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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1941)
VOL. LXI O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1941 Number 51 SOUTHWESTERN BREEZES By Romaine Saunders A militant group wants to fight their battles—a sympathetic group wants us to feed “starving Eur ope.” In heavens name, let them starve until they come to their senses over there. The axis pow ers are responsible. Why load responsibility on us? Well, our precinct assessors are stil functioning. Rafe Shaw, who has inventoried Swan to the satis faction of all since the memory of man runneth, was around early A April to see what this corner of the precinct harbored that the tax gatherers could get a crack at. The defense and lease-lend pros perity still leaves the country with nine million unemployed, say labor leaders. And if they decide to lay down their guns in the war zone, what sort of an industrial crash will overwhelm us? Prosperity built upon the accumulated billions of national debt for the purpose of lengthening the black shadow of death and broken bodies of man can in no sense become a perman ent asset. The boys and girls who have been loping by on their ponies on the way to school with a cheery wave of the hand as they pass will now be missed. Last week closed the term in two districts of this neighborhood. Miss Foss, the teacher in the Berry district, en tertained the pupils and their par ents at a quiet picnic gathering on the school grounds Sunday. The forecast of horticulturalists and nursery men that the early freeze up last fall meant death to fruit and shade trees that were caught in full foliage proved to be erroneous as to this community. Apple and Elm trees that had carried the dead leaves all winter are now budding to another sea son of leaves and blooms. Plum bushes have put forth early blos soms. Cottonwoods are the earli est to wave a green plume in the spring and the last to embrace the frosty air of autumn in nude arms. A gentleman offering incense on the altar of Nehustan, tells Nebraska farmers among their best friends are the native snakes. The claim is based upon the sup position that these crawling crea tures destroy rats and other rod ents. The Nebraska prairies have been my dwelling place for well nigh a lifetime. I have saved Ogg8, young chickens, birds and frogs and toads from the fatal embrace of the subtle serpent but 1 have yet to run onto a streak of mottled ugliness with a rat go hits throat. H. L- James came out from the city Sunday with bulls to turn into the herds at the ranch- When un loaded from the truck a rope had not been removed from one of the animals. H. L. caught up the rope to hold the bull but his White Faced Excellence kept on going, with the result that Mr. James was thrown and dragged into the unpleasant mire of a cow corral. There is a fellow sufferer over here who sustained a bunged-up shoulder because of an obstreper ous heifer. We might have been able to ride the Chisholm Trail with the best of them in our day, Jess, but have grown too cumber some and slow to be playing at the cowboy stuff. Art Doolittle has made a start at tree planting in his section of the ranch country by putting out a thdisad trees this spring. There are many magnificent groves in the southwest bearing their mute witness that the tall grass coun try also produces tall timber. After 111 years of continuous publication, the Boston Transcript announced it would expire on April 30. Great papers, like great men, have a period of popularity, in * ■ mm ■ I Getting Ready For Golf Season Opening The golf course of the O’Neill Country Club is attracting num erous golfers who are enjoying the beautiful weather and the healthful sport. Ladies in increas ing numbers are appearing on the course and are reporting scores that may well be compared with the scores of the best men players. It is believed that, if the ladies continue to show increasing inter est, a tournament may be arrang ed for them. Possibly some of them will enter the state ladies golf tournament which will be held at Norfolk this season. A membership drive will be held during the month of May, and it is anticipated that the membership will reach a new high in 1941. The club offers a varied entertainment with highlights as follows: Opening dance, May 22, Invitation tournament, June 15, 16 and 17. A Fourth of July celebration. The weekly dinner parties, and The stag party. The ladies Spring Tea, held each year by the ladies, has been set for May 14. At this affair activities for the year will be dis cussed. The purpose of the O'Neill Country Club is for entertainment only. Newcomers to O'Neill will find a hearty