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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1935)
Troops Move In to CAeati Up Kentucky “Crime Zone" FKENTUCKY National Guardsmen moved secretly into .Manchester, Ivy., to carry out an order to "clean up" ^ Clay county, whose bloody history led a federal investigator to cell It "the worst criminal stronghold In (he United States.” The troops descended upon the town In (lie early morning hours In a surprise move by Gov. Ruby LafToon to break up an alleged automobile theft ring and end other lawlessness. The town is prac tically under martial law, and ISrig. Gen. Kllerbe W. Carter Is In command. Photograph shows an air view of Manchester, Ky., with the slate guardsmen encamped in trucks in the center of the town. £ BEDTIME STORY £ | By THOIINTON \Y. BURGESS |j| DANNY MEADOW MOUSE VISITS THE SMILING POOL Danny meadow mouse had taken It Into Ids funny little head to go over to the Smiling Pool. Just why he did It nobody knows. Perhaps It was he wanted to con sult Grandfather Frog, who, you know, Is accounted very wise. Per haps he wanted to cull on his big cousin, Jerry Muskrat. Perhaps It was because be felt uneasy and “What Are You Doing Over Here, Danny Meadow Mouse?” • wanted to go somewhere for n change of scene. Whatever the rea son, Danny unexpectedly appeared one morning on the bank of the Smiling Pool. The very llrst person he saw was Grandfather Frog, sitting on his big, green lily pad. "Good morn ing, Grandfather Frog,” squeaked Danny. Grandfather Frog turned about In a funny little hop of startled surprise and blinked his great, gog gly eyes at Danny Meadow Mouse. “Chugarum.’’ said he In a deep gruff voice. “What are you doing over here, Danny- Meadow Mouse?" "Nothing in particular," replied Danny. "People who are doing nothing In particular are very likely to get Into trouble. Don't you know that. Danny Meadow Mouse?" demanded Grandfather Frog. “Oh, 1 guess 1 can keep out of trouble around here. You’re looking very tine, Grandfather Frog. You slon’t look a day older than when I last saw you.” "I don’t feel a day older," replied Grandfather Frog, and Ids voice was not quite so gruff. You see, it rather tickled him to he told that he looked no older. “Of course I’m glad to see you. Danny." he con tinued, “but Just the same I think you are taking chances In coming hero. Longlegs* the Blue Heron comes over here almost every day, and I have an Idea that he would Just as soon and perhaps a little rather, have a fat Meadow Mouse for Ids dinner than an old frog like me." "I helievt* you’re not glad tc sec me at all," declared Danny. "You are trying to scare me." “No such thing,” replied Gramlfa (her Frog gruffly. "But I never like to see anybody take unnecessary risks. You know, 1 believe in safety first. Now what would you do If Beddy Fox should suddenly appear right behind you? You would he in such a tight place. There Isn’t a thing you could hide under, and hiding In the grass wouldn’t do you a hit of good, for that keen nose of Iteddy’s would soon find you." "Reddy isn't here, so what’s the good of borrowing trouble?" squeaked Danny. "It’s time enough to worry when there Is something 1 to worry about. Did you ever know a liner day. Grandfather Frog?" ©. T. W. Burges*—WNU Service Cape of Gray Broadtail Clerical In Its simplicity of line, this handsome cape of gray broad tail can be worn equally well with a suit, coat or dress. The wide col lar with an Inverted box pleat ef fect is very nattering. This Ought to Sink Him The girl chum says a garden is something that never has been known to live Up to promise of the seed catalogue. ©. Bell Syndicate—WNU Service. Question box t, ED WYNN, The Perfect Fool I *— i ■' 11 —————1 Dear Mr. Wynn: I am a boy twelve years of age and have been offered a job after my school hours. I am supposed to set 15 rat traps in the basement of iin office building every day. Is it hard to learn to set a rat trap? Sincerely, I. D. CLARE. Answer: It is very easy to learn how to set a rat trap after you once get your hand in. Dear Mr. Wynn : I have a girl friend who is a good swimmer. She told me, yester day, that site once fell off u boat Into the water and a large shark came after her, looked Dor over, then went away without even touch ing her. Do you believe that? Yours truly, IKE ANTBEE LEEVIT. Answer: Sure I believe it. It must have been a man-eating shark. Dear Mr. Wynn: I am the mother of a girl seven teen years of age. I want her to take up golf, tennis, swimming and other outdoor sports. She refuses and stays In the house. She says she prefers Indoor sport. Are indoor sports all right for a girl her age? Truly yours, I. WORK IE. Answer: An indoor sport is all right for a girl, if she knows when to send him home. Dear Mr. Wynn: I am in love with n boy twenty one years of age. He wants me to marry him but he is a spendthrift. Is it all right for me to marry a spendthrift? Yours truly, WANDA WHATEDU. Answer: It is all right if he is just starting on his career as a spendthrift. Get in on It, kid. Dear Mr. Wynn: My husband, who was a fireman, was discharged by the city. The only reason given in his discharge was “For acting childish at the last lire." What do they mean by say ing, “he acted childish?" Truly yours, HOOKEN LADDER. Answer: Your husband probably was in charge of the hose crew and “by ncting childish," they mean he played on the ruins after the lire