The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 21, 1941, Image 6

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(Consolidated Feature*—WNU Service.)
AJEW YORK.—United States army
^ men feared, when MaJ. Gen.
Allen W. Gullion was passed by in
favor of Lieut. Col. Lewis B. Hersey
,, ~ ... c. as adminis
Cen. Gullion Stay* trator Df the
In Army; Fellow selective
Soldier* Are Glad *erviceT, ac‘
that Presi
dent Roosevelt in all likelihood had
him in mind for some important I
civilian duty.
Not that such a compliment
would not have been appreciat
ed by General Gullion's fellow
soldiers. It was merely that his
legal services as judge advo
cate-general, to which office he
was appointed In 1937, were so
valuable as to cause wonder as
to just what officer could in pre
cise degree fill the place of a
man who, In addition to the Dis
tinguished Service medal—for
administrative brilliancy as
chief of the mobilization division
in the provost marshal’s office
In the first World war—holds
a bachelor of law degree as a
graduate of the University of
Kentucky law school.
But the army keeps him, after all,
by virtue of his appointment as head
of the re-created office of provost
marshal-general with duties includ
ing the training and command of
military police, supervision of in
ternment camps for aliens and re
lated activities. It will perhaps be
recalled that this office was held in
1917-18 by Maj. Gen. Enoch Crow
General Gullion, now 61 years
old, having been born in Carrol
ton, Ky., in 1880, was graduated
from Centre college in 1901 and
from West Point in 1905. While
on duty as professor of military
science and tactics at the Uni
versity of Kentucky in 1914 he
took the law course, being grad
uated with an LL.B.
During 1929 he was the war de
partment representative at an inter
national conference of 47 nations at
Geneva to formulate a code for the
handling of prisoners of war and to
revise the Geneva convention of
1906. A graduate of the school of
command and general staff at Fort
Leavenworth, his experience as a
student of arms was broadened by
a course of study at the naval war
college, Newport, R. I., from which
he was graduated in 1932, having
the previous year completed his
courses in the army war college.
BUSY at the moment fixing up
headquarters in Philadelphia,
John B. Kelly, new federal director
of health training for the men
„ ,ml » and women
Health Chief Out of ^ na.
To Make Us Step tion, retires
Into Sound Bodiee as ^airman
of the Dem
ocratic city committee, a post he
has held for eight years, in order
that politics, or any suspicion of the
same, shall be divorced from his
duties. Kelly places physique above
politics at all times and he rejoices
as heartily at sight of a physically
puissant Republican as a herculean
Democrat and always has.
Since the Civil war the tortu
ous waters of the Schuylkill riv
er have been dotted on pleasant
afternoons of the spring and
summer with the fragile shells
of single sculls oarsmen. The
stream is the national home of
sculling and many a champion
has been sent forth from those
placid waters. Kelly—Handsome
Jack, aa be was, and Is, fondly
known—was one of these scull
ers. He took to the water as
soon as he could handle a pair
of oars and his fame was estab
lished In 1920 when he won the
Olympic championship In sculls,
a feat he repeated In 1924.
Always an enthusiast for a sound
>ody—he is willing to let the sane
nind develop as an inevitable corol
ary—Kelly has been preaching the
'irtues of trained physique with all
he ardor of an evangelist in the
ears since his retirement from
1 ompetitive rowing. A successful
| Tick contractor, his political life
as been characterized by wide ex
1 erience and rugged battling in the
1 lepublican party of which he was
* nee a member, as wc’l as in his
• resent affiliation, the Democratic
| arty.
^ president of the General Fed
1 ration of Women’s Clubs, protests
gainst the exclusion of women in
•tie national home defense program,
r«lleging discrimination against her
^(!X. She also inveighs against the
vil aeronautics board for its ac
n on in closing civilian pilot training
** ograms to women. She will ask
e General Federation to take
8 eps in both matters. The wife
“ a Baltimore business man, she
n s been active In women’s club af
irs for 23 years.
