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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1941)
The Frontier ——1 -- • - - ***^—t^~ - - ■ - - '■-■■■■■■ ^TTrrrmrrmm VOL. LXI O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1941 Number 52 SOUTHWESTERN BREEZES By Romaiite Saunders According to Representative Ooffee, the final adoption of the agricultural marketing measure will add a hundred and fifty mil lion dollars to the income of wheat growers. This money, he says, will come out of the wheat buy ers—which means it comes out of bread eaters. “A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry; but money answereth all things.” At a little town in a sparcely settled section of the state a manu facturing business has grown up of late that is swinging into successful strides by supply ing a long felt want. At Tryon, deep in the sand hills, a cattle guard or auto gate is being manu factured which is being extensively used in the cattle districts of Ne braska, Wyoming and Colorado. The gates are made in three sizes, of heavy steel pipe construction and weigh according to size, from 800 to 1200 pounds. A number of them have been installed in this section, the manufacturers keep ing a supply on hand at Atkinson. Again there is the lure of the fish pond. Out this way, Whipple Lake offers inducements in quan tities of the brown back bullhead of goodly size. When the pickeral and black bass ran the streams of Holt county I was something of a piscatorial hound but the cat and kindred bullhead did not interest ne. I have Mike Horiskey’s word for it that this column is super fluous when the warm days come as nobody will read if they can go fishing. Perhaps Mike is right and it is now time to cease farming Frontier subscribers with the Breezes. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Young and Master Sonny, Mr. and Mrs. EVwin Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Grimes, all of the Chambers neighborhood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and Mrs. Riley on Sunday. Neighbor Kennedy, with Master Larry, a veteran herder, age 7, were out looking for sheep which had taken advantage of a loose wire and left their enclosure. The sheep were found huddled in a buffalo wallow, the ewes hovering in alarm on the outer rim of a circle with the lambs in the cen ter. A red fox was about to make a rush for a lamb but when Ber nard and Larry came up Mr. Fox tore off across the prairie in a spurt of speed that all you could see was a red streak. Prairie wolves, swifts and an occasional fox are raiding bands of sheep out this way and a movement is on to organize a hunt in an effort to cleap out some of these mutton thieves. With the first flash of aipirise until tl*» glaring orb of night has hung two hours above the horizon on this first morning of May the prairie holds an alluring interest, a transcending charm, that calls us to the open. A new carpet of grass, its emerald freshness be decked with the jewels of a morn ing dew, lies across a landscape that liut a few short weeks ago wa3 brown and dead. The valley glows with the radiance of dawn and from across the hills comes the bewitching call of prairie roosters; meadow larks and thrush and robins pour forth their morn ing song and nearby is heard the harsh note of an awakened pheas ant, while from afar comes the mournful sound of a cow calling to her young. her young. After a “night out” two jack rabbits hop across the mead ow toward their nests to “turn in" for the day. The turtledove on a dis tant tree is cooing his inimitable love song and little brown birds flit about like early morning busy podies. Clean air faintly touched jprith the fragrance of plum blossom I ipand prairie flower, while from out j ■of the vault of heaven the sun | diffuses a radiance over the pic- j O’Neill Enjoying Residence Building Boom The sound of the hammer and saw awakens the late sleepers every morning these days as carpenters are busy on five new residences and an office building north of the First National bank and an addi tion to Davidson’s plumbing shop. Foundations for the residences and the Davidson building are in and work on installing the base ment for the office building was commenced the first of the week. Arthur Cowperthwaite is build ing a modern home on First street, between Douglas and Everett streets. The building will be an eight room house 26x28 feet, six rooms on the ground floor and two rooms on the upper floor, with a full basement and modern in every respect, with oil heating and an air cooled system. Ed Burge has the contract for this home. Miss Elja McCullough is building a home on Sixth street, between Adams and John streets, which will be 26x28 feet with a full base ment and modern throughout. It will consist of four rooms. Ed Burge has the contract on this building also. The First National office build ing, which will be erected on the lots just north of the bank will be 24x36 feet and will be of brick and tile, with a nice pressed brick modern front. Ed Burge is the contractor on this building. