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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1941)
)ver the County INMAN NEWS Jim Sholes spent the week end in Winner, South Dakota, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bi.l Thompson of Norfolk, spent the week end visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson. Nobert Sholes of the C. C. Camp, Madison, is spending a week s va cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Sholes. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk of Ew ing, spent Thursday visiting Mrs. Violet Sholes. Mr. and Mrs. Art Cropp and Mrs. Bill Young of Ewing, spent uqop 'SJW Pu8 ^urjisiA Xupuj Young. The Coffee Club met at the home of Mrs. Earl Watson Thursday. All present reported a grand time. Mrs. Ralph Stevens, of Page, spent Friday visiting her mother, Mrs. Bob Conrod. Miss Harriet Melbern spent the week end in Lincoln. A miscellaneous shower was given Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Don Brickey, formerly Miss Donna Myer, at the home of Mrs. John Anspach. A delicious lunch was served and the bride received many useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cooper and son Jimmy, of Orchard, were Sun day visitors at the Jim Thompson home. Mrs. Bob Conrod and raiy are visiting at the George Conxod home north of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Herold Ticknor and family of Denver, Colorado, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Laney Friday and Saturday of last week. Mrs. John Anspach visited her daughter Mrs. John Conrod in Em met last week end. Helen Anspach, who is working in Atkinson, visited her mother, Mrs. John Anspach in Inman Thusrday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson of Omaha visited in Ifiman over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore at tended the funeral of Mr. Moore’s step-mother at Gregory, South Da kota. The Epworth League held a doughnut sale last Thursday, to earn money to send students to the Institute. Another doughnut sale will be held June 12. Mrs. Anon Nemic, Miss Glenis Johnson and Dorothy of Spencer visitor their grand mother, Mrs. Kerbel, Tuesday. Miss Rachel Salmon of O’Neill, is employed at the Jim Gallagher home. Miss Josephine Conger is visit inb Miss Neva Stewart of Page. Ellen Louise Christenson of Ew ing spent last week visiting her aunt Mrs. Delbert Sholes. The Harmony Clob met at Mrs. Walter Jacox’s Saturday night. All present reported a grand time. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Shole and family and Sarah Laura Sholes spent Friday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herald Christenson of Ewing. LaVern Lynch, Robert Moosman, Vergel Thomlinson and Robert Hutton of C. C. Camp Madison, spent the week end in Inman. Earl Stevens of the C. C. Camp Albion, spent the week end visit ing relatives in Inman. Mrs. A. R. Tadely and grandson of Gordon spent last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Young. Mrs. Arthur Englenaupt and daughters, Janet and Patty, visit ed relatives in Burke, South Da kota last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Morsback and daughter, Lois, were O'Neill visitors Wednesday. Roy Goree of Long Pine, Ne braska, visited his mother, Mrs. Mary Godee, in Inman Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brittell, who have been visiting the last week in Neligh, returned home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conrod, of Neligh, visited relatives in Inman Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Johnson of Omaha, visited Mrs. Johnson’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mors back, from Friday until Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Noe and son of Orchard, visited Mrs. Noe’s, father, W. H. Chicken, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Worak of White River, South Dakota, visited Mrs. Worak’s father, Mr. Frank Watson and family, in Inman Fri_ day. Then accompanied by Mrs. Watson and children they drove to Middlebranch, where they attended a family picnic. Mrs. Blanche Brown and daugh ter of Pender, Nebraska and Jim Monloney of Pender, visited at the Frank Watson home in Inman Fri day. Mrs. Maggie Siders and son, Ev erett and daugher Beulah Grace, of Emmet, were visitors at the J. T. Thompson home in Inman Sun day afternoon. Robert Jackson, of Souix City, Iowa, visited friends in Inman Sunday, Mark Claude, of Blair, was in i Inman on business Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George McKim, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Mrs. Elizabeth McKim, of O’Neill, were dinner guests Tuesday at