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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1941)
The Frontier O. BL Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Mared at the postoffice at O’Neill, Ifikrr-1 ~ as Second Class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION Om Year, in Nebraska.92.00 Om Year, outside Nebraska.... 2.25 Every subscription is regarded •a an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly re snowed from our mailing list at ex piration of time paid for, if pub lisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between pub | Usher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged #or on a basis of 26c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertion, subse quent insertions, 6c per line. BRIEFLY STATED C. C. Berpstrom went to Craw Tord Sunday, where he attended a meetinp of the Tri-State Sheriff s Association. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Kratovil and family, of Osmond, Nebr., were Sunday puests at the home of Mayor and Mrs. Kersenbrock. Mrs. Harry Brt and children ■went up to Ainsworth last Satur day for a couple of days visit with friends. They returned home Mon day. _ lira. John Mestrell and son, Jer ry, returned home Wednesday af ter spending a couple of weeks vis. iting relatives and friends at Mil* Kgan •nd York, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mathis andj non Kenneth left for Lincoln Thursday where he will attend summer school during the month of June and one week of July. At the completion of the four weeks, they will return to O’Neill, and Mr. Mnthis will continue his regular duties visiting projects and con tacting new students. A Ford car belonging to Albert dark of Inman, was taken from the streets near the Ford garage last Saturday night. The car was found the next afternoon about throe and a half miles northeast of the city. The thief had taken two •wheels off the car and had also re moved the spare tire. E. C. Clark, finger print expert in the office of the state sheriff, came up Monday and took some fingerprints from the car and local official^- #oe-of the opinion that the guilty person or persons will be apprehended. City garbage collectors say that some of the citizens of the city are •using large Harrells to stora their garbage in for the driver to pick up. If our citizens wish our collec tors to carry away their garbage it ahould be placed in medium sized garbage cans, so the driver can lift it into the wagon for dumping. If the collectors should miss any place if you call Mayor Kersenbrock, he will see that same is taken care of, (> For Thorough SCIENTIFIC EYE EXAMINATIONS -: See : GLASSES CORRECTLY FITTED -: See : Dr. C. W. Alexander EYESIGHT SPECIALIST AT HOTEL O’NEILL IN O’NEILL SAT., JUNE 14th Satisfaction Guaranteed •oiiT'kouth* isifatnoity *jfoxv Quaint “Plantation Lawn Party” scene on the cover. 4 piece set contains—Decanter Jug of Co logne, Sachet, Talc and Guest Soap. Choice of two bou quets— 51.00 O’Neill Drug Co. The city officials desir® to warn youngsters that they wiM permit no shooting in the City Park and if anyone is caught shooting therein or molesting property therein they .will be prosecuted. The city offic ials are trying to get the park in shape so that it will be a pleasant rtsort for the people of the city and they will not tolerant promiscious shooting and the breaking of city property. Miss Clarissa Teaquist enter tained a group of girls at a picnic in the City Park on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Scott retcrned home on Sunday from Little Rock, Arkan sas, where she visited her daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Oppen. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shelhamer went to Sioux City, Iowa, Monday on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Remy and son, Richard, formerly of Colum bus, are new residents of O’Neill and are living in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mathis during the sum mer months. Mr. Remy is a new driver for the Jesse Bread com pany. Bob Moore left this morning for Omaha to attend the graduation of his sister Rita, from St. Joseph’s Hospital, where she has been tak ing nursing. Arthur Jurgensmeir and Fritz] Hickey left Sunday for Los Angel es, Calif., where they will spend the balance of the summer visiting relatives and friends. Don Vequist went as far as Wyoming with them to spend the summer. “For Twenty Years Junior Toy is expected home on Sunday from Lincoln, Nebr., where he has been atending the Univer sity of Nebraska for the past sev eral months. Dr. and Mrs J. P. Gilligan came up from Nebraska City last Friday for Decoration day. John is look ing