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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1935)
Museum Given to Palestine by Rockefeller This Is the now Palestine museum In Jerusalem which Is soon to be opened to the public. It Is the gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., nnd stands Just outside of Herod’s Gate at the northeast entrance to the Holy City. Belgian Congo Is Rich in Resources Tremendous Strides Made in March of Progress. Washington.—Nrws dispatches, reporting the tragic death of six men and a woman In an airplane crash in the Congo JungloR, recent ly drew attentloi to this huge colonial outpost of Belgium In the heart of Africa. Although the plane was reported “lost" In a vast wil derness, only a short time elapsed before It was found, Indicating that even the once primitive western borderlnnd near the Congo river Is not as far removes from the In fluences of clvlllzrtlon as it was only a few .’ears ago. "Many places 11 the Congo where the bellow of the elephant, the thrashing of the hippopotamus and crocodile, and the shriek of the alone disturbed abori gines, now echo to the blasts of steamboat and locomotive whistles, the drone of automobile nml air plane motors, and the buzz of ma chinery In palm oil factories," says the National Geographic society. “The half century since the Inspir ing explorations of Livingstone and Stanley has witnessed tremendous strides In the march of Congo prog ress. “The new king of Belgium, Leo pold III, rules the colony, annexed by his granduncle In 1908. Having visited there twice ns n prince, he Is famlllnr with, and vitally inter ested In, Its economic and commer cial problems. Nearly 90 times ns large as the mother country, and a third as largo ns the United States, Belgian Congo Is populated by approximate).. 18,000 white men and more than 9,000.000 natives. Climate Hinders. "Perhaps the greatest stumbling block to progress has been the cli mate. The temperature, remaining always close to 80 degrees. Is ac companied by extreme humidity. In the spring, Belgian Congo prepares fbr one of its two seasons of heavl MODISH REDINGOTE By CIIKRIK NICHOLAS liedlngote fashions are in the lead. They have everything to rec ommend them. From the practical standpoint no wiser Investment can be made than buying one of these costumes which Include a redingote that later can be worn with most any dress, while the print frock that comes with It will turn out to be one of your most prized possessions, since It will flatter at the same time that It does active service, the whole spring and summer through. The model pictured has a frock of red and white crepe. A deep tuck in the skirt gives It the appearance of a tunic dress. The redingote Is of black crepe with patch pockets and loose sieves. est rainfall. The other Is In Octo ber, when the sun again moves across the Equator. But In spite of climatic hazards, the tramp tranip-tramp of western progress has surged forward. “The dark cloud of depression that has hung over the world showed at least one silver lining as It passed over the Congo. During prosperous days, the development of agriculture was side-tracked In favor of mining. With the advent of economic distress, the govern ment lias been encouraged by a ’re turn to the soil' movement that has seen cotton, coffee, and rice pass from experimental to staple produc tion. “Palm growing Is an Important Industry. Its nut-oil and kernel products are a dependable source of Income—the United States be ing the best customer. "Two-thirds of the colony’s wealth Is In minerals, copper being the most Important. More than ,'t, 900,000 cnrats of diamonds were mined In 1082. Gold, radium, and tin also rank high as revenue sources, but Congo coal Is Inferior, being almost worthless for Indus trial uses. "Despite the recent unstable con dition of world markets. It Is an Interesting fact that dealers In Amerleau-mnde automobiles found business quite good In the Relgtnn Congo. Belgium hns continued a policy of building good roads Into remote districts of Its African col ony. Some 24,000 miles of high way have been laid, supplementing 2,780 miles of railroad. Great Trade Artery. The great trade nrtery of the col ony, however, Is the Congo river. Nlnety-tl«e miles above Its mouth, at Matadl, several rapids halt steamers. A railroad line links Mata dl with Leopoldville, the capital, busy doorway to the Interior. Here again the Congo becomes navignble for 1,068 miles to Coqullhatvllle, Stnnleyvllle, and Stanley falls. “Above Stanley falls the Congo becomes the Lualuba river, navi gable for 585 miles, bending toward the southeastern town of Katanga via Ponthlervllle. Kindu, Kongnlo, and Kabalo. Many of these impor tant villages, as well ns Bandundu, Port Fruncqull, Luebo, Bonin (at the month of the Congo), Inongo, Hasunkusti, Llsala, and Hnsoko are served by air routes. The southern part of Belgian Congo Is linked by railway with the Uniou of South Africa and the Portuguese colony of Angola. “The present colonial govern ment encourages all efforts to edu cate Its native subjects. The bur den of Instruction Is carried mainly by missionary workers, both Catho lic und Protestant “Government subsidies have been granted in some Instances, In or der that tlieli work might proceed. French Is taught as soon as native pupils are able to learn the lan guage. Instruction In agriculture, carpentry, and metal working Is offered in severul schools.” —.. " ' Statue of Liberty Gains in Popularity Washington.