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Johnson is being erected on East Douglas street. The building will be 28x42, with a full basement and modern throughout, including an oil heating plant The base met is completed and cement work is now being done. This will be one of the nicest homes on east Douglas, where there are many nice homes. Clevish & Osborn are the contractors.. The addition to the Davidson plumbing shop will be 22*4x36, one story, and will be tile con struction. This addition will make their main building 80 feet long. The foundation is now in. Elmer Hagensick has the contract for its construction. The new home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz, on the corner of Seventh and Douglas street is progressing nicely. This "Will be one of the most commodious build ings on that street and, when com pleted, will be a distinct addiion to east Douglas street. Charles Melena has the contract for its con erection. Work on a new home for Ivan Pruss will commence next Monday morning. The house will be24x30 and will be a stucco bungalow with a full basement. It will be built in southeast O’Neill, just west of the home of Ambrose Rohde. Ed Burge has the contract for its con struction. Card of Thank* We desire to express our heart felt and sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness during the illness of our beloved mother, i grandmother and sister, the late M rs. Nellie Maring. Your kind-! ness to us in our hour of sorrow will ever be held in grateful re membrance.—Mr. and Mrs. Levi Yantizi and family; Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary and family; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Murray and family; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray and family; Henry Murray and family., Dr. W. F. Finley drove to Omaha > on Saturday, taking Wallace Me- j Kim to that city, where he entered St. Joseph’s hospital for medical, treatment. Wallace was injured' in an auto accident some time ago, and has been in poor health since that time, and his condition at the present, while serious, is not re-! garded as critical. turesque scene. As a love of the 1 beauties of nature, amply spread i across Nebraska prairies, is arous-! ed, there is a corresponding fading interest in a tiresome round of j giddy pleasures of artificial living.1 “The meanest flowers of the’ vale, The simplest note that swells the gale, The common sun, the air, the skies— To him are opening paradise.” COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETS TUESDAY The next meeting of the O’Neill Commercial Club will be held at the Golden Hotel next Tuesday evening, with a dinner proceeding the meeting. At the last regular meeting a committee was appoint ed to sell tickets for this meeting to the members of the organiza tion. Dr. J. P. Brown is the chair man of-the committee and he will be assisted in the sale of tickets by Archie Bowen and D. H. Cronin. The coming meeting is one of the most important of the spring meetings of the Club and all mem bers are urged to be present. The committee on constitution and by laws will make their report and all members, who desire to have a voice in the business affairs of the Club, and that should include all business and professional men of the city, should attend this meet ing. At the last meeting Ssptemher 1st was designated as the date for O’Neill Day. Some objection to this date has been made and the question of changing the date will also come before this meeting. It is a duty you owe your Club and the city to attend this meeting. The Omaha Boosters will be in the city on one of their Goodfellow ship trips on Tuesday, May 20 and arrangements for their enter tainment will also come up at this meeting of the Club. The follow ing week the National Convention of the Highway 20 Association will also be held in this city. The crowd in attendance at this con vention has been estimated at from 200 to 500 people and O’Neill musst go some to look after their guests. This will also come up at this meeting of the Club, so every member can see how impor tant it is to have a full member ship of the Club at this regular meeting. Ninth Graders Win Field Day Hotly Pressed By Sixth and Seventh Monday was a busy day for most grade boys of O’Neill public school, but Kenny Stewart who collected 24 Vfe points for the seventh grade, and Dick Hungerford tallying 17 for the sixth graders certainly showed the way in the annual grade school track and field meet. The 9th graders took the meet by nipping the 7th and 8th graders 38 to 30, while the 6th graders eked out a 30 to 23 win over the 5th grade boys. Results of the meets—7th, 8th, and 9th grades: 50 yd. dash—1st, Stewart; 2nd, Riley; 3rd, Hobbs. 100 yd. dash—1st, Stewart; 2nd, Riley; 3rd, Keller. 