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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1937)
Lifeboat Rescues Potomac Flood Victims f SfOUf .. ^ CapitoL w%£i jSsumsii «• RMI scf&PiHffs: 8 -. -i x.tjflOCSsai Victims of raging Potomac river flood waters are evacuated from their inundated homes by a rescue boat at Bladensburg, Md. More than 1,000 homeless persons waited for the waters to subside before returning to their dwellings. STOCK SHOW JUDGE Alexander Ritchie, manager of King George’s royal farm at Wind sor, England, who is judge of the steer classes this year at the Inter national Live Stock exposition in Chicago. He succeeds Walter Big gar of Dalbeattie, Scotland, who has judged the steer classes at the show' 12 times in past years. B. H. Heide,, manager of the exposition, reports that cattle judges from foreign coun tries have officiated every year since the first show', in 1900. Birth of New British Liner First photograph of the new 32,000-ton Cunard White Star liner, as yet known only as No. 1029, shows a view of the hull skeleton, looking toward the stern on the stocks of the shipyard at Birkenhead, England. This is the largest ship ever laid down in England. _*-—— - Aerial Preacher Spreads Gospel From Sky “Sky pilot,” a term sometimes used flippantly to describe a minister, is employed in a literal and serious sense when Rev. A1 Waer of Whittier, Calif., takes to the air to preach the Four Square Gospel to congrega tions 1,500 feet beneath him. Waer preaches to throngs on the earth through a loud speaker system installed In the plane. He will also use the plane for gospel sky writing. Huntsman Uses Gun and Camera Armed with a hig gun and a miniature camera, this duck hunter waits in his blind for some of the winged targets to come along. This y snap of a snapping nimrod was taken on Tawas lake, far-flung preserve f in the northern part of Michigan's lower peninsula. MOVIES FOR MONTAGUE A miliion-dollar contract for ap | pearances in movies, radio broad | casts and professional golf matches i was signed by John Montague, fabu lous golfing friend of Hollywood no tables after his acquittal recently of the seven-year-old first-degree robbery charge on which he was brought back to Elizabethtown, N. J. The real name of Montague is La Verne Moore. Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1—George Harrison, left, chairman of the American Federation of I.ab0t committee, Philip Murray, center, and David Dublnsky, right, leaders of the C. I. O., shown as they gathered for a conference In Washington. D. C., the object of which was to reunite the groups. 2—Gen. Francisco Franco, leader of Spain’s insurgent forces, smiles as he learns of the fall of Gijon, last of the Asturian strongholds. 3—Bing Crosby, radio and screen star, being given the honorary degree of Fh. D. In music at his alma mater, Gonzaga university, Spo iane. Wash., by Mgr. John Condon, Canine Quints Enter Kennel Show The canine quints owned by Capt. C. S. Beale of San Diego, C alif., are hung out to dry after a good shampoo in preparation for entry into a championship kennel show. The two-month-old Boston bulls seem to dis approve of the high-handed methods used to prepare them for the event. NEW INDIAN CHIEF Oscar Vitt, former Detroit Tiger inlieldcr, who piloted the Newark Bears of the International league to the minor league championship last season and who next year will man age the Cleveland Indians. STEEL MAN RETIRES Myron C. Taylor, chairman of the board of the United States Steel corporation, who announced that he would retire next April, to be suc ceeded by Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. Mr. Taylor, who startled business last spring by signing up with the Committee for Industrial Organiza tion when most other executives were trying to avoid it, will remain as a director. Reims Cathedral Fully Restored The nave of the Cathedral of Reims, where Joan of Arc saw her kins crowned, which has been completely restored from funds donated to France hy John D. Rockefeller. Bombardment by German guns In the World war and severe fires left the cathedral a mass of ruins after the armistice. “Tommy Guns” Ready to Talk for China Armed with the latest thin? in American-made Thompson sub-machine guns—duplicates of the ‘‘Tommy guns” made famous by American gangsters—this squad of Chinese communist troops near Peiping is drilling for action against the Jap invaders. * Jiffy Blouse and Skirt Done in Plain Knitting Here’s simplicity itself—a jiffy knit that not only goes fast but is only plain knitting, no purling, throughout. What’s more, it’s made in two identical pieces (not counting the sleeves), seamed up front and back—no side seams. Pattern 1568 contains directions for making this blouse and a plain knitted skirt in sizes 16-18 and 38 40 (all given in one pattern); illus trations of blouse and stitches used; material requirements. Send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) fdr this pattern to The Sewing Circle, Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. ME STAY HOME FROM WORK? NO SIR! NOT WHEN GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN EASES HEADACHE IN A FtW i minutes! i he inexpensive way 10 ease ncaa aches — if you want fast results— is with Bayer Aspirin. The instant the pain starts, simplv take 2 Bayer tablets with a half glass of water. Usually in a few minutes relief arrives. Bayer tablets are quick-acting because they disintegrate in a few seconds — ready to start their work of relief almost immediately after taking. It costs only 2^ or 3/ to relieve most headaches — when vou get the new economy tin. You pay only 25 cents for 24 tablets — about 1 ^ apiece. Make sure to get the genuine by insisting on Bayer Aspirin. IKq fori2 I TXILETI virtually 1 cent a tablet Now! The time to take advantage of the future is today! Nyjol Many doctors recommend Nujol because of Its gentle action on the bowels. Don’t confuse Nujol with unknown products. INSIST ON GENUINE NUJOL Copr. 1937. SUnco la*. WNU—U 45—37 Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Your kidneys are constantly filtering waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do not set as Nature intended—(oil to re move impurities that, if retained, may poison the system pnd upset the whole body machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of diaxiness. getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes—a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis order may be burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doan's Pills. Doan’s have been winning new friends for more than forty years. They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Ask pour neigkoorl