—A register for visitors, hidden in a nook of the Statue of Liberty foi^ nearly 40 years, has been discovered. The book contains 1,500 pages, each page having 54 signatures. The signatures are those of per sons who visited the famous monument In New York harbor between 1890 and 190(5. Comparing data found In the old book with that shown In last year’s register, George A. Pal mer, acting superintendent of the statue, was amazed by the Immense inerense revealed In the number and range of visitors. Forty years ago, It was re vealed, only 11 states were rep resented by 69 visitors who regis tered on August 8, while on Au gust 8, 1934, 1,262 actually vis ited the monument and 579 regis tered. Thirty six stntes were represented by visitors, In the latter group. Diving Robot Will Seek Sunken Gold ■ 1 ■■ ■ ■ s# Metal Sphere Built to With stand Sea Pressure. Washington. — With the arrival soon of a monster ’'(living robot,” Washington will witness the launch ing of a world-wide search for sunken treasure ships. The big metal sphere, weighing 1,400 pounds, already has been test ed, Inspected and approved by naval officials In the stnte of Washington. With full equipment, It will be shipped to a dock on the Potomac river waterfront. It Is believed the sphere will be capable of carrying divers to the greatest depths ever reached. It has been constructed to withstand depths beyond the 8,028-foot record dive of William Beebe's “Bathy sphere." It will be the property of a firm known tentatively as the Submarine Engineering and Salvaging corpora tion, scheduled to be Incorporated In Delaware. Washington will be the corporation's headquarters. An Inventor In Washington state first experimented with the diving Professor Debunks Voodooism in Haiti Chicago.—stories of seamen and fiction writers of bloody voo doo rites In the West Indies have been “debunked" by Dr. Melville .1. llerskovltz, who recently re turned from a three-month so journ in native huts of the most primitive peoples In Haiti and western Africa. Doctor llerskovltz, professor of anthropology at Northwestern university, has engaged for ten yenrs In research work. “Voodooism Is not the bloody terror that movies and books make of It,” he said. “In reality It Is a most peaceful religion. Its devotees attend ceremonies regularly ou Saturday night, much In the nature of Wednes day prayer meeting. Human sac rifice is unknown." sphere. He later was aided by Lieut. Harry E. Kleseherg, formerly of the United States bureau of nav igation and steamboat Inspection. Lieutenant Uleseberg now Is pre paring a comprehensive chart de signed to show exact positions of 87 of the major sunken treasure vessels. A total of $1,663,862 In gems and bullion, It was said, are cached in the holds of the ships. The "diving robot” has nine-foot hydropneumatlc toggle-jointed arms which are said to be capable of lifting anything from a dime to a half-ton. Thus, a diver may pick up either large or small objects from the sea bottom, heretofore Im practical In salvage operations. Outside the sphere powerful searchlights penetrate the darkness for as far as 100 feet In any direc tion. Oxygen is supplied by an ap paratus inside the device which en ables a diver to remain under wa ter for 16 hours. Oregon Woman, Aged 80, Seeks Angler’s License Eugene, Ore.—Mrs. Nancy Burge of Cottage Grove may be eighty years old, but she’s going fishing tills spring. Mrs. Burge wrote the Lane coun ty court here asking if she were eligible for a free fishing license. The state grants free licenses to persons who have lived In Oregon more than 60 years. Mrs Burge did not furnish that Information, but County Commissioner Cal Young said she would get the license even if he and the other commissioners had to buy it. "If any woman of eighty still enjoys fishing, she should be able to fish,” Young said. South Africa Booms Wheat Montreal.—Canada’s trade with South Africa has increased so greatly that one steamship company here has been forced to press five extra ships into service. The ships are "added starts.” The company's regular four freighters on the route will run on their usual schedules. SEEN^ HEARD around the National Capital srrr. I— By CARTER riELDsssasss Washington.—The beautiful friendship between James M. Cur ley and Franklin D. Roosevelt, which grew so vigorously in the spring and summer of 1932. and ap peared to hloom in 1933, seems to have wilted. No official statement as to just why the governor of Massachusetts and the President of the United States are uo longer David and Jonathan is forthcom ing, hut there are rumors aplenty. Back In the golden days of this friendship there were friends of both who predicted that James Roose velt, sometimes called the favorite son of the Chief Executive, would one day, with the backing of Cur ley, he governor of the Bay state. But now this prospect Is also out of the window, for the time being least. James no longer holds forth ut Cambridge. He has moved to New Y’ork, perhaps temporarily, hut certainly with uo obvious intention of retaining his residence In Massa