220 yd. dash—1st, Stewart; 2nd, Riley; 3rd, Hunt. 440 yd. run—1st, Lewis; 2nd, Stewart; 3rd, Elkins. - Broad Jump—1st, Stewart; 2nd, Lewis; 3rd, Elkins. High Jump—1st, Hunt; 2nd, Elkins; 3rd, tie, Keller-Stewart, Shot Put—1st, Lewis; 2nd, Hobbs; 3rd, Stewart. Shuttle Relay—Won by ninth grade. Results of ;>-6 Grade Meet 50 yd. dash—1st, Hungerford; 2nd, Tibbets; 3rd, Bright. 75 yd. dash—1st, B. Tibbets; 2nd, I). Tibbets; 3rd, Hungerford. 100 yd. dash—1st, B, Tibbets; 2nd, D. Tibbets; 3rd, Hungerford. Broad Jump—1st, Hungerford; 2nd, Tibbets; 3rd, Bright. High Jump—1st, D. Tibbets; 2nd, Hungerford; 3rd, Sweeney. Shot Put—1st, R. Matula; 2nd, Hungerford; 3rd, Osborne. Seventy boys took part in the Field Day. Garbage To Be Collected Commencing next Monday, May 12, the city will start a garbage collector and he will collect garb age twice each week, on Mon day’s and Friday’s. If the resi dents of the city will put their garbage in a container, on the back of their lots next to the alley, the collector will pick it up each week. Delinquent Tax Hill Passed Over Governor’s Veto The delinquent tax bill, which was vetoed by Governor Griswold and then passed by the legislature over his veto, is now in operation, according to County Treasurer Benn Winchell. The law provides that all unpaid or delinquent taxes, either real or personal, prior to 1938, will hear interest only from March 9th, 1939 to date of payment. Therefore if you have any delinquent taxes, the sooner they are paid under this new law, the less interest will be charged. The rate of interest in creases each day, so if you have delinquent taxes, prior to 1938, it will be to your best interest to pay them as soon hs possible. In vetoing the bill, Governor Gris wold declared that the original in tent of the delinquent tax bill passed several years ago by the legislature, wai to aid a people badly hit by drogth and depression, and that to continue passing such a bill each yeaf was working a hardship upon those who paid their taxes promptly, and was in reality, paying a premium to those who neglected their taxes. The legislature however, overode his veto and passed the bill the | last of the weeki Former Holt County Pioneer Dies At Home In Brown County Daniel Lewis Kasueth Hall, died at the home of his son, Claude Hall, just south of Ainsworth, Monday morning, April 28, at 7:05 o’clock after an illness of over six months, four months of which he was bed fast. He was born at Williamsport, In diana, March 8, 1852. When he was still a small child his parents ( moved to Missouri, where his fath er took a homestead Avhere the town of Marysville, now stands.' Incidentally the family were neighbors of Jesse and Frank James. His father enlisted in the army and was later killed in ac tion. This threw the burden of providing for the family on Dan, and as a consequence he had but little advantage of schooling. He traveled the west for some time and lived for a time at Ne braska City. Just 58 years ago he came westward in a covered wagon, taking a homestead 17 miles north of Stuart on the Niobrara river. He lived there seventeen years, gradually accumulating stock and was engaged in buying and selling of cattle on a large scale. He covered a great section of Ne braska, Wyoming and other west ern states and bought and sold thousands of head of stock. Mr. Hall located in Ainsworth | twenty-one years ago, making his | home with his son Claude, to the time of his death. His wife died some thirty-five I years ver, as was one daughter and a son, the latter killed in the world war. Two sons and one daughter j survive, Ed H., of O’Neill and j Claude H., of Ainsworth and Mrs. Beulah MoClane of Denver, Sur viving grandchildren are James | Hall, Devoe, Dale, DeLos, Juanita, Harry, and Robert and one great ( grandchild, Harry Hall. I Funeral services were held Wed. | nesday afternoon at the Syfert Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. J. A. Rogers, Methodist pastor. Interment was in Ainsworth ceme j tery.—Ainsworth Democrat. Mr. Hall was the father of Ed [ Hall of this city and for many i years was one of the most prom in j ont cattlemen in the northwestern J part of the county. He made trips to this city and was well acquainl j ed with the old time settlers of | this city and of the county gener ally. He was a cattleman all his life and for many years he traveled over the county purchasing cattle, which ha shipped to the eastern markets by the trainload. He was a very heavy cattle buyer and in the early days one of the most successful in the business. Miss Marjorie Graybill spent the week end visiting friends and relatives in Lincoln. O'NEILL HIGH TO GRADUATE FIFTY Fifty students of the O’Neill High School are eligible for grad uation this year depending upon the satisfactory completion of the subjects they are now carrying. These students and the course. that they have taken are as fol lows: College