Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1928)
Percales 36-inch hook fold Percales. New Spring Patterns. You will all want merchandise of ; this quality at this price. Per yard 14c AND wil l. _ I HOM DAY TO DAY UNTIL ONE-HALF OF THIS STOCK IS SOLD. THE ENTIRE STOCK WILL BE RESERVED I _ yv»™ — ncECTmuTAMiriA• YT»1».Ar.,-.n-E. * iwr i^Wiiirw n»jnn"<ii.nruniTrvr » <• •, - §g _ I, im—r- Tin—>»<•»» • >*>•<•*»!•—w?»r«gr”ifw»y-aniro^iy?w^,t.'U ..qinjic-.e -■■■> ■ . Peter Pan Ginghams Guaranteed fast colors. All new patterns for spring and summer wear. Per yard 38c « f Startling Reductions Pillow Tubing 12-inch Pepperell pillow tubing. Make your dollars do their duty by buying now. Per yard 25c Sheeting 9-4 bleached sheeting. If your supply is low—take advantage of this low price. Per yard 38c Muslin 3(i-inch bleached or unbleached muslin. For real bargains you can’t beat this one. Per yard 10c I HORSESHOE TOBACCO, PER LB. 70c Calumet Baking Powder, per lb. .. 23c Alaskan Pink Salmon, Beegles, per can 16c Quaker Oats, large package .25c Kelloggs Bran Flakes, 3 for 24c Thompson’s Seedless Raisins, per lb. 7?C Rub-No-More Washing Powder . Swift’s Classic White Laundry Soap . Shredded Wheat, per package .11c Grape Nuts, per package 16c Lewis Lye, 3 cans 33* K. C. Baking Powder, lb. 18c Milk, Large Cans, 3 for 29c PIE PEACHES, NO. 10 CAN .48c! Durham Tobacco, per package 6'/2C Yeast Foam, 2 for 15c Bulk Maccaroni, 3 lbs. 27c CREAM OF WHEAT—NOW .17c I i Kelloggs All Bran, per package .lie : : Quaker Maccaroni, per package 11c Post Toasties, per package lie I Fancy Rice, per pound . 5c Svr^ip No. 10. Dark .52c Syrup No. 10, Light 57c Green Japan Tea, per pound - 30c Here's The Reason We are going to be frank with you and tell you just why ftc inaugurated this sale. Conditions in and around O’Neill have not been the best for several months. For this reason our business has suffered. Our sales are behind last year, and with the coming of green grass, we feel that now is the time the farmer will have a little extra money he can call his own. At no time and no place have I he buying public of this country been able to buy hotter merchandise for so little money as they w ill right now\ We are determined to sell—we are determined to move a large portion of this stock and turn it into cash. Every dollar’s worth of merchandise in our store has been bought at the right price, and every dollar’s worth will be sold at prices that cannot be duplicated any place in the country. You can depend on that. These bargains are being offered you right in the heart of the buying season, and just at a time you need things most. The orders are to cut all profits—make things hum—give the people bargains that they will long remember. We ask you in all fairness to yourself to compare this list with any bargains you may find anywhere. Don’t Follow the Crowd—Beat ’Em To It 11 Ginghams Men’s Underwear Men’s Khaki Pants 11 32-inch Kiiburnie ginghams in plain and fancy patterns. Don't be a stay at-home when von can buy merchan dise at this price. Per yard Men’s balbriggan union suits, short sleeves, ankle length. All sizes. How is this for a low price If you want bargains make haste for this store. Men’s khaki trousers. A real bargain at ii I gag—em—.hreasacaaaegr’ -^sr Dress Shirts f New spring patterns in collar | I attached shirts. We know you j can't buy them any place in the | country at this price. Choice 59c Table Damask I 5 Turkey red table damask. The i | price is within the reach of all. | Get your share at this price. I Per yard I 49c I I Boy’s Overalls Boys’ highest quality overalls. High back, extra heavy 220 weight blue denim. All sizes 89c osiery Ladies’ rayon hose in the new shades for spring. What do you think of this low price. Per S pair I 38c iTiwiiii 'iiaBaa»>«afiHBi»:---ab‘»,T ^»sr«* I Towels I 18x42 Turkish Towels. Fancy 4 colored border. This is the best I buy you ever made. Lay in a I supply. Each 1 18c —bw—k——'iii— ii i ii m mrrecsffi'V-,: mb _ I Straw Hats I This is the time of year you need I straw hats. We’ve got all kinds I and sizes. Priced from 15c to 46c I | Prices Hit Bottom I Oil Cloth 9 This item "ill interest every housewife. 48-inch j| oil cloth in plain and fancy patterns. Per yard I Children’s Play Suits P Children’s play >uits in Khaki, blue denim and ■ stripes Gingham Toil du Nord gingham. You all know the Mual^>d°f this gingham. Guaranteed fast color, rer . 17c Cretonnes :(K-inrh cretonnes. A large sel«tionol patterns to choose from. They are rightly priced at per yard 16c I Athletic Union Suits I Men's Athletic I'nion Suit. We ask you in all tair 1 ness to yourself to av ail yourself of this opportunity I 49c to 89c A Thriller For Your Focketbook Space does not permit us to mention but a few of the many bargains to be found here. Every article in the store has been reduced in price. We want to reach the thousands of men and women who are about to buy their season’s supply, and we are going to give you prices on this merchandise that will move it as if on rollers. This mighty merchandise event starts Friday, May 25th, 9:00 a. m. GEO.BRESSLER O’NEILL, NEBRASKA l 7 ■HR IllMI —— «iiiiiflii—ii —win——■iwiHiiniii ni —-sr- < Candy I Oh what a treat this will be. You can buy candies worth up to 40c a pound for only 20c Choco lates included, per lb. 20c Coffee Nash Coffee, highest quality. During this sale, per pound 49c j Soaps Swift's Quick Naptha Soap Special at 8 Bars 25c Stock Salt 100 Pounds Stock Salt. Plenty to supply you all. Sack $1.10