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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1943)
WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS__ Nazis Wreck Northern Italian Ports To Hamper Future Allied Operations; United Nations Formulate Relief Plan; U. S. Issues Current Casualty Figures (EDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions or* repressed In those columns, they are those of Western Newspaper Union’s news analysts and net necessarily of this newspaper.) _______________ Released by Western Newspaper Union. . . ■ ■ Allied Pact-Seated around conference table from left to right, U. S. Secretary of State Cordall Hull; Russian Foreign Commissar Vyacheslav Molotov, and British Foreign Minister Anthony Eden, sign historic pact in Moscow, calling for League of Nations to preserve postwar peace. Said Hull: “We agreed upon a broad, basic program of international co-operation. The program contemplates the hastening of victory . , , the preservation of peace, and the promotion of human welfare .. .” ITALY: Destroy Ports Italy’s northern ports of Leghorn and Pescara were blocked by Nazi demolition squads to render them useless to the Allies for future op erations, or in the event Gen. Dwight Eisenhower attempted landings above Rome to trap elements of five German divisions holding out in the mountainous country to the south. Principal action in Italy centered on the Fifth army front, where Lieut. Gen. Mark Clark’s mixed British and U. S. forces were edg ing forward at the mountain passes at Mignano, to gain the long, level valley leading to Rome. Once General Clark’s warriors burst through at Mignano, they still will have to buck elaborate Nazi mountain fortresses farther up the valley at Cassino, which stands some 60 miles from Rome. Because Al lied troops must clamber up rugged slopes* in the face of entrenched en tmyi machine gunners and mortars, andV. S. artillery must rake whole mountain sides to clear out Nazi posts, progress necessarily is slow. Fit Italy Into War To get Italy functioning on the side of the Allies, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower established a control commission headed by Maj. Gen. Kenyon Joyce, formerly of the 9th service command. Purpose of the commission will be to fit the country’s agriculture and Industry into Allied war plans, and to regulate Italian governmental ad ministration. To prevent any political party from establishing its hold over the country through military force, the commission will control Italy’s re vived fighting services. Advising the commission will be the U. S., British, Russian and French committee on Mediterranean affairs, and Greece and Jugoslavia will be included later. WORLD RELIEF: Allied Plans Assembling in the east room of the White House, representatives from 44 United Na tions signed an agreement for the relief and rehabili tation of Europe, with each country providing supplies to the limit of its capacity. Of the 46 million tons of food, seed, fuel, clothing, raw materials, machin ery and medical supplies that wil) be needed for Euro pean relief during the six months fol lowing the war, the Herbert Lehman U. S. will furnish nearly 9 Mi million tons, Great Britain 3ty million tons, Europe 29 million tons, and other regions 4 million tons. Congress will appropriate the funds for American participation. Slated for appointment as direc tor general of the relief and rehabili tation administration was former Governor Herbert Lehman of New York. Purpose of the administration is to tide over distressed people of reconquered areas until they can put their factories and land back into production. CROPS: W eather Helps Profiting from favorable weather, the 1943 com crop was estimated at 3 billion, 85 million bushels by the department of agriculture on the ba sis of conditions November 1. This compared with last year's record crop of 3 billion, 175 million bush els. With October weather good and without widespread frosts, the large acreage of late corn reached ma turity in Iowa, Missouri, northwest ern Ohio, and parts of Michigan and Indiana. Checking summer drouths, rains perked up late com in the South Central states. Record yields were in prospect for the Northwest. Other crop estimates for 1943: Wheat, 835,816,000 bushels; oats, 1, 148,692,000; barley, 330,212,000; rye, 33,314,000; flaxseed, 51,486,000; soy beans, 206,017,000; rice, 69,019,000; potatoes, 469,092,000; sugar beets, 7, 239,000 tons, and peanuts, 2,681,955, 000 pounds—record highs for rice, potatoes and peanuts. Hogs Crowd Markets Chicago’s sprawling stockyards teemed with over 60,000 live hogs after a high three-day shipment of 128,500 head, which compared with 85,552 for the previous week and 66, 418 for the same period of 1942. As a result, packers paid the “floor” of $13.75 for only the heavier weights out of the 200 to 275 pound range on which the government has pledged price support. Packers ob tained many bargains in classes for which no "floor” has been con structed. So called "floor” prices were high on the flooded market, equalling the lowest tops since last December SOUTHWEST PACIFIC: At Japs' Rear Pursuing his policy of pinching off Japanese strongholds in the South west