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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1937)
(First publication Oct. 28, 1937.) LEGAL NOTICE May E. Riale and all persons having or claiming any interest in j the Northwest Quarter of Section j Eight, Township Twenty - nine. Range Ten, West of the Sixth; P. M., Holt county, Nebraska, real names unknown, defendants, are j LOST AND FOUND LOST—Two steers, yearling brand- j ed half box, reverse C on left hip, and 2-year-old branded half box lazy T on right side.—Walter Puckett, Emmet, Nebr. 26-1 STRAYED, Nov. 5. 3 calves, 2 whiteface, a steer and heifer, and 1 roan heifer,—Herman DeGroff. O’Neill, Nebr. 2G-2p TAKEN UP, at my place on or about August 1, three steers, about yearlings. One white face, one brockle face and one Red. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses.— George Baird, O’Neil). 23-Gp MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Sewing of all kinds. Prices reasonable.—Eileen Ren ner, Dorsey, Nebr. 26-2p YOU may not appreciate the value of good eyesight until you begin to lose it. See Perrigo Optical companyut uoiden Hotel, in O’Neill, i Monday, Nov. 15 1 25-2 1 HAVE eastern money to loan on farms and ranches. 1 also loan money on city property.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 2tf SALESMEN WANTED MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Write today. Rawleigh’s Dept. NI1K 252-SA, Freeport, 111. 36-1 HELP WANTED OLD ESTABLISHED IMPLE MENT company looking for deal er in this vicinity. Small outlay of capital required to start. A real opportunity for parties of re sponsibility.—write J. D., care of The Frontier. 26-1 p WANTED—Office girl.—Inquire at this office. 25-2p WANTED TO BUY WHEN you have butcher stuff, either hogs or cattle for sale, see Barnhart’s Market. 48tf FOR RENT FOR RENT—MODERN Residence. R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 16-tf FOR SALE BUZ SAW complete with power. Also dry wood.—Charles Kalinu, Inman, Nebr. 26-1 p RETORT heating stove, used very little, in good shape.—John Addi son, Opportunity. 25-2p REGISTERED Ilerefords: Year ling range bulls, bull calves; also cows and heifer calves.—W. G. Sire, Inman, Nebr. 22tf CHOICE Duroc spring boars; also yearling Shorthorn bulls.—Frank Loock, Spencer, Nebr. 22-6p ONE DOdge 4-door sedan; One Chevrolet coupe. In fine condi tion mechanically. Will sell at a very reasonable price.—G. A. Fox Store. 21tf FOR SALE—Oil burner for fur nace in n residence. Will sell real cheap. — R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 19tf AFFIDAVIT forms for statement of age, for use by liquor stores and Beer parlors. For sale at The » Frontier office in pads of 100. FOR SALE—6-rooin house, has (hath room, and lights and water, nearly modern, close in. $1260 will buy it.—See R. H. Parker. 6tf HOME LOANS FARM LOANS RANCH LOANS I Am Now Making Loans JOHN L. QUIG Dr. J. L. SHERBAHN Chiropractor Phone 147 Half Block South of the Ford Garage—West Side of Street W. F. FINLEY, M. I). Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska DR. J. P. BROWN Office Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 hereby notified that on the 21st day of October, A. D., 1937, Walter C. Young, as plaintirF, filed a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of Holt county, Ne braska, against you, the object and I prayer of which are to have plain tiff decreed to be the absolute owner in fee simple of the North west Quarter of Section Eight, Township Twenty-nine, Range Tefi, West of the Sixth P. M., Holt county, Nebraska, and to have the title to and possession of said premises forever quieted and con firmed in plaintiff; to have the mortgage from Gilbert M. Brown to Michael J. Stafford, covering the above described real estate, dated October 15, 190G, in the sum of $400.00, and recorded December 5, 1900, in Book 92 at Page 3 of the Real Estate Mortgage Records of Holt county, Nebraska, and there after on June 20, 1907, assigned and set over by Michael J. Stafford to May E. Riale, which assignment was recorded October 21, 1909, in Book 98 at Page 490 of the Mort gage Records of Holt county, Ne braska, adjudged and decreed to have been fully paid and satisfied and no longer a lien upon said premises and unenforceable and barred by the Statute of Limita tions of the State of Nebraska; to have you and each of you adjudged and decreed to have no title to, lien upon or interest in said premises, or any part thereof, and to forever enjoin you from assert ing any title to, right, claim, lien or interest in said premises or any part thereof adverse to plaintiff and to remove the clouds cast upon plaintiff’s title by reason of your claims. 1 You are required to answer said petition on or before the Gth day of December, 1937. WALTER C. YOUNG. Plaintiff, By Julius I). Cronin. 