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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1943)
Firemen of the Fleet During times of peace or war there is one foe eternally feared by every man that goes to sea—fire. In wartime ship fires reach their maxi mum deadliness. Ignited by enemy shells or bombs, the flames menace personnel al ready busy at battle stations. Also, every man called from his post to fight fire gives the enemy that much more ad vantage. Thus, the navy has founded fire-fighting schools to train specialists in the art of extinguishing fires any where aboard ship quickly and methodically. Fire-fight ers train aboard imitation ship sections built on land in which fires can be ignited for teaching purposes. SOOT SUITS might be a proper slang term for these weird look ing asbestos suits and oxygen breathing apparatus. These student firemen are equipped to fight a fire below decks. AT ANNAPOLIS midshipmen L fight a test blaze. Fire-fighting is j part of their regular training. jjjj NOZZLE KNOWLEDGE — Fireman First Class George Gru ber, above, explains the uses of a spray nozzle to a class. Practi cal demonstrations follow. INFERNO—A member of the fire - fighting school is almost veiled from the camera by smoke arising from a roaring blaze be low the decks of a training ship. I___ P#B1 .1 TONGUES OF FIRE that flash out 40 feet are ignited at school. Inset: A Briton and Yank attending same fire-fighting school. DOWN THE HATCH go asbestos clad fire-fighters and soon a blaze spreading beloui will be out. .1897. One Six* 1893 ' 34-48 Kitchen Belle. \17HEN they give style parades ’'’'in the kitchen—this is the kind of apron which will stop the show! Slips on over the head, ties in place, never slides off at the shoulder, never loses a button— because it has no buttons to lose! • • • Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1893 Is de signed for sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 36 requires 2>,« yards 35 Ir.cb material. Happy Sailor T toy making early—here’s a uoll which Is easy even for beginners! First, make the 15 inch body, soft and cuddly, then outfit with the gob cap, middy and sailor pants! • • • Pattern No. 1897 Is In one size only. Body requires % yard 35-inch sateen, V* hank of wool for hair. Make costume of scraps. Due to an unusually large demand and current war conditions, slightly more time is required in filling orders for a few of the most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCI.E PATTERN DEPT. 530 South Wells St. Chicago Enclose 20 cents in coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No.....Size. Name .. Address . \ ASK MS A l ; ANOTHER f l £ A General Quiz * 7 1. “Speak softly and carry a big stick” was the motto of what fa mous man? 2. In what war did the Poles Kosciusko and Pulaski command American troops? 3. Our planes flying in the strat osphere encounter what degree of coldness? 4. What is meant by a deckle edged book? 5. What is gangue? 6. In what country is the kopeck a medium of exchange? The Anawera 1. Theodore Roosevelt. 2. Revolutionary war. 3. Downward from 67 degrees below zero. 4. One whose pages are rough, untrimmed. 5. Rocks in which valuable met als occur. 6. Russia. Chute Jumping Records Parachute jumping records have never yet been officially recog nized and registered by either a civil or a governmental organiza tion in this country. Just 2 drops Penetro^ Nose Drops ia each I nostril help yoa I breathe freer almost I instantly, so your I head cold gets air. I Only 26c—2% times as I much for 50c. Caution: I Use only as directed. I Peaetre Nose Prepay —BY WEARING YOUR PLATES EVERY DAT —HELD COMFORTABLY SNUG THIS WAY Face-lines sae—wrinkles form—when plates remain un worn. Avoid this—hold plates firmly all day, every day with this “comfort-cushion,” a dentist’s formula. A Dr. Wernet’a plat* powder forma soothing “comfort-cushion’’ between plate and guma—lets you enjoy solid foods, r^oid embarraaament of loose plate- p» prevent aor* guma. *. W< rgest selling plat* powder. Recommended by dentists for 30 years. 3. Dr. Wernet’s powder is economical} a very small amount lasts longer. 4. Made of whitest,costliest ingredient —so pure you eat it in ice cream. Pleasant tasting. All drvggiit*—30i. Money bock If not dmllghfmd IN THE ARMY AIR FORCES they say: "DAWN PATROLLING" up before reveille "GET EAGER* for strive to do your best "SUGAR REPORT" from a girl friend "CAMEL" for the favorite cigarette with men in the Army CAMELS HAVE GOT WHAT IT TAKES, ALL RIGHT PLENTY OF FLAVOR AND EXTRA fe MILDNESS Ik_ gk mm W* fl FIRST IN THE SERVICE g^k^ With men in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, a. H^^FH and Coast Guard, the favorite cigarette is P| B mm mm oa sales records^ 82% OF THE HOUSEWIVES in a recent survey, who baked with Fleischmann’s New Dry Yeast right in their own kitchens, say this is the best dry yeast they’ve ever used.,. tell us it’s fast-acting and gives all their baking the same good texture I II iiiHP1 ^finm mill .mm ■mil .... . BLITZ BAKING-! Fast - rising Fleischmann’s Dry Yeast speeds up your baking time. Now you can thrill your family and “dress up meals with delicious, oven fresh bread and rolls quickly and easily | TTfl\ SUPER-FINE EVERY TIME! When you bake with Fleischmann’i Dry Yeast, you’re sure of depend able, consistent results. No wasting of precious shortening. needs no RemoemioN Fleischmann’s New Dry Yeast save* last-minute shopping trips! You can keep it handy in the pantry until you ’re ready to bake. That moisture* i proof, air-tight package guarantees | freshness always! 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