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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1936)
SALESMEN WANTED MEN WANTED for nearby Raw leigh routes. Write today. Raw leigh’s. Dept. NBG-252-SB, Free port. 111. WANTED — Salesman for Hoi County. Steady income assuret any one who will work. Busines; established. Car required. Writ< S. F. Baker & Co., Keokuk, Iowa HELP WANTED X, A DIES for Chicken picking al Armour’s . MISCELLANEOUS INSURE YOUR HAY STACKED on meadow with L. G. Gillespie, O'Neill. Nebraska. l(>-” I HAVE eastern money to loan on farms and ranches. I also loan money on city property.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 2tf IT’S SWEEPING THE STATE! It’s “MOVIE FACES”—a grand new game with $1,200.00 in cash prizes! Match the pictures and win a $600.00 first prize. Ordar Sunday’s BEE-NEWS for all pict ures to date. 8-tf FOR RENT FOUR ROOM APARTMENT in modern home.—Mrs. L. G. Gilles pie. O'Neill___* !*~ - WANTED TO BUY^ JVHEN you have butcher stuff, * either hogs or cattle for sale, see Barnhart's Market. 48-tf FOR SALE REGISTERED HEREFORD Bulls, 10 to 16 months old.— W. G. Sire, Inman. 9-6-p ONE 1934 V8 TRUCK, Cheap. In quire at this office. 10-tf TWO Fresh Goats.—Tom Bauers, O’Neill 9-2P CRESH VEGETABLES—Beans for canning. Phone 171J. tf HAY STACKER, sweep, and mow er,—Ferd Krutz, Inman. 6-6p MAN WANTED For permanent position to do service work for old established, farm supply company. Many men making $300 a month stead ily. Must have car and farm \ experience. Not necessary to write letter; just fill out coupon below and mail to Box 164, Dept. 7439, Quincy, Illinois. Age _Number of years on farm . Name ------ Address ___ HOME LOANS FARM LOANS RANCH LOANS 1 Am Now Making Loans JOHN L. QUIG »j:::tr:::ttt:ttt:tttttttmtttt:tt:tt:rj:::j:: i Dr. J. L. SHERBAHN | Chiropractor Phone 147 ** Half Block South of Ihe Ford j: Garage—West Side of Street 3t:R:::ttit:tttttttttt:t:itttttttt::t:t::t:t:« i ij I; Diamond—Watches—Jcwelery tj Expert Watch Repairing I O. M. Herre—Jeweler |j In Reardon Drug Store ti:;:rt:ft::t:::t::tt:t::t::tt::t::tt:t;::i:::: 1 W. F. FINLEY, M. D. 1 if j Phone, Ollice 28 1 :: ; O’Neill :: Nebraska !:’ snnattwmmmnimmmmatamtii sttmasmtmmfflmtttimtttttttttttttj DR. J. P. 15ROWN | Office Phone 77 it Complete X-Ray Equipment tj Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 j $100.00 CASH PRIZE!!! f’ounon with every KODAK FILM Developed and 8 DeLuxe Prln x and professional en Krjrement oil painted by ar- Ifn lists all for only-- LDL Mail to .JANESViLLK FILM SERVICE 1 Janesville.Wisconsin v' M 'il tbix ad with roll for hidivid KV'I nal attention r THIRTY YEARS Successful prac tice is your guarantee that Per rigo Optical Company will mak< your glasses right. See theii representative at Golden Hote O’Neill, Saturday ' August 1, 1936. NOTICE FOR PETITION FOH ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 2561 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 22, 1936. In the Matter of the Estate of Zebedee M. Warner, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of R H. Parker as Administrator of said estate, and will be heard August 13, 1936, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. C. J. MALONE, 10-3 County Judge. (County Court Seal.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney. (First publication July 23, 1936.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2517 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 20, 1936. In the matter of the Estate of Elizabeth McMillan, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Executrix of said estate has filed in said court her final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard August 12, 1936, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Ne braska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concern ing said final report and the dis tribution of said estate. C. J. MALONE 10-3 Countv Judge. (County Court Seal ) W. J. Hammond, Attorney. (First publication July 23, 1936) SHERIFF’S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein Alice M. Reed, Esther Cut ler, Joseph Libe and Mary A. Max well art plaintiffs and Sarah Wabs and others, (this being case No. 13037) are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 24th day of August, 1936, at 10 o’clock A. M., the following described premises in Holt County,Nebraska: West half of the west half of section eighteen and the southeast quarter of the south west quarter of section eighteen, all in township thirty-two, range twelve, west of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, to satisfy the sum of $1,018.81 found due plaintiffs and interest thereon and $29.85 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 