welcome awaiting them at the club and new avenues of acquaintance will be open to them. The club is the center of social activities for the summer season and is by no means an ex clusive organization. Any citizen in O’Neill is welcome to join. R. M. Sauers is the membership chair man and will gladly explain the system of dues, which prospec tive members will find to be very moderate. Among the ladies who are play ing an unusually good game for this early in the spring are Mrs. Fred Harper, Helen Biglin, Ber nadette Brennan, Mrs. Max Wan ser and Mrs. Robert Smith. Play ers who are turning in remarkable scores and are sure to be a defin ite threat in the June tournament are Norman Gonderinger, Allan Jaszkowiak, Gerald Classen, Max Golden, and Rev. Beyersdorfer of St. John’s Nebraska. Hunt-Oetting Dr. Merle W. Hunt, mayor of Battle Creek, and Miss Gladys Oet ting, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Oetting, Battle Creek, were married Saturday afternoon at 5 o’clock at the home of the bride’s uncle, the Rev. W. J. Oet ting, Madison, who read the mar riage lines. Attending the couple were Rich ard Thomsen and Miss Norma Oet ting, sister of the bride, both of Battle Creek. The wedding came as somewhat of a surprise to the couple’s many friends as Dr. and Mrs. Hunt had previously announced plans to be married in June. Dr. Hunt is a graduate of O’Neill high school and Creighton univer sity dental school. While at Creigh ton, he was an outstanding football player. When he moved to Batie Creek nine years ago, his future bride was employed as his office assistant. She later attended Wayne college, and for the past few years has been employed as an assistant in the office of Dr. Hollis Askey at Lincoln. Dr. and Mrs. Hunt will make their home in Battle Creek. —Norfolk Daily News. fluence and usefulness, pass from the picture and are gone, the mem ory of them drifted over by life’s Activities and follies of the pass ing years. But few will even now remember such notable papers as the Chicago Inter-Ocean, the O maha Bee and many others that wielded a powerful influence over a passing generation, and are now no more. Time—slow, inexorable, brings changes which men like to think of as progress. “All flesh is as grass and the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth a»d the flower thereof falleth away. But the word of the Lord endureth forever.” Egg Production Increasing To Assist National Defense Recent announcements of a na tion wide drive to produce every possible egg from present laying flocks this spring and summer will offer farmers in Holt county an opportunity to take part in the national defense and aid to Britain programs according to information received by county agent, Lyndle R. Stout. The announcement that i the department of agriculture i would support long time egg prices at on average of about 22 cents at Chicago and indications that if necessary corn will be released from the present loan to insure feed will give incentive to poultry raisers to increase egg production by feeding for higher production, culling to remove disease carriers and the use of better flock manage ment. Comments by poultry men from the Nebraska agricultural college are that where possible it probably will pay to hold over old hens for a second year and to hold pullets which would otherwise be market ed as broilers. May hatched Leghorn chicks of fer great®* possibilities for egg production than heavier breeds but hatching after May 15 will not prove profitable at current prices, because of poor hatches and death losses. Livestock Prices On Local Markets Steady Last Monday’s offering of live stock stacked up prices fully steady with last week’s and the demand was broad on all kinds. Receipts were about normal and the qnality was better than a week ago. Brisk action prevailed througout the sale. Good lightweight steer calves sold from $12.00 to $12.75 with medium grades placing mostly in the $10.50 to $11.50 brackets. Heifer calves were scarce and the best that were here brought from $9.75 to $10.75. Plainer kinds sold for less. One load of good steers averag ing 510 lbs. changed hands at $11.65 per cwt. Bulk of the year lings ranged from $10.00 to $11.00. Cows were in good demand, es pecially milch cows. Good young beef cows brought $6.90 easily. Others not quite so fancy sold from $5.80 to $6.70. Bulls reached an extreme top of $7.05 with the bulk of these selling from $5.50 to $6.95. A sprinkling of sheep were on hand and sold at fairly good prices. Hogs were here in heavier supply than last Monday. An extreme top of $8.40 was paid for butchers; practical top was $8.20 to $8.25. Pigs sold as high as $10.35. Sows ranged