.——Ltf £y*ut GUamlt&il ■==
(See Recipes Below)
Bring the tartness and sweetness
of fruit into play with fresh, crumbly
cake, top with a dash of whipped
cream and you have summer’s an
swer to a delectable dessert.
Garden-fresh berries peeking out
from under their green foliage
or Iruit hanging
heavy and ripe on
richly laden
branches deserve
your best atten
tion for they’ll do
mighty nice
things by your
meals. Since most
of the fruits need no cooking you are
doubly sure of getting the full quota
of minerals and vitamins which they
have to give.
Cherries bright and red make a
tart and colorful dessert which you’ll
enjoy serving. If using the fresh
ones pit and sugar them before us
When I asked my mother how she
made her extra delicious shortcakes,
she replied, “There's nothing to it,
my dear; just biscuit dough—but
make the dough short and the fruit
sweet!” This tip is a good one. I
hope you’ll follow it when trying:
Old-Fashioned Shortcake.
2 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
*4 teaspoon salt
*4 cup shortening (8 tablespoons)
% cup milk
Sift flour, measure, add baking
powder and salt, sift again. Work
in shortening until mass resembles
coarse meal. (If you want to, add a
tablespoon of sugar and an egg and
count the egg as part of your liq
uid.) Now, add enough milk to make
a soft dough, one which you can
barely handle. Turn onto lightly
floured board, knead a few seconds,
divide in half. Pat one half about
one-fourth inch thick into deep but
tered 9-inch cake pan. Butter top
and pat second portion of dough in
layer over first. Brush on softened
butter and bake about 20 minutes in
hot oven (450 degrees F.) When
baked, pull layers apart, spread sug
ared fruit on bottom layer, stack
second one, crust-side down, on this,
cover with more fruit, then with
whipped cream and a garnish of
Variations from the original type
of shortcake which we all know so
well are much in
order. Some peo
ple prefer a
sponge cake base
rather than a bis
cuit dough and
for a real individ
ual treatment of
this type, you
might like to try one with a custard
filling for cool deliciousness. Since
it is a trifle more elaborate than
shortcake, this Cherry Sponge Cus
tard Shortcake is ideal as a dessert
for company. You’ll need this sponge
cake as a base:
Hot Water Sponge Cake.
4 egg yolks
1 V4t cups sugar
% cup boiling water
1V4 cups cake flour
y« teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon lemon or vanilla
4 stiffly beaten egg whites
Beat egg yolks until very thick;
gradually add sugar and continue
beating. Add water, mix well, add
flour sifted with baking powder. Mix
until smooth, add flavoring. Fold in
egg whites. Bake in ungreased pan,
Though dessert problems are
easily solved by berries, be sure
that they get the greatest care
before reaching the table. Ber
ries should appear clean and
fresh, be full and plump and have
a bright solid color. When they
are over-ripe they look dull and
often stain the container.
Don’t wash berries until ready
to use them since damp ber
ries mold very quickly. The best
method for washing is doing a
few at a time in a bowl, lifting
them out into another bowl while
the hands are used as a sieve.
When the berries are clean let
them drain in a strainer or col
Cold Meat Platter
Devilled Eggs
Sliced Cucumbers Tomatoes
Celery Curls
•Asparagus with Browned Butter
And Crumb Sauce
Beverage Bread and Butter
Cherry Sponge Custard
•Recipe Given
either Mary Ann or cup cake tins
in slow oven 45 minutes. Cool be
fore filling.
Cream Custard Filling.
% cup sugar
% cup flour
V* teaspoon salt
2 eggs
2 cups milk, scalded
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine dry ingredients with
slightly beaten egg yolks; stir in
enough hot milk to make a thin
paste. Then add paste to remain
ing milk and cook over boiling wa
ter 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
Cook 10 minutes longer. Cool and
add vanilla.
If you top with fresh cherries be
sure they’re sweet enough. Then gar
nish with whipped cream. Frozen
berries need only Be thawed and
more sugar added if required.
If you want to make a sponge
cake base and use just berries, then
plan a lovely sur
prise so no one
will even suspect
they’re getting a
berry dessert.