exceptionally fine and thor ougly enjoyed the few hours he had to spend visiting old time friends in the old home town. Mr. and Mrs. James Oppen who celebrated their 11th wedding an niversary and Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Sr., who celebrated their 28th an niversary were honored by a group of mutual friends with a picnic dinner in the city park last Sunday The couple were presented with a | huge angel food cake topped with -———— white icing by Mrs. Victor Halva. Among the 40 guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Oppon Creighton, parents of James Op pen, Mr. and Mrs. Nynaher of Or chard, and Miss Ann Nines of Bonesteel, South Dakota. Eli Hershiser spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. W. T. Shively and Mr. Shively, in Nor. folk, Nebraska. Pets Duffy went to Omaha on Thursday where he spent the week end, returning home on Sun day. _ Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Stout and daughter Sharon, went to Lincoln on Sunday where they will spent the week with Mrs. Stout’s parents. Miss Mary Jane Iler came up from Sioux City Thursday evening for a short visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Charles Shatto of Philadel phia, Pa., arrived here this morning for a visit with her moth er, Mrs. John Carr and other rel atives and friends. Mrs. Peter Todsen and daugh ter, of Mexico City, Mo., will ar rive in the city tomorrow and will be the guest for a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sauers and will undoubtedly spend an enjoy able week here visiting their many O’N'eill friends. Mrs. Arthur King, Miss Gerald ine Cronin and Miss Lenorc Brown, of Sioux City, Iowa, left last Fri day afternoon for Trinidad, Colo., where they will spend ten days visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Montgomery. They ex pect to call on many former O’Neill people on their way down there and also on their return home. Brother Ivo came here last Tuesday for a couple of weeks visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Regan, of Staf ford and with other relatives and friends. Brother Ivo will be re membered here as John Regan and just gTaduatd from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. The Redbird 4-H calf club held therir second meeting at the Ed Bushart home Wednesday, May 28. Two new members joined the club at this meeting. The next meeting will be held at the Lee Blake home on Wednesday, June 18. Dr. W. F. Finley left Tuesday afternoon for Sioux City, from You must take an interest in Insecticides and Fungicides because city people want to buy nice clean fruit and vegetables. Will you get top prices for your crops? Spraying is a necessity. Make your job easy and effective by following the famous Acme Spraying Guide. Tells when, what, and how to spray. We carry a full line of Acme Insecticides and Fungicides. Get your Free copy of the Acme Spraying Guide at our store JOHNSON Drug O’NEILL Brenan’s Park Friday, June 13 DAILEY BROS.' Modern - High Class' CIRCUS Present! many extraordinary fsatorti executed by Amrican and European Sopsr Amok Stars, for tbs fust time in this state. SoiMthing New Under Hm Shu 1M upon Thrill. Marvel after Marvel Surprising Sensations. Sensational Surprises. Youth and Beauty Compote lor Honors The Most Exhilarating Cirens Program Ever Presented. The Greatest Entertainment Value Ever Offered in Cirens History, Never Before So Much That Is So Good for So Little. Trained Domestic and Wild Animals Jests and Pantomime by Funny Clowns Death Defying Aerial Stunts by Stars After All A Show That Is Different Never Divides. Twice Daily. Never Disappoints. 2 and 8 P. M. Extremely Popular Prices — Truly Bargain Prices. P. S. Grand Free Show on Circus Grounds Prior to opening of the doors. where he took a train tor Chicago, where he goes to attend the wed ling of his daughter, Mary Joan who will be married on Saturday morning, June 7, at St. Francit Xavier church in WiUmette, 111., to William Carrol Stephenson of Chicago. Edythe Vequist of Creighton spent the week end as the guest of Mrs. Margaret Claussen* Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Morton, Ma bel Gaetz and son Eddie and Mrs. Pearl Honeycutt and son Jackie attended a family reunion picnic at Columbus, Nebr., last Sunday. Mrs. Della Shaw left Saturday morning for Spearfish, South Da kota, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Howard Plank. Mr. and Mrs. Froelich and dau ghter, and Mr. and Mrs. Birming_ ham and daughter Lou, spent Dec roation Day in Omaha. Misses Margaret and Anna Joyce of Omaha spent the week end vis iting friends and relatives in O’ Neill. Mrs. M. F. Meer and daughter, Mary Ann, stopped in O’Neill Wed