chusetts. Unkind critics say the Instigator of the move was none other than the President himself, and that It was not wholly unconnected with the cooling in the friendship be tween himself and (lovernor Curley. It was (tartly through James Roose velt that Curley was so successful in getting many of his friends and lieutenants put on the federal pay roll In key positions. Certainly most of the appointees desired by Curley had the endorsement of James Roosevelt when they went across the desk of Patronage Dis penser Farley, the genial postmas ter general. In fact, Farley was even willing to appoint Former Representative Peter F. Tague as Boston postmas ter, on Curley’s recommendation, al though both Senators Walsh ami Coolidge had made It clear they would block his confirmation. Got Cold Shoulder Back In his campaign for the governorship Curley confided to the Massachusetts electorate that he, if elected, would be able to bring home a lot of federal appropriations to the Bay state, whereas, he hinted, what could Massachusetts expect of an old line Republican like Ba con? During the recent visit of New England governors to Washington to demand help for their closing textile mills, to insist on something being done about Japanese compe tition, and to protest against the cotton processing tax. Governor Curley. It appeared to some of them, rather got the cold shoulder. In fact, one of the governors re marked afterwards that when he came to Washington from now on he whs coming alone. Which Is a far cry from the days when Roosevelt was clapping Cur ley on the shoulder, telling him how sorry he was he could not put him In the cabinet. Inquiring whether he would not be acceptable to Mus solini as ambassador to Rome, and later, on this blowing up, offering him the Polish embassy. Just as Curley’8 recent speech be fore the General Motors show at Boston, when he sldeswlped the New Deal rather effectively, was a far cry from his speeches, either In 1932 or liKD, from which his aud itors got the distinct Impression that Roosevelt was one of the world’s noblemen, of unequalled abil ity. Who threw the first stone is al ways an Interesting question, and there Is h lot of speculation about this case, especially since James Roosevelt was literally moved out of Massachusetts by the President. But certainly Relief Administrator Hopkins and Public Works Admin istrator Ickes have not helped to smooth matters over. To put It mildly, they have not looked out for Governor Curley’s Interest Curley hit back vigorously, as he always does, whereupon the White House Itself gave him a reception which did not enhance his prestige with the other New England governors. Italy Clamps Down Negotiations — quite unofficial— with Italy to induce that country to remove her very drastic restric tions on American Imports, have gotten precisely nowhere to date, j and the prospect Is not very bright. Italy has clamped down on imports of American automobiles, office ma chinery, farm machinery, cotton, and dozens of other products to Just one-fourth of the HKD figures. And the HKD figures were not very large! But the representatives of Italy, discussing the situation informally with State department officials, say they would be glad to buy If they only had something to use for money! And It Is proving very dif ficult to answer them. For what they mean, of course. Is that they cannot go on Indefinitely buying more than the.x sell. So it comes down to this: America must take more Italian goods If she wants to keep on selling to Italy as she did up to this mouth. (The restric tions have Just gone into effect.) “What do you want?" the State department negotiators in effect asked the Italians: “We want your market opened up for our lemons, tomato paste, silk and hats—straw and felt hats," the Italians replied in effect There Is enough political dynamite In that answer to wreck any polit ical party, and the terrible part of it Is the Italians know It as well as the State department officials who were nonplussed at the answer. Which Is me of the reasons why Secretary of State Hull’s reciprocal trade agreements have not made more progress. Curiously enough the Italians have not manifested the expected desire thaf something he done about wines They are Just discour aged about America as a wine mar ket, They believe the country has lost Its taste for good wines, and while they of course do not con cede that French wines are superior to Italian wines, they know that France Is suffering from the same disappointment As a Wine Market A very Important Italian official In Washington recently dined with some Italo-Ainerican friends. They had all been horn in Italy, and he presumed of course that their taste In wine would he good “Maybe It was a hint, and 1 did not recognize It." he told the writ er. “Maybe they thought I would at once send them a case of really good wine from the embassy. But tfie fact Is they served me some per feetly miserable wine. I think It was California. Certainly It was not Imported. M.v own thought Is that If Italian people, as a result of American prohibition have had their tastes so impaired, what hope Is there for our recovering even the market for our wines that we had before prohibition?" California, and to a lesser extent New York state and some other