Make a sponge
cake using a reg
ular 9 or 10 inch
cake pan. When
the cake is still warm cut a round
circle in the middle of the cake
about an inch from the edge. Lift
this out carefully keeping it whole.
Into the hollow put in sugared ber
ries or peaches or bananas mixed
with sweetened whipped cream. Re
place the cake top, wrap carefully
in a slightly damp towel and chill
for 3 to 4 hours. Garnish before
serving with whipped cream or
sprinkle with powdered sugar.
They’ll come back often for this one.
For luscious, shortcake puddings,
there’s nothing like a juicy cobbler.
Here’s a recipe made for large
quantity, excellent if you’re plan
ning a church supper:
(Cherry, Blueberry or Peach)
5 quarts fruit
2 quarts juice
Biscuit dough
5 cups sugar with cherries or berries
2V4 cups sugar with peaches
Pour fruit and juice into square
cake pans. Add sugar and mix
lightly. Cover with biscuit dough
(approximately Vi-inch thick) made
in proportions of 1 Vi quarts flour,
2Vi cups milk, 1 tablespoon salt,
4 tablespoons baking powder and Vi
cup shortening. Bake in a hot oven,
400 degrees F., from 30 to 40 min
utes. Serve hot with cream.
A light, easy-to-make dessert is
the best one with which to bring
a hearty supper to a close. With
raspberries at their brightest and
juiciest, this combination with a gra
ham cracker crust and frothy me
ringue will really be hard to resist
Red Raspberry Fluffs.
(Serves 6-8)
Mix and press in a square pan:
lVi cups rolled graham crackers. y«
cup melted butter, 2 tablespoons
sugar, and a dash of cinnamon. Cov
er that with a meringue made of 4
egg whites stiffly beaten and Mi cup
of sugar folded in the whites care
Bake this in a slow (300 degrees)
oven for 20 minutes. Cool. Spread
with 2 cups of yweetened red rasp
berries and whipped cream.
♦Asparagus With Browned Butter
And Crumb Sauce.
Asparagus, tender and green,
should be cooked gently so as not
to lose its color. It cooks quicker
when stalks are tied in bunches.
Stand them up in boiling water in
a deep narrow pan. The steam will
cook the tips while the water bub
bles around the stalks.
Instead of serving plain butter,
try browning it for a change, season
ing it and then adding a teaspoonful
of fine bread crumbs. Have this
piping hot and pour it over the as
paragus just before serving.
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
WASHINGTON.—It is just a ques
tion of time, informed sources here
believe, before installment-buying
will be made an unpatriotic act.
In fact, some of the officials in favor
of the move would go further and
actually outlaw it. It would be a
little tough on the finance com
panies, but there is not too much
sympathy for them anyhow.
The object is twofold. Primarily
it is the desire to curtail spending
on non-essentials, and conserve
steel and other military necessities
for national defense. This would
apply particularly to automobiles,
mechanical refrigerators, etc.
Secondly, it is a move toward the
situation which is expected AFTER
the war boom. One of the troubles
caused in 1929, all economists real
ize, was that millions of people were
caught suddenly with partial pay
ment contracts which ran on and on.
The trouble about this is the more
vivid now because there has been
so much rehashing of the elements
which led up to that depression.
One of the things most talked about
was the criticism by some econo
mists, along about 1927, of install
ment-buying. They thought the
country was going crazy, and that
something ought to be done to put
on the brakes.
Coolidge’a Attitude
Brought Criticism
At that time an effort was made
by those who were worried to get
President Coolidge to coin some
homely Yankee phrase about the
dangers of installment-buying. But
Coolidge refused. On the contrary
he made some remarks to the effect
that instal’ aent-buying was a pret
ty sound business.
No one thing Coolidge ever said—
except possibly ‘‘they hired the
money, didn’t they?’’ with refer
ence to the war debts—brought
down so much criticism on his head.
But at the same time most people
probably agreed with Coolidge. In
stallment-buying was an obvious
spur to business. It created markets
which would have been impossible
without it, especially in the case of
such expensive items as automo
biles, refrigerators, etc.
