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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1924)
TEACHER SUES FOR HER $250 Board Had Discharged 1 wo Because They Quarreled Over Piano Lincoln, Neb., Nov. •- Special)— Farming operations in Eelk precinct have been temporarily suspended while the farm folks attend a court trial to determine whether the school board had the authority to discharge Mrs. Esther Otto as teacher. Mrs Otto is suing for 1250 salary, saying she was discharged without just cause. The board members say that she quarreled with the other teacher, Mrs. Grate Bassett, over the use of the piano, library and other facili ties, and that as the two failed to obey orders to stop quarreling both were let go. CAN’T BOOST POPULATION WITHOUT SOME REASON Lincoln, Neb., Nov. (Special) — Assistant Attorney General Dort, passing upon a request from derp cqunt.v for Information, holds that county boards cannot by resolu tion fix the population of the coun ty and, thereby, automatically in crease the salaries of ofllcers. That has been done several times in the past, hut the attorney general, after reading the court’s decision, says that the objectors lost because they col laterally attacked what was done. Mr. Dort says that the court laid down the rule that county boards may by resolution declare what the county’s population is, but that It cannot do so arbitrarily; that It is a question of fact which the board must be prepared to defend in a direct attack upon Its conclusions. These facts may be based on votes cast at an election or a school census or something of the kind. A public hearing should be held, and evidence taken. Whatever It might do would be appealable from. BOOM NEBRASKAN FOR INTERSTATE COMMISSION Lincoln, Neb., Nov. (Special)— A boom for H. G. Taylor, who has just been re-elected u member of the state railway commission for six years, for one of the two vacancies soon to occur on the Interstate Com merce Commission, hus been started by Nebraska shipping interests, job bers as well us several farm organi zations being represented. The fed eral position pays just twice ns much in salary and the term is seven years. Mr. Taylor is backed, not only on account of his 12 years of exper ience, but because Nebraska has never bad .1 commissioner and be cause tlie middle west is not now represented on the federal body. REWARDED BY FARM BUREAU Two Boys and Two Girls Go To Chicago at Expense State Federation „ _ Pcs Moines. Ia„ J'ov. ' (I. N- S.) '--The Iowa Farru Bureau Federa tion will send friur Iowa farm boys and girls to> yii c International Live Btork Exposition to be held in Chi cago next nonth. The bureau will pay all expenses of the trip, as a reward for their excellent work In hoys and girls club work for the past year. The four lucky young people who have been chosen to make this trip are Mary Ponohue and Helen Stocker, of Pottawattamie county, and Howard KUnosen and Melvin Meleher. of Floyd county. The girls bleong to the West Pot tawattamie home demonstration team which won first place In the girls club contest at the Iowa State fair this fall, with a demonstration of how picnic lunches should be arranged. The boys took first honors in the boys club contest at the fair, with a demonstration of how farm records should be kept. In addition to the four named about a hundred ami twenty five other farm boys and girls will be given free trips to Chicago or have a part of their expenses paid as a reward for their excellent work In their home communities. SPECIAL THANKSGIVING RADIO PROGRAM Brookings, S. D„ Nov. (Special) —A special Thanksgiving program consisting of music, talks and read ings appropriate for the Occasion will feature the radio program _of ”8tute College Air Night” tomorrow eve ning at 8 o'clock, ,i ' The program will open with vocal solos by H. I,. ICobier, a member of the department ormuslc and director rf the State College men’s and girls’ glee clubs. Among the numbers he will sing are "Thank God for a Garden," "The Crucified,” "Some i'lval Has Stolen my True Love Away" and "Would God 1 Were the Tender Apple Blossom.” This will l e followed by a talk on The “True Significance of Thanksgiving Cay” by Miss Gertrude S. A'oung of the history department. CHARGED WITH THEFT THREE CARLOADS CATTLE Oshkosh, Neb., Nov. —Henry Jones, a rancher, has been heid for trial under |!,000 oond on charge of stealing three carloads cf cattle which he marke’ed in S< uth Omaha. The cattle were shipped from Lew ellen tn August. Jones is said to have encountered no trouble on account of the trands, due, i‘ was stated, to » clever alteration he nrade. The cattie, It Is charged, were stolen from Joe Miner in Grant county. ATTEMPT MADE TO BORN HALL Fi'ebug at Hoskins, Neb., Uses Kerosene in His Effort Winslde. Neb., Nov. 22. f Special.) -An attempt wan made by tin known partbs this week to burn the dance pavilion near Hoskins. Wood and straw was found to be saturated with kerosene and a car was seen to leave the building shortly before the flames were dis covered. LINCOLN SELLS 13-CENT GAS Governor Bryan First City Customer—Other Deal ers Two Cents Higher Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 21. (Special)— City Commissioner Cowgill, without waiting for the council to give him authority to do so, started selling gasoline at retail from the city’s own supply station. Governor Bryan was the first customer, and reporters and i photographer were present. The •tation is selling at 13 cents, the same ■ a the state, while other dealers are asking IE 1-4 cents. Mr. Cowgill ays 1his is a quarter of a cent more han they should ask, and that he' tarted selling because of tills fact. The city attorney says that Cowgill a acting without authority. The voters at the late election gave the city power to go Into the retail sell ing of gasoline, but the council has not acted. Mr. Cowgill has had an ordinance drawn for early presenta tion giving him power to do what he has already done. OMAHA BANK GIVEN JUDGMENT FOR $7,400 Lincoln, Neb.. Nov. 21.