nesday evening on their way home to Valentine from Nashville, Ten nesee where Mary Ann has been attending Ward Belmont. Joe Lang of Springfield, Illinois spent the week end visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Langan also friends and rel_ atives, returning to Illinois on Monday. THE METH0DI8T CHURCH V. C. Wright, Minister The Church school 10:00 A.M., H. B. Burch, Superintendent. Church School program 11:00 A. M. Young Peoples worship service, 7:00 P. M. The young people will hold a bake sale at the Golden Hotel Sat urday afternoon, June 7, for the purpose of securing funds to take them to the Summer Institute at Stanton June 16 to 23. Give your pullets the Aci dox Treatment. Acidox is given easily, in the drink ing water, like Germozone. Because its acid is con trolled, Acidox does not throw the birds off feed. Greatest loss from Coccidiosis is in the set back to the birds, and delayed growth and development. They need a medicine that will help them resist the disease and reduce death losses without upsetting them. Give them Acidox. A 12-oz. bot tle, to treat 300 chicks for 2 weeks, 11.00. Johnson Drugs Johnson’^ Annual 5c SODA Double Dip—Any Flavor FREE SODA with all purchases of 50c or over Saturday, June 7 JOHNSON DRUGS O’NEILL NEBRASKA >- f>iuo 6 CARS DIED IN OVERHEATED DEATH VALLEY TO ™ve that yours CAN LIVE LONG ,. !. t ■ v ^ .i „ ’ .. . .vwhaUKMON New Oil a Life-Giver. 5-quart fill —None Added —Lasted all of 13,398 Miles.... more than Twice the mileage averaged by 5 other big-name oils iiulendish Destruction Tesrt.. impartial... CERTIFIED THIRST killed gold-feverish Forty Niners in Death Valley. You can stand there today on our Hemisphere’s bottom, 279 feet below sea level. And some of the worst heat on U. S. Weather Bureau rec ords will be drying you up. .. .America's hotspot!.. .where 6 identi cal everyday cars scorched along, testing 6 different motor oils, till 6 new engines were juhk. Every condition was the same for all. Qualified authorities eyed every move. Speed: 57 miles an hour for all. Thofieferee had bought 5 of the oils right off the market; millions know their names well. The other oil was decidedly new. And this new oil that authentically delivered more than twice the mileage averaged by the others is named CONOCO MOTOR OIL -Now on Sale here for Your Car How could one fill of this popular-priced Conoco Nth oil keep lasting—without one added drop—for an official total of 13,398.8 miles? How could Conoco Nfh oil outlaBt them all by 5,683 miles or more, even outlasting one "rival” by 8,268 miles!... Certified. New Synthetic in Conoco N# You know of vitamin synthetics ... man made ... replacing Nature’s life-givers sacrificed m some modern rood processing. Similarly, the lat est refining methods steal life giving elements from motor oils. But more than making up for that today—in popular TEST CAR priced Conoco Nfh oil—is Thialkene in hibitor . . . man-made. (Conoco Patent 2,218,132.) It inhibits or checks the effect of foul leftovers created by the normal engine explosions. Thus Conoco Nth stays more like its own good self... helps the engine keep fit—good way to save quarts. A triumph matching famed Conoco OIL-PLATING Another wondrous synthetic—long in use under the famed Germ Processed oil pat ent—still makes Nth oil give your engine oil-plating ... lubricant that can’t all quickly drain down from inner parts. Instead, it’s able to stay plated up... on guard against wear in advance, while you are using Conoco Nth oil. In addition you get the life-giving aid that foiled Death Valley ... that eclipsed other oils tested . .. that made one 5-quart fill of new Conoco Nth last 13,398 miles. Certified. That’s like a mad extreme—beyond the utmost allowed by authorities on the _ _ . nT lit The 6 new cars were IMPARTIAL gines had been ta *" aP tuned alike. Same check uniformity. indling evened up by desert route for all- 5 Jart fill per car alternating drivers Oneun5q,ock and no more. • • engu subject. You’d never make your own car stand such proving-ground torture. But you want as wide a margin of engine protection and oil economy as your money will buy this Summer, and Conoco N*h has nailed up plain evidence. Ask today for Conoco at Your Mileage Mer chant’s Conoco station. Continental Oil Company—Pioneers in Better in;} Ameri ca's oil with Synthetics CERTIFIED: I hereby certify that the Death Valley Test and related work were thoroughly and fairly conducted. Engine Destruction occurred in each case at the mile- _ age,tat Consulting Engineer, who during Academic year St Pro _ fessor of Automotive Engineering, Purdue University ARBUTHNOT OIL CO. Conoco Gasoline and Germ Processed Oils O’NEILL NEBRASKA