Now the incentive of the govern
ment is far more in regard to the
conservation of materials for nation
al defense man economic effects
later. Indeed it is more interested
in forcing a considerable part of cur
rent earnings into government
bonds and savings stamps than in
the economic after affects.
Prohibition of installment-buying,
it is contended, will go a long way
toward heading off inflation. It will
tend to induce people to put their
money into government securities of
various sorts rather than spend it.
If enough people buy bonds instead
of things they do not need, it will
tend to hold down prices, which the
government is desperately anxious
to do.
• • •
War Predictions
A Silly Pastime
Nothing is much sillier than pre
dictions about military movements.
To foretell the course of wars takes
the seventh son of a seventh son,
with no taint of logic permitted to
color his dreams. And even then
the prophet is usually wrong.
Somehow the crazier the source
seems, t’ e poorer the logic,, the
better chance the prediction has of
coming somewhere near the truth.
Just after the Russians demonstrat
ed that they could put up a stiffer
fight than anyone expected the writ
er recalled predictions made by a
pipe maker in Chicago last Septem
ber, which included President
Roosevelt’s re-election and that Ger
many would invade Russia in 1941,
would take all of European Rus
sia, and would lose 1,000,000 men in
doing it.
To date that looks like the best
prediction the writer has heard
from anyone, including so-called
military experts who write learned
articles, appear before congression
al committees, etc.
Picking up a copy of a magazine
printed in the summer of 1938, the
writer read one of the most convinc
ing summaries of the reasons why
Gernj^ny would not go to war! The
writer, an expert of parts as the
magazine’s explanation ahead of his
article demonstrated, declared that
Germany could not get the neces
sary war supplies.
Of course, he never figured on
France being overrun! He never
(Jgured on Norway becoming con
quered territory, with Sweden ter
rified. He never even figured on a
complacent Stalin, up to the mo
ment of German attack. On the
contrary he figured on a hostile if
not belligerent Russia, and on Nor
way and Sweden being drawn into
the war AGAINST Germany. He
did not explain his reasons for this,
fortunately, but one wonders what
they could have been, remember
ing that in the last war Norway and
Sweden were certainly not unfriend
ly to Germany.
JUj » ■» » i » V MM
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
IN ITS latest film, entitled
“Peace—by Adolf Hitler,”
the March of Time presents
a thought-filling review of re
cent history. Documented
with exclusive pictures taken
from inside Nazi-dominated
Europe, it traces the con
quests marking Hitler’s rise to
power, and shows how, after taking
over each'of the 14 conquered coun
tries, he declared Germany's terri
torial ambitions fulfilled.
Ottenheimer’s no name for a girl
who wants to be an actress and a
model—so Miss Ot
tenheimer became
Dana Dale when
she acted and mod
eled in New York.
But Dana Dale
was no name for a
movie actress, es
specially at Para
mount, where Vir
ginia was the reign
ing Dale. So—Dana
Dale became Mar
garet Hayes, did a
Western, then “New
York Town’’—and
jumped mto the second feminine
lead in “Sullivan’s Travels,” the
new Preston Sturges picture which
stars Joel McCrea and Veronica
Lake. She changed her personality
along with her name.
George J. Schaefer, president of
RKO Radio, has announced the result
of a poll of theater audiences made
by the Audience Research Institute
and sponsored by his company. For
a year audiences throughout the
country were questioned, and it was
found that stars who make three
pictures a year gain 9 per cent in
marquee value; those who make
one a year average a 17 per cent
loss, two-picture stars lose 11 per
cent. It should be a warning to
those who limit their screen appear
ances to avoid paying the higher
surtaxes of the upper income
Pretty Mary Paxton has joined
NBC’s Tuesday night “Hap Hazard”
program, which
stars her brand
new husband —
which brings up the
fact that, unlike the
stage and screen,
radio thrives on
husband and wife
combinations. The
Benny’s, Burns and
Allen, Fibber Mc
Gee and Molly, San
derson and Crumit,
Block and Sully,
Jeannette Nolan
Mary Paxton
and John McIntyre of “Meet Mr.