Preparaory Course Betty Lou Aim, La Vern Borg, Archie R. Bright, Zane F. Cole. Vivian Lucille Derickson, James Edward Foreman, O. Dale French, Helen Marie Hagensick, Ava Jones, Doris Adeline Kiltz, Lawrence M. Kirwan, Robert J. Mitchell, Mary Jane Moler, Dorothy M. Morrow, Marian E. Olson, Lois Frances Osborne, Eileen Robertson, Vir ginia Mae Schultz, Buelah Grace Siders. Commercial Course Marie Harris, Merrill C. Hicks. Lawton F. Janzen, Francis A. Murray, Noreen Dorothy Murray, Edward A. Porter, Violet June Riley, Robert J. Yantzi. General Course Wayne Bowers, Clifford Burival Maurice M. Grutsch, Robert L. Hanley, George Hendriek, Francis L. Holz, Bernice Betty Jones, Francis B. Luben, Billy M. Perry. William Dale Rickard. Maxine Erma Taylor, Leo Valla, Donald Marvin Vequist, Gertrude Nana Worford, Edward Young. Normal Training Course Betty Lou Aim, La Vein Borg, Viviian Lucille Derickson Ava Jones, Mary Jane Moler, Dorothy M. Morrow, Eileen Robertson, Virginia Mae Schultz, Buelah Grace Siders. Secretarial Course Esther May Fox, Lydia Halva, Irene Lillian Hershiser, Eunice Eileen Hunt, Edith Frances Lien hart, Shirley Jean Luben, Rachael Frances Salmans, Dorothy Yocum. The baccalaureate services will be held on Sunday night, May 18 in the Public School Auditorium. The scripture reading, prayer, and benediction will be given by Reverend Wright. Reverend Spen cer will give the invocation and the class sermon. The theme of the sermon is “The Spirit of the Win ner.’' Commencement exercises will come on Wednesday night, May 21. Style Show A fine audience attended the style show Tuesday night which was given by the home economics j girls of the O’Neill High School, j These girls and their instructor, Miss Sieh, are to be highly com plimented for the sewing projects that they have completed this year. The style show itseld was 1 novel. It was well planned and performed very successfully. Mil dred Peacock played the piano for I the show and for the vocal selec I tions which were given by Clara Lowery. Genevieve Graves, Ronnie Kurtz and Dorothy Yocum. Ger trude Worford was Miss Fashion ! and explained the use of each type of dress wear that was modeled ' by the members of the home eco ; nomics classes. Eighth Grade Graduates Twenty-seven grade pupils are striving to complete the require ments for an Eighth Grade Diplo ma. They are as follows: M.vrlin Beckwith, Vincent Cun \ ningham, Onvile Dailey, Vivian Elshire, Ruth Harris, Twila Hicks, William Hobbs, James Hunger ford, Roy Johnson, Mary Jones, Dorothy Lewis, Beverly Mathews, Delores Matula, Thelma Morgan, Lyle Morrow, Lois Lee Olson, Gwin Penis ten, George Richard, Marsa Salmons, Richard Selah, Lester ! Taylor, Marlene Weyhrieh, Iola Wilkinson Margaret J. Yantzi, Phyllis Mitchel, Mary Alice Good fellow, Wilber Smith. These pupils, if they meet the requirements for graduation, will attend the baccalaureate services on May 18, and participate in the commencemen exercises on May 21. The Roundup The first annual showing of the “Roundup” an Athletic Review, (Continued on page 8) Music Concert In Public School Auditorium A delightful music concert will be given Tuesday night, May 13, in the O'Neill Public School Audi-, torium. This program will coni-! mence at 8 o’clock and will be an hour long. This concert is being presented! by the O’Neill Public High School and St. Mary’s Academy. The \ soloists and small groups from both schools that are going to represent O’Neill in the Regional Contest on May 15, 16 and 17, will perform for your pleasure on Tuesday night. A special feature will be the presentation of “Ramparts We Watch,’’ by the combined bands and choruses of St. Mary’s Acad emy and the O’Neill High School. A small admission of ten cents will be charged to help defray the expenses of the students competing in the Regional contest. Your presence will assure you a pleasant evening and will be very much appreciated by tha students pre senting the program. Brennan - Murphy A very pretty wedding was sol eminized in St. Patrick’s Church in this city on Thesday morning1 at eight o’clock when Walter L. Brennan and Linus V. Murphy were united in marriage by Monsgr. J. G. McNamara. The bride was dressed in a two tone blue silk suit with matching accessories. The bridesmaid, Miss Lenore Sulli van, wore an old rose silk dress ] with matching accessories. The groom wore a dark business suit,] as did his best man, his brother, t James Brennan. Mother Virginia played the organ, and John Sulli van and Miss Verne Coyne sang during the ceremony. Immediately following the cere mony, a wedding breakfast was served at the Golden Hotel for the bridal party and the immediate relatives, after which Mr. ami Mrs. Brennan left on their wed ding trip. When they return they will make their home on the farm, several miles north of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dvorak of Oakdale and Mrs. Leo Higgens of Omaha, were out