21st day of July. 1936. ** PETER W. DUFFY, 10-5 Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska (First Publication July 2, 1936) LEGAL NOTICE Julia Stafford, Mary F. Hurst, Anna S. Rough, John Rough, her husband real name unknown, John T. Stafford, Mary Stafford, his wife, real name unknown, Elmore H. Stafford, Anna Stafford, real name unknown, his wife, Grace W. Condo, Henry Condo, her husband, i eal name unknown, Ray Nyemas ter, Mary Nyemaster, real name unknown, his wife, the heirs, devis ees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interest ed in the estate of Elmore W. Hurst, deceased, real names un known and all persons having or claiming any interest in West Half of Southwest Quarter of Section l7; Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter and South Half of South east Quarter of Section 18; and Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 131 North, Range 12 and Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter of ! Section 34 and South Half of j Southwest Quarter of Section 35, i Township 32 North, Range 14 all i West of the 6th Principal Meridian ■ in Holt County, Nebraska, real I names unknown, defendants arc notified that on July 1, 1936, Hugh jj. O'Donnell as plaintiff filed a pe tition and commenced an action in I the District Court of Holt County, ! Nebraska against you, the object iand prayer of which is to have j plaintiff adjudged and decreed to be i the absolute owner of West Half of j South west Quarter of Section IT; Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter and South Half of South east Quarter of Section 18 and Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 31 North, Kange 12 and Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter of Section 34 and South Half of Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 32 North, Range 14 all west of the 6th Principal Meridian in Holt County, Nebras ka; to have the title to and posses sion of said real estate quieted and confirmed in plaintiff; to have de fendants found, adjudged and de creed to have no title to or interest in said real estate; to have the Court adjudge that under the pro visions of the last will and testa ment of Elmore W. Hurst the title to said real estate vested in the nieces and nephews of his who were living at the time of hi? death, subject to the life estates of Julia Stafford and Mary F. Hurst; and that such nieces and nephew? w'ere Anna S. Rough. John T. Staf ford, Elmore H. Stafford, Grace W Condo and Julia H. North. You are required to answer saic petition on or before August 10 1936. W. J. HAMMOND, Attorney for Plaintiff. I (County Court Seal) 7-< Wallace Bares New Deal Plans Complete Co - operatives Seen as Death Blow to American Ideal. By WILLIAM J. LEE CHICAGO, ILL.—Establish ment of cooperatives for pro ducers and Consumers, wiping out the American system of free compfetition and business on a profit basis and threaten ing the ruin of independent farmers and tradesmen and retail storekeepers, is now seen as one of the next objectives of the New Deal. New Dealers at the Philadelphia convention presented a plank in fa vor of co-operatives that had the support of President Roosevelt, but this was rejected by some of the older and conservative members of the resolutions committee “as be ing too radical,” so only a modest reference was made to the scheme in the platform. However, publication of a book entitled, “Whose Constitution?”, by Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace revealed the scope of the New Deal co-operative ideas. Study Co-operatives In Europe. In his book Mr. Wallace declares that “it is inevitable that more and more emphasis is going to be laid on the idea of co-operation as dis tinguished from free competition” and sets forth that the only way a democracy can survive “is to de velop the genuine co-operative ideal to the limit.” “Producers’ co-operatives are not enough,” he asserts. “The co-op erative way of life must pervade the community, and this means there must be consumers’ co-op eratives as well as producers’ co operatives.” The day after the Wallace book appeared, President Roosevelt an nounced he had sent a New Deal commission to Europe to study the operation of co-operatives. Commenting upon the Democratic co-operative plank, the Wallace book and the President’s co-opera tive commission, and the fact that there are marked similarities be tween Mr. Roosevelt’s acceptance speech and the Wallace volume, the Kansas Times states: "(It is probable) . . . that the in ner ring of New Dealers already have agreed among themselves as to the next trick they will pull from the bag, either at an opportune time in the campaign or after