— (Special) —The Slock Yards National bank of Omaha was given judgment by the^ supreme court today against thp' guaranty fund for $7,400 on a «wt ‘ ificnte of deposit it holds ie^the l dosed Brown County hank fPrLong I Pine. This certificate wa* issued to square a transaction by.ween the ‘wo banks. The Omaha hank had bought a $7.1,000 cattle mortgage from the other hank, signed by E. M. Sandy. The latter, with the knowledge of 'he Long Pine bank, but without no!ice to the Omaha, bank, sold $7,400 worth of the cattle. The pro ceeds went to his credit In the Long ''Inc bank. Which the Omaha bank four.d It out it demanded the pay ment, but the Brown County bank i'.dn't have the money' and so gave p certificate of deposit. The supreme court says this was the same as money deposited, overturning the llstrlet court. 3ERMAN BARON WEDS PRETTY OMAHA WIDOW Omaha, Neb., Nov. 21. (I. N. S.)— Baron Von Rlnghauson of Berlin, Germany, and Mrs. Bertha M. Wen ’ell, pv< tty Omaha widow, were mar > led late Thursday at Council Bluffs, ’a., as the culmination of a war time .omnnce. in 19)4, Mrs. Wendell's brother, Charles E. Cummings, an Omaha manufacturer, enlisted in the Foreign Region and while serving on 'he front near Dijon, France, cap ure-1 Baron Von Rlnghauson as a •risoner of war after a hand to hand fight. The Raron, who was wounded, was *akcn to a hospital where Mrs. Wen dell having followed her brother overseas was serving as a Red Cross nurse. The Baron and Mrs. Wendell be came fast friends during his con valroncc end when ho returned to Germany at the termination of the war they corresponded for a time end then the hahon gave up his busi ness interests in Germany and came to Omaha for a visit which resulted in their marraigo. PIERRE BRIDGE MAY BE STARTED THIS YEAR Pierre, S. D., Nov. 21. (Special)— Just as soon as* rights of way, for he approaches in Pierre and Fort ,Pierre to the Missouri river highway bridge, on which bids were opened November 14, are obtained the state highway commission wilt sign the contracts with the Missouri Valley ’■'ridge company, of Leavenworth and he Lakeside Steel company, of Mll , waukee for the construction of the ’Merrc-Fort Pierre bridge. It is expected that these rights of way will be completed shortly and re re are indications that actual con i'ruction will have been begun before he first of the year. The bridge will e constructed down stream from the hioago and North Western railroad ridge and just as close to that structure as it is possible to get it and allow for sufficient clearance for the draw spun In the railroad bridge. The Pierre bridge will be con s'ruc'ed along the same lines as the Mebridge bridge which was dedicated November 12 but It will be a much ’ouger structure, having six malt) pans and two approach spans. USi s OclODnio..—btheve-. NEBRASKA BANK CLOSES AFTER 21 YEARS BUSINESS \ StjfWf — Dodge, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.)— A run on the bank caused by ru mors in circulation forced the clos ing of the doois of the First Na tional Bank at Dodge. Friday. Plans arc being made for either reorgani :ation or the founding of a new tank, E. J Burgemeyer, vice presi dent, said. The First National of Dodge, founded in 1903, is capitalized at $50,000 and has a surplus of $25,000 and undivided profits of *10,000. Some New Books Reviewed BY ELEANOR HUBBARD GARST Tell me, Mr. Hergeshelmer, was Mammon the evil god that influ enced you to allow Balisand, (Knopf Publisher) to be serialized in The Saturday Evening Post? All things that a novel should not be, for such a purpose, it is. It is leisurely, with long paragraphs devoted to “and Richard thought.” The dra matic high lights are the culminat ing episodes of long sustained grad ual development,-- there is not on*1 at the end of each installment. The character of Richard, so at variance with our modern heroic ideal, must he followed as a whole, to win our sympathetic understanding. Just as the movie of The Covered Wagon made early pioneering days come alive, so Balisand, telling of Virginia plantation life in the period immediately following the Revolu tionary war, makes dull history book reading become living truth. Rich ard Bales, an unbending aristocrat, bound fast in the shibboleths of conduct suiting a gentleman, a con servative deploring the decadence of ‘present-day’ standards, a drunk ard, a gambler, is presented just as he is and just so wins our respect and liking. For as'»his wife, Lucia, tries gropingly to explain, “What you haven't said is what I’m mad about in you. Honour.