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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1936)
. . * Neb. State Historical Society » . The Frontier ' " * ' " ' ' ' ■ .. .■ ... .. ’ VOL. LVII O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, July 30, 1936 No. 11 Political Ef fect of a Dry, Hot Season by James R. Lowell The drouth is being analyzed by the political seers in regard to its effect on the vote next November. Some political guessers suspect the drouth may help the union party candidate, Mr. Lemke, to carry his home state and enlarge his poll in nearby drouth states in cluding Nebraska. They figure that bad times will rouse the farm er-labor wrath, but they really do not know yet how much money the new dealers will put into the area to cool off the wrath What business wants to konw is what effect the drouth will be on farm purchasing power. Offhand, it would appear to be small on a national scale. For one thing, Mr. Hopkins is going to furnish immediate WPA jobs to farmers. For another, farmers in other areas are going to get some advantage out of the higher prices. Thus, relief plus price increases may keep general farm purchasing power at a fairly balanced level. There is only one intangible reason why it may not. When calamity strikes, farmers instinctively but ton up their pocket books, like everyone else. At any rate, the situation cer tainly means shifting of farm in come from the northwest to the central and eastern wheat belts. Meanwhile, in this state, a double-barreled relief program has been mapped out for farmers placed in distress by the drouth. The program will consist of: 1. WPA projects to employ farmers. 2. Feed loans and emergency grants by the resettlement admin istration. The relief program can be car ried out only in counties officially designated as drouth counties, ac cording to Governor Cochran. Mr. Felton, administrator of the WPA in this state, reports that he has projects now ready which will give employment to consider ably numbers of farmers designa ted by the relief administration Governor Cochran originally asked the federal authorities for aid for fifteen thousand farmers. Now he is asking aid for twenty five thousand Nebraskans. Plans have been completed at the Nebraska Agricultural College % for surveys to determine what danger Nebraska crops will face next year from grasshoppers which have destroyed thousands of dollars worth of crops this year. The drouth also has entered into the realm of sports. It was feared that last winter’s cold spell would deciminate the game, and now drouth is complicating matters. Any hope hunters may have held for more liberal duck shooting reg ulations this fall apparently have been shattered by the w’ater fowl losses in the mid-western area. A high source indicates that a short open season on migratory birds with restrictions virtually as severe as last year is tentatively planned for this fall. Although encouraged by the number of birds which flew north to the nesting grounds this spring, an increase which officials attribute largely to the reduction of the kill last season resulting from string ent regulations and poor weather, government authorities feel this; gain has been offset by the losses in the current drouth. Some organizations, including the national association of Audu bon societies have advocated a closed season this year. It is known, however, the govern ment will proclaim a closed season *,?nly as the last resort. Recommendations on pheasant hunting season dates and open ter ritory will be heard by the state game, forrestation, and parks com mission August 11. POLITICAL OBSERVATIONS TAKEN ON THE Q. T. -It has been said around the stat" house that one does not have to be a “blank” fool to be state land com (Continued on page 4, column 1.) Harold Weier was back to his duties in the county superintend ent’s office Monday morning after a week spent with his parents in Jefferson county. Drouth and grasshoppers have left their with ering and devasting blight over that community and practically all between here and there. His ob servations coobernte the word of many others that Holt county looks the best of any community in the state. Packers After the Fat Hogs. Report of the Atkinson Live stock Market for Tuesday, July 28: Hogs: Packer buyers were eager bidders for all fat hogs and pack ing sows, with the top price on choice fats going to 10.40 or with in 20 cents a hundred of Omaha for the same day, while the best packing sows equaled Omaha’s top at 8.95. Thin sows and feeder pigs sold at advances of from 75 cents to 1.00 a hundred over a week ago, most pigs bringing from 6.25 to 9.00, while thin sows cleared at from 7.00 to 8.25. Cattle: In spite of all the dry weather the cattle market carried an improved tone, with a slight im provement in prices.Iowa and Illi nois buyers were present and some good fleshy steers would have brought