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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1928)
THE ROYAL THEATRE’ Home of Good Pictures - Thursday, April 26th - “GIRL IN FAERY PORT” with Victor McLaglen and Lois Brooks. -Friday-Saturday, April 27-28 “EAST SIDE—WEST SIDE” A story of New York today with its loves, passions and hates. -Sunday-.Vlonday, April 29-30 BIG SPECIAL “UNDERWORLD” with Clive Brooks, Evelyn Brent, George Bancroft and Larry Semon A long run special! “What Price Glory” Thursday, Friday Saturday May 3, 4, 5 The Frontier |2.00 per year. i - Special Week Sale On all Trimmed and Tailored Hats. Chick Midseason Styles Styles to become every taste in every color and material. Prices exceptionally low. Chapman’s Style Shop O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 168 _i O’NEILL HIGH SCHOOL. Monday, May 7, at the K. C. Hall the Senior Class of O’Neill High School will present their class play “The Whole Town’s Talking.” The play is a farce in three acts, with plenty of laughs and surprising situa tions. The story deals with a Mr. Simmons, who has a marriageable daughter. For business reasons he | wants her to marry his junior part ner, Chester Binney. But “Chet" is the kind of bachelor no woman likes —he’s just a Blank. Mr. Simmons has the idea that every woman would like to get the man whom every other wants Hence he conceives the bright idea of inventing a few love affairs for his partner. But with whom ? Hew these love affairs materaliz? and set the “Whole Town Talking,” will furnish you with enough laughs lo last you for the rest of the year. Don’t n iss the last production of the school year. You’ll be sorry if you do. Remember the date May 7, and t* c dace—the K. C. Hall. CHAMBERS ITEMS. David Holcomb is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Lee Baker spent Wednesday at O'Neill. Mrs. Fred McCarroll is ill at her home northwest of Chambers. H. S. White is confined to his home, southwest of Chambers, with a severe attack of the “Flu.” I). B. Perkins purchased the first new Ford from our Ford dealer, C. E. Tibbett. It was a Tudor Sedan. Gwen Greenstreet has been spend ing the past week with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Green street at O’Neill. A fine baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hoffman Sunday, April 15, weight ten pounds. He was named Bernard James. Miss Nellie Smith, Miss Margaret Zuelke, Miss Aria Lowery, George Smith and Clifford Jarman are spend ing a few days at Kearney this week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Grfcenstreet and Mr. and Mrs. John Adams motor ed to Orchard Tuesday evening. The gentlemen attended the district meet ing of the Oddfellow Lodge. Floyd DeHart met with a very painful accident Saturday, April 14, when he got the thumb of his right hand caught in the chain of a manure spreader while he was helping his father at their home northwest of Chambers. He was brought to Cham bers for medical treatment. An ef fort is being made to save the thumb but is is feared that it will have to be amputated. f Overland Trucking I i Service § Day or Night Phone 44 I Await Spengler I %. mmmmxrmJ fUh! Brothers I DRAY AND TRANSFER f Heavy Hauling Specialties. Service at any time. Phones—302—288 “ "• 1 But you’ll have to hurry. This offer ends this week. It’s your last chance to get this regular fifteen-cent size of Wright’s French Dressing with your purchase of the twenty-five cent jar of Wright’s Mayonnaise or Thousand Island Dressing orTaste-T-Sandwich Spread. Don t miss getting these quality products at such a bargain price. Make this a part of today’s grocery purchases. A. E. WRIGHT COMPANY, Division of KRAFT-PHENIX CHEESE COMPANY % The Offer''-—— One fifteen ■ ernt bottle of Wnght'e French Ore n«n| FREE with each pure hate of a twenty-five cent jar of Wright t May onnoite or Thoutand ItlanJ Ore• ting or Tatte- T*Sandwich Spread* Vor Sale at All Dealers Exclusive Distributors You Know MARSH & MARSH Omaha This is General Motors Jnroving Ground rr-~ - -r—= s^^^=====.-==^r- , , -■='==■• ■ >1 .. - " .. I !■■■*] A birdaeye view of the 1245-acre Proving Ground maintained by r General Motora to assure the quality and value of its cam and trucka. 1. Entrance to the Proving Ground. The group of buildings includes complete experimental and service shops, engineering offices and comfortable living quarters for resident and visiting engineers and for the driving crews. The Proving Ground person nel numbers more than 200 men. 2. The 4-mile high-speed loop. The largest in America, made of concrete, with turns banked to permit continuous high speed operation. In addition, the Proving Ground has two concrete straight-aways 1% miles long, as level as a billiard tabic, and miles of brick, tar, gravel and dirt roads which reproduce every driving and weather condition. 