sec tions. are certainly out to get what ever market there Is In this country for low-priced wines. California's problem on this Is simple, but In teresting. When prohibition came, many California vineyards were plowed under Then arose a tre mendous demand for grapes from would-be wine makers So the price of grapes soared. California over did the planting In attempting to meet this demand, but this was not apparent until along about 1980, because it takes grapes some time to come Into hearing. Theu, to get rid of the grapes at some price or other, there devel oped the business of experts mak ing wine for people In their own cellars, thus avoiding the toils of the law. This business mounted to unbelievable proportions in the last two years of prohibition Then It blew up. and it became necessary to market the California wine in the normal way. Which California has been doing, to the great distress of foreign wine makers. But any tinkering with the wine tariff in behalf of Italy or France, or any other country, will find a solid phalanx of Californians ready to die In the breach. If necessary. From Cotton to Corn Prospects that the South will buy less corn from Iowa, Illinois, In diana and other big corn raising states of the Mid-West are already disturbing senators and members of the house from that region. So far there are no political repercus sions In the corn raising states, but they are coming, unless some very shrewd observers miss their guess very badly. What has happened is this: cot ton planters, taking money not to raise cotton. In many Instances have turned to corn. This Is said to be true all through the cotton belt. But the cotton belt has always been a splendid market for middle western corn. Just to cite a typical exam ple. Georgia formerly bought about 60,000,000 bushels a year, though perfectly capable of supplying her own corn needs without bringing In a bushel. So this splendid market for mid west corn Just may not be there this year 1 Whereupon there will be very loud outcries Indeed against a government which has paid the southern planters not to raise cot ton. Gets Another Push Now along comes the cotton cur tallment program, and gives anoth er push In the same direction. Which is all very well for the South —though there are those who have their grave doubts about that, what with the speedy development of for elgn cotton production, which makes one wonder about the fu ture—but what about the producers who formerly supplied the South with what the South Is now rals lng? Particularly the corn growers of the Middle West? This particular storm has not burst. Yet It would he most timely at the moment, with AAA under fire about the cotton processing tax. with New England and southern mills closing down allegedly he j cause of Japanese textile competl tton, and AAA none too popular anyhow. No one In Washington seems to be taking a long range view of the problem. But It Is most interesting that the storm center of trouble seems likely to be In the Middle West—the states from Indiana to Iowa—by harvest time. This is Im portant because If the storm center were In the South, while there might be plenty of political thunder and lightning there, no one would figure It very seriously with respect to political prospects next year. Copyright.—WNU S«rvic* 4 Travelers View Christ Church, Oxford. Prepared by National Geographic Society, LWashington. L>. C.—WNU Service. RAVELING as a vagabond In the British Isles is somewhat different from traveling as a tourist. Here’s how one American saw the country on a job hunt which extended from England through Wales and Scotland to Edinburgh. In London a member of the Guards asked him, “If you hadn’t a lot of money, how could you take a trip like this?” “Oil, that’s easy,” he replied. “Worked my way across. I ex pect to walk up to Scotland and back, earning my expenses.” “Great; but how are you going to get work with jobs so scarce?” “Trust to luck,” he said non chalantly. His equipment was simple. Over a navy-blue slip-on sweater he put on a roomy khaki shirt, leaving the collar open; got into rough, brown tweed trousers, and pulled on an old brown snap-brim hat. Into a small haversack went a change of underwear, a couple of pairs of socks, a few handkerchiefs, and some toilet articles. Then he packed all of his other belongings and left them in the care of a stor age company. The walker arrived in Oxford at commencement time, remained there for two days, then set out for Stratford-on-Avon. There he sought out the place In Henley street which most people believe to He the Ilard’s birthplace. At the rear of the half timbered, gable-roofed house, with its quaint mullioned windows was a spacious garden. A high stone wall surrounded this idyllic spot, but screened none of the beauty. Due to his unusual height, he could look right over and enjoy the scene to his heart’s content without hav ing to pay for the privilege. In nearby Shottery, with his finances reduced to only eight shill ings, he suddenly abandoned holi day-making and sought work. He was offered a Job in a cow barn, but finding that the purchase of suitable clothing would eat up all his profit, he declined the Job and struck out for Worcester, a much larger town with probably better opportunities. Here he obtained