around 6.00 to 6.25. Best heavy heifers sold at 4.50 to 5.00— Canners and Cutters from 2.75 to 4.00, thin yearling heifers at 4.25 to 4.50, thin steers at 4.25 to 4.50; Bulls at 4.25 to 5.00. Horses: The demand for horses is slowing up and prices generally were lower than a week ago. Hospital Notes Miss Ruth Osenbaugh went home Sunday, July 19. Miss Agnes Butterfield left the hospital Friday July 24. Miss Bernice Race left the hos pital Wednesday evening. Lynn Scholz, of Chambers, un derwent a minor operation last Monday. He went home the same evening. Miss Agnes Butterfield was oper ated on for chronic appendicitis on Friday, July 17. She is convales ing nicely. Miss Bernice Race, of Middle Branch, was operated on for acute appendicitis on Monday morning. She is doing nicely. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gal lagher, of Inman, Tuesday a daughter weighing nine pounds. Mother and baby doing nicely. IS THIS THE NEW DEAL AIM? Much has been promised this country through “planned econ omy” in industry and “conscious control” of agriculture. Results to date have not been greatly en couraging. They’ve been at it much longer in Russia. Among the re sults in Russia we now find bread at 40 cents a loaf; butter $2 a pound; coffee at $4 a pound; sugar 35 cents a pound; cigarettes $1 for a package of twenty, and so on through the list of necessities of life. Perhaps American planners can bring us to corresponding levels in time.—Seattle, Washing to Times. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our heart felt thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors for their kindness to us and sympathy ex pressed during the sickness and fol lowing the death of our beloved father, the late Zebcdee Warner. Your kindness and thoughtfulness in this hour of our sorrow will ever be held in grateful rememb rance.—The Warner Families. DISTRICT COURT FILINGS Emma Marlow vs. Phillip Mar tin Marlow, divorce. Iona Tenborg vs. William R. Tenborg, divorce. Art Doolittle vs. C. E. Addison, injunction. Dispute over hay land. John K. Bellar vs. Bee Rentsch ler, et. ah, injunction. Dispute, over cutting hay. In the good old days the town philosopher used to sit all day and whittle and think. Now the boon doggler just whittles and lets the Brain Trust do his thinking. Heat Wave I Here Takes Sudden Chill The blistering, scorching July day's dragging their hot and weary lengths through wreek after week came to an abrupt end early Mon day morning in O'Neill when a rain and hail without much wind dropped suddenly upon a sleeping town and scamper was made for cover by night lodgers on lawns and under trees. The rain lasted for some twenty minutes and the few to arrive early down town took in the refreshing scene through the glass fronts as hail pounded and rain slanted through the hot air, forming* a river that hurried down Fourth street. The rain was accompanied by vivid lightning that struck in some spots out through the country. Most of Holt county was touched by what amounted to a sprinkle in places to heavy showers in others. The official record at O’Neill was one quarter of an inch though on lookers would have guessed more. Perhaps estimates made in other quarters were a little high. The larger effect was to break a heat wave of unprecedented sev erity and long continuance. Corn fields here and there were bene fitted but that staple grain crop as such was burnt to a frazzle days ago. Hail did some damage to the few surviving gardens about town, mostly tomatoes. Keen interest has held in the weather but is becoming a some what threadbare subject. Begin ning on June 25 with 103 above the maximum temperature has been at or above the 100 mark most of the time. With .17 of an inch of rain on July 1, .02, on July the 13th and .25 on the 27th O’Neill has got along with less than a half inch precipitation during July, .44 to be exact. The temperature record for the month follows: High Low Mois July 1 _ 87 58 July 2 _ 97 56 July 3 _107 67 July 4 ..108 75 July 5 _108 73 July 6 _105 70 July 7 _ 98 74 July 8 _100 72 July 9 _105 78 July 10 .105 78 July 11 .. 104 75 July 12 ..101 70 July 13 _102 70 July 14 _100 68 July 15 _106 62 July 16 ._112 70 July 17 _112 70 July 18 _109 83 July 19 .106 68 July 20 _ 97 63 July 21 - 96 58 July 22 _.108 67 July 23 _106 64 July 24 _109 74 July 25 _110 71 July 26 _108 76 July 27 _ 100 65 July 28 ... 