rube
facient Ingredients In Son
tone act like hear(o Increase
i the superficial supply of
blood to the area nnd Induce
“and McKesson makes it” •