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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1924)
8 tTPERVISORS’ RROCEEDINSG. O’Neill Nebr., Nov. 25, 1924. 10 a. m. ’ Board met pursuant to adjournment. I All members present but Skidmore. Board called to order by the Chair man. Minutes for October 29th, read and aproved. Mr. Kelley from Inman appeared before the Board in the matter of straightening the Elkhom river to protect the O’Donnell lake in Inman and Golden townships. Petition:— Nov. 20, 1924 Honorable County Board of Holt County. We, the undersigned members of the school board of school district No.248, hereby certify that on Oct. 15, 1918, the county treasurer paid the final payment on our bond issue of $430. We have no bonds unpaid and ask that you order the Treasurer of Holt county to transfer balance of $454.40 in our bond fund to the general fund of school district No. 248. ANNA RHODES, Director. Moderator. E. E. Melcher, Treasurer. Upon motion prayer of above peti tion was granted and clerk instructed to inform the county treasurer to that effect. Delegation from Inman appeared be fore the board in the matter of the road along the railroad track south of Inman. Twelve o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. L. C. McKim,Chairman. E. F. Porter, Clerk. O’Neill Nebr., Nov. 25, 1924, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Skid more. Board called to order by chair man. Resolution:— Mr. Chairman: I move you that the county treasurer be instructed to transfer all money in the judgment fund to the general fund of the county as all out-standing judgments against the county have been paid. C. E. Havens. John Sullivan. Upon same being put to vote by the chairman it was declared carried. Resolution on road south of Inman: Whereas it appearing to the county board that by changing the road run ning east out of Inman on Sections 19 and 30, Township 28, Range 10, two railroad crossing can be eliminated by running said road along the North western railroad right of way along the north side of the Van Valkenberg place and it further appearing that the consolidated school truck is compelled to use said road and under present conditions to carry said children across such railroad crossing twice daily and that the vision along said rail road is obstructed by reason of trees making it dangerous for travel on said crossings. Be it therefore resolved that it is the judgment of the Holt county board of Supervisors that it is deemed ex pedient to locate a public road sixty six feet wide along the north side of the Van Valgenberg place, parallel the northwestern roalroad right of ' ay and less than five hundred feet distance therefrom, along a line de scribed as follows:—Beginning at west side of the northwestern right of way on section line runnin" east between Sections 19 and 30, Township 28, Range 10, thence parallel to the northwestern right of way through NE^4 of Section 30-28-10 to Section line running north-south, and I move you that such road be so established and located. iii. grlDSOn. John Sullivan. Upon same being put to vote by the chairman it was declared carried. On motion the following bonds were approved for Justice of the Peace: F. R. Bignold, Ewing Township. James Gunter, Golden Township. L. L. Cosner, Stuart Township. C. R. Munson, Cleveland Township. On motion the following bouds were approved for Township Treasurer: N. G. Miller, Verdigris Township. John Welsh, Emmet Township. Orton Young, Willowdale Township. On motion the following bonds were approved for Township clerk. George Hohman, Golden Township. Fred Cronk, Verdigris Township. James F. Nightengale, Sheridan Township. V. A. Moler, Rock Falls Township. The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the general fund: Salary claims. Grace Joyce . $ 80.00 Dorothy Dunhaver . 80.00 George E. Bowen . 11.00 Julius D. Cronin . 24.00 Scott Hough . 07.50 Peter W. Duffy . 56.04 Peter W. Duffy . 190.50 C. C. Bergstrom . 32.00 Anna Donohoe . 158.33 E. F. Porter. 13.80 Harry Bowen . 110.00 Opal Ashley .. 80.00 C. J. Malone . 183.34 Winnie Bh&tighnesy .. 80.00 B. T. Winchell . 104.59 Loretta Sullivan. 96.75 Peter W. P”i7y . 80.80 C. C. Bergstrom. 191.7b Anna Donohoe.. 43.60 Anna Ponohoe. 11.16 E. F. Porter . 