—Richard, the only quality I care for is courage Do you hear that? Courage—and you wear it like that old black cockade.” Besides, a full length portrait of Richard, Hergeshelmer gives, as he lias unexcelled power to do, the sketches of three gracious ladies Isn’t this sketch of Lavinia, dead, long since, in her youth an alluring bit? “Tell me, was she vei y lovely?” "Yes decidedly. A little hollow in the cheeks, perhaps, pot a high color but lovely. Absent minded, I remember. I danced with her and I noticed she'd begin to talk and then not finish what she was say ing; she trailed off into a kind of a sture. -I thlAk I'd say dis turbing instead of lovely. She stir red me in a minuet. I’d gamble h was the same with all the men who danced with her. That would have gone on till eternity. And here I am—how long ago was it? ■—seeing her as clearly as any woman of today.” The conclusion of the book, the duel, is tremendously moving. It shows Richard at the flowering of all the traditions of his life, the final justification for living “ac cording to the code;—” implacable towards his enemy, physically and spiritually dauntless and even fin ally victorious over the one variant from his principle of fidelity, his mystic love for the long dead La vinia. At his best, Hergeshelmer certain ly knows how to write. The fetd-y is perhaps too long. Even while I enjoyed the book, some stretches of political gossip, I found decidedly tiresome. But for the opportunity to read of Richard's homecoming to Lucia after the duel, I’d read many more dull chapters &a pen ance. THIS FREEDOM Docs the theory of feminism, pro or anti, make all fiction writers didactic? Remember, for Instance, that weary book "This Freedom" by H. S. M. Hutchinson. And here is Dorothy Canfield, sane, humorous and intellectually alive as through her past works we know her, writ ing in "The Homemaker” (Har court Brace and Co.) a Btory so mechanical In plot that you can hear the wheels creaking. Or is it possible to start out with a theory of conduct or principle, fit your characters and plot to that theory and have any reality of plot or oharacter left? In some sketches done three or four years ago and first published in "The Outlook,” Dorothy Can field showed a penetrating insight and ability far ahead of any of her tales of domesticity and childhood. A niche along with Willa Cather, Rebecca West, May Sinclair, and others of that ilk awaits her when she writes a sustained novel of ilk* clarity. The tale of “The Homemaker” is of an executive woman and a quiet retiring man misfit in their re spective roles of homemaker and breadwinner. Through adventitious circumstance they retverse their jobs to the well-being of all con cerned. It’s interesting reading, for the . author is too experienced a craftsman not to accomplish that. And wl>eii she writes of the chil dren) Stephen, Helen and Edward, then Indeed jt is as one who knows. The picture of battered little Ste phen as . he gaies adoringly into hW father’# I eyes, is- one which every; parent will read with a wee ruttfh In the^ throat. Helen in her reticent girlhood, rlqh in latent potentialities, is a pastel done in softest colors of spring a-tip-toe. Do you suppose anybody ever gets caught up in the reading he intends to do? Alas, 1 fear it’s like my darning basket—‘‘Hopeless!” A book like Carl Van Doren’s “Many Minds," (Knopf) is just a teaser. He writes for instance of E. W. Howe editor of Howe's Monthly, and says, "He has the depth and the Intensity as well as the edge of genius.” Now what reader is there, with any red blood in his veins, who doesn’t itch to subscribe forthwith to said Monthly if only to About Gorillas. About the only time a gorilla will attack is In defense of its young. They are then extremely dangerous. A gorilla is so powerful that he makes short work of a man if he gets hold of him. usually tearing his windpipe out. Gorillas are very cunning. They throw sentries out during the day time; these sentries are relieved at regular intervals with clock-like pre, ctslon, and I have seen huge boulder* worn as smooth as a piece of glass and polished as If by varnish from the continual tread of t r. tries a» the same boulder. see if Mr. Van Doren is right? Even the index page is enticing, for he writes essays on Old Wisdom in a New Tongue: George Ade; The Soil of the Puritans: Robert Frost; Youth and Wings: Edna St. Vincent Milley; Smartness and Light: H. L. Menecken; Beyond Grammar: Ring Lardner—to men tion a few of the titles at random. The book doesn’t attempt to be inclusive. But it does give a criti cal study of a few of our contem porary American authors with a delightful and unpedagogie open mindedness. Some critics seem to be afraid that if they are apprecia ting they will be thought undis criminatlng but he finds signifi cance and worth in both Santa yana and George Ade. “Oh, Christmas is coming tra-la, tra-la,” already my little 3-year-old daughter is warbling, and already^*' have I decided on one Christmas present. For my friend who rubs her salad bowl with garlic, wl o im ports tomato sauce from Italy, who grinds her coffee fresh for each meal, who discourses knowingly on