of town guests present at the ceremony. The Frontier joins with the many j friends of the couple in wishing them a long and happy married life. Auto and Store Thief Captured In New York j A man giving his name as Frank Dumont and who claimed Boise, Idaho, as his home, was picked up at Calonie, N. Y., last Thurs day by a member of the New York State Police, he having in his possession the Buiek Sedan stolen from the Marcellus garage h**re on April 14. At the time he was picked up he was the only one in the car. This information was re ceived Saturday by Sheriff Duffy in a letter from the Automobile Protective and Information Bur eau of Chicago. Affer his arrest Dumont con fessed to stealing the Marcellus car and also to the theft of a new Buiek Sedan in Ogden, Uah. This was the car he abandoned here. According to word received the first of the week by Sheriff Duffy from the Federal Bureau in Omaha Dumont was turned over to the authorities from Marion, Ohio, where he had robbed a jewelery store on his way east and most of the loot was found in the car af ter he was apprehended. So the chances are that this particular automobile thief will be out of circulation for some time to come. Card of Thanks For thoughtfulness shown in every way and for sympathy ex pressed by friends and neighbors in the hours of bereavement occasioned by the death of our beloved wife and mother, the late Mrs, Hallie Belle Myer, we desire to express our sincere and heart felt thanks.—J. B. Myer and fam ily. John Watson spent the week end visiting friends at Lincoln,' Nebraska. NEW COUNCIL ORGANIZED TUES. The City Council met in their regular monthly meeting last Tuesday evening at the City Hall. The old council concluded their busi ness and then adjourned sina die. The old members of the Council who completed their tenure of office at this meeting were: Gerald Miles and C. E. Lundgren, of the Second Ward and Norbert Uhl of the Third Ward. Mr. Miles was not a candidate for re-election and his place on the Council was taken by M. J. Wallace. Mr. Lundgren resigned about a month ago to be effective at the conclusion of the first meeting in May, when the old Council concluded their business for the year. Norb Uhl was not a candidate for re-election in the Third ward and his place was taken by Levi Yantzi, who served on the board for several years, re tiring only two years ago. The new Council organized after the adjournment of the old and elected Frank Phalin, of the first Ward as president of the Council for the coming year, after John Alfs had been named by the Mayor and ratified by the Council as councilman from the Second ward to take the place made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Lundgren. The Mayor then appointed the following committees to serve for the coming year, all of who were ratified by the Council: The Frontier was selected as the official paper of the city for the coming year. Appointments Chief of Police—Chester Cal kins. Assistant Chief of Police—Frank Grenier. ' City Atorney—Norman Gondbr inger. Engineer at Pump Station—Jess Scofield. Medical Advisor—Dr. L. A. Car ter. Committees: Streets and Alleys—R. L. Ar buthnot, Frank Phalin, M. J. Wallace. Lights — Levi Yantzi, Frank Phalin, John Alfs. Water—Mike Johnson, Frank Phalin, R. L. Arbuthnot. Sewer—John Alfs, R. L. Arbuth not, M. J. Wallace. Walks and Crossings—M. J. Wallace, John Alfs, R. L. Arbuth not. Parks and Grounds—Frank Phalin, Levi Yantzi, R. L. Arbuth not. Auditing—Mike Johnson, Levi Yantzi, Frank Phalin. Custodian—John Alfs, R. L. Ar buthnot. Finance—Levi Yantai, Frank Phalin. Makes New light And Power Contract With Consumers Co. Manager Waiting, of the Consum ers Public Power District, wan present at the meeting and presen ted the Council with a new con tract for lighting the city and pumping the city water. After considerable discussion and an ex planation of the rates by Mr. Wall ing the contract was accepted by the Council for the ensuing five years. The contract is a volumnious document but the main part of the benefits derived by the city, over the old contract, can be briefly explained. The city now has 24 streets lights of 250 candle power each. The new contract pro vides for the installation of six teen more lights in the four down town blocks, fom* new ones to each block and the lamps are to be of 600 candle power. The blocks to be included in the new installation are Douglas street from Third to I‘ifth street; on Fourth street from Franklin to Everett streets. 1 here are 68 eighty candle power lamps on the strefs of the city, outside of the center four blocks. These lamps will be increased to 100 candle power lamps and the cost will be 95 cents per light each. T he fifty 600 candle power lights in the four blocks will cost $3.20 each per month, 0r $1,920 per year, or a total for lighting pur poses of $2,695.20 per year. The cost per year, for the past five (Continued on page 4)