94 66 July 29 _ 92 65 July 30 _ 55 Rain most of the forenoon in the south part of the county was reported Wednesday A mere I sprinkle early morning in this com-; munity. A NOTE OF THANKS. We take this means to thank the O’Neill Fire Department and all the people who so quickly respond ed in helping put out the fire that seriously threatened our buildings last Friday. John W. Hickey. Mike Kirwin came up from Grand Island last week and went out on Sunday to Ft. Randall to see what his brother Jerry had heard concerning their brotheri John who was reported to be in a hospital for an operation at Boise, Idaho, his home. Mike returned here Monday and will remain for a time. Mrs. II. II Beers, son and daugh ter, James and Coroline, visited O’Neill friends the past week. They are former residents of O’Neill, Mr. Beers being pastor of the Presbyterian church -ome voar ago. Their home now is in Kansas Jim Carson was up from Page Tuesday with several others to see the contractors on the road job south of O’Neill for the adjust ment of a mistake in making set ltement for work done in loading trucks at the hill north of Page supplying the material used in con nection with the highway work. Hauling was completed a few days previous and the men paid but an error occurred in computing the time. Legends Approved for Court House The county board yesterday morning approved the following for the tablets to be installed with in the new court house. One tablet will bear the following brief his tory of the county: HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA Holt county, the sixty-fifth of the state, named after Judge Advo cate-General Holt of the United States army, was organized by ex ecutive order of Governor Silas Garber June 29, 1876. In that year an election was held (and Paddock was chosen the county seat. In 1879 another election was held and O’Neill, founded by Gen eral John O’Neill, was selected the county seat- The first settlers came in 1870 but the real settle ment did not begin Until 1873. Upon its organization all unorgan ized territory west to the east line of Sioux county was attached for election, revenue and judicial pur poses. The first county officers took office in January 1877. A railroad was completed across the county in 1881, and another from the east to O'Neill in 1890. The first term of district court conven ed August 22, 1879, with Judge J. B. Barnes presiding. The first court house was erected in 1884. The following dedicatory para graph will appear on a second tablet: THE PIONEERS. Forerunners of civilization; tamers of the wilderness; builders of empire. Vision to perceive, courage to hazard, fortitude to en dure; patient in adversity, heoric in calamity. Such was the char acter and such were the virtues of Holt county pioneers. To those hardy men and women who came to make homes in the unsettled west and located within the borders of Holt county, whose deeds, faith, courage and rugged character are forever enshrined in the hearts of their posterity—to them this build ing is dedicated. Arthur Tomlinson, living three miles south of Inman, was in town Monday. He recently threshed a crop of oats and rye that made respectively 20 and 10 bushels to the acre, the oats weighing out four pounds over or ilG pounds to the bushel. To see what a hot sidewalk would produce as a cooking surface a spot was brushed clean of dus>. at a produce center un lower Fourt.i street aoout the noon hour last Saturday. A fresh egg was biokou on the spot and the heat oi the sun from above and hot cement beneath did the work of a lior stove lld'_I A striking object lesson for! wild drivers stands crumpled and crushed at the Mellor garage, the j wreckage of the tar in which the cii iver was fatally injured a month ago when he crashed into the main tainor on the highway near the county line southea . ol' Chambers. No living thing could survive the j impact that caused he wreckage. William Grotho, of Emmet, on J one of the best farm, in Holt county and himself a master far mer, in the city re ntly, said the 50 years or more -ie has been in the county this is the nearest to nothing for him. Mr. Grothe has been a prize winner and steady ex. j hibitor of farm products but says ' he has nothing to go on show this season, and but little produced for the needs on the farm. Garbach Company of Omaha had a representative in town Tuesday and put on a demonstration at the Mellor garage in aeeetlyn welding. One of the jobs done was the weld ing of a large beam of the frame of a truck that had been broken which would have required the out lay of a lot of money to replace it with a new one. The company sends these experts around to keep the ga' aee men informed on new things that can h done with this firey torch. Omaha Driver Crashes Into Loaded Truck Fay H. Shriner, Omaha, travel ing for the Demster Mill Man- j ufacturing company, crashed into Mose Gaughenbaugh’s truck going east with a load of cattle and driven by Woodrow Gaughenbaugh Tues day night eight and a half miles east of O’Neill. Shriner was brought here with an arm nearly severed above the elbow. Dr. Finley put the arm in a cast and sent him to Omaha by the night train. He suffered from shock also, but it was not determined as to internal injuries. Seriff Duffy was at the scene of the accident and says the Gaughenbaugh truck was well over to the right of the high way, the outer wheels just off the gravel. Mr. Shriner