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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1940)
The Frontier D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Etatered at the postofTice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Mattel. SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska $2.»*0 One Year, outside Nebraska.... 2.2b Every subscription is regarded •a an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly re moved from our mailing list at ex piration of time paid for, if pub Maher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscription prioe-. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between pub lisher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads lte per line, first insertion, subae qaent insertions, 6c per line. BRIEFLY STATED Mrs. John Osenbaugh, of Auburn, Nebraska, who has been here for the past few weeks visiting her w> John and family, left Tuesday for her home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shriner and Mrs. Seth Noble left on Tuesday for Omaha, where they will attend a convention being held there for Dempster windmill dealers. Mrs. T. M. Tyler, of Valentine, Nebr., and her daughter, Mrs. Bill Robinson and daughter, of Milwau kee, Wis., visited here on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Smith, Jr. _ Mrs. Donald Wilson and daugh ter and Mrs. H. Foulks, of Omaha, returned to their home on Mon day, after spending the week end here as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rooney. Miss Ruth Evans and George Henderson, of San Francisco, Calif., arrived here on Sunday evening to visit Miss Evans’ moth er, Mrs. Alma Evans. They left Wednesday evening for their home. AT PENNEY’S Men’s Overcoats Now $10.50, $13.50, $19.75. 30-1 Jimmie Merriman entertained some of his young friends at a theatre party on Saturday night, honoring Allan Crandall, who will leave soon with his parents, to make hiB home in Fremont. Miss Inez O’Connell, deputy Clerk of the District Court, left Monday for Omaha, where she will attend the convention for clerks and their deputies being held there this week. See Penney’s large display of Christmas Gifts. 30-1 Mrs. F. J. Dishner and Mrs. John Robinson of Hampton, Iowa, re tnrned on Monday evening from Columbus, Nebraska, where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kinsman. —_ . r i, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Keiser of Cody, Nebr., who have been visit ing frinds in California, were in O’Neill on Tuesday visiting at the ■T Cljrisfmos-1’® I TRAVEL I m. TIME M *4i ■ ' - C<y HuhiLtgion fPMFORTRBLC • DEPJmDRBlE Make your Holiday trips this year on comfortable, dependa ble Burlington trains. You'll enjoy the convenient sched ules, all-weather service, spa cious equipment, and low round trip fares. ('ijiHSiwf a ®riV ^ 1 to _« V'°“bac«-J prom™” l Jl anY P‘ac H. A. YOCUM Agent Phone: 55 SccUomX from th« Burlington home of Mrs. Keiser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Donohoe. AT PENNEY'S Men’s Overcoats Now $10.50. $13.50, $19.76. 30-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gibson of Chambers, Supervisors John Car son of Red Bird, and John Sulli van, of O’Neill, left on Monday for Omaha, where they will attend the annual convention of County Supervisors and commissioners beinj? held in Omaha this week. The members of the Eastern Star entertained at a forewell party a* the home of Mrs. Fred Robertson on Thursday evening, honoring Mrs. Mark Crandall, who will leave soon with her family to make her home in Fremont, Ne braska. O’Neill friendB have received an nouncement of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schwartc, of Pine Ridge, So. Dak. Mrs. Schwarte will be remember ed here as Miss Evelyn Mains, daughter of Mrs. Tom Mains, who now lives in Denver, Oolo. Mrs. Frank Parkins entertained the members of the D. T. Club at their Christmas party at her home in this city on Thursday evening. A dinner was served at seven o'clock at the M & M Cafe, follow ed by the exchange of gifts and cards at the home of Mrs. Parkins. Rev. and Mrs. William Bell left •on Tuesday for Sterling, Kansas, j