Meek”—radio’s roster is full of
The U. S. S. North Carolina, newly
commissioned 35,000 ton battleship
now stationed in the Brooklyn Navy
Yard, is the latest navy ship to ac
quire a Walt Disney drawing as its
official emblem. It shows a “Fan
tasia” pegasus in fighting attire,
posed against a bolt of lightning.
As one who longed for a drawing of
one of those little winged horses,
the writer extends congratulations
to the officers and crew of the North
To make sure that Spencer
Tracy’s appearance as the villain
ous “Hyde” of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde” was a surprise to us all,
Tracy worked on a barred sound
stage, and no still photographs were
made of him in the role. Even scraps
of film from the cutting room were
destroyed. Lana Turner and Ingrid
Bergman share honors with him,
Miss Bergman playing “Ivy,” the
tough little barroom singer.
Paramount is asking 1,000 cham
bers of commerce if there is in their
locality a deep, narrow, rugged
gorge with a few small pine trees
and a vast, rugged territory beyond.
Water in the gorge and a bridge
over it are desirable, but not nec
essary. You see, the search is on
for a setting for "For Whom the
Bell Tolls” — shooting begins in
Simone Simone—remember her?—
returns to the screen in RKO's re
cently completed “Here4 Is a Man,”
after a three-year absence. Her
second assignment is the feminine
lead in “Call Out the Marines,” in
which she will appear opposite Tim
' _
Bishop of Canada became a film uctor
ftn scenes in Warner Bros.’ “Captains
of the Clouds” . . . Gloria Swanson has I
really staged a come-back—she has a '
new BKO contract . . . Metro's next
“Our Gang” comedy will show Amer- \
ican youngsters how to help in nation
al defense . . . Mary Martin and Bing
Crosby teamed so successfully in i
“Birth of the Blues" that they'll appear •
together in her next picture . . . Don J
Ameche obligingly showed Rosalind
Russell how to hit him for a scene in
“The Female of the Species" . . . Danc
ing Eleanor FowelTs next starring film
is “HI Take Manilla."
r... ' »
A GOOD frock to make in hot
weather, because it is such a
simple pattern, a good frock to
wear in hot weather because it
can be made with just a shoulder
covering and no sleeves. Belt ties
behind so that it may be smoothly
adjusted to the figure. Notice the
soft fulness let into the bodice,
and the full skirt—both flattering
for girls of the six to fourteen year
• • •
Pattern No. 8979 Is In sizes 6 to 14 years.
Size 8 requires 2‘,i yards 35-inch fabric
without nap. 23,4 yards of Hi inch bias
fold for binding necklines and scalloped
sleeve edges. For this attractive pattern,
send your order to:
Room 1324
311 W. Wacker Dr. Chicago
Enclose 15 cents in coins for
Pattern No.Size.
Our Heaviest Wood
According to the U. S. depart
ment of agriculture, the heaviest
green wood is red oak, which
weighs 64 pounds per cubic foot.
The heaviest air-dried wood is
hickory. (Air-dried implies a
moisture content of 12 per cent,
the condition reached without ar
tificial drying.) Air-dried red oak
weighs only 44 pounds.
Hickory, which when green,
weighs 63 pounds per cubic foot,
weighs 51 pounds per cubic foot
air-dried, or 4,250 pounds per 1,000
board feet.
will quickly
soothe the In
jury and pro
mote healing.
Poor and Rich
No man is rich whose expendi
tures exceed his means; and no
one is poor whose incomings ex
ceed his outgoings.—Haliburton.
Life a Gift
Whatever a man has, is in real
ity only a gift.—Wieland.
Custom a Habit
Custom is almost a second na
“ It all adds up to this. .
says RUTH KNIPPEN Comptometer Operator /
“The rf
is right for rae!’^
The merchant who advertises must treat
you better than the merchant who does
not. He must treat you as though you
were the most influential person in town.
As a matter of cold fact you are. You
hold the destiny of his business in your
hands. He knows it. He shows it. And you
benefit by good service, by courteous treat
ment,by good value—and by lower prices.