Pacific by cutting off their com munications, Gen. Douglas MacAr thur has established U. S. forces to the rear of the enemy’s important forward base of Buin on Bougain ville island in the Solomons. With U. S. marines and dough boys standing astride the Japs’ com munication lines leading to Buin, they were in position to strike against the enemy supplies, and his main body from the rear. Bougainville is the Japs’ last im portant holding in the Solomons, and apparently they were determined to take advantage of the wild nature of the humid, tropical isle for another long, delaying action. U. S. CASUALTIES: Total 120,967 U. S. casualties totaled 120.967 for almost two years of war. with the army reporting 89.648, and the navy 31,317. Of the army casualties, 12,841 were killed, 30,263 wounded. 23,952 missing and 22,592 prisoners. Since the landing at Salerno, September 9, the U. S. suffered 8.556 casualties in Italy, with 1,295 killed. 4,764 wound ed and 2,497 missing. Of the navy casual. >es. 12,548 are dead, 5,542 wounded, 8,999 missing, and 4,228 prisoners. Of the nearly 7,700,000 men in the army, about 2,500,000 men will be serving abroad by the end of the year. HIGHLIGHTS . . . in th e week's news TIGERS: The Detroit Tigers baseball club will go to Evansville, lnd., (or their spring training period. COAL: The emergency regula tions on delivery o( soft coal have been relaxed. Secretary Ickes an nounced. As modified, the rules state that a dealer cannot sell coal to a customer who has 30 days sup ply on hand. RAISE: With the new Increase allowed by the War Labor board, test pilot Inspectors will earn about $410 a month. A $4 an hour bonus was allowed for this extremely haz ardous work. DIAMOND: A 530 carat diamond, “probably the eighth largest ever found,” has been dug up in Sierre Leone, British colony on the west coast of Africa. RUSSIA: Attack Last Railroad Russia’s last north-south railway came under the attack of Red troops as they pressed forward on a 70 mile front west of recaptured Kiev. As the Russians drove against the railroad, other forces of their army continued attacks on Nevel, less than 50 miles from the Latvian border in the north, and on Krivoi Rog in the south. At Krivoi Rog, the Germans con tinued to hold open an escape cor ridor for the last columns of Nazi forces pulling out of the huge bend of the Dnieper river, where early Russian attacks had threatened them with encirclement. Crossing into the eastern Crimea from the Caucasus, strong Russian forces drew up for a major attack on the 75,000 German troops report edly massed in the huge peninsula, guarding the Black sea. The Nazis held their ground at the north en trance to the Crimea. TIRES: Continued Shortage Although production of synthetic rubber is expected to total Cl8,000 tons in 1944 compared with 233.000 tons this year, only about 30 million tires will he manufactured to meet needs of essential users of cars, light delivery trucks, taxis and farm ve hicles. Ordinarily, 50 million tires are made a year. Tightness in the civilian tire sup ply will prevail because of military requirements, scarcity of manpower to operate fabricating equipment, reduction in the peace time inven tory of tires, shortage of rayon cord for heavy duty tires, and the cut in crude rubber imports. To obtain maximum use of pres ent tires, the rubber manufacturers’ committee counseled drivers to pre serve their tire carcasses, or bodies, for recapping by protecting the wall and not running down treads. Fur ther, the committee advised low j speeds, adequate air for tubes, and proper alignment for wheels and axles. Homemade Penicillin One of medicine’s most precious cures, magical penicillin, is being produced at “five cents a plateful” by Dr. Julius A. Vogel in the kitchen of his Pittsburgh, Pa., res idence. Properly equipped, any doctor can grow his own supply. Dr. Vogel says. Plant physician for the Jones and Laugh Dr. Vogel j|n gteej corporation, Vogel has used his penicillin to treat external infections, with complete cures effected In more than a score of cases. CHILD DELINQUENCY: Supervision Needed During the last year, delinquency among girls has increased 38 per cent and among boys 11 per cent, Katherine Lenroot, chief of the chil dren’s bureau of the department of labor, declared. With 5V4 million women with chil dren under 14 years of age work ing, and many fathers in service or sleeping days, a general weakening in home supervision is a contribut ing cause for the delinquency, Miss Lenroot said. More than one million more women will be needed in in dustry this year, she reported. Other factors of delinquency, Miss Lenroot asserted, are lack of school facilities in war-expanded commu nities, and the increase in child la bor to live million this year. “There would be little juvenile de linquency today if children were treated as as much of an emergency as armament production,” Miss Lenroot concluded. LEND-LEASE: British Aid Up to last June 30, British lend lease assistance to the U. S. totaled 871 million dollars, of which the ma jor share consisted in supplying base facilities, barracks and hos pitals for American land and air forces in the United Kingdom. In complete figures indicated assist ance