Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1942)
Uncle Sam’s ‘Stingers’ Guard Panama Canal These are the first pictures to show the maneuvers of the patrol-torpedo (PT) fleet that is guarding the Panama canal with the co-operation of the army and air forces. In picture at left Charles Kiefer keeps a tight rein on a .50 caliber anti-aircraft gun aboard the command boat of the mosquito fleet. Upper right: A gunner vigilantly scans sea and sky for the approach of enemy forces. Below: The fast traveling 77-footers of the navy skim through the sea looking for trouble. Horse Finds Place in U. S. War Effort The horse is not yet “through,” as far as war is concerned, his value having been demonstrated this winter on the Russian front. These pictures show two phases of cavalry action in a day’s training of the cav alry soldiers stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas. Above, the horse artillery is awaiting the command to move forward to their gun positions. Below, men are demonstrating the speed at which they ride their horses. All Ready to Dynamite Bridge and Japs This photograph was taken somewhere in the embattled Philippine Islands. It shows Filipino soldiers who are determined to see that the bridge is completely destroyed, if necessary. The soldier in the fore ground is distributing sticks of dynamite to be placed all over the bridge to play havoc with Jap troops, if and when they come. Danny’s Great-Great-Grandparents Only about one baby in a million could pose for a picture like this one of wee Danny Michael Flanigan, of Memphis, Tenn. Shown are his moth er, June Flanigan, 16; his mother’s mother, Mrs. Alice Pickle, 35; his mother’s mother’s mother, Mrs. B. Kidd, 52; and his mother’s mother’s mother’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Hawkins, 70. ‘Landing Field’ At one of the tire company plants a huge hydraulic device has been installed which simulates the actual speed and pressure of a landing airplane. Here a pair of airplane “boots” is being tested. Learns Lathe Working on a small crankshaft grinder adapted to a lathe is Colonel Stilwell of Camp Shelby, Miss. The colonel expects to put the knowledge gained at this school to a test In the near future. Learning the Three R’s in China Guerrilla fighters, farmers and their wives and children assemble for a weekly open air class in reading and writing in a northwestern city in China. With the aid of United China Relief funds, £hlna js mak ing great strides in eliminating illiteracy among its millions as part of its wartime reeonstruelion program. Since the war began some 90,000,000 Chinese have been taught to read and write, and today they are intelli gent citizens of a democracy that is an important ally of the United States. Officers of the warships of a task force of the U. S. Pacific fleet are shown as they relaxed in the ward room after a hot engagement with Jap forces. Note officer (extreme left) with bandaged neck, and per spiration-soaked shirt of another officer at right. A Welcome Word from Home for A.E.F. Mail time in any camp is a big time to the soldiers in Uncle Sam’s army because it brings word from the loved ones back home, and lifts one out of army life for a brief few minutes. These U. S. soldiers, who are settling down to camp life in their new environment, are pictured receiving their mail somewhere in Northern Ireland. Australia Looks Aloft These Days With the Japanese ensconced in bases on New Guinea, only a scant 400 miles from the Australian mainland, the continent “down under" is making feverish preparations for the struggle that Is to come. Particular attention is now being given to anti-aircraft defenses, and hundreds of posts like this one outside Melbourne are springing up everywhere. Works for Ford Charles A. Lindbergh has donned a workingman’s badge and has gone to work for the Ford Motor company at its Willow Run bomber plant, at Detroit, Mich. Lindbergh and Ford have been fast friends since 1927, when Lindbergh took Ford aloft for his first airplane flight. Photo shows Lindbergh and Henry Ford as they met on Lindy's arrival at the Wil low Run bomber plant. Rubber Co-ordinator Arthur B. Newhall, dollar-a-ycar man, former vice president of Good rich, who has been appointed rub ber co-ordinator by Donald Nelson, with broad powers to direct Its use. ‘Call the Marines’ Photo shows Franklin D. Roose velt as assistant secretary of the navy during World War I, practic ing with a .30 caliber Springfield rifle on the marine corps rifle range at Winthrop, Md„ In 1917. “We can use marines,” the'President said the other day, In answer to a claim that there were not enough troops in Washington to make a good parade. Greetings Nelson Rockefeller (left), co-ordi nator of inter-American affairs, greets Gen. Arturo Mujica of Chile at inter-American defense meet of Pan-American Union in Washington. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT BEAUTY SCHOOL Enroll Now. Nebraska's Oldest School. Individual instruction, graduates placed in good paying poslt'nrs. Write Kathryn Wil son. manager, for FREE BOOKLET. Call* tornla Beauty School. Omaha, Nebr. Live Stock Commission BYERS BROS & CO. A Real Live Stock Com. Firm At the Omaha Market Political Tolerance Let us restore to social inter course that harmony and affection without which liberty and even life itself are but dreary things. And let us reflect that, having banished from our land that religious intoL erance under which mankind ha* so long bled and suffered, we have yet gained little if we countenance a political intolerance as despotic, as wicked, and capable of as bitter and blocdy persecutions.—Thom as Jefferson. ARE YORR Rowell StuLlosut? Then try kindness I firs! of all you eaa’I •■peel them te eel unless roe flee them i ehance. Most people make sure to ret I meels a dap. Eat they never think of (Mac their bowels a rerular Erne (dally) (at evacuation. If you’ve n selected TO HE bowels until they finally became stubborn and unwtiHae to act, ask your drusfist for ADLEKIKA It is an effective blend of fi carminatives and S laxatives pi vine DOUBLE action. Gas Is expelled and bowel action follows snrprisinfly fast. After that, make up pew mind to (ive your bowels 8 or 10 minutes* time at recular hour, dally. Tour druciM has ADLEKIKA. ee BIG CANNON DISH TOWEL when you buy a box of SILVER DUST it's THE WHITS SOAP... THE RIGHT SOAP...FOR A SNOW WHITS WASH, SPARKLING DISHES. BIG 17 X 30 DISH TOWEL WORTH 10* OR MORE ^ PACKED INSIDE f Do You Like Jingle Contests^ Raleigh Cigarettes are now run ning another series of weekly con tests for those who can supply the best last line to a jingle. Over 10t liberal prizes each week. Watch this paper for details.—Adv.. r “i TRY THIS IF YOU’RE on "certain days" of month If functional monthly disturbances make you nervous, restless, high strung, cranky, blue, at such times -try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound - famous for over 60 years — to help relieve such pain and nervous feelings of women’s "difficult days.” Taken regularly — Plnkham's Compound helps build up resist ance against such annoying symp toms. Follow label directions. Well \ worth trying! . WNU—U 15—42 Don’t Neglect Them I Nature designed the kidneya to do • marvelous job. Tbelr task is to keep the flowing blood stream free of an excess ol toxic impurities. The act of living—lift ittelf—is constantly producing waste matter the kidneys must remove from the blood If good heath is to endura. When the kidneys fail to function at Nature intended, there is retention at waste that may cause body-wide dis tress. One may suffer nagging backache persistent headache, attacks of dizxineaa, getting up nights, swelling, pufflneat under the eyes—feel tired, nervous, si worn out. Frequent, scanty or burning passages are sometimes further evidence of kid ney or bladder disturbance. The recognised and proper treatment la a diuretic medicine to help the kidneya get rid of excess poisonous body waste. Use Doan's Pill*. They have had more than forty years of public approval. Art endorsed the country over. Insist m Doan'*. Sold at all drug stores.