166.66 The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the highway fund: J. H. McIntosh . $140.00 Irish McKone . 3.00 W. H. Crippen . 110.00 E. E. Cleveland . 35.00 C. J. McCarthy .. 35.00 Perry McCarthy . 85.00 O'Neill Gas & Oil Co., . 77.58 Carl R. Miller Tractor Co., 1.22 Carl R. Miller Tractor Co., .... 7.86 Sidney Faulhaber . 110.00 Roy H. Ashby. 9.80 F. M. Keating. 3.01 Automatic Vehickle Tag Co.,.. 1.26 H. L. Chapman. 6.81 Richard Minton . 110.00 Seth Noble . 14.90 William Gilman . 3.00 Atkinson Oil Co., .~. 56.09 C. E. Havens . 150.00 Mike McCarthy . 31.50 P. C. West . 12.35 O’Neill Gas & Oil Co.,. 27.93 Harry Madison . 35.00 C. W. Jury . 27.00 Lloyd Gibson . 110.00 Minnesota Electric Dist. Co., 1.50 E. E. Cleveland . 54.00 Frank Howard . 10.75 H. A. Rakow . 31.93 E. H. Welke . 140.00 Paul Dexter . 16.20 Henry Krueger . 140.00 Five o’clock p. m. on motion board adjourned until Nov. 26, 1924, at 9 o’clock a. m. L. C. McKim, Chairman. E. F. Porter, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 26, 1924. 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Board called to order by the chairman. Minutes for Nov. 25, 1924, read and approved. The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the general fund. C. E. Gibson, board session .... $ 41.20 C. J. Frankforter, analysis of stomach of Mrs. Soukup .... 125.00 O. E. Robin Gro. Co., Co., poor 62.83 J. T. Bauman, gro. Co. poor. .. 20.00 Hans Storjohn, gro. Co., poor 10.00 Hans Storjohn, gro. Co., poor 10.00 H. E. Pelcer, lodg. Co., poor .. 24.00 G. E. Burge, repair work . 42.75 C. E. Havens, board session .... 24.40 J. W. Bennie, vital statistic rdport i... .50 H. W. Hubbard, vitalstatistic report . 3.00 H. E. McGintis, vital statistic report . 1.00 M. C. Palmer, vital statistic report . 4.25 William P. Weber, vital statis tic report . .50 L. E. Skidmore, board meeting 14.20 L. L. Larson, board meeting 19.40 J. I. Gray & Co., gro. Co., poor 26.48 Richardson Dray Co., drayage 2.10 Charles Griss, jurior fee . 4.00 Margaret L. Donohoe, salary canvas election returns . 12.50 E. R. Raker, gro. Co., poor .. 15.20 Mrs. Mary Zastrow, nurse Amanda Weidfelt .. 50.00 St. Mary's Hospital, Co., poor 40,00 L. C. McKim, board session .... i.,39.80 Peter W. Duffy, delivering > . ballots ...•'■■“•d 19-50 Frontier, printing ballots 736.72 Barbara Ballon, lodging for county poor... 56.25 H. E. Pelcer, lodging . 29.60 G. E. Burge, repair work. 17.35 C. E. Havens, cash for county poor .. 15.00 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., services .. 45.96 W. G. Fletcher, vital statistic report ....—. .25 P. J. Keating, vital statistic report .:. 6.00 Elizabeth O’Malley, vital statistic report . 9.25 J. W. Rhodes, vitalstatistic repjort . 5.50 J. W, Bennie, vital statistic report . .25 W. G. Fletcher, vital statistic report i. .75 P. J. Keating, vital statistic report .. 4.00 Elizabeth O’Malley, vital statis tic report . 7.25 J. W. Rhodes, vital statistic report . 4.75 John Sullivan, commissioner work . 13.00 Peter W. Duffy, miscellaneous 14.55 C. B. Nellis, board session .... 34.50 Fred Lowery, delivering ballots . 30.00 S. G. Adams, stamp numberer 10.20 Minnesota Electric Distributing Co. 33.42 H. G. Asher, juror. 4.00 Holt County Farm Bureau, estimate .. 247.91 On motion claim of A. D. Havens for $43.40 was allowed on soldier’s re lief fund. Some Real Bargains In Used Gars 1—1924 Dodge Sedan 1—1917 Dodge Touring 1—1923 Chevrolet Touring 1—1917 Ford Touring All In First Class Condition. J. M. Seybold Dealer ' 1 .. ■Kill MUM ... Him. ■ mm The following claim* were audited and allowed on the road fund: John Cavanaugh, .. $ 30;00 L. C. McKim, . 25.50 W. H. Stein,. 15.96 Ralph McElvain,. 27.00 John Sullivan. 38.60 Walter Richards. 196.00 J. V. Bond, . 110.00 Atkinson Oil Co., . 57.00 Standard Oil Co., .:. 4.80 C. B. Nellis, ....:. 30.95 L. E. Skidmore, .:.. 36.40 F. J. Dishner,. 3.00 P. C. West, . 37.00 Bert Shoemaker. 24.00 R. A. Findley,. 110.00 Frank Howard,.. 16.85 J. G. Hoffman, ...." 31.60 Halsey Hull,. 102.00 Standard Oil Co.,. 4.81 Standard Oil Co., . 11.80 L. L. Larson, . 58.60 Twelve o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. L. C. McKim, Chairman. E. F. Porter, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebr., Nov. 26, 1924. 1 p.' m. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All members present. Board called to order by chairman. The following claim was cut as fol lows: St. Mary’s Hospital, Columbus, Nebr., amount $80.00, cut to $40.00. The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed oil the road dragging fund. Oscar Fullerton... $ 4.20 George E. Beck,. 26.96 William Finch, . 16.80 W. T. Dexter, . 24.75 Robert Pease, . 11.26 Paul Dexter, . 66.60 Raymond Fullerton, .6.95 M. A. Richards, . 19.60 A. M. Batenhorst, . 88.80 A. R. Coakley,.;.... 16.75 Frank Nelson, .. 12.00 George Wrede, . 16.85 John Shoemaker .. 26.60 John Schollmeyer Jr., . 6.70 R. B. Chase, . 24.50 W. T. McElvain, . 13.50 W. O. Jarman,...:. 30.30 James A. Reed, . 9.75 J. E. Wiley, .. 46.86 Tommie Donohoe, . 8.40 August H. Smith, . 26.20 Alex Wertz, ..9.00 Claude Lierman,.13.50 William Jutte,... 59.00 Wallace Ream,... 40.50 Casper Wagman, . 6.80 J. P. Harte,...-. 8.00 W. H. Kestenholtz, . 3.00 D. B. Perkins,.37.96 George Dahlstrom,.. ; 15.30 Gribble Bros., .v...^,.....!v... 15.40 T. J. Osborn, .18.55 A. B. Hubbard, . 21.70 M. L. Miller, . 16.65 Doyle Butler, . 22.50 Peter Stewart, . 13.60 H. S. Harper .. 6.00 Henry Bausch, . 14.85 C. R. Munson, . 17.60 George E. Rouse, . 13.50 G. E. Sigman, . 18.00 Hudson H. Bruner, .,. 10.80 Peter Weber, . 60.00 Peter Tushla,_......_20.80 Charles F. Scholl... 7.70 J. L. Corrigan, .. 49.80 Oscar Fullerton, _ 8.40 Frank A. Searles, . 82.40 Levi Hull, .. 34.80 Halsey Hujl, . 96.00 J. C. Addison, ..-. . 9.00 James Kubart, . 14.86 Peter Person Jr., . 19.50 I. R. Harding, . 19.25 Oliver Hill, . 69.40 John Connelly, .. 12.60 Alex. R, Wertz, . 54.76 Claud Lierman, .:..... 28.05 Geor'ge Griinm. . 7.65 Watson Hay Co., . 108.06 George Lines, . 9.00 George Bitther, ...7... 11.70 John E. Honeywell, . 7.20 Bill Ritz, 12.60 Willie Starr, . 8.40 Herman Holcomb, . 13.95 Kenneth Adams, .. 10.60 Walter Scott, .. 48.26 A. H. Marquardt, . 12.60 Art Sanders, .. 6.00 W. A. Wry,. 17.60 'f&rMfti Zuehlk#, ....’. lifts! Thrte o'clock p, m., on motion board j adjourned until December 17, 1024., at 10 o’clock a. m., unless sooner cal led by the clerk. L. C. McKim. Chairman. E. F. Porter. Clerk. CARRIES OFF CASH REGISTER AND ALL. (Atkinson Graphic, Dec. 5.) About $40 in money was stolen from ,the Bargain Store, J. S. Kalkowski, proprietor, Wednesday night when a thief caried away the cash register and all its contents. No trace of the register, the $40. or the thief has been found. As far as can be discovered nothing else in the store was stolen. There was no disorder in the place and not even the lock on the rear door which was found swinging wide open yesterday morning, was broken. That the job was done by a person inexperienced in that line of “work,” or that he was in a big hurry, was in dicated by the fact that the register was n6t tampfcwd With at all, but Im mediately picked Up and carried away, even though it was unlocked, says Mr. Kalkowski. The machine was of a 3ize that would make a big load for one man to carry very far. On unlocking the store Thursday morning Mr. Kalkoyski found the back door ajar and on going to dieck up on the cash register he found in the accustomed place was the square mark on the counter where the ma chine formerly was. The loss amounts to about $200. Spinal Analysis. Physical Diagnosis DR. C. H. LUBKER CHIROPRACTOR Office Opens Monday, October 13th Phone 316 O’Neill, Nebraska. the if Bridge Lamps Smoker Stands Cedar Chests Sewing Cabinets Davenports Doll Beds Carpet Sweepers Tables Buy Her A Hoover For Christmas ■ “What To Give And Where To Get It” You will find an immediate answer in our SPLENDID STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS. We await the oppertunity to put you in touch with all the latest and best in Christmas Novelties for 1924. We are offering the best products of the most reliable manufacturers, and certain assurance of HIGHEST QUALITY AND HONEST WORTH in each article. Satisfactory Selections for Every Person. Althogether the most desirable line of Holi day Goods; insuring an easy selection of appreciate gifts for old and young. We shall deem jt a privilage to show you these attractions and extend a hearty welcome whether you come to see or buy. ^ ' ' WE OFFER THE BEST AT MOST TEMPTING PRICES K ^ — j, * • ... O’Neill, Neb.