to date has topped one billion dollars. Not included in the accounting, the British said, was the cost of food furnished on the fighting fronts where no adequate records could be kept, and the value of information and experience gained in battle and relayed to the U. S. army and in dustry. The British assistance does not in clude lend-lease granted the U. S. by Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India, who operate under separate agreements. On August 25, President Roosevelt reported U. S. lend-lease assistance to Britain alone totaled nearly 4Vi billion dol lars. BUILDING In the first 12 months after the final armistice there will be five and a quarter billion dollars spent on private construction, according to a survey of the nation’s building needs. About 8ty billion w'l) be ex pended annually between 1917 and 1051, the report estimates. Residential building will reach its high point before 1950, and dip to a low in the middle 1950s. Commer cial, industrial and community build ings will total over a billion dollars a year between 1947 and '51. U. S. Office of Air Safety Guards Cadets in Training Accident Statistics Prove Value of Regional Safety Officers’ Work; Program Has Three Main Divisions. By BAUKHAGE News Analyst and Commentator. WNU Service, Union Trust Building, Washington, D. C. The army air force has been around the world 134,078 times! That is what air miles add up to—three billion, three hundred and fifty-two million in the fiscal year 1943. Just how safe is the job of a pilot? Not the Job where you have to count on the enemy fighters and the ack-ack, but the job of learning to be a pilot. "Ninety-five out of every hundred army air force cadets are going through their flight training program with no personal injury of any kind,” says Col. Sam Harris, chief, army air force office of flying safety. The office of air safety is the in stitution which has built safety into training programs as a highly em phasized part of the whole regime. It has three main principles. Initial Phase The first is "prevention and in vestigation," and the keynote here is experience. The 54 officers who take care of this end of the work have a total air experience of 33 years, 318 days in the air. These men, known as regional safety of ficers (RSOs) are assigned to each air force and command in the Unit ed States. Here is an example of how the RSO works. He goes to a certain field. He meets some cadets who say they haven’t had any breakfast. He puts that down in his notes. He looks the place over, notes a ditch parallel to a runway. He orders the ditch filled, talks with the mess of ficer and has breakfast served ear lier. Then he tackles the boys themselves. He gives them a talk on the importance of instruments. Three separate moves and the ac cidents are cut down there. The second principle is "flight con trol." Here is where the flight con trol officer, traffic cop of the air, comes in. For traffic control is as important in the air as on the street. The men of this force offer a Pilot’s Advisory Counsel. This serv ice leads pilots through or around dangerous traffic or weather condi tions. Suppose the flight control officer in the Seattle center knows Lieu tenant Smith is headed in that di rection. He also knows that a "cold front” is moving across his path. So he radios Smith, tells him to make for an alternate airport. No. 3 on the list of safeties is "safety education.” Safety Education Most of the accidents in training in the United States are due to per sonnel error—the fault of the human being, not the weather or the ma chine. This education comes through special movies, through manuals, through cartoons and posters. Here are some of the slogans that help: “Hitler and Hirohito cheer . when you forget your maps . . . when you pay no attention to tele phone wires , . . when you jam on your brakes . . . when you don't 1 check your gas ..." Other points are driven home with a little sardonic humor such as “when a pilot thinks he’s pretty hot, he’s usually close to burning.” “To grow old in the natural way, a pilot has to use his luck sparingly . . The first six months of 1943 com pared with all of 1942, show these percentages of reduction of acci dents: In primary schools 2.3% In basic schools 5.5% In advanced schaals 11% And just see the table for acci dents as miles flown go up! 1921-30— Miles flown, 155,818,000 accident rate, 2.11. 1943—Miles flown, 3,351,940,000 accident rate, .716. That's how America is learning safety in the skyways. • • • War Brings Recognition To Psychiatry There will be so many changes after the war that a lot of words will not even have the same mean ings. New things and new thinking will appear and people will have to learn the new words in order to think the new thoughts. Already the war has caused psy chiatry to be “adequately recog nized,” according to Dr. Richard Hutchings, who is the author of "A psychiatric Word Book” published by the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene and now in its seventh edition. This is not a book for laymen but it is exceedingly interesting to scan its pages just to see how ordinary words can achieve new meanings as new thoughts about new things de velop. The word book