from $7.00 to $7.60. The next regular auction will be held on Monday, May 5. O’Neill High Track Team Makes Good Showing O’Neill High School’s 1941 track and field team makes up in qual ity instead of quantity. Placing only four men in the Holt County meet, O’Neill return ed home with eleven points. Ted Manzer took a first in the 880 yd. Tun; Dale French ran in 3rd place in the mile event; Erwin Klopp enhurg put the shot into 4th place and Gene McKenna hurled the dis cus 100 feet for 4th position. At Bassett last Tuesday, Zane Cole soared 5 ft. 3% inches to place 5th in the high jump, while Manzer had to be satisfied with 2nd place in the l/z mile. 22 schools competed at Bassett. Coach Segel will trek to the Al bion Invitational Meet come Fri day, May 2nd. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our heart felt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness and messages of sympathy received from our kind friends and neighbors during our recent bereavement in the loss of my beloved wife and our dear mother. George Sanders, Ervin, Flora, Ethel, Floyd, Velda and Thelma. Mrs. Nellie Maring Mrs. Nellie Maring died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Levi Yantzi in this city, Thursday morn ing at 4:45 o’clock, after an ill ness of about three months, at the age of 66 years, two months and sixteen days. The funeral will ! be held from tke Catholic church in this city on Saturday morning at 9 o’clock and burial in Calvary cemetery at the side of her hus band who passed away last Octo ber. Nellie Murray was born in Col fax county, Nebraska, on Febru ary 14, 1875. In the latter eigh ties she came to this county with her parents and she grew to wom anhood in this section. On May 23, 1900, she was united in mar riage to Joseph Maring, the cere mony being performed in this city. Three children were born of this union, two of whom preceded their mother in death leaving one daugh ter, Mrs. Levi Yantzi and four grandchildren to mourn the pass ing of a kind and affectionate Moth er and grandmother. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. John Cleary and three brothers, Law i-ence, Thomas and Henry, all of this county. Mrs. Maring was a loveable woman and had been a resident of the county for nearly fifty years. The family lived south of Emmett for several years, then moved to their farm north of this city where she resided until the death of her husband last fall when she moved to this town and had since made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Yantzi. She had a host of friends in this city and adjacent territory who will regret to learn of her death as it was not generally known that her condition was serious. County Project Clubs Held Annual Meeting Last Week The project clubs of Holt coun ty held their annual achievement program at the auditorium of the O’Neill Public School last Thurs day with 230 members and guests attending the event. During the morning each club in the county prepared an exhibit of their work during the year and the annual business meeting of the leaders was held. At noon a covered dish luncheon was served by the home economics class of the O'Neill High School. The afternoon program which was in charge of Mrs. George Rector, the present county chairman, con sisted of musical numbers from both the O’Neill Public School and St. Mary’s Academy. The after noon feature was presented by Miss Elin Anderson from the Ne braska Extension Service who brought some very vital facts con cerning rural health and medical facilities which have such a close connection with the national de fese measures. The afteroon -program was con cluded with the candle lighting recognition service and the pres entation of a gift by the O’Neill and Stuart groups to Miss Verna Glandt whose services will no longer be available to the county. A similar recognition was made by the Chambers group to Miss Glandt at a current date. I J ~ Northeast Nebraska Lumbermen Held Annual Meeting Here The annual meeting of the mem bers of the Northeast District of the Nebraska Lumbermen’s As sociation was held in O’Neill on Wednesday evening at a six-thirty o’clock dinner at the Golden Hotel, with about fifteen of the members present from this district. Arthur M. King, of the Galena Lumber Company of this city, was elected as a director from this district to the State Board. Herber Killdare, President of the State Association, and Phil Ruynon of Lincoln, Secretary, were present at the meeting, and both briefly addressed the gathr ing. Folowing the dinner and the business meeting about two hour* of colored film, depicting the lum ber industry was shown. ( Presbyterian Church Honors Old Resident And