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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1941)
: F. D. R. — Churchill Parley at Sea Group photo made aboard H. M. S. Prince of Wales after the historic conference between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, at which they formulated the peace aims of the Democratic powers op posing Germany.sSeated, (L. to R.): President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Standing, (L. to R.): Harry Hopkins, U. S. lease-lend 1 administrator; W. Averill Harriman, the President’s lease-lend repre sentative in England; Admiral E. J. King, commander of the U. S. At lantic fleet; General George C. Marshall, U. S. army chief of staff; Gen eral Dill of the British army, and Admiral Harold R. Stark, chief of naval operations, V. S. N. New Pacific Airbase for U. S. The first picture taken at Johnson Island in the Pacific, site of the new U. S. air station, commissioned on August 15. Johnson Island is 717 miles southwest of Honolulu, Hawaii. Picture was taken during the con struction of some buildings on the site of the held. Strike Stops Warship Building While work on some $373,000,000 worth of warships and merchantmen remained at a standstill, these members of the C.I.O. industrial union of America picketed outside the yards of the Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock company at Kearney, N. J. The strike was called over the failure of the company and the union to agree in a dispute over the classification of some 1,500 workers. New and Old Governors of Puerto Rico Rexford Guy Tugwell, left, who has been nominated by President Roosevelt to be governor oi Puerto Rieo, shakes hands with Guy J. Swope, right, the retiring governor. In the center is Luis Monozmarin, president of the Puerto Rican senate. The meeting took plgce on the liner S. S. Ceamo, when Tugwell greeted the newly arrived retiring governor. ► Offers Shipyards j L. H. KorndorfY, president of the Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock company, who offered to turn over to the navy the company's strike bound plant at Kearney. N. J. He is shown after having had a con ference with Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox. The company prom ised complete co-operation to the government. Seriously Wounded Vice Premier Kiichiro Hiranuma, 75, of Japan and key member of the cabinet, who was struck in the chest and jaw by pistol bullets fired by a 33-year-old assassin in Tokyo, Prices Going Up Leon Henderson, chief of Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply, told congress that there soon will be a tremendous increase in the cost of living. He appeared before the house banking and currency committee to urge passage of the price-fixing bill. Photo shows Hen derson pointing to 10 foot chart show j ing changes in commodity prices of present war period. Air Support Chief Col. Wm. E. Lynd, appointed chief of the air support command, former* ly air officer of general headquar ters in Ihe war department. There are now five air support commands. Where New U. S. Base Is Taking Shape In the lower left Is a view of part of the construction work on the U. S. base s.te at the British island of Trin idad, where the government is spending millions to make more secure the approaches to the Panama canal. Above is shown Major Stafford, commander of the marines at Trinidad, shaking hands with Commander St George Lindsay of Britain’s royal navy. Right: American ships unloading cargoes of material at Port of Spain A ‘Mixed’ Artillery Battery in Britain The present World war is an experimental ground for many things that “were never done before.” Typical of the never-nevers was the fetish that men and women could not work or fight together in the same regiment. At an artillery practice camp in England these taboos are ousted. Left, we see men and women of the battery parading together, and on the right they are receiving gun instruction together. The test is successful. American Base in Greenland A scene at the American base in Greenland, showing two patrol ships tied to an oil tanker, with a coast guard tug beside them. In far background is a U. S. army transport, while in the foreground can be seen soldiers aboard the transport from which this was taken. This picture is from the first shipment of photos of the American forces in Greenland. Fighting Photographer For the first time since the World war, fighting photographers are being trained by the U. S. army. The photographers are taught to crawl up into the front lines and get pictures of real action. Here one of the front lines lens lads at Ft. Benning, Ga., leaps a trench, camera in hand. Be hind him comes bis assistant with film and other equipment. New Senator Roger C. Peace, the new senator from South Carolina, publisher of the News-Piedmont, Greenville, S. C., who was appointed by Governor Maybank to fill out unexpired term of late Sen. Alva Lumpkin, who died after serving less than two weeks in the senate. Adviser to Stinison Maj. Gen. John F. O’Ryan of New York, veteran commander of the New York National Guard, who has been appointed senior adviser to Henry Stimson, secretary of war. New Booklet on Vitamin* Guide to Healthful Diet 124 YRS. AGO TOO .\Y LACK OF VITAMIN C | INCREASES DENTAL TROUBLES CHOCKING news, to learn that ^your youngster needs costly dental treatment. This is what lack of Vitamin C in our diet can do and what it has done to more and more young Americans. Three times as many men are being rejected for bad teeth in the draft today as in 1917. Yet you can easily get enough Vitamin C in your diet. Tomato juice, orange juice, grapefruit, strawberries are all rich in C. • * * Docs this mean expensive meals? No, our new 32-page booklet suggests several vitamin-rich yet modcst-cost menus. Gives charts showing vitamin content of everyday foods, the minimum you should get every day to have radiant health, youthful good looks. For your copy send order to: READER-HOME SERVICE 63S Sixth Avenue New York City Enclose 10 cents In coin for your copy of VITAMINS TO KEEP YOU FIT. Name. Address.. BETTER. | PRINTING "through the USE OF MOVABLE T1PE WAS DISCOVERED ay JOHANN I 6VTEN0EI& IN 1454. THE BETTER WAV 10 TREAT CONSTITUTION DUE 10 LACK OF PROPER ''BULK" IN THE PIET 610 CORRECT THE CAUSE Of THE TROUBLE WITH A DELICIOUS CEREAL, KELLOGG'S< ALL'BRAN... EAT j IT EVERy 0*y AND PRINK PLENTY OF WATER. Close Relative Indecision is a very near rela tive to unhappiness. — Stanley Mills. • - _ Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Your kidneys are constantly filtering f waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do not set as Nature intended—(ail to re move impurities that, if retained, may poison the system and upset the whole body machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attackso( dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffin under the eyes—a feeling of nervoua anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or blsdder dis order are sometimes burning, scanty at too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment la wiser than neglect. Uaa Doan'* Pill*. Doan’* have been winning new friends tor more than forty yearn. They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Ask tour neighbor! WNU—U 34—41 "All the Traffic Would Bear" • There was a time in America when there were no set prices. Each merchant charged what he thought “the traffic would bear.” Advertising came to the rescue of the consumer. It led the way to the estab lished prices you pay when you buy anything today.