is invaluable to the doctor and many others who will be more and more concerned with this important study of inter personal relations—psychiatry. Let’s take a layman’s look at the pages of the little pocket volume. Starting at the beginning with "a— an.” Not the simple articles they look! The definition is not new in this case but shows the special meaning the person who reads psy chiatry must know. The definition reads: “Prefixes derived from the Greek and having the same meaning as the prefix un- or the suffix -less. Without; absence of; not. Cf. amen tia, anosmia.” That takes us to amentia which means (1) absence of intellect; (2) a state of mind bordering on stupor; (3) feeblemindedness. You have heard of behavior but what is behaviorism? It is "the psychological theory which holds that correct conclusions in psychol ogy must rest upon objective study and interpretation of behavior.” You have also heard of conver sion. Here is the psychiatrist’s meaning of it. "The process by which an emotional trauma (that is an emotional ‘wound’) after repres sion becomes converted into a phys ical symptom in hysteria.” Practical Application If you think that sounds too high brow, just recall the remark: “He’s had that squint ever since he saw that terrible accident.” There are a lot more interesting new meanings clear over to the last word “zoopsia” which you know all about if you ever saw "Ten Nights in a Barroom,” the great prohibi tion play. “Zoopsia” is what we (in correctly) call ‘‘D.T.’s.” The defini tion is “a visual hallucination of ani mals or insects.” The little book also has an appen dix <n which there are careful and more detailed descriptions of the emotions—anxiety, fear, pride, van ity, etc., which we now know are as dangerous to our mental health when they get out of control as a flock of flu germs are to our bodily welfare. I’ll give you a definition of the one emotion which is highly impor tant because when it gets the upper hand in politics, it can do as much harm to a form of government as to an individual.' “Egoism and egotism are not synonyms. Egoism is a self-seeking desire to gain advantages at the ex pense of the rights, convenience or possessions of others. It is essen tially antisocial. Egotism is over valuation of self, one’s opinions, abil ity or cleverness and corresponding undervaluation of others.” Now, just apply that definition of egoism to blocs, political parties, nations and you’ll see why psy chiatry is important in the new world. The more people who under stand it, the more people will under stand each other The words in “A Psychiatric Word Book" are important words. ($1 postpaid from the Hospitals Press, Mental Hygiene Department, State of New York, Utica, N. Y.) • • • Popular Questions Here are answers to three ques tions I was asked most frequently on a recent trip to the Middle West: (1) When will the war be over? I don’t know. I wouldn’t be sur prised if Germany cracked inside this winter. At least another year to clean up Japan. (2) What about international co operation afterward? I don’t know. The feeling I get in Washington is that there will be an honest attempt to form an inter national league, just as it is suggest ed in the Moscow conference. (3) Will President Roosevelt run for a Fourth Term? I doubt if even he knows that either. He probably will unless the war is done and over. B R I E F S . . • *>y Baukhage About 90 per cent of Maine’s po tatoes are grown In a single county —Aroostook—in the northernmost part of the state. * • * When Maxwell Anderson’s play, "The Eve of St. Mark,” opened in Stockholm recently, it received the best Swedish reviews for years, ac cording to an article in the Afton bladet, as reported to the OWI. The A. F. Davis Welding Library has been established at Ohio State university, Columbus, Ohio. • • • One of the favorite jokes of Ger mans in oft-bombed regions is: "During last night s raid on west ern Germany, 69 bombers were shot down. One of our fighters failed to return. One of our towns is miss ing." Adjusting Carburetor, Plugs, Saves Gasoline Tractor Engines Should Run at Top Efficiency With the gasoline situation becom ing increasingly serious due to de mands for gas for combat uses, farmers are being asked by the War Food administration to cut their use of tractor fuel to a minimum. While this request may seem ex treme to farmers who have had their tractors stranded now and then by dried-up fuel tanks, W. C. Krueger, extension agricultural engineer at Rutgers university, points out that many tractors could be operated on 15 to 25 per cent less fuel through correct carburetor adjustment, lu brication, and proper setting of spark plugs and magneto. He emphasizes that when it takes 100 to 180 gallons of fuel to plow a 40-acre field, 40 to 80 gallons to disc that field, 60 to 80 to haul a grain drill over it and 30 to 50 gallons to harrow it, a 25 per cent reduction in fuel becomes important. Krueger offers the following sug gestions for improving tractor effi ciency: 1. It is a common error to believe that the leaner the mixture the less the fuel used. Too lean a mixture wastes fuel, causes over-heating, in vites valve trouble. Best fuel econ omy results from setting carburetor at a compromise between too lean a mixture for idling and a slightly rich mixture representing maximum power adjustment. This setting can only be determined by trial under load. 2. Magneto timing is often respon sible for over-heating and uneconom ical operation. Since the method of setting varies with the tractor, fol low the instruction book closely. 