where they will visit at the home of Mr. Bell’s father for an indefi nite time. Rev. Bell, who has been pastor of the Presbyterian church for the past few years, has given up his pastorate in this city. Lieut. Col. F. M. Brennan, of Fort Knox, Kentucky, is expected to arrive in O’Neill some time during the coming week to spend Christinas here with his family, who are spending the winter here. Lieut. Col. Brennan has received a fifteen day leave. Dr. Fisher, who came here a couple of months ago to practice his profession of dentistry and who was taken sick about the time his office was ready and was taken to a hospital in Omaha, returned to O’Neill the first of the week, well on the Way to recovery and he expects to be in bis office about the first of the year, LUTHERAN NOTES Sunday’s service at the Episco j pal church will bepin at 3:30 P. M. Sunday school at 3:00. K. W. Fricke, Pastor. AT PENNEY’S Men’s Overcoats Now $10.50, $13.50, $19.75. 30-1 Come to our Christmas Program to be heki at the school house in District No. 142 on Saturday even ing, December 21, 1940. This is known as the Chester Ross School. This invitation is extended by the Teacher and the pupils of the dis trict. Mrs. Ira George and Mrs. Everly Knight entertained the Tuesday Club at a 1 o’clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. George on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ambrose Rohde won high score at bridge, Mrs. K. Martyn second high and Mrs. Irvin Johnson the all cut. The Club also held their regular Christmas' party on Tuesday. Official Proceedings of the Holt County Board 0*Neill, Nebraska, September 25, 1940 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervis I —---___— O NEILL PUBLIC * SCHOOL GRADES 1 . i Present 1 n “Kay and Gerda” I A 3-Act Operetta j December 18 8:00 P. M. j INibJic Schoirf Auditorium 1 I First Grade Rhythm Band Between Acts | ________ A good performance for your enjoyment. Admission 5c and 10c -- | -I Outlaw Grocery IN WEST O’NEILL A TRUCKLOAD OF XMAS CANDY All kinds to pick from . Also Peanut Brittle, Orange Slices Chocolate Drops— YOUK CHOICE AT AC 5 Lbs. A AC Pound ... 7, For “0 10 Pound* ArC For W 30-Pound rrt Straight Cases ... ^fc«3U THIS IS NUT TIME PEANUTS—Fresh Roasted 9C 2 Quarts 11C For .... I # Kuglish Walnuts, Almonds, Paper Shell Pecans, Brazils, Hazelnuts, Mixed Nuts at Lowest Prices in Town COOKIES—Fresh Fancy Item Barmettlers of all kinds. 2 rr i9' XMAS CHOCOLATES in Fancy Xmas Boxes 1-Pound AAC 2 Vi-Lb. rrC Box .tv Box 33 5 -Pound Box .. ROLLED OATS—Quick or Regular 5-Pound Bag.. ORANGES— Fancy Medium Size AAC Per Peck . 3* CELERY—Large Pascal Bunch ._... Delicious or WLneaap APPLES j Pounds | -1— POTATOES—Large Red Triumph 15-Pound Pecks . 100-Pound FANCY HONEY JPC 5-Lb. Glass Jars . W TABLE SYRUP QAC Golden. Gal. Cans .... ¥# FOLGER’S COFFEE—Drip or Regular AJC 1-Pound Cana . ■* Meats and Cheese Armour’s Smoked Melrose PICNIC HAMS 1AC Pound .-.. LARD—Pure Home Rendered 2-Lb. | JC 3-Lb. AAC Pkga. H I’kgs. LV OLEO—Red Roae or 4AC Crystal, IJ».—.. "V FRESH PORK FROM TOP YOUNG HOGS PORK ROASTS |^C PORK STEAK 4 PC Pound ... 13 PORK SAUSAGE—All **C Meat—2 Lbs. For .... *3 At New Deal Oil Co, HIGH TEST For oii stove or Tractor DISTILLATE ^ Gals. or over—Gallon V 4 w Smaller 1 f*<J*Uon at th' P“mP8* /“^No Deliveries at this Price. -I—— ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were ap proved as read. PETITION To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska: GENTLEMEN: Your petitioner, Ira H. Moss, of O’Neill, Nebraska, states that he is the owner in fee simple of and in possession the following real es tate, situated in Holt County, Ne braska, to-wit: The South half of the South west Quarter of Section 24, in Township 27. North, Range 14. That on November 16, 1893, there was executed and filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, and re corded in Book 38 of Deeds at page 328, a purported conveyance of the above described real estate, togeth er with other lands, being a Tax Deed, executed by R, J. Hayes, County Treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska, to T. A. Thompson. That on January 18th, 