told the sheriff he was blinded by the lights j but a test of the truck lights showed there was no glare. Sunday night a car driven by Andrew Fink, of Winnetoon, col lided with one driven by Andrew Moler, of Stuart, one and a half miles east of the Kohler cirner on the Creighton road. Mr. Fink sus tained injuries and his daughter had some teeth broken out. BRIEFLY STATED Monday morning’s rain storm was a new thing to the half-grown crop of spring chickens. Taken unawares by descending rain and hail the young birds were at a loss what to make of it, but followed the lead of the old hens as they scampered for cover. From Holt to Jefferson county is a long way to haul loose hay. Parties from near Fairbury were here Tuesday after hay and finding the supply of bales not up to the demand loaded two trucks with loose hay and returned. They had a ton on each truck. After the cooling hail and shower early Monday morning bricklayers were able to go ahead with the south wall at the court house and work in comparative comfort, j There was a cessation on that part of the building for a time by reas on of its being too hot to work there. Supervisor John Steinhauser, down early Monday morning from Stuart, reported a nearby neighbor j straw pile was struck by lightn- j ing and a serious conflagration was averted by a heavy downpour of rain that soaked the dry earth and filled the ditches along the roads with water. The shrill shreak of the fire alarm Tuesday forenoon brought the idlers of the street to their feet and aroused the fire boys to their usual alertness. Arriving at the point of alarm with all fire exting ushing equipment it was found to j be a burning pile of rubbish at the New Deal station. The ultimate outcome of the complaint against Delbert Graham for chicken stealing was he wa; taken to Lincoln to serve a year in the penitentiary because of pleading guilty to having received the chickens knowing they -were stolen. The value of the flock in volved was stated to be $3.85. Christ Yantzi, Christ Sweitzer and Mr. and Mrss. Menu Yantzi were here from Milford the first of the week to attend the funeral; of Mrs. Erb. They were residents of this community years ago and old friends of the Erb family. Christ Yantzi is a brother and Mono a nephew of Joe of this city. Professor Durham is keeping up the interest in the school band dur ing the summer months. Forty-six boys and girls compose the band. Saturday evenings they give a con cert in the open air at Fourth and Douglas streets, an attentive crowd always assembling for the occas ion. On Sunday night an open air concert was held at the Methodist church and will be repeate 1 again in two weeks. An occasional yellow-bellied grasshopper wings his way into O’Neill from distant parts or drifts in with the wind. Hoppers are gregarious and great feeders but only a chance outlaw or maverick of the band has floated in so far. Mrs, Nellie Freeborg and two children, of Mead, Nebr., are spending two weeks with relatives here. Mrs. Freeborg is a niece of Mrs. George Bay. Chambers Man In jured by Saw. A distressing accident was re ported, Wednesday from Chambers. Vernon Harley, in a blacksmith shop of the town, was caught by a buzz saw' and an arm nearly severed. Our information is he was taken to the Wilson hospital at Stuart where the arm was successfully sewed together with Chances for a complete recovery. The cause of the accident, as our informant stated, was the unintentional throwing of a switch which put the saw in motion as the young man had reached over the saw for some tool. The Horiskey building on Doug las street is undergoing some re-; pairs and being reroofed. Joe Miller, of Stuart, was in the city Monday. Mr. Miller has been a resident of Holt county since 1880 and enjoys talking over things of the past. A discussion has been going on of late in O’Neill as to the year in which the North western railroad was built. He says the rails were laid through Stuart the late fall of 1881. H was then the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad. It was taken over by the Northwestern system early in the present cent ury. Frank Phelin has served about as long an unbroken term in busi ness in O’Neill in the barber trade as anybody in this section of the state. Frank came here thirty three years ago and has been man ipulating the shears and razor ever since. He put in twenty-eight years in one building on Fourth street but a few years ago moved to Douglas street with his shop. Youthful heads that Frank clip ped when he first came here are now yielding grey locks to the snip of his shears. Edward Gallagher was among several O’Neill people to go to Atkinson an evening last week for the opening of the bathing pool. He speaks highly of the success of this pleasurable undertaking and feels that O’Neill should make similar provision for swimming as there is the same river water here. A paid instructor