a position as laborer to help recon struct a store. Lost in the Hills of Wales. On the rbad again, the American wanderer took a long tramp through the wilds of Wales. Leaving the foothills behind, he came to the real hills, some brown with heather, soon to blossom out with tiny red flowers that would transform them into huge mounds of ruddy color. Once, after a storm, he became lost in the hills. Around him, ns far as the eye could see was nothing but grassy, almost treeless hills and valleys. There was no sign of life except for a few sheep nibbling at tufts of grass nearby. Almost in despair, be walked along mile after mile without coming to a road or within sight of a farmhouse, and it wasn’t long before he realized he had been misdirected and was as near lost as anyone could be. Groping in darkness made deeper by the heavy clouds, he made his way, cautiously testing each step until he thought he had passed the marshes. He saw at length a little river in the valley, and beyond it a faintly glimmering light. Throwing cnution to the winds, he struck out in that direction. Not far from the bank of the river, he ran into some tall grass and, before he realized where his feet were falling, he felt an odd sensation, as if by some sinister means he was being engulfed by an unseen power. He wriggled loose, only to slip again at the next step into the clutches of the bog. Was he suddenly to be snatched away by this monster and leave no trace? Frantic, he clutched at his oozing strength and fought like a madman, digging his nails into the slime, seeking a support. Somehow in the blackness he found one—and drew himself to safety. Liverpool to Scotland. Finally he reached Liverpool, the second seaport in Britain, where he I wus determined to make his next try for a job. He obtained one shifting furniture in the warehouse of a department store. On the sec ond day there lie was offered per manent work at nearly double the salary. Relieved, he thanked his employer, but explained that he was over to see some of the Old world and didn't want to settle down until he had done so. After two weeks of working, and explor ing Liverpool, he set off for Scot land. In Kendal, he sat down on the bank of the River Kent under a gigantic elm and ate some sand wiches purchased at a store near by. The little money he had brought from Liverpool had dwindled to a few shillings. One night, just as twilight was beginning to form, he entered Edin burgh and passed down Princes street. Along one side, a wide ex panse of well-kept gardens extend ed to the bold, rocky hill on which stands Edinburgh’s ancient fortress, its proud castle. After paying his week’s rent in advance, he had five shillings left, barely enough to provide food for two days. That meant he should have to use quick action. He began with the department stores, but was not so fortunate in finding a Job this time. For two days he made the rounds, calling everywhere he thought there was a chance. Being so tall, he drew the spotlight, and quips from the Inquisitive Scots. Selling Papers in Edinburgh. When his resources had dwindled to a shilling, he realized something had to be done immediately, but what? Hungry as a bear, he pon dered on what he could buy that would supply the most nourishment at the least cost 1 Chocolate won! In a sweets shop, he bought three penny bars for breakfast and, munching away, crossed the North bridge. He came to the fine old building housing the Scotsman and the Evening Dispatch, two of the most Important papers in Scotland. Perhaps here was a chance; at least it was worth making a stab at! Inside he inquired how much could be made by selling papers. The man in charge was aston ished. “You’re foolish,” he said. “All the corners worth having are held by dealers already.” "Is the North bridge taken?" “No,” spoke up some one near him, and he learned that It was the windiest place in the city, and that the news dealers considered It the most undesirable. People had to clutch their hats and keep out of the way of whirling dust, and usu ally lost no time in getting to the other side; and, anyway, why should they stop to buy a paper when they could get one at either end? The prospects certainly weren’t bright. But undaunted, he took his stand near the center of the windy bridge, pulled down his hat, and began calling "Dispatch!” Becomes Star Vender. “Selling papers!” one woman ex claimed, “And for a wager, I sup pose. Well, I’ll encourage no such foolishness! It’s not even today’s, is it?” "Yes, ma’am, it’s today’s and the latest, and I’m not selling them for a wager." Their attention attracted by his unusual height, pedestrians stared at him, many eyeing him with skepticism. But when they saw he was really in earnest, the papers quickly disappeared, and he had to restock frequently. By seven o’clock he found he had made more than five shillings. The next day he was one of the star venders. On the following day his photograph and a detailed ar ticle about him appeared in the press. From then on the papers sold like hot cakes. That night he was a bit of a celebrity. Every few feet he was stopped and given the glad hand. He received so many whacks on the back that his shoulders felt sore the next day, and for the rest of his stay, he had practically no time to himself.