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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1943)
THE FRONTIER D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner Entered at Postoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska-$2.00 One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25 Display advertising is charged foe on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertion. Subsequent insertions 5c per line Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of time paid tor, if the publisher shall be notified; other wise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscrip tion price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between publisher and subscriber. SHOCKED NAZIS Fire losses have climbed for eight consecutive months in 1943. September losses were the high est for any corresponding month since September, 1932 — 29 per cent higher than last year. This means two things: 1—Billions have been spent enlarging the productive capacity of the coun try 2—But now that the plant has been built, a careless nation is failing to guard against its de struction by fire. Hardly an issue of a newspaper anywhere in the country is free from reports of local fires. Often pictures accom- j panying the story show silent, j smouldering ruins where a few short hours before workers kept i an important factory humming smoothly, turning out the endless stream of goods that somewhere along the national assembly line joined other equipment to be moved to foreign shores to fight the war. Nearly half a billion dollars worth of property will be destroy ed by fire thus year. We have reached a point of callousness where unless the blaze reaches conflagration proportions, no one is concerned in the slightest de gree other than a few harried firemen. Common behavior of Nazi war prisoners upon entering the Unitea States is an expression" of awe at the waste they see all around them—such as our habit of using paper towels and throw ing them away! If thev are shock ed at our waste in such minor de tails, what would they think of our annual bonfire, which prob ably burns up more of our war materials than all the bombs our enemies could ever hope to drop on us? It is time we considered this waste and did sorhething about it —beginning with fire. WHY LESS MILK? Battling against tremendous odds brought about by wdrtlrtie condi tions, the dairy industry in the United States increased its pro duction from 102 hijlioq pounds of milk in 1937 to ovefr 119 billion pounds in 1942. That means that even with the increase in popula tion there were produced 45 quarts more milk for every man, woman and child in the United States in 1942 than in 1937. “Then why restrict milk con sumption now?" is the natural question of the homemaker. "There are two reasons why this is necessary,” states E. M. Har mon, of the National Dairy Coun cil. “The first is thpt more dairy products are necessary to .keep American and Allied fighters in the best physical condition. Con sequently, greater); quantities of milk must be manufactured in concentrated forms,, such as cheese, butter, and ,dry milk to provide the needs of: the fighting forces. ,ilw i, “The other reasqp includes the increasing difficulties under which milk is being produced at the present. Feed, laborr $nd equip ment shortages hajre become so acute that production has at last started to decline in, spite of the greatest efforts on thq part of the producer. This decline is being accentuated by the fact that pri ces of other farm products are such as to offer farmers a more K'table outlet for such feed and • as is available. In the month of September there were produc ed 273 million pounds less milk than in September, 1942. That represents a decline of approxi mately one quart for every per son in the United States. As long as present conditions continue to exist, milk production will de cline, and the most careful con servation of this, the most vital of all protective foods, will be necessary.” FREE ENTERPRISE SCORES AGAIN Improvements in petroleum re fining come so fast that as soon as the ‘best’ process is developed, the industry is already at work on something better. The latest of these improve ments is the TCC process (thermo for catalytic cracking). This pro cess is now available, to the entire petroleum industry.! Without its development and other catalytic processes, the United States could not now be winning the war. Aviation engineers have known that lighter and more powerful engines could be bililt if a gaso line could be made that would burn smoothly, without knocking under high pressure. Iso-octane ■was discovered in the laboratory fifteen years ago and was believ ed to have such good properties that it could serve;as the perfect fuel. It was given thd number of 100 octane, and gasolines were as signed octane numbers relative to this standard. Uii ;4 One-hundred ocfane gasoline was not available in quantity, however, before the war, since juost crudes do not naturally con I THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE ^ A NEW PLASTIC APRON FOR WAR WORKERS SHEWS WATER, OIL, GASOLINE, MILP ACIPS ANP ALKALIS AS WELL AS (OPINE ANP SIMILAR COWPOUNPS \ rf TAKES 9.000 T/bJ CAMS FOR. ONE UlSHTARMy -TANK, 16 FOR ONE MACHINE SUN, A HO A- FOR. 