was out. Dear Mr. Wynn: My next door neighbor told me he -fc- ■ * MOTHER’S •> COOK BOOK THIS AND THAT CANDIES make a delicious gar nlsh for simple desserts, and save the time necessary for prepar ing more elaborate ones. A bit of chocolate or maple fudge crumbled over ice cream, cornstarch pudding, custard, or junket, makes an other wise plain dessert very stylish. To make an old dust mop practi cally as good ns new put a large ta hlespoonful of concentrated lye in a pall half full of boiling water and let the mop boll in it. Itlnse thor oughly several times and put in the sun to dry. One or two tablespoonfuls of kerosene put into the boiler with I lie clothes will whiten them. Hegin early and start right with the child; this is especially Impor tant if lie is to be strong, well and an efficient citizen. The normal child oats with zest the food placed before him. Daw dling over food or refusing to eat it will need hard work to overcome. It Is far ensler to form good habits than to break bad ones. if the child is accustomed to a variety of foods very early, before lie begins to form likes and dls likes, lie will like and eat every thing as he grows older. It is the very exceptional child who is made 111 by certain foods; of course, one must eliminate them poYou Know— That friction matches were invented in England in 1829, and first used in the United States in 1831-32, being sold in boxes containing 25 matches for 25 cents. They were commonly called loco focos and were, for a long time, looked upon as an amusing novelty. McClure Newspaper Syndicate WNII B»i vice. If it is found to be a real case. Some children feign illness and nausea to gain attention and something re fused. One’s method of dealing with the food question must vary with the child. It will work with some to In sist on the food on the plate being eaten before lie has dessert. If not hungry enough to eat the food on the plate he is not hungry enough for dessert. A word of praise, a re ward, often brings the desired re suit. As children are people, they should be treated as such. No two Individuals enjoy exactly the same things, so we must be tactful in dealing with little people. It Is wise to look over the sup ply shelf often nnd keep It well tilled, for with the holiday season, many unexpected calls may be made upon It. ©. Western Newspaper Union. “Through Course of Sprout*’’ To he [nit through a course of sprouts means to receive a course of severe discipline, especially In former days Hogging with switches or rods. The use of switches or rods probably led to the origin of the term, sprouts, In this connec tion. got a wireless from London, Eng land, from his brother, and it only cost two cents. Do you believe that? Yours truly, U. MAYNO. Answer: Sure I believe it. It was a postcard. ©. the Associated Newspapers. VVNU Service I IP A IP A IK. MOWS—I “Pop, what is a poet?” “Large bow tie.” ©. Bell Syndicate—WNTJ Service. THE OLD HOME GOES By ANNE CAMPBELL THE house went long ago. . . . Its walls are crumbled; And the barn door, once painted red, has tumbled. I heard they sold the lumber for old wood To start the autumn fires with , . . not much good. This roof that sheltered me, this house Granddad Unlit for his bride when he was yet a lad. lie made the house, and planted the green tree Back of the outdoor kitchen . . . Valiantly, Where so much ruin is, the tree still stands. It Is a gift from God. . . . The meadowlands Beyond were razed a hundred times, but still The tree Is green upon the sunny hill. Nothing the years have done to It has mattered. Against its strong old heart the . years have battered. The sun of happiness, the rain of tears Have beaten on its boughs for fifty years, And It remains the same—constant —kept whole— As If It, too, had an Immortal soul! CoOvrl*ht.—WNU Service. GIPUGW5 ■ P^rr- - >, n, Ml U, / “Between that trip to Niagara Falls and the one to Reno,” says knowing Nora, “the furtherest mosl married women get from home is to the corner grocery store.” VVN'U Service First Steamboat in St. Louis The first steamboat reached St. Louis in 18‘.i7. Eyes of Scientific World on Student RollEltT J. WEST, University of California sophomore, is going through tils daily school work with the eyes of the scientific world upon him. The reason is that West is so sensitive to sunshine that he sunburns in three minutes. No part of his body is immune from the effect Ked cellophane has been put over his workroom window to protect him from the sun. Photograph shows Robert J. West (in sweater) in the University of California's ‘'Ked'’ room, conducting au experiment with a fellow student. College-Trained Girls Seek Domestic Service A few years ago college-bred girls wi aid have disdained domestic serv ice. The depression has changed that—to some extent at least. Some of them are willing to try their hands at anything to make an hon est living. So it is that the Y. \V. C. A. of Orange, N. J.t has begun a new ven ture. Under the direction of Miss Anna Davis, general secretary of the local branch, unemployed young women of higli school or college ed ucation, will be used to supply the demand for cooks, housekeepers, nursemaids, and companions to elder ly persons. “From time to time," said Miss Da vis, “young women, educated for a business career, but unable to find work, have told us they would take any respectable job, even though it entailed working in homes ns cooks, nurses, or companions." An investigation disclosed that there was a shortage of efficient do mestic workers. A new bureau es tablished by the Y. W. C. A. will serve as an employment-contact agency, and all negotiations will be carried on secretly.