Church Benefactor ■■■■ ■ ■■ “On April 29,1907, the congre gation of the Presbyterian church of O’Neill^Nebr., was most agree ably surprized in the gift of a bell, “This was a gift of Mr. Neil Brennan, a worthy townsman and a member of the Roman Catholic Church. The bell weighs 1000 pounds net, and will be placed in the belfry to be rung on Sunday morning, May 12th, for the first time in memory of the 33rd Anni versary of the doners residence here, and I rather think the found ing of O’Neill as a town. “On Sunday morning, the 12th of May, 1907, the bell was rung for the first time and all were very much pleased with it and resolu tions were passed by the congrega tion thanking Mr. Brennan for his hadsome and useful gift.” F. C. Hullhorst, pastor At a regular meeting of the pession of the Presbyterian Church on Monday evening, April 21, it was regularly moved and seconded and the motion was unanimously | carried that May the 12th, 1941, and each May 12th from now on j be called — Neil Brennan Day —,, and that the bell be rung five (5) minutes in appreciation of the gift and in honor of the donor. Session— R. H. Shriner, clerk C. E. Yantzi B. T. Winchell Ed Burge John Meyers R. M. Sauers Dr. J. E. Spencer, pastor O’Neill High “O” Club Have Successful Party More than 100 merry makers took to the floor of the small High School auditorium, Wednesday evening, to dance the light fan tastic, sponsored by the “O” Club, an O’Neill H. S. organization com posed of athletes, who have earned their letter in competition. Several enjoyable hours were spent by the students of both St. Mary’s and O’Neill High Schools. Prancing to the tunes of a “Nico lodian,” interspersed by circle dances, gymnastic interpretations, tag dances, a grand march, and a prize dance, everyone went merrily on his way at 10:30 p. m., report ing a happy evening. O’Neill Public School May Festival Next Week On Friday evening, May 9 at 8 o’clock in the high school gym nasium, the children of the public grade school will have a May Fes tival. The program will feature choruses of the first six grades and the kindergarten rhythm band. Also there will be May dances and poems. There will be aMay King, and a May Queen and attendants chosen by the children themselves. Following the program the grade teachers will hold open-house in then- rooms so that the parents and friends may visit them if they wish. There will be no admission charge and the public is cordially invited to attend this grade pro gram. The Weather This section of the state has been blessed with some real wet weather the past week, the mois ture amounting to .57 of an inch, up to this morning for the week. This brings the total rainfall for the month of April up to 4.09 in ches, as compared to 3.26 inches for April of 1940. Following is the weather chart for the week: High Low Prec. April 24 63 34 April 25 72 43 April 26 71 50 .02 April 27 71 45 April 28 68 47 April 29 68 62 .06 April 30 .49 Total for the month of April, 1941, 4.09 inches. Total for the month of April, 1940, 3.26 inches. ^ / O’Neill High Boys Win Honors At Lincoln The Crops Judging and Identifi cation team, the Crops and Soil Management team, and the Live Stock Judging team, with their instructor Mr. Mathis, left for Lincoln last Thursday morning, April 24, to participate in the Twenty - Seventh Annual State Agriculture Contest. Sixty schools were represented in this contest, making a total of seven hundred and fifty boys. The contest lasted three days and was held at the Agricultural College. The boys on the Crops and Soils Management team, Francis Mur ray and Clifford Burival, received a Superior rating as a team. Fran cis Murray also received an Ex cellent as individual in this same contest. The Crops Judging and Identification team, Rex Oberle, Clifford Burival, and Francis Mur ray, received an Excellent rating for their fine work. Francis Mur ray placed Superior in this as an individual. The Livestock team, Bob Hanley, John Etherton, and George Hendrick, also participat ed in this state contest. Superior and Excellent ratings are the only ratings given at this contest. Any ratings below Excel lent are not given. O’Neill can boast that only one team went to this contes which did not bring back a placing. Even if this team did not place, it was excellent experience for the boys, and we believe that the education al valu gained was indeed worth while. Considering the number of schools entered in this state con test. our boys are to be commend ed highly for their fine work. Annual Home Coming At Center Union The annual Home-Coming at the Center Union church will be held 'Sunday, May 4th. There will be an all day service and basket din ner at noon. 11:00 Devotionals Clarence Ernst 10:30 Exposition of the Sunday School lesson Ralph Ernst Duet Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hubby 11:00 Sermon . Rev. Hallgrimson of Ainsworth. 