has been put on job at the expense of the town, teaching youngsters how to swim, and Mrs. Gallagher is taking their children to Atkinson for the bene fit of this instruction. The east front of another land mark of long standing has been stuccoed over, sealing up forever a familiar thing of the past. Dr. Carter has had the front part of the old building adjoining his office done over in dark stucco. In an earlier period it was the place of business of O’Neill’s most pictur esque characters, John Smoot the barber. John was a friendly fel low, a decided personality that in terested everybody and this old building as it was stood as a re minder to the old timers of a char acter of other days. — July 22 was the birthday anni versary of two pioneer residents of this county, William Harvey and Clyde Hull. On that evening sixty-two of their relatives and friends—mostly relatives — sur prised them. They came to the farm home of William Harvey with well filled baskets and enjoyed the day visiting and playing horse shoes under the mammoth elm trees. Before leaving for home the guests wished Bill and Clyde many more happy birthdays and also expressed the wish that they would be nble to participate in many, many birthday parties for both of them. Mrs. J. Erb, Early Settler, Passes Away Mrs. Jacob Erb died at her home about ten miles northwest of this city last Saturday afternoon about four o’clock, after an illness of several months of infirmities due to old age, at ihe age of 80 years and 7 months. The funeral was held last Monday afternoon, ser vices in the home, Rev. P. O. Os wald, of Beemer, officiating and burial in the Mennonite cemetery. Deceased was born at Wellesley. Ontario, Canada, on December 25, 1855, and there she grew to woman hood and in February, 1879, she was united in marriage to Menno L. Erb and six years later they came to this county, in 1885, and took a homestead northwest fltf this city where Mrs. Erb made her home up to the time of her death. Seven children were born of this union, six of whom are living, who with her aged husband are left to motrn the passing of a kind and affectionate wife and mother. The children are: Chris, Menno and John, Beemer; Mose, Shickley; Mrs. Rachael Greiser, Beemer, and Dave, O’Neill. Mr. Erb passed away in 1915 and in September, 1916, she was united in marriage to Jacob Erb, who survives her. Mrs. Erb was one of the pioneers of this section of the county, being one of the many families that came from Canada in the early eighties and located northwest of this city. Her first husband was a prominent member of the colony of Mennon ites that lived in that neighborhood and they took an active part in the civic affair* of the community and county. She was a good neighbor, wife and mother and had a large number of friends among the older settlers in that part of the county. The following out of town rela tives were present for the funeral services: Mr. and Mr^. J. O. Greiser and family, Beemer; Emo Oswald and Ben, Beemer; Mr. and Mrs. John Erb and daugter, Beem er; Mose Erb and Lloyd Kennell, Shickley; Mrs. Simon Birkey, Ban croft; Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Erb, Beemer; Chris Schantz, Beemer, and the following old friends of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Langland, Lake Andes, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kerler, Wis ner, Nebr. PLEASE REMIT: $2,120! When you total your current bills on the tenth of next month, it would be a good idea to add an item that you may not realize you now owe—your share of the nation al debt, which is a first mortgage on your earnings, your business and your home. On the first of July the total governmental debt stood at the record figure of $53,000,000,000, of which federal debt accounts for $34,000,000,000 and the local debt for $19,000,000,000 It averages $424 for every man, woman and child in this country—$2,120 for- a family of five. As an obligation it comes ahead of your grocery bill, dentist bill, or rent. It will have to be paid— by your children or their children’s children, if not by you. The only source of governmental credit is your property. The only source of governmental revenue is the ex traction of money from your pock et, through taxation, to pay gov ernment bills. The national debt is constantly growing, and some authorities an ticipate it will be increased by ten to thirty per cent within the com paratively near future. If the cit izens of this country permit con tinued and unrestrained prodigality in government, they should, not kick about following the Pied Piper to the poorhouse. When you are talking during these hot, withering days about the crops the government paid the farmers to plow under, remember that the fellow who really paid is the American consumer, and this includes the man on the farm as well as the fellow in the city. L. 0. Gillespie had business in Atkinson Tuesday.