1894, there was executed a purported convey ance of said above described real estate, together with other lands, being a Quit Claim Deed executed by T. A. Thompson and Lydia Thompson, husband and wife, bo Holt County, Nebraska, and filed in the office of the County Clerk of said county on January 29th, 1894, and recorded in Book 39 of Deeds at page 202. That as a matter of fact the above described real estate was not patented by the United States until April 2nd, 1913, many years after the execution of the two deeds above referred to, as shown by the Pat ent filed in the office of the County Clerk of said County on April 19th, 1913, and recorded in Patent Rec ord M at Page 280. That by reason of the above facts, the Tax Deed above referred to conveyed no title in said real estate to T. A. Thompson, and Holt County, Nebraska, acquired no title by virtue of the Quit Claim Deed Automobile LOANS Furniture FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING and WINTER NEEDS Don’t let the lack of ready cash prevent you from buying the gifts that you want. You Can Save By Paying Cash. NO EMBARRASSMENT—NO OBLIGATION—NO RED TAPE FRIENDLY CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Securities Acceptance Corporation Phone 400 Norfolk, Nebr. .1. M. HAYES, Local Agent above referred bo. executed by T. A. Thompson and wife, it being expressly iccited in said Quit Claim that said instrument was given for j the purpose of correcting an er-1 roneous assessment and sale for taxes of said above described real j | estate. That Holt County, Nebraska, has j no title, claim or interest in said j real estate, but that the recording of said Quit Claim Deed consti tutes a cloud upon the title thereto w hich your petitioner is entitled to have removed. WHEREFORE, your petitioner prays that said Board of Supervis ors may make and pass a proper resolution, authorizing and direct (To Be Continued) A BOY’S best friend may be his mother—but a man’s best friend is his bank account. The O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital. Surplus and This Bank Carries No Undivided Profits, Indebtedness of Officer* $140,000.00 or Stockholders. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation I have on hand a new stock of merchandise which I purchased on a recent trip to Chicago and now have same on display in my store. Drop in, we are sure we can satisfy you with quality and price. After many years of experience in the business I feel satisfied that I am qualified to select merchandise of a quality and style that is not found in any other store in this section. They will be offered at prices that will encourage all buyers of Christmas Gifts to purchase. For The Ladies. BEI) SPREADS—In Orchid, Rose and Blue. Very new items. If you want to supply a friend you can find what you want here. BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS—Part Wool, different colors. LUNCH SETS—Very New. Table cloths and napkins to match in many colors. HOSE—Iron Clad and Munsing Wear Hose. All the new shades. SILK UNDIES—Munsing Wear Silk Undies, none better. Every garment guaranteed. SCARFS, ETC.—A very large assortment of Ladies Scarfs in all the new shades and de signs. GLOVES—Kid Gloves for the Ladies and Children at a very low figure. For The Men. A unique gift is a Shirt. We have just receiv ed a new shipment of ARROW SHIRTS. All the new and popular shades. SHORTS—In fhe new Munsing Wear of to day. The very latest Ask to see them. SHOES AND OXFORDS—The very latest in style and quality at $3.50 and $5.00. HART, SCHAFNER & MARX SUITS AND OVERCOATS LEATHER JACKETS—With zipper or but ton front. SWEATER COATS AND PULL OVERS— NECK WEAR—We have just received a new line of ties and scarfs that excel any other season’s product, at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 up to $2.50. We have a beautiful line of scarfs, of many different colors and pat terns. Just the thing to tone up your suit or overcoat. HATS AND GLOVES—And speaking of hats none of them can compete with Stetson. W( carry a splendid line. We can also take care of your glove needs. We have in stock a new pig skin all sizes, as well as kid gloves