24-4 His Attorney. (First publication Nov. 4, 1937.) NOTICE OF REFEREE’S SALE State of Nebraska, Madison County, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an order of the District Court of Madison county, Nebraska, duly and legally entered on September 8, 1937, in an action in said Court pending, wherein Patrick Kielty is plaintiff and Brid get Kielty, Mary Malone, Frank Malone, John Kielty, Rose Kielty, James Kielty, Alice Kielty, Mary Kielty, Agnes Grosserode, Henry Grosserode, Thomas Kielty, Julia Kielty, Rose Brogan Brink, Elmer Brink, Bernard Kielty and Kate Kielty are defendants, directing me as Referee in said ease to sell at public vendue for cash the follow ing described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The West Half (W1^) of Section Nine (9), Township Twenty-five (26) North, Range Twelve (12), West of the 6th P. M. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the powers vested in me as such Referee and pursuant to said order, I will, on the seventh day of De* cember, 1937, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon of said day, on the premises in Holt county, Nebraska, sell the above described real estate to the highest bidder for cash. Said sale will remain open for at least one hour. KARL J. MOYER, 26-6 Referee. (First publication Nov. 4, 1937.) NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 2934 In the County Court of Holt county, Nebraska, November 2, 1937. In the matter of the Estate of Daniel D. Murphy, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in said Court for the probate of a written instru ment purporting to be the last will and testament of Daniel D. Murphy, Deceased, and for the appointment of Bridget A. Murphy and Dennis F. Murphy, as executors thereof; that November 24, 1937, at 10 o’clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and proving said instrument in said Court when all persons concerned may appear and contest the probate thereof. C. J. MALONE. County Judge. (County Court Seal) 25-3 J. D. Cronin, Attorney (First publication Nov. 11, 1937.) LEGAL NOTICE INEZ A. SMOOT, the heirs, dev isees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons inter ested in the Estate of Lulu L. Johnson, Deceased, real names un known; John W. Keen, Adminis trator of the Estate of Lydia Keen, AUCTION SALE At the residence of the late James O’Connor located 1 block south and 2 blocks west of Saint Patrick’s Catholic church in O’Neill Nebraska, Saturday, Nov. 13 Starting at 1:30 p. m. The following personal pro perty wil be sold at public | auction: General Run of HOUSEHOLD GOODS Come before sale and look over the pieces you might be interested in! TERMS OF SALE —CASH - . — Dr. D. C. O’CONNOR Deceased; John W. Keen, Robert Keen, Blossom Keen, George Keen, Elsie Pachernigg, Clyde Keen, Maude Robinson; the heirs, dev isees, legatees, personal represent atives and all other persons inter ested in the Estate of Lydia Keen, Deceased, real names unknown; Lars J. Grinager, Administrator of the Estate of Id$ Jacobs, De ceased; the heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the Estate of Ida Jacobs, Deceased, real names' unknown, defendants, are hereby notified that on the 5th day of November, A. D„ 1937, James E. Jacobs, Harriett Mae Jensen, Amber Williams, Crete McDonnld, Vina Fritz, Orlo K. John son, Lester Johnson, Vada Johnson, Archie Johnson, Marvin E. Johnson, Harold C. Johnson, Arthur B. John son and Marker Johnson, as plain tiffs, filed a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska,against you, the object and prayer of which is to have determined who are the own ers of the South Half of Section Thirty-four, Township Thirty-one, Range Nine, West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Holt county, Nebraska, and the interest of each of such owners therein; to have the title to said real estate quieted and confirmed in such owners; to have said premises partitioned, or if the same can not be partitioned without depreciating the value of the shares, that then, said prem ises may be sold in the manner provided by law and the proceeds distributed after payment of costs and expenses, according to the in terest of the parties in said prop erty; to have found and determined that the devisee under the will of Geo. H. Johnson died prior to the death of the testator, Geo. H. John son, leaving no issue surviving her and that by reason of the death of such beneficiary, and as a matter of law, such devise lapsed and became void by reason of her death without issue and said property descended to the heirs at law of the said Geo. H. Johnson, as provided by the laws of descent and distribution of this state and for such other and further relief as equity and good conscience may require. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 20th day of December, 1937. JULIUS D. CRONIN, 20-4 Attorney for Plaintiffs. (First publication Nov. 11, 1987.) NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given that C. R. Thompson, Mrs. Rutn Thompson, and Vernon Landholm of the State of Nebraska have associated them selves together for the purpose of forming and becoming a corpora tion under the laws of the State of Nebraska: First: The name of the Corpora tion shall be “The American Albino Horse Club.” Second: The principal place of transacting the business of said | Corporation shall be Stuart, Ne breaska. Third: The general nature of the business to be transacted shall be to collect, verify, preserve and publish pedigrees of the specific breed of horses known as the Alhino horse. Fourth: The existence of this Corporation shall commence on the 9th day of November, 1937, and continue for a period of fifty (50) years. Fifth: This Corporation shall have no capital stock and it is non profit sharing. Sixth: This Corporation shall not subject itself or be liable for any indebtedness. Seventh: The Affairs of said Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of five Directors. Eighth: The officers of said Cor poration shall be a President, Vice President, and Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be chosen by i the Board of Directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Undersigned have hereunto set their hands this 9th day of No vember, 1937. C. R. THOMPSON. MRS. RUTH THOMPSON. VERNON LANDHOLM. :26-4 METHODIST CHURCH NOTES A. J. May, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m.— Special music by the choir. Ser mon subject, “The Fool’s Vine yard.” Epworth League meeting at 6:30 —Mr. Frank Reece, leader. We unite with the preaching mission at the Presbyterian church at 7:30 in the evening. Rev. Dickey of Norfolk will be the speaker. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00—Mr. C. E. Yantzi, superintendent. Morning Worship 11:00 — “My Responsibility.” Evening service 7:30—This will be a union service with Rev. D. A. Dickey preaching. Rev. D. A. Dickey will hold a Preaching Mission every night this week thru Thursday night. All are inivted to attend. Rev. Dickey is a popular pastor of the Presby terian church of Norfolk. H. D. Johnson, Pastor. Minutes of Meetings of the County Board (Continued from page 6.) C. H. Dahlstein _ 28.89 Herman Eisert _ 2.70 Chester Fees _ _ _ 25.05 C. F. Gillette __ 22.30 J. P. Gans _ 17.75 John Galligan __ 8.00 Arthur Colfack _ 19.50 Earl Hatton 21.75 B. G. Hanna 35.00 Lynn Hanna . 18.15 Hubbard’s Serv. Station 31.90 John Honeycutt . _ 2.40 Howard’s Repair Shop 14.81 Leo Hines 1.00 Dick Jarman 25.00 Mary Kelly 15.00 Albert Kaczor 5.40 Ivan Lirhty . 37.00 Earl Milter 3.95 Claude I. Miller 9.00 N. E. Murphy 13.00 Mattie Mick 8.00 Stuart D. Murphy 15.00 Clinton McKim 21.20 Lyle McKim 4.20 Jack Porter.. 10.00 Rav Pease ... 17.75 T. A. Quilty 7.80 L. E. Root 18.20 Fred Richardson .,. ... 23.40 Spann Bros. .90 Schaafa Garage . 6.20 Claude Sloan 37.00 Anthony Sobotka 3.75 James Sobotka _ 13.60 Pat Sullivan 10.00 Frank Valla 4.80 William Wilkinson 19.00 B. W. Waldo 17.15 E. L. Watson 50.25 L. W. Reimer .- 20.00 Leo S. Tomjack „. 20.00 W J. Thramer 50.30 J. H. Gibson _ 25.00 John Sullivan . 45.00 John A. Carson 25.00 D. E. Crandall _ 74.80 Elmer Ernst _ 84.00 J. H. Gibson . 62.50 R. R. Grubb . 18.00 Chris Judge _ 80.00 Ed J. Matousek _ 55.58 Richard Minton .. 84.00 Chet McClennahan _ 74.80 Oscar Peterson . 22.50 Walter K. Smith .. 25.00 John Sullivan . 18.00 Harry Sullivan __ 48.00 B. T. Winchell 11.50 5:00 p. m., on motion, Board ad journed until October 27, 1937, 10:00 a. m. J. C. STEIN, Chairman, John C. Gallagher, Clerk. BRIEFLY STATED Father Biersdorf of Deloit, was an O’Neill visitor last Monday. Rev. B. J. Leahy of Genoa, was in the city for a few hours Monday evening visiting his many friends here. Mrs. Emma Block and daughter, Miss Julia, of Omaha, spent Mon day and Tuesday at the Emil Block home. Bernard McCafferty came up from Omaha Monday evening for a few days visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jansen of Omaha, arrived in the city Wednes day for a few days visit with friends. P. H. Waldron of'Nixa, Mo., ar rived here last Sunday to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Bridget Waldron. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz drove to Omaha last Sunday morning where Mrs. Gatz was to enter a hospital for a minor operation. The Catholic ladies wish to ex press their apreciation to all who helped make the food sales held at Morrison’s and Grady’s a success. Mike J. Waldron of Great Falls, Mont., arrived here last Sunday morning to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Bridget Waldron. J. B. Mellor and Ralph Mellor went to Omaha this morning to put in the balance of the week at tending the Omaha Automobile show. John O’Malley returned from Omaha last Sunday morning, where he had spent the week as a mem ber of the grand jury in the federal court. Mrs. Mary Jane Newton of Den ver, Colo., arrived in the city last Sunday morning to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Bridget Waldron. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE CAME, SAW AND AGREED “You'll be ahead with a Chevrolet!'' Millions of enthusiastic visitors in the first twenty-four hours! Scores of thousands of buying orders! Thousands upon thousands of re quests for demonstrations! That’s tne way people are greeting the new 1()38 Chevrolet—the car that is complete—the car that says to you, the minute you see and drive it, " You'll be ahead with a Chevrolet!” |g§n •ji’IjjMij CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION. (tnrroJ Motor* Sot, < or portion, DETROIT. MICHIGAN Styling at different at It it beautiful, for tbit bigger-looking, better looking low-priced car. Smooth —powerful — Eositive • . . the safe raket for modem travel • . . giving maximum motoring protection. (WITH SHOCKPROOF STEERING) So safe—to comfortable —to different . . . "the world's finest ride." (WITH SAFETY GLASS ALL AROUND) Larger interiors—lighter, brighter colors—and Unisteel construction, making each body a fortress of safety. Giving the most efficient combination of power, economy and depend ability. Giving protection against drafts, smoke, windshield clouding, and assuring each passenger individually controlled ventilation. ♦ON MASTER Di LUXE MODELS ONLY Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co. “Chevrolet Dealers Over 22 Years” Phone 100 O’Neill, Nebraska Mrs. H. J. Birmingham and daughters and Mrs. C. E. Stout drove to Sioux City last Monday morning, returning home that evening. Dr. J. P. Brown is attending a clinic meeting at Rochester, Minn., this, week. His practice here is being looked after by Dr. French of Page. While playing football with a bunch of little companions Tuesday afternoon Richard Cronin was tackled hard and thrown to the ground, sustaining a fracture of the left elbow. He is getting along nicely, but it will be several months before Dick will be able to play football again. Mrs. Walter Warner and daugh ters, Gloria and Carol Ann, Mrs. Ed Jenkinson, Miss Eunice and Miss Hazel Schwisow drove to Omaha last Sunday morning where Miss Hazel renewed her duties in the Covenant hospital, where sh | has been taking nursing. The restA of the party returned home Mon day morning. Holt county’s share of the gas tax for the month of October amounts to $3,376.11. This is practically the same amount as received by the county for the month of September. ______i Make Your CHRISTMAS DOLLARS Go Around! Photographs are your most personal gift. Priced at $2.25 to $14.00 a dozen. 15 photos for the price of a dozen if taken in November! Come At Once O’NEILL PHOTO CO. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA (7m 21 i aS_ EN-AR-CO MOTOR OIL IS 54 YEARS OLD AND PROUD OF IT! When the first automobile was built, En-ar-co had already established a reputation for highest quality. IT STILL HAS THAT REPUTATION! MELLOR MOTOR CO. Fifth & Douglas Sts. O’Neill, Nebr. Friday and Saturday, November 12 & 13 Aunt Dinah From now on this well known brand of molasses will be in popular demand for ginger-bread, cakes, cookies, pies and pud dings. Better buy one or more No. 2'/z cans at our very special price of J4C Per can Morning Light Corn The Morning Light brand is your assurance of excellent quality. Many will decide to buy a good supply of this corn at our week-end price of 2 No. 303 cans for J3C‘ I Holland Herring A fresh shipment of genuine, full fat, Holland Herring. For this sale we price the 9-lb. kegs of Milcher Herring at §§c and the Mixed Herring at 78c Per keg. j Swedish Rye Many kinds of bread are sold as Swedish Rye. Council Oak “Swedish Rye” is baked by the exact formula as used by a large bakery in Stockholm, Sweden. Try a loaf of this excellent bread. Council Oak Catsup You like catsup in so many ways. For salads and cocktails; as a garnish for steaks, roasts and baked beans, etc. You can use several big 1 t-oz. bottles at our special price of JQc. Newsboy Cookies Our cooky special for this sale is a prime favorite with the youngsters. Topped with lots of marshmallow and a sprinkling of cocoanut. A 2-lb. bag for only 27c* Macaroni & Spaghetti No better “Budget Balancer” than our quality Macaroni and Spaghetti packed in cellophane. Affords such a wide range of delicious and economical dishes. Priced for this sale at 2-lbs. for 15c. Council Oak Coffee This quality blend sold only in the whole berry. We grind so you can make coffee by your favorite method w ithout waste. The price is 27° l,er or 3-lbs. for 79C- Exchange the empty bags for fancy china ware. Double Dip Matches A regular “Sure Fire" quality match. For this sale we price these dependable matches at 3 boxes for IQc. \ Haskin’s Soap Special Baskin's Hard Water Castile is an excellent toilet and bath soap to use in hard water. For Saturday a special price of 4c per cake. Blue Barrel Petrolene in the original 1-lb. cake priced at 2 cakes for 13c*