the elec tion, should it go their way. “The co-operative commonwealth idea . . . has recalled the declara tion of Prof. Rexford G. Tugwell some time back that, under the new order he envisaged for Amer ica, business as it now is known logically would tend to disappear.” Platform Reticence Explained. How the Wallace Idea of co-opera tives is viewed in Democratic cir cles may be seen in the following statements by Frank R. Kent, Dem ocrat, in one of his recent columns: "Apparently he (Mr. Wallace) be lieves that under the general-wel fare clause a liberal-minded Su preme court could permit transfor mation of the country into a gigan tic co-operative commonwealth, un der which the objectives of the NRA, AAA and other invalidated New Deal measures could con stitutionally be achieved. There seems no other way to interpret his language. "It is quite the most far-reacning idea yet advanced and it is easy to understand why the New Deal pol iticians did not want it injected into the campaign.” From this it seems clear the New Deal now proposes to set up a sys tem of regimentation that would ruin every independent farmer and every independent retail merchant, j There are millions of independent i farmers and more than 475,000 re tailers in the United States. Such a regimentation might deny a farmer’s son an opportunity to hew a living for himself on his own farm and prevent a man establish ing himself in a business of his own making. All might become cogs in a huge federal machine. Purses Hit by U. S. Orgy of Spending, Say Women Chicago.—“Women, who are vi tally interested in the pocketbook, are beginning to realize how deeply ! home budgets have to be cut under the present orgy of government spending,” said Mrs. Walter Scud der Hart of Chicago, president of the Illinois League of Republican Women, following a speaking tour of Indiana. Mrs. Hart brought assurance that the women of Indiana are leading the state to the Landon and Knox column. "Reckless government spending, mounting taxes and the certainty of no returns from scores of the administration’s projects are making women all over Indiana see the folly of the New Deal,” said Mrs. Hart. Taxes $486 Per Worker Miw York City.—Taxes in 25 leading industries amounted to $486 per worker in 1935.—N. Y. Journal of Commerce. BRIEFLY STATED Abe Saunto was in Orchard Tuesday. James P Marion was an Omaha visitor the first of the week. Sheriff Duffy had official busi ness in Boyd county Monday. Charley McKenna made a trip to the Amelia neighborhood on Monday. P. J. Kennedy, of Amelia, and Art Doolittle, of Kola, were in the city Monday. Miss Anna Harty returned Fri day fro ma two weeks visit with Miss Dorothy Froelich at Ravenna. Gene O’Hern returned Sunday after a ten day vacation spent in his old home town, Barnum, Iowa. Workmen have begun the build ing of a new house for Mrs. Thomas in the northwest part of town. Pete Todson attended a meet ing of J C. Penney Company store managers at Norfolk Wed nesday. Fred Watson, one of the promi nent ranchmen of Wyoming pre cinct, was in the city Tuesday on a business mission. Fred Bazelman and son Bernard went to Atkinson Tuesday with a truck load of hogs which they sold in the sale ring. Miss Rose Mary Mulligan of Omaha, arrived in the city the first of the week and is the guest of Miss Dorothy Reardon. Cream continues 40 cents for the butter fat. Hens are quoted on the local market at 11 cents and spring chickens at 13. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Harrington went to Norfolk today. They go to have optical work performed for Mrs. Harrington. The Frank Peter's family enjoyed a visit Sunday from Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Murphy and family, over here from Fairfax, S. D. Dick Wilson Robertson, 23, and Laveme L. Hartford, 21, both of O’Neill, secured a lharriage license at the county judge's office July 17. Mr. and Mrs. Atkins and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Spann, of Atkinson, visited Mrs. Spann’s parents, Judge and Mrs. C. J. Malone, here Sun day. Parnell Golden and family stop ped in town early in the week on their way to the Yellowstone for an outing Their home is in Omaha. bt 1 f The Misses Mary Jean and Har riet Hammond left Monday for Colorado Springs, Colo., where they will spend a couple of weeks’ visit ing their aunt, Miss Grace Carlon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz returned Tuesday evening from a two week’s visit with relatives at Che halis, Washington, and in other cities along the west coast. A force is kept employed night and day on the south highway which is being oil surfaced. Flood lights are used for the night work with men enough to divide into three shifts. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter went to Flainview Wednesday to attend the funeral of Elma Barker, age 16, a niece of Mr. Streeter, who died Monday of a throat in fection. Mr. and Mrs. John Dailey re turned Tuesday from a two weeks outing during which they took in Yellowstone Park and visited rela tives and friends in Wyoming, Colo rado and Montana Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Doyle, of Chicago, are expected to arrive the first of the week for a month’s visit with Mrs. Doyle’s father, J. B. Ryan and with other relatives and friends here. An O’Neill business concern spread its yellow announcements over town for the ladies to come to a demonstration on a certain day, and say on the bill “No admission!’’ Doors locked? The Misses Mary Harty, Rose, Mary and Ruth Ann Biglin, Doro thy Jordan and Miss Mona Melvin '•eturned Sunday from a week’s out ing at the Park at Long Pine. Miss Melvin accompanied the young ladies as chaperone. -■ . -v >y Penny’s Clearance Starts FRIDAY Morning. Be here early as quantities will not last long. We must make room for Fall merchandise. Clearance! j SUMMER <Ol*©S$@<g Get yours while they last" tots of time left to wear these smart frocks-many of ‘hem are i„ the darker shades, too! Jacket style.,, attractive prints, and nov elty sport styles. Not every Slze in every color—but a "“'e saving g^ w,th oach dress! Buy sev era! they’ll be just right 'o start off next season "ith, too! Sizes X2 to 44. Summer Clearance! HATS Re-grouped from higher- oQf priced stocky! Choose from White Felts. White Toyos, White Crepes! Large brims, small brims. All sorts of trimmings! WHITE HAND BAGS Now 25c Be sure and visit our Remnant Table. Real bargains! Panties & Bloomers 15c Comfor tably styled rayon un derwear in nov l elty fabrics. Chiffon or Service 49C pr. Full - fashioned silk hosiery, ringless, in chif fon with silk pi cot top or serv ice with mercer ized top and sole. DISH CLOTHS 3Cea* New multi-col ored borders to match your kitchen colors. i Unbleached MUSLIN §« »<«. 32“ wide ... a real money sav er For many household needs. 81-inch Brown Sheeting yard, only 19c /✓ 1 \S HANDKERCHIEFS | 3 for %QC | 17' x 17’ size. Made of j sturdy cotton. Hemstitched! J W.-1..^ Boys’ Work Shirts Made like Dad’s. Fine chambray full cut for fit Finished details. Men's Work SXilrts S§C Fine chambray. Full cut.. inter lined collar . . heavy stitching! Men's Fancy Sinorcs Of higlt count broadcloth in smart striped patterns! Three Dutton yoke front, elastic sides! Sturdy! CRASH TOWELING I I Part linen! Un bleached ! . . . very absorbent. 17' wide. FLOUR SACKS 0® each 98 pound size— sturdy quality! All new mate rial, not stamp ed. Absorbent for tea-towels or cleaning cloths. Terry Bath Towels 08c Big soft double terry towels in choice of many smart patterns. PILLOW CASES io««. A firm, closely woven quality! Bleached snowy white. Nicely made. Size 42 l by 36 inches. Sensational Value! Mens WHITE SHIRTS They’re PRE-SHRUNK! Sturdy white broadcloth! With choice of regular or' the famous j^Nu-Craft non-wilt collars! Men’s Straw Hats Priced Low for Clearance Our better grade hats group ed,for quick disposal! A var iety of models—Toyos, Pan amas and Sailors. WORK SHOES Oxhide blucher last. Black re tan. Barnyard acid resistant, k Storm welt. " Compo soles, rubber heels. Men's Athletic Skirts 19® Of quality comb ed cotton, Swiss ■ ribbed style. Rayon trimmed! ^ Well made, per ) feet fitting! "v’re values! Boys9 Oxhide Overalls Made JuiL Like Dad’si J ust as rugged s as men’s models. F i ne quality ■ 2.‘JO denim, tri ll e d. ' ‘S. Americans Eat Foreign Produced Meats Most of the world is now helping supply the American dinner table with its meat at the expense of the American farmers who raise cattle and hogs. During one week in June, the following meat ship ments arrived in this country: From Argentine, 509,416 lbs canned corned beef. From Brazil, 550,000 lbs. canned corned beef. From Canada, 4,099 lbs. bacon; 1,385 lbs. calves liver; 23,697 lbs. frozen beef. • From Denmark, 10,724 lbs cook ed hams. From Esthonia, 24,896 lbs. cook ed hams; 2,950 lbs. salt pork. From Hungary, 44,845 lbs. cook ed hams. From Irish Free State, 2,746 lbs. salami. From Lithuania, 67,620 lbs. fresh frozen hams. From Poland, 22,688 lbs. smoked bacon; 241,867 lbs. cooked ham; j 11,952 lbs. luncheon meat. From Uruguay, 303,760 lbs canned corn beef. American farmers have been asked under the New Deal to re strict production of their farms, yet farm products are being brot into this country at a rate far in excess of any other period in his ! tory. No wonder the American * producer is becoming "fed up" with | the program and is asking a change.