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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1940)
Over the County INMAN NEWS Kenneth Kestenholtz, who has been working in Atwood, Colo., for the past year, returned heme Mon day ter spend the winter at the home of his father, Harry Kesten holtz. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shoemaker have moved into the Mark Clar idge property. Mr. Stuart Hartigan, of Norfolk, was in Inman Tuesday on busi ness. The Coffee Club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. George Colman. Supt. McClurg drove to Lincoln on business returning Saturday. The Ladies Aid "will hold their bazaar Saturday, Lecember 14. Several young married couples were entertained at a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ercle Kenner Saturday evening. Games were played. Lunch was served by the hostess. Rev. E. B. Maxey drove to Plainview Friday on business. Mrs. Jennie Wilcox returned home Friday from Lincoln and Stella, Nebr., where she has been visiting at the home of her sons. Dwayne Stevens, who has been working on a farm near Chambers, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Brittell and family, of Chambers, visited rela tives in Inman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hancock, of O’Neill, visited relatives here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perkins, of O’Neill, visited at the home of his parents here Sunday. The S. V. S. Club met Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoxie, of White Fish, Montana, were Sunday callers at the F. M. Brittell home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colman re turned Thursday from Grand Island, where they had been visit ing at the home of their daughter j the past few weeks, Norbert Clark, Walter Rouse, ; Gordon Brittell and Bob Sholes were home over the week end from the CCC camp at Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crosser and Mr. and Mrs. Ercle Renner visited at the home of Mrs. Bert Jones in Neligh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hansen and baby, of Creighton, visited Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keyes. A group of men were entertain ed at a card party at the home of George Cilman, Sr., Friday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conard and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach, of Neligh, visited relatives in Inman Sunday. The Royal Neighbor Lodge met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sarah Sholes; election of officers was held and those elected were: Oracle, Mrs. Lottie Thomp son; Vice Oracle, Mrs. Sarah Sholes; Recorder, Mrs. Della Brit tell; Receiver, Mrs. Lena Butler; Marshal. Mrs. Mary Miller; Inner Sentinel, Mrs. Anna Smith; Outer Sentinel, Mrs. Josie Kopecky; Manager, Mrs. Ethel Tompkins and Musician, Mrs. Ruth Watson. Mr. and Mrs. William Vrooman and family of Venus, visited Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fraka. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conger anil children, of Elgin, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conger Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conard and baby, of Washington state, are here visiting at the home of Cath erine Oonard. They will remain until after the holidays. Norbert Clark and Walter Rouse left Monday for Omaha, where they will enter the service of Coast Guards. The members of the Inman bas ketball teams drove to Atkinson Friday evening where they met and defeated the St. Joseph Warns. HURRY! Only 9 More Shopping Days Until Xmas Headquarters for GIFTS AND TOYS good buys Mother’s Best Flour . $1.25 MAYTAG OIL, Sealed Quarts 29c (1 To A Customer) .... Ak-Sar-Ben Lay Mash “ $1.79 _ O’Neill Hatchery __ CHRISTMAS LOANS It takes money. . . . yea, lota of money. ... to cover your shopping list thoroughly, perhaps a lot more than you anticipated. • But why attempt to make one month’s pay check cover all your Christmas expense? It is much more convenient to arrange a loan with us, then repay it in easy installments after the first of the year. Your car or household furniture offers ample security. Come in and talk it over with us. IF YOU NEED MONEY FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING—CONSULT Centra! Finance Corporation C. E. JONES, Manager 1st National Bank Bldg. Neill, Nebr. The first team score was 12 to 23 and the second team score was 3 to 10. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Kline ami family, of O’Neill, visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary Han cock. Inman Workers Club On November 27, the Inman Workers met at the home of Mrs. James Coventry. The business meeting was conducted by the President, Mrs. Karl Keyes. Plans were made for the Christmas party to be held December 20, at the home of Mrs. A. N. Butler. Mrs. James Cronk led in the singing of the project and November songs. Mrs. James McMahan, the reading leader, gave a short talk followed by a discussion on the circular of “Children of Many Lands,” con ducted by Mrs. Ermand Keyes. Mrs. A. N. Butler and Mrs. Har din Anspach, presented a very in teresting lesson on “Using Home Resources.” Sixteen members were present and all enjoyed a covered dish luncheon at noon. EMMET NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bair and family spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Strong in Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson re ceived word Thursday of the death of Mr. Patterson’s father, who passed away at his home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson drove down Thursday to attend the funeral and returned home Sunday. Mrs. Guy Oole left Monday morn ing to attend a business women’s convention in Omaha. She will return Friday and expects to drive a new Mercury back. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peacock are visiting at Amelia several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Enbody, of Atkinson, were callers at the C. E. Tenborg home Sunday afternoon. Evelyn Strong, of Stuart, visited at the Cecil McMillan home Sat urday. • The Womens Foreign Missionary Society met with Mrs. Thomas Peacock Wednesday afternoon at her home. Mrs. D. H. Allen returned from Louisville, Ky., Tuesday evening, where she had been visiting her daughter, Molly, and family the past three weeks. Mrs. P. W. McGinnis, the Emmet Red Cross representative, tells us that we have given three times over our quota to the Red Cross and for a Bmall town we should be and are proud. I - -- MEEK AND VICINITY Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby, of Archer, Nebr., arrived*Wednesday to visit relatives and friends in this vicinity. The Ladies Aid met Wednesday, December 4th with Mrs. George Nelson. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. The afternoon was spent in exchanging Christ mas gifts and playing games. The next meeting will be January 8 with Mrs. Emmet Slaight. Marriedy Hubby, of Atkinson, spent Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. Carrie Borg. Miss Mabel Hansen, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hansen and William Mulhair, of Lynch, were united in marriage at Lynch on December 4th. Charles Linn and Mrs. Carson motored to Madison on Thursday, returning home on Friday. Several attended the charivari at the Dan Hansen home on Wed nesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Mulhair. Miss Midge Lowe, of Ponca, Nebraska, is visiting her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lowery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDonald and family are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. Boone Chambers, of Lynch, before leaving for Califor nia, where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robertson entertained Wednesday evening, hoi oring Mr. and Mrs. Albert M< Donald. R. D. Spindler went to Tulsa, Oklohoma, to visit his sister, Helen and from there he expects to go to Alabama to spend several weeks. All Around Star Club On October 25, Mr. Stout organ ized a 4-H Club at the Dorsey school. The leader is Miss Mae DeLong, Star; Assistant leader, Miss Eunice Chudomelka, Redbird; President, Verna Miller, Star; Vice president, Ardis Newman, Star; Secretary, Janis Miles, Dorsey; News reporter, Geraldine Marston, Walnut. (The remaining members are Verda Ann Butterfield, Dorsey; O Edna Newman, Star; and Janet Nightengale, Redbird. who is an associate member. The club is a beginning sewing club. The first meeting was held December 6, at the home of Misses A id is and Edna Newman. After the records had been completed and the meeting had been adjourn ed a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Newman. Methodist Church V. C. Wright, Minister Sunday school 10:00 a. m., H. B. Burch, Superintendent. Public worship 11:00 a. m. Spec ial music and sermon by the pas tor. Epworth League devotional meet ing 7:00 p. m. Special musical program by the choir featuring Christmas music. -... . I BRIEFLY STATED' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones drove to Columbus, Nebraska, on Sunday, where they spent the day visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. C- E. Lundgren entertained at a party at her home on Wednes day evening, honoring Mrs. Mark Crandall. Mrs. C. J. Gatz entertained the Contract Club at a seven o'clock dinner followed by cards at her home on Thursday evening. See Penney’s large display of Christmas Gifts. 30-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Engler and Mrs. Charley McKenna drove to Norfolk on Saturday and spent the day there on business. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Keller re turned on Monday from Omaha, .. ; ‘ I where they have been for the past1 week, and where Mrs. Keller re ceived medical attention. Mrs. W. J. hVoelieh, Mrs. Charles Stout and Mrs. Edward Campbell left Monday for Chi-; eago, where they will spend the coming week. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham returned on Saturday from Chi cago, 111., where they spent the week attending the National Live Stock Show and Exposition. See Penney’s large display of Christmas Gifts. 30-1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Sauers drove to Sargent, Nebraska, on Sunday and spent the day there visiting their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sauers. Basketball GAME _____ O’Neill High School VB. Stuart High School Attend This Opening Home Game on December 17 7:30 P. M. H. S. Gymn Admission 15c and 25c BUY A SEASON TICKET Ten Home (James For $1.50 Farmers! Ranchers! Prices on livestock remain attractive. If you have some surplus stock left, now is a good time to convert them into cash. Sendkus your consignment. We endeavor to give you complete satisfaction. * \ . ■ - ....■..■■■I.. . .■■■!■ ... I O’Neill Livestock Comm. Co. PHONE 2 O’NEILL, NEBR. PENNIES IN THE BANK glamour on your legs Lswly Phcmh 3 and 4 thrnadn / V^J/^1 In ten* Ingthi i You’ll find these delightful stockings true luxury at a "budget" price. Best of all—they're specially treated for long wear by the famous Phoenix Double Vita-Bloom Process. Available in Long, Medium, and Short lengths. Exciting new colors. SECUHTY GARTER ZONE STOCKINGS Special area within the famous Custom-fit Top of fine Bilk and mercerized twist for firmer gartering w —increased durability. 3 and 4 threadweights. GIVE HER HOSE FOR CHRISTMAS Quality ANTON TOY Merchandise Mrs. Carl Asimus and Mrs. How ard Williams drove to Erickson, Nebraska, on Sunday and visited at the home of their mother,, Mrs. j Hannah Williams. Miss Vera Mae Landis enter taied the 9 FP Club on Thursday evening at her home. Mrs. I. W. Johnson won high score and Mrs. W. B. Gillespie won second high. Miss Mary Katherine Coyne, of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived here on Sunday morning and will spend the Christman holidays visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Coyne. AT PENNEY’S Men's Overcoats Now $10.50, $13.50, $19.75. 30-1 A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry DeVore on Thursday night, honoring Mrs. De Vore and Mrs. H. G. Kruse, who celebrate their birthdates on the same day. Mrs. Fred Robertson won high score at bridge. SHSMiie YOPR FR1 Friday and Saturday December 13 and 14 Council Oak Suggests You will find among Council Oak’s advertised items many seasonable and appetizing suggestions that will assist in plan ning menus for the coming week. Council Oak advertised specials and Everyday ls»w Prices on Every item makes Council Oak a Safe Place to Save. Round, Swiss, lb.25c Short Cut, tb. 24c SIRLOIN STEAK, lb. ___ I Tender Juicy BEEF ROASTS POUND 14c, 16c and . Fresh Pork ROASTS I*ER POUND .„. FRESH BEEF TO BOIL, Ih.14c FRESH PORK STEAK, lb. 15c PURE PORK SAUSAGE, lb. 15c ___ SLICED PORK LIVER PER LB. PORK SPARE RIBS PER LB. PORK NECK BONES 5 POUNDS FOR . I DOLE’S HAWAIIAN 4} 9-OZ. 47C PINEAPPLE 4 cans 1/ Stock your pantry with both Crushed and Tid-bit Pineapple at the wale price. SUPERB MINCEMEAT 2 Pk|?s. 15c So rich in meat, fruit and spices that many stretch to double the quantity by adding fresh apples. OCEAN SPRAY PER 4 rC CRANBERRY SAUCE .... .. can 15 The delicious cranberry sauce that does not melt at ro«im temperature. FRESH CRACKED J OUNCE 44|C ENGLISH WALNUT MEATS.‘f bag 14 KELLOGG’S 4) LARGE 4AC CORN FLAKES .-. 4 pegs. 1/ SUPERB STUFFED NO. 7 4)4 C MANZANILLA OLIVES . jar 41 SUPERB QUICK AND REGULAR LARGE 4JC ROLLED OATS. pkg. I ■ ! I “MA BROWN’S” OLD FASHIONED 4)J-OUNCE 4 PC WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Zl LOAF >5 1 An every Friday Feature. Sold only at Council Oak Stores. CLAPP’S BABY FOOD 2 Cans 17c 7 Cans IQc CHOPPED I# O STRAINED ICED SPICE COOKIES 2 £ 25 MUSTARD AND TOMATO OVAL 4 AC CALIFORNIA SARDINES . can lU SWEDISH MINTS, Pound . I5c A popular aftcT-dinner Confection. SUPERB DICED A NO. 2 4AC BEETS AND CARROTS.Z CANS I f. Place on lettuce and top with Salad Dressing for a delicious and Economical Salad. , MORNING LIGHT A 27-OZ. 4 AC PORK & BEANS.-.L cans If COUNCIL OAK COFFEE 66c Save the empty bags and start a set of 22-carat Gold Pattern Dishes. RED BAG COFFEE.3 Lbs. 39c SUPERB BRAND A 159-FT. 4 AC KITCHEN TOWELS .Z rolls If Buy one roll for the rack apd the other for reseerve. WEEK END GREEN GOODS SPECIALS MARSH SEEDLESS PER TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT . dozen It FANCY WESTERN O DOZ. AQC DELICIOUS APPLES.- L for It WRAPPED AND SIZED f LBS. *)|"C WINESAP APPLES .- 0 for *3 CALIFORNIA SUNKIST PER A|*C NAVEL ORANGES._....... dozen L3 GREEN TOP CARROTS..2 Bunches 9c GOLDEN HEART CELERY.... Stalk 9c