'J6E IN A BCV/3 fig ONE YEAR OF WAR A SINGLE AIRCRAFT CARRIER COST THE , ENEMY /OT//MCS WHAT SHE V^^ CDsr uhclb sam Firewood. cured for a yeaR. wul rrochjce as much as 35 s more Hear in»a green wood. Poi/h >> CfiKt IS SO WAWEC? i BECAUSE -a. oeieiNWU'/ TVF CHIEF t lN6REOlEigT!» » njfize aieajubep I e/WFoyMB tain this type of fuel. For some years the petroleum industry has searched for processes that could convert crudes available into the product desired. Catalytic refin ing came just in time to meet the demands of war. Two years ago the Army and Navy joint require ments for 100 octane gasoline were 24,000 barrels a day; by the spring of 1942 they were 250,000 barrels. The present amount need ed is a military secret, but it is much larger, and American oil companies are supplying it. After laborious research and the expenditure of millions of dollars, the oil industry was able to take a product which was only a laboratory specialty costing $25 a gallon, and turn it into a pro duct which could be made at the rate of millions of gallons a day, selling at about 13c a gallon. Thus did American initiative and free enterprise score another victory— one that is actually preserving the life of this nation. Retailing Grows Up As postwar planning approaches the day of practical application, the role of retail distribution grows steadily more abundant. The Committee for Economic De velopment, representing the best thought that industry can pit against postwar problems, is now considering the formation of a re tail section on the theory that no community planning can be com plete unless retail distribution, servicing, and similar groups are aware of the manufactured plan ning. In a sense, the proposal to bring into closer cooperation producers of manufactured goods and retail ers is little different than the co operation which producers of food and retail distributors have enjoy ed for many years, to the benefit of consumers. Anyone familiar with the food industry will recall the producer-consumer campaigns instituted by stores to help farm ers dispose of surplus crops. Those campaigns were highly success ful. The list of commodities that received marketing aid included practically every item on the fam *ly dinner table. In fact, many consumers were literally taught to eat nourishing food by the pro-. motional efforts of retailers dur ing these campaigns to translate abundance on our farms into im proved eating habits. The evolution of mass distribu tion continues in wartime. What is more logical than that the in dustry should apply the merchan dising lessons of the past and thus contribute substantially to a pro gressively rising standard of liv ing in the future? Part of its job will be to pass on to consumers the goods and services of the most efficient industrial nation in the world. Retailers have demonstrat ed an ability to match mass pro duction with mass distribution. How far this combination will go toward reestablishing sound pros perity depends in no small meas ure upon the tax and regulatory policies of government, national | and local. BRIEFLY STATED J. D. Cronin went to Ainsworth Tuesday, where a law suit in which he is interested with Wm. C. Smith, Jr., of Long Pine, comes on for trial Wednesday. The action is one for damages sustain ed by a soldier in a Bus truck collision near Ainsworth last April. The trial is expected to consume the balance of the week. Pvt. Robert Miles left Sunday for Camp Abbott, Oregon, after visiting his wife, daughter and parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E.’ Miles and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Helen Starlin left Sun day for Bedford, Iowa, to visit relatives and friends. She will also visit in St. Joseph, Mo., be fore returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robertson and family and Mrs. Sam Robert son and Raymond went to Omaha on Friday, returning home that same evening. Mrs. Harold Lindberg returned Wednesday from Omaha, where she visited relatives and friends for a few days. Mrs. Laura Myer and daughter, Mildred King, left Saturday for Indianapolis, Indiana, to visit rel atives and friends. Mrs. R. E. Gallagher, of Grand Island, arrived Sunday to visit her sister and brother-m-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Melvin. Five car loads of I. O. O. F. liiiiiiiiiiip Let’s Keep the Record Straight I Trail.. wSmSSmSSi 4H)BPEBS4)W4l CHECK .... ••v—*r***** ■•■/// .. iv\»).—mh yu~.4J.jf, JUST because the world is in confusion Is no reason for your personal affairs to be the same way. System and order—particularly in financial affairs—are conducive to efficiency, eliminate worry, save time and effort. One thing that will help to achieve this orderliness is a checking account. It will enable you to pay bills safely and quickly, and to keep your financial records straight. You are invited to ooon your checking account at this bank. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Views of i ' Congress j By I Dr. A. L. Miller. { j M. C. Examinations for West Point: Notification has just been re ceived from the Civil Service Commission that it will hold des ignation examination on January 22, 1944, to assist members of Congress in making their selec tions foi- appointment to the mili tary and naval academies. Your Congressman has one appoint ment to make for entrance to the military academy at West Point in July, 1944. He will make that appointment on the basis of grades attained in this examina tion. Those receiving the four highest grades will be appointed principal and alternates in the or der of their grades. Each candi date will be permitted1 to take the examination in a city near his home or, if he is already in the armed forces, at the station where he is located. Only sons of bona fide residents of the Fourth Dis trict. Nebraska, are eligible for appointment of your Congress man. Those who desire to take this examination must advise me on or before January 1, 1944. Causes of Manpower Shortage: The Voice of Labor, published by the Central Labor Union of the North Platte Valley, quotes its former president, A1 Keller, now employed at the Lockheed Air craft Plant, Van Nuys, Calif., as saying: “McNutt’s estimate of 25 per cent increase in production thorugh improved utilization of available manpower is conserva tive. He should have said 33 1-3 per cent and his estimate would still be*low. At least one-third of the men and women are standing around most of the time doing nothing. Thousands of men and women came here to do their part in the war effort. To see their time and ability wasted, is more than they can take. In the four months I have been here I have seen the turnover of my depart ment mount to way over 100 per cent.” From all indications this con dition is not limited to California. If we add to this surplus of indus trial workers' about the same per centage of government workers, who Senator Byrd’s committee says could be dispensed with, we would not be having so much trouble getting workers needed on the farms. More Regimentation: Plans may soon be announced for price ceilings and the ration ing of used cars. This will be an other blow at the small garages, filling stations and used car deal ers who have been struggling against odds to keep their financ ial head above the torrent of bur eaucratic orders and directives. Oil This Winter, Yes or No? Under present conditions it is estimated that only wells in the hands of the big oil companies will be in operation in another six months. The small producer will not be able to make even a small profit, so will have to quit. Along with other members of Congress I have signed a petition to bring out a bill to force the Economic Director to recognize the plight of the small oil well op erators and the threat of no gaso line or fuel oil for civilian con sumption this winter. This bill would order him to advance the price of crude oil by forty cents a barrel, which would mean only a half cent pe?,.gallon increase in gasoline to the consumer. I feel that the consumer would much rather pay that increase and have gasoline and fuel oil than not to have it, no matter how cheap the quoted price. Recent visitors from the Dis trict were the following: Mrs. B. T. Resler of Chadon, Miss Jan nette Dutton of Oshkosh, Mrs. Jo Anna Hall Appleton of Bridge port, Earl H. Monahan of Hyan nis, Mrs. D. T. Heynen, Miss Dor othy Heynen and Mrs. Amy K. Cardoni of Kimball, and Tom C. Allington of Sunol. members drove to Chambers on Tuesday where eight new mem bers were initiated into the first degree of the lodge. Cpl. Charles Worth left Wed nesday night for Moore Field, Texas, after spending a fifteen day furlough here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Worth and family and other relatives and friends. Pfc. Pete Donohoe ar-ived Monday from Fort Ord, Calif., to visit his mother and other rela tives and friends. Lt. Neil Brennan left last Sat urday for Fort Knox, Ky., after visiting his mother, Mrs. F. M. Brennan and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Brennan accom panied her son as far as Chicago, where she wiJJ^visit Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Doyle and other relatives and friends. Pfc. Leonard Hamilton, U. S. M, C„ has been given a medical discharge and arrived home last Sunday from Balboa Hospital, San Diego, Calif. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson returned home last Friday from North Platte, where they visited relatives and friends. Joseph Weibel, one of the old time settlers of the country south of Ewing, was an O’Neill visitor Monday and made this office a pleasant call, extending his sub scription to January 1, 1945. Joe set a fine example and we hope that more of our readers will emulate his example and visit the cashier’s desk. Miss Margaret Howard, Mrs. Ena Fox and Miss Dorothy Lar son left Thursday for Norfolk to attend the Northeastern Nebras ka Assistance meeting. ABOVE—The latest thing in transport trucks, one with special jacknife power hoist that loads the latest thing in transport planes, a huge C-46 Curtis Commando. The truck platform can be raised or lowered to facilitate loading at dif ferent heights. CENTER—The main cargo compartment of the Commando is shown here carrying a reconnais sance car, an anti-tank gun and a dozen or more troops. Total cargo capacity is greater than that of a standard 36-foot freight car. BELOW—American Airlines tank truck refuels a Commando preparatory to a cross-country flight. Trucks like this are found at most of the nation’s airports. W. J. Froelich left Sunday for Chicago, after spending several days here visiting his wife and family. Mrs. Froelich and Mrs. Edward Campbell accompanied him to Chicago, where they will visit for ten days. Miss Bonnie Reimers spent Sunday in Inman visiting her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. J. H. Reim ers. Miss Margaret Jordan went to Butte on Sunday to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Jordan, Pvt. Maurice Cavanaugh, Jr., of Cafnp Stone, Cal., arrived home Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cavanaugh and other relatives and friends. Ray Bosn left Wednesday for Lincoln to attend the graduation exercises at St. Elizabeth’s School of nursing. His sister, Dorothy, is a member of the graduating class. Mrs. F. N. Cronin entertained the Martez Club at a 7:00 o’clock dinner at the M. and M. Tuesday evening, followed by cards at her home. Mrs. C. F. McKenna, Mrs. C. E. Stout and Mrs. F. N. Cron in won high scores. Pfc. John Gallagher, of Camp White, Oregon, arrived home Monday to visit his parents and other relatives and friends. Miss Della Hagensick returned Monday from Denver, Col., where she had been attending business college. Miss Shelia Barrett entertained members of the 4-H Club at her home Monday evening. The even ing was spent informally. Mrs. Mattie Soukup went to Omaha on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthews and daughter, Madge, for several weeks. Mrs. John Fox returned Mon day from Boston, Mass., where she had been with her husband, Pvt. John Fox, who was stationed there. He left recently for duty overseas. Mrs. J. H. Hursh of Superior is spending the winter here with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Herre. Mr. and Mrs. Gus DeBacker went to Omaha last Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. De Backer’s aunt, Mrs. P. H. Mathews who died at her home in Omaha on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Mathews was 83 years of age at the time of her death. She was the mother of Mrs. James A. Brown, for many years a resident of this city, but norw of Omaha, and Mrs. Mathews visited in this city many tmes while her daugh ter resided here and she has also visited Mr. and Mrs. DeBacker, since they have been residents of this city. The family were residents of Albion for many years, moving to Omaha about thirt^year^gtv^^^^^^^^^ Money to Loan ON AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Co. C. E. Jones. Manager O'NEILL : NEBRASKA For Best Results and satisfactory returns, bring your livestock to the O’Neill Livestock Com. Co. Phone 2 O’Neill, Nebraska WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET We Sell Every Monday AUCTION SALE Having bought out the O’Neill Livestock Sales Barn, I will sell all my ranch equipment to the highest bidder at the ranch, 3 miles west of Danceland and 12 miles north of O’Neill, on Tuesday, Nov. 23 Starting At 1:00 P. M. Lunch On Grounds 20 Head of Horses One team of black mares, 6 years old, wt. 3000; 1 team of black mares, smooth mouth, wt. 3000; 1 roan mare, 4 years old, wt. 1400; 1 black mare, 4 years old, wt. 1400; 1 black mare, 3 years old, wt. 1400; 1 gelding, 3 years old, wt. 1400; I 3-year old gelding, wt. 1400; 1 2-year old gelding; 1 3-year old bay pony mare; 1 3-year old running mare; 1 team of '"‘‘res, £ornm6 2 years old; 4 yearling mares; 1 fine spotted saddle horse, 4 years old; 1 coming 4-year-0ld Percheron stallion, good. All mares bred to this stallion. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. Two sets of harness; 8 collars; a good stock saddle; bridles. 8 Dozen Leghorn Hens — bring chicken crates. 50 Tons of Hay, and Winter Range. 75 Bushels Wheat. Ton of Crushed Rock Salt FARM MACHINERY, ETC. Two good wide-tire wagons, like new; 1 mower; 1 rake, like new; 1 disc; 1 harrow; 1 hay rack, 10x18 feet, good; woven wire, barbed wire, and several hundred posts; 1 riding plow; 2 anvils; 1 bench drill; lot of good lumber; lot of broken up lumber; some wood; garden cultivator, and all kinds of other tools; 1 complete set of blacksmith tools; 1 narrow-tire wagon, like new; several feed bunks. One good Shepherd dog, TERMS OF SALE CASH, or see your banker before the sale. No property to be removed until settled for. ED HALL, Owner Auctioneers: Coleman, Moore & Moses O’Neill National Bank, Clerk