3. Set spark plug and magneto point gaps to recommended clear ance occasionally. Put in new plugs when electrodes become worn. 4. Check valve tappets two or three times a season. Improper clearance ruins more valves than all other causes put together. 5. Never shut off a tractor imme diately after running at full load. Valve warping is often caused by not letting the engine idle a short time before stopping so that the valves may cool gradually. 6. Operate the tractor at full load as much of the time as possible. It costs nearly as much to operate a tractor at half load as it does at full load. Maximum draw-bar ef ficiency occurs when the load is heavy enough to cause wheel slip page in field operations approxi mately 10 per cent. BLACK SHEEP—There’s one in every 2,000 head, say ranchers. This is the dark kid in a huge flock of Canadian sheep in the province of Alberta. Corrugated Siding Is Made Of Felt Composition A wartime substitute for corrugat ed sheet steel is a newly developed composite material that may be used in practically all construction where steel was formerly employed. This siding, which is corrugated like steel sheets, is made of two sheets of heavy felt, each saturated with a resino - bituminous compound, and laminated together with a high melt ing point adhesive. Its light weight is an advantage for farm buildings. Under tests conducted by the Celotex corporation, manufacturers, this product has proved satisfactory in withstanding heat, cold and mois ture. TTie corrugations do not flatten out under effects of weathering. A non-critical, emergency materi al, this corrugated siding is available in any quantity now, and can be, used for building or remodeling. Wasps Defeat Moths Oriental fruit moths, a serious scourge to Michigan peaches, are being combatted effectively by a spe cies of small wasp, called Macrocen trus. These wasps are being re ! leased in the orchards at the rate of 50,000 a year. The Michigan State college and the department of agriculture collaborated to find this i insect enemy of the moths, and tc breed it in large numbers. The fruit moths are a recent pest, having come in about 10 years ago Morning Glories to Brighten Bathroom ! T'HE Heavenly Blue morning i glories bloom indoors the year around in this bathroom. The thought of such morning cheer should prompt a man to get out : his key hole saw and cut out \ej BLUE AND WHITE CABBIE T WITH CUT-OUT BC ALL OPS BLUE HORNING GLORIES IN APPLIQUE « ; _DESIGN FOR CURTAINS A NO TOWELS WATCHMAKER WANTED WATCHMAKER — Dependable, capable, neat appearance, steady lob, pleasant working conditions—state age, refer ences In first letter. Salary $10 to $71 • week, according to ability. Draft exempt. Write "K’\ Care-of ZALES, 1507 Earn am Street, Omaha, Nebraska. ElSWMH|liPp|l07ll i Write for BOOKLET—or free HOME TEST 727 Worlil-Herald Bldg., Omnha Axa Baying Goose Quills; also strip feath ers reasonable prices. Crocheting, quilting and other hand work done cheap. Lovely paatry brushes for sale. Write for prices. Mrs. Emma Kucera, Wilber, Nebraska. COLDS’ COUGHING —in grandma’s day was often treated with medicated mutton suet to relieve colds’ coughing and muscle achee. Now mothers just rub on Penetro. Modern medication in a base containing old fash ioned mutton suet. Penetro works 2 ways (1) Vaporizes (2) Stimulates circulation where rubbed on. Stainless. Get Penetro. Signaling Pistol The Very pistol, used for signal ing at sea, throws off light with the intensity of 20,000 candiepower. Acid Indigestion Relieved In 5 minutes or double money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those In Hell-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in a jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25c at all druggists. > YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM v fHOr RASHS] weak, nervous, cranky feelings, are a bit blue at times—due to the functional "middle-age” period peculiar to women—try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly—Pinkham’s Compound helps build up resistance against such distress. It helps nature! Also a fine stomachic tonic. Fol low label directions. LYDIA L PINKHAM’S Mourning Koreans Natives in mourning in Korea wear a hat which covers their heads to their shoulders. Relieve Misery of COLDS' Put 3-purposo Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril. It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irritation, (3) helps clear cold clogged nose. Follow t&m VICKS far VA1BQMCI Invest in Liberty ft ft Buy War •••BECAUSE IT’S RICH IN VITAL ELEMENTS* Good-tasting Scott’s Emulsion helps build strong bones, sound teeth, and stamina; helps build resistance to colds. It’s rich in natural A St D Vitamins* that may be lacking in the diet. And—it’s 4 times easier to digest than plain cod liver oil! So give it daily. Buy at all druggists I -Jh Recommended by Many Doctors