3. The hill-teat road. Teat hill grades at the Proving Ground range from 7.26 per cent to 24 per cent. The grades on public highways seldom exceed 7 per cent. 4. The "bath-tub.n A depressed concrete roadway which is tilled with water at varying depths to reproduce flooded roadway condi tions. Here each General Motors car must prove its value N a 1245-acre tract near Milford, Michigan, convUiient to all its car and truck divisions, General Motors has the first and largest proving ground for automobiles. Here tests are made and facts determined to a degree impossible when cars and trucks are tested on the public highways. Here each new model of General Motors must prove itself, point by point, before it is produced for sale to the public. More than 135 different tests are applied to each car tested at the Proving Ground. They involve every phase of construction and performance: power, speed, endurance, accelera tion, braking, steering, handling, riding comfort, fuel economy and so on. In three months a car or truck covers more miles than you would drive it in three years. The Proving Ground is another example of how General Motors is serving the public. It is also your assurance that when you buy a Gen eral Motors product you are getting all possi ble quality and value at its price and the ad vantages of a policy of continuous improvement. Look at these values—then clip the coupon The current models of General Motors cars are briefly de- See which car or cars interest you most, then check and scribed below. Never before in the history of the automobile mail the coupon below. You will receive complete, illus industry have such performance, such quality, such com- trated information, together with two interesting little fort and such beauty been offered in their respective price books telling ali about General Motors Proving Ground classes. They have been proved at the Proving Ground! and just what General Motors policies are. i All prices F. O. B. at the factories) CHEVROLET. 7 model*, $495 to $715. Bigger and better than ever before. 4-wheel brakes. Longer wheel base. Still more power ful engine. Luxurious Fisher Bodies. Shock absorber springs. New hood. New Duco colors. New instrument panel and other improvements. ALSO truck chassis: Vt-ton, $395. 1-ton, $495. PONTIAC. 8 models, $745 to $875. The lowest-priced quality ' six.” Improved from radiator to tail-light. For example: 4-wbcel brakes. n GUH cylinder head, increased power, locking device, more luxurious Fisher Bodies. Finished in Duco in new colors. OLDSMOBILE. 7 models. $925 to $1085. Entirely redesigned by General Motors, the new Oldsmobile has earned the title of "The Fine Car at Low Cost ” Longer, roomier, more powerful and the last word in styling. Fisher Bodies. 4 wheel brakes. OAKLAND. 9 models, $1045 to $1375. The All-American Six. Advanced engineering and precision construction. Longer, lower and more beautiful. Bodies by Fisher. Every con venience. 4-wheel brakes. New Ducq colors. Harmonic balancer. BU1CK. 16 models. $1195 to $1995. The largest value in Buick's famous history. Beautiful low bodies by Fisher, etaway like an arrow from a bow. Vibrationless be yond belief. Famous 6-cylinder "Valve-in head" engine. Sealed-in chassis. LaSALLE. lh model*. $2350 tu $2975. This beautiful car was designed as com panion car to Cadillac. Has V-type 90 de gree 8-cylinder engine which has made Cadillac the standard tine car of the world. Built in Cadillac factory. Continental in ap pearance. CADILLAC. 26 model*, $3295 to $5500. 'What ” General Motors asked last yeari "can possibly be done to improve Cadillac?" The result is embodied in the new models now on display, presenting the high-water mark of Cadillac’s long history. Sumptuous bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood. 500 color combinations to choose from. FRIGIDAIRE—The Electric Refrigerator. General Motors has applied the processes which have made the automobile available to every family, to the production of electric refrigerators. Fngidaire is the refrigerator made by General Motors and it is now the world's laigest selling product in its field. DELCO-LIGHT Electric Plants. Provide the conveniences and labor-saving devices 'if the city for the farm. Electric light and power plants, water pumps, etc. Used in more than a quarter million homes. For the convenient purchase of these products, Generul Motors offers the standard low-cost GMAC Plan, GENERAL MOTORS -CUP THIS COUPON-— ~ <;fnfrai. Mn ous ( Dept. A , Detroit, Mich. Pirate M-iiii, without any obligation to mr, your illustrated ialormtiiiin about five particular Gmrril Motor* product or proihiiti I bavr checked at the right'—together with wwr booklet ‘•Principle* & Pnlidr*.1* CHEVROLET C PONTIAC OLD8MOH1LE □ OAKLAND □ BUICK □ LaSALLE □ CADILLAC □ FRIGIDAIRF D DELCO-UlillT C1 N«imr —------ Atltirm !»«•• ■■ M4 * I I»«««»»« ■> » «» (MX •««••••• IP -■.,4