—Literary Digest. Week’s Supply of Postum Free Read the offer made by the Postum Company in another part of this pa per. They will send a full week's sup ply of health giving Postum free to anyone who writes for It.—Adv. . Their Own Fault? There are men who seem to pro vqke the question, "How did you suc ceed In becoming profoundly home ly?” For it Is manifest that much of their uncomeliness is their own doing.—Exchange. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong. No alcohol. Sold by druggists in tablets or liquid.—Adv. Few Radios in China Col. T. T. Chung, Chinese wireless commissioner, estimates there are no more than 40,000 radio sets in all of China, which lias a population of more than 400,000,000. CONSTIPATION Can bo Helped! (Use whut Doctors dd) Why do the bowels usually move regularly and thoroughly, long after a physician has given you treatment for constipation? Because the doctor gives a liquid laxative that can always be taken in the right amount. You can gradually reduce the dose. Reduced \osage is the secret of real and safe .elief from f constipation. Ask your doctor about this. Ask your druggist how popular liquid laxatives have become. The right liquid laxative gives the right kind of help, and the right amount of help. When the dose is repeated, instead of more each time, you take less. Until the bowels are moving regularly and thoroughly without any help at all. The liquid laxative generally used is Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. It contains senna and cascara, and these are natural laxatives that form no habit — even in children. Your druggist has it; ask for— Kpjt.eaMae&i SYRUP PEPSIN Time for Discard When a rule of etiquette adds nothing of value to beauty, to coni fort, to ease or to happiness, it may be set down as a useless rule which may as well be thrown Into tile dis card.—Emily Post. Your own druggist is auth^^® * to cheerfully refund yow ^ money on tho spot if you are I relieved by Creomulsion^M| Try Faster Way to Relieve Your Colds Medical Discovery Bringing Almost 1 Take 2 BAYER Aspirin Tablets. ■ • Make sure you get the BAYER Tablets you ask for. 2 Drink a full glass of water. Repeat • treatment in 2 hours. 3 If throat is sore, crush and stir 3 • BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third of a glass of water. Gargle twice. This eases throat soreness almost instantly. Instant Relief to Millions REMEMBER DIRECTIONS The simple method pictured here is the way many doctors now treat colds and the aches and pains colds bring with them I It is recognized as a safe, sure, QUICK way. For it will relieve an ordinary cold almost as fast as you caught it. Ask your doctor about this. And when you buy, be sure that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets. They dissolve (disintegrate) almost instantly. And thus work almost in stantly when you take them. And for a gargle, Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness, leaving no irritating particles or grittiness. BAYER Aspirin prices have been decisively reduced on all sizes, so there’s no point 'now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want. NOW 15* PRICES on Genuine Boyer Aspirin Radically Reduced on All Sixes It soon brings relief and pro motes healing. Because of its absolute purity and mildly antiseptic properties, it is un surpassed in the treatment of rashes, red, rough skin, itching, burning feet, chafings, chappings, irritations, cuts and burns. No household should be without it. , Price 25c and 50c. Ointment Sold °*al1 dru^uu MISERABLE, WEAK? Mr*. May Trine ot S. Union St., Emporia, Kan?., said: “'I was com pletely rundown and weighed only 100 pounds. I My appetite was poor.. I used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and regained my normal weight and strength and today my friends say X am the picture of health. New size, tablets SO cts., liquid $1.00. Write Dr. Pierce’s Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Uemoves Dandruff-Stops Hair Falling Imparts Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair 60c and $1.00 at Druggists. Hlscox Chem. Wks . Patrhtvgiie. N. Y FLORESTON SHAMPOO — Ideal for use in connection with Parker's Hair Balsam. Makes the hair soft and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at drug gists. Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N.Y. DVERTISING is as essen tial to business as is rain to growing crops. It is the key stone in the arch of successful merchandising. Let us show you how to apply it to your business. FEEL TIRED, ACNY “ALL WORN OUT?” Get Rid of Poisons That Make You 111 ^ IS a constant backache keeping you miserable? Do you suffer burning, scanty or too frequent urination; attacks of dizziness, rheumatic pains, swollen feet and ankles? Do you feel tired, nervous —all unstrung? Then give some thought to your kidneys. Be sure they function properly, for functional kidney dis order permits poisons to stay in the blood and upset the whole sys tem. ^ Use Doan’s Pills. Doan's are for the kidneys only. They help the kidneys cleanse the blood of health destroying poisonous waste. Doan’s ! Pills are used and recommended the world over. Get them from any druggist. DOAN’S PIUS