the Arhur Englehaupt home. Mrs. E. Clark, of O'Neill, arrived in Inman Monday for several days visit with the Frank Watson fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stearns and sons Robert and Donald visited rel atives in O’Neill Sunday. EMMET NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peacock, Grant and Mildred, drove to New port Memorial day where they vis ited. Mildred remained at the Dail Vetters home to visit seveihl days. Mrs. Ben Bachman entered a Stuart hospital Sunday where she underwent a serious operation on Tuesday morning. At the last re port she was improving. Mrs. A1 Grehn and daughter, El len, of Fremont, came Monday morning to visit at the home of her father, W. R. Tenborg. Art Burge returned to his home Friday after being in the Stuart hospital for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mollencoff, of Norfolk, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry, Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. John U. Olson of St. Cloud, Minnesota, called at the W. R. Tenborg home Monday mor ning CAR-NU Made by the makers of Johson’s Wax. It cleans and Wax polishes your car in 1 Easy Ap plication. Your car looks like new when you use CAR-NU. Key Chain Bracelet,Jwith a pint At 59c Traffic-Cote % A new finish for your floors and linoleums. Made from genuine bakelite. Seals out dirt and moisture. Wears “Like Iron”. Made by the makers of Johnson’s Wax. Introdution price, 50c per pint. Mrs. Jim O’Connors and Mary belle returned home Sunday after visiting Miss Mable Perkins in Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foremon drove to Ewing Friday for Mem orial day. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole, Bud. Bobbie and Lois, returned Tuesday afternoon from an eleven day trip through ten western and surround ing states. They enjoyed their trip very much but were glad to be home again. Donna Fox was honor guest at a birthday party Saturday for her tenth birthday. Several little guests were invited, all brining gifts. Dale French and Warren Bur gess of O’Neill, visited Zane Cole, the past week. Reo, Thomas Peacock left Mon day for summer school at Lincoln, which he will attend for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dickmite, of West Point arrived last Tues day to visit at the Charles Henry home. They returned to their home Sunday. Mrs. Charles Fox, Robert, Mar_ ie, Gilbert, Lyle and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppenberg Al vin and Ernest drove to Hastings Saturday where they spent the week end visiting relatives and friends. Arthur Jurgensmeier left Sun day morning for California where he expects to remain for some time. Miss Alice Givens was honored at a pre-nuptial shower at the Harold GivenB home Sunday after noon. Many guests were present and some beautiful gifts were re ceived by the bride-to-be. Mrs. Clarence Shaw and son Grover and Jerry Tomjack called at the Seth Hertel home near Chambers Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. H. Patterson has been ill the past week, but is better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Arlin Moore of El gin, Nebraska, were visitors at the Gaines Rzesgatorski home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schrunk of At_ kinson also visited there that day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman and family drove to Chambers on Sunday where they visited at the Frank Tomjack home. Mrs. Sadie Lamphere and sons Fred and Lee of Omaha and Mrs. Maude Fuller of O’Neill visited Mrs. Clara Cole Sunday. Miss Phylis Brown of Stuart vis ited Dorothy Fox over the week end. Jt ♦ ’ . ■ ■ — MEEK AND VICINITY Fred Lendt of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lendt of Grand Island spent several days the past week visiting relatives and friends in this community. John Steinburg and sister Marie Steinberg of Orchard, and Mrs. Frank Griffith of O’Neill were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard ► Rouse on Friday. Mrs. Orville Peterson and daugh ter Leone, and son Marvin and Merrill and Twila Hicks of O'Neill were supper guests of Mrs. Delia Harrison on Friday. Miss Esther Day of Minneapolis, Minnesota arrived on Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. Charles Fox and also conduct Bible school for the next two weeks at the Pleas ant Valley church. Mr. and Mrs. August Karel, Mr. and Mrs. Woidneck of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Karel motored to Crofton on Saturday to see Fred Richter who is seriously ill in a Crofton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas and family spent Sunday evening at the Elmer Devall home. Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Johnson and Beverly and Vernon were din ner guests on Sunday at the Char les Luber home. Naomi Johnson returned home on Saturday after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. James Donlin of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borg and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Robertson mo tored to St. Paul, Nebraska on Sunday taking Lois Jean and Eil een Robertson there to attend Bus iness College this summer. DANCE AT SUMMERLAND Ewing, Nebraska SUNDAY, JUNE 8 —Music By— LLOYD HUNTER and his 14 colored artists Coming—JIMMY MARVIN SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE SWUNG OVER TO FORD THIS YEAR WE’RE JAMMED WITH TRADE-INS... WE’VE GOT TO MOVE ’EM Thousands of Miles of Carefree Driving in these BARGAIN VALUES! 1937 Studebaker Sedan. Good clean car at a bargain 1935 Ford Sedan. Radio and heater, A real buy. 1936 Ford Tudor. Lots of miles for a small am ount of money. 1938 Ford Tudor. Very clean. Be sure to see this one. A WONDERFUL TRADE On Your Old Car... OUR BUDGET PLAN Makes the Rest Easy! Real Savings for Economy Buyers \929 Model A Coupe, Just the car for children to drive to school at only .... 1937 Dodgt Coupe very clean. S32500 A bargain at only 1934 Ford Sedan. Runs and loons like new. Must be seen to be appreciated __ Used FORD V-8’s Specially Priced 1935 Ford Tudor in good $250°° shape at only . w 1934 Ford Tudor. Good de pendable transportation ,t $210°° Lohaus Motor Co. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peck of Ver del were dinner guests at the Har ry Fox home on Sunday. A large crowd attended the Memorial Day Program at the Pad dock Union church. A very nice program was rendered by the young people of the community who gave several readings and ex ercises. The choir consisted of Mrs. S. R. Robertson and daugh ters Lois Jen and Eileen and Mrs. A. L. Borg and daughters LaVern and Helen. The Rev. Spencer of O’Neill gave the address. Helen, Ronald and Donald Borg and Clarence Devall spent Tues day evening at the Elmer Devall home. Dinner guests on Friday at the home of Mrs. E. H. Rouse were Mr. and Mrs. Arden Johnson and fam ily of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wyant and family of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mulhair of Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lifford and son spent Friday at the Don Hansen home. Now is the time to subscribe for The Frontier. 02.00 per year. Magic Chef Ranges Burn Coal, Wood and Gas. The all year stove. One oven. The largest fire box made. Tull polished top. Magic Chef, 2 speed burners. Com bints more good features in one stove than any other. ,1 ..fld O’Neill Hatchery Everything in Bottled Gas “National Dairy Month** It’s to the Mutual benefit of all who live in the “Bread Basket" of America to ob serve “Dairy Month" and see that Milk, Butter, Ice Cream and Cheese are gener ously used on the family table during June. _FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 6 AND 7 Superb Brand FRUIT COCKTAIL Fancy diced fruits in a heavy syrup for sauce, salad and cocktail. 16°-13c ORANGE SLICES, pound.9c F£incy Asstdi Cookies^ 2 b»i ... 25c Kraft gsssar- . Milk Kr.8c SUPERB CATSUP, 2 25c Miller’s Corn Flakes, 2 15c Fc’y Alaska Pink Salmon, 2£1 31c ■ f -NANCY ANN” White Bread Pound Loaf, 7*, 1 A lVi-Pound Loaf. lut . - M A BROWN BREAD On Sale Every Friday at Connell Oak MORNING LIGHT COCOA 2sr.18c “Superb** Cream Style Corn £°n 210c SUPERB s,„„ RELISH &°*. 14c Council Oak 22-Carat Gold Pattern Pound /»/* rTlFPCIT Wishes in Exchange for 7JC hhp Vv/rr r<H« the Empty Bags 3 Pounds . »»» rn 4 a “A Mighty Fine Blend” TAC-CUT 1 llb,rT"1” 24c 2 j»r ■ 45c MACARONI Spaghetti . 2 Cello Bag . . 13c “WON-UP” GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Either sweetened or un sweetened. Promotes an appetite for breakfast. A wonderful mixer. 3 23c FLOlUiJ.-* .. .. JUICE ORANGES, per doz.29c Our Biggest and Best Orange Value EXTRA FANCY WASHINGTON WINESAP APPLES, 6 lbs. for . 29c Excellent All-Purpose Apples JUMBO SIZE SUNKIST LEMONS, per doz. . 29c RED RIPE TOMATOES, pound 10c GREEN TOP CARROTS, 2 9c NEW CABBAGE, pound ....... 3c Polished Maple CLOTHES PINS £.□ — Dependable BROOMS Each 59c and — SOAP LATHE FOR COMPLEXION AND IATH Large Club 4 FRANKFURTERS, pound 19c BEEF STEAK 23c Mild Yellow a a LONG HORN CHEESE, lb.. Lie. From Selected Pork Loins Pr,,ir. j ■% n ROASTS & CHOPS IST-d ,18c BEEF ROASTS Native Corn Fed Beef, Tender, Juicy, Well Cov ered Roasts. Pound 1 7c 22c and . ^ • BACON SQUARES S.13c Sliced PORK Bur & Bfaur BOLOGNA Per Lb. Mmg UVER SAUSAGE Lb.