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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1928)
KING VISITS QUAKE STRICKEN TOWNS r— — -■■■ -sat mm i iii" i—^IniiP 1 During their visit at Chirpan, King Boris and Princess Eudoxia of Bulgaria visited the areas ailcctcd by the terrible earthquakes which de stroyed a number of towns and villages in Southern Bulgaria. More than a 100 people j were killed and many hundreds injured. (international newsreeu FIRST PHOTO OF SUBMARINE AIRCRAFT CARRIER t 1 ' . i. 'ii nnri« ... 1 1 An exclusive photo of England's aircraft car rier submarine M-2, formerly a submarine monitor. The 12-inch gun turret is now used | as an arip’ane carrier. This is the first sub-^ ! marine to be fitted to carry aircraft. i <fnt«m&uoo*1 N*»w«re«ll BREMEN FLIERS HONOR UNKNOWN SOLDIER . .m ■■■■n11 IMT"Mil—111IIIIIin"li'll nil I III llll ■ Mill The gallant crew of the Bremen spent a very busy day at Washington. They are seen here at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier where they left their lloral tributes. Left to right, 0 flr dp * y***' \>w Captain Koehl, Major Fitzmaurice and Baron Von lluenefcld are listening to the Baron’* speech. Halts Knapp Hearing WOMAN DECLARES PASTEUR WRONG Mr*. If ■*!rn M Fteinfeld, fellow of the l’n vrr itv of California, ha* jtlst recently made public t! e r**"!t ..a I'khuntivr »oirn tifie invr .tiyati' ii, vh cb, e » *'*w* I . <*ur « »» w tony iml b.ict**ta are not ncre*»arv to fife. T . colon « of fruit flic* nrrr u*r,| in the te*t*. nee nurtured un let al dutr'v a pti Condition*, white ihe other m- bred under •'r normal rondt* tion* of prevalent barter a I'rr findii w' h ft*'.e raided a furor# in «nmti. c ciiele-, how that 'he ff.e* hrouyht up under the condition* of alooftite frnt!,,in from bacteria lived H pr* rent forcer than ibn«r* wh It were nl!> wed to de >•* ji uinlc normal rond tion* NIM » ■ ■ — ■■ ■ • ** m"4 * up ttUhrha Knapp launv**! r» (IMP to at *«ar Ilia pit|m*iir *•■!* .1 n liar t» teat if» in Uw It il .f li Ufa. t'lm«,r» K’ *. • pro# i* mi ar Albany tor alb ;•<' ••anaiia Irrnputtrtt'np |l»r ft Mat* l>* *1 *pa*r Hal ta<» *r u ,'f puaipontd lira lull. Plan East-West Flight Phil Wood, upper, aviator and] speedboat driver, admits that! he and Duke Schiller, who was the first to reach the Bremen, expect to make a flight from Ireland to Old Orchard Beach, We. Wood maintains that head, winds prevent making a longer, flight Fast-West. < Intmrnn Mon* I S^vurNO Scorns Riches to Wed M ss Grace Waldron of New York will marry the Reverend Nicholas Feringa, a New York pastor of moderate means, in stead of John G. Ardun, wealthy director of the General Motors Company. "ft is a woman’s privilege to change her mind,” says Miss Waldron. (Ililarnatlnnal NawarMlt [New Joan of Arc » .y r ,. >1 sr -jr . V<> -n-fmivn!.Xitt ' 1 M a r c e 11 e Oeor^e*, thirteen, wlio e.'i.-h Uav in a liehl at I’ont Ruche in the Vo wlule tran-4 k* I in pray.r, alleges that she r nfr *r» with the virgin, whcin she claims to re in a v, n. Ifetvih coin* :im» from all j r|i of the court* trv in view the won»l*r ha^e Here *itat-1 the placing of tiipM ar. anil the knoll up a vhi. U the . I kneel* whil * ceil.:*it *r r f >. *>•*•»*•«< Wl l| ROYAL ROMANCE ON THE ROCKS . r/m'z.r nationmammmv^annm..njjaa.. r.w^nm^ After a brilliant wedding,Jess than three months ago, Princes* Anne of France and the Duke D’Apulia are reported living apart. The princess is reported to be determined to have th* marriage annulled in order to marry the man she love.?. <lnt«rn«tlnm1 | !|n«» rn ♦ Kmvrm\ SENOR1TA CASTELLANOS TO WED Senorita Nina Castellanos of Madrid, Spain, is to wed Generali Primo De Rivera, premier of Spain, according to recent reports^ t Inter national illu»t i a tetl New*) U. S. GENERAL WINS $15,000 PRIZE i’ In. lint. J< 1m T. Thompson of the U. S. Army, who has just i i| t I.on<! u the prize of S13.UUI by the iir»ti -I* War f)fK(t f r the most tat I*, factory riile submitted lor a<lo|>» n by Hie !lriti»h Army. I he nrw rule, which is ttUI ta hro * n corntely ami nearly to e as l*»t as any r»|;<t now in use, vs «|e i I by the American gcn.-rnl. wlm was Director Aftenala of the L'nitcd States Army durum the U*e war. • .. mewl