12:00 Basket dinner and fellowship. 1:30 Devotional . . Rev. Harold Scaggan of Spencer, Nebr. 2:00 Sunday School Reminisen ces ..J. K. Ernst Message in Song .. Center Union Male Quartet 2:30 Sermon —--—. Rev. P. S. Kindchi, Mitchel, S. D. Evening Service. 8:00 Devotional -G. M. Hubby 8:30 Sermon .—.—. Rev. R. L. Gowan, Page Everyone cordially invited. O’Neill Bus Center Of This Section Of The State O’Neill is getting to be quite a bus center. With two busses runn ing between O’Neill and Sioux City; two from Grand Island to O’Neill and two busses running between O’Neill and Aisworth, daily, three each way daily between O’Neill and Norfolk and a bus running from thiis city to Bonesteel, South Dakota, each day the traveling public in this section of the state is pretty well looked after in the matter of transporta tion. Improved highways make this bus transportation possible, but it is hard on the railroads. Busy Hour Club Busy Hour Club met at the home of Mrs. Art Given on April 24th. Roll call was answered by giv ing a household hint. These were very good. Games were played, Mrs. Ruby Wayman, Mrs. Glen Splinder and Mrs. Lowell Johnson receiving prizes. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in playing “Bunco” and sewing for the hostess. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Lizzie Schmor May 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gatz spent the week end visiting relatives in 0 i maha. THE DAYS OF LONG AGO Fifty-Five Years Ago The Frontier, April 22, 1886. John W. Wertz has purchased a half interest in the Stuart Ledger, and already the paper has assumed a brighter, livlier appearance. The Frontier, April 29, 1886 Milt and Sol Henoch, of Sham rock, were in town the first of the week. The rain of last Sunday waa worth thousands of dollars to Holt County. By some, it is claimed that seven rainy Sundays always follows a rainy Easter. Fifty Years Ago The Frontier, April 23, 1891 Eighteen hundred and ninety five carloads of hay has been shipped out of this county during the past shipping season. Hay sold last fall for $4.00 per ton and brought from $11.00 to $14.00 per ton during the winter and spring. Tracy Gwin started for Omaha Tuesday morning. He has secured a position in one of the large pack ing plants in south Omaha. The Neligh Leader says that no Italian war ships have been seen to sail up the Elkhorn yet. I _ The Frontier, April 30, 1891 G. M. Cleveland has fully de cided to move from O’Neill to Hot Springs, S. D. He had been a resident of O’Neill for about a dozen years, engaged in the prac tice of law and for a time in the newspaper business. The Item, April 23, 1891 C. S. Handlan is building an addition to his residence in the northern part of the city.. This issue of the Item contains a column article about the antics of County Judge Lowe and a woman companion. The paper demands the resignation of the Judge after giving his side of the story. It was the sensation of the year in the county. Married, on Tuesday, April 22, at Sioux City, Iowa, Geo. Merritt and Miss Nellie Holden, both of this city. ' The Item, April 30, 1891 Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Wel ton, on Sunday evening, April 26, ! a boy. On last Monday evening Barney Mullen left for Hot Springs, S. D., where he has contracts for erecting four large buildings this summer. He took George Trigg, Jack Davis, John LaBue and J. H. Pine with him to work on the buildings and two from Atkinson and four from Long Pine. - F®rty Years Ago The Frontier, April 25, 1901 The carpenters have about com pleted their work at the court house and have two well finished and commodious rooms added to the up-stairs section of the bufld jing. The O’Neill National Bank open for business yesterday morning. It is organized with a Capital of $25,000.00. Mrs. Jane Mullen died at her home in this city Tuesday morning at the age of 75 years. She had been a resident of the county for eighteen years. The Frontier, May 2, 1901 The first meeting of the City Council, after it passed from a village organization, was held May 3, 1889, twelve years ago. John McBride was elected Mayor and I. R. Smith, J. P. Weekes, M. M. Sullivan, Will Canton, Frank Campbel and H. Heinerickson were members of the council. For the succeeding years, up to date, the J officers vcere as follows: 1890— Mayor, John McBride; City Clerk, W. McK Slocum; Treasurer, Dave Adams; Couneilmen: C. C. Mil lard, J. C. Harnisk, Dave Stannard, (Continued on page 4)