wines suitable to the fish course, etc. (surely you have such a friend), for such an one I have chosen Eliz abeth Robbins Pennell’s A Guide to the Greedy, J. B. Lippincott. It is a collection s' of newspaper articles first published in the late nineties in Lond/rh when she and "J”, whom I jud^e to be Joseph Pennell, the etcher, were there. £he gives menus for “An Autumn i,-inner,” “A Perfect Breakfast.” She writes with gusto of soup in France, the salad of Hungary, the orange of Jaffa. Other titles are “The Incom parable Onion,” “The Triumphant Tomato." It is with finesse she writes, a delicate appreciation of the good things of the table that makes eating an art. She doesn't demean her text by anything so utilitarian as a recipe reading “A tablespoon of flour.” but she vag»ely hints of just the thing that will make the onion indeed incomparable. On second thought I don’t believe 1 will give the book away. I believe I'll keep it and mystify my neigh bors with my palate tickling arts. The Current Magazines Just recently I heard that standby of small town winter Lyceum Cours es—the Mason Jubilee Singers, colored, and for that reason was particularly Interested in the work of Countee P. Cullen, the negro poet who contributes a group of "Epi taphs” to the December Harper’s Magazine. His epitaph for a cynio reads: "Birth is a crime All men commit; Life gives us time To atone for it; Death ends the rhyme As the price for it.” Still speaking of the same race, there are some decidedly clever sketches of negro types in the De cember Vanity Fair, done by Miguel Covarrubias, the young Mexican artist. The equally clever captions for the drawings are written by Eric T. Waldrond, a talented negro poet. Incidentally, Vanity Fair could so well dispense with all articles and become a magazine of graphic art alone—for that branch is handled superlatively well. The Steichen portrait, a photographic study of Louis Wolheim playing in “What Price Glory,” is a masterpiece. A cousin traveling in England has sent us copies of the English Out look, another of the things to which when our boat sails In, we intend to subscribe. In the book department edited in a delightfully readable form by “Mark Over.” we read the following criticism of criticism: “It is a common complaint that some of our present-day critics are much more concerned to air their own learning than to give their read ers a clear idea of the hook, or play, or picture, they are writing about. That, one feels, would be too easy for these very superior gentlemen. And yet they would he much more readable If they would take a hint (tom another critic, Mr. Maurice Baring, who puts his finger on their great weakness, when he says, ‘Near ly half of modern criticism consists of saying that a wine glass ought to have been a bottle, whereas the point Is, if a wine glass is a wine glass, whftt sort of wine glass It Is.’ “It Is too often the fate of an author today to be told, without am biguity, not merely that his wifle glass Is not a bottle, but that it is a total failure in the role of^a cut glass decanter; without regard for the fact that it was never intended to be anything so dazzling. So little credit is given for anything at tempted, so much pleasure—I had almost written savage pleasure— seems to be taken in pointing out how far achievement falls short of ambition.” Advancement from school teacher to an appointment to one of the mo.'t Im portant and highest salaried govern mental positions, is the story of the unusual success of an Iowa boy. I^eo Paulger, who has been made first as sistant director of the War Finance Corporation at Washington. After his trr„duation from Cornell college, Mount Vernon, la., he became a teacher at Center Point, but he gave up the job and became associated in the banking business at Cedar Falls. In 1922 he be came an examiner with the War Fin. ance Corporation. His Sensation. From the Boston Transcript. Cushing young thing—It was wonder ful of you to drop three miles in a parachute. Do tell me your sensations. Bored aviator—Oh—er—it was Just a kind of a sinking feeling. The 1.700-ton floating cabaret ship which was reported to be anchored be yond the 12-mile limit, off Few York, and to have been the scene of hilarious drinking parties Is admitted to be a myth. The New York HeraUJ-Tt ibune. which first printed the news con'.einlng the Imaginary ship in a copyrighted article, says that the discovery wss a reporter's dream and that the re pcrter has been dismissed from the stuff ol the newspaper. RAILROADS TO PUT UP FIGHT Go to Federal Court With Claim Nebraska Assess ment Not Equitable Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 24. (Special)™ The Burlington, Northwestern and Minneapolis & Omaha railroads have served notice that they will go into federal court again this year and con test the valuations of their property as fixed by the state board of equal ization. This makes the third year that these roads have gone to the federal court. The Rock Island is now in the state supreme court. .The basis of the lawsuits is that .-the farm lands of the state are as sessed at about 60 per cent of their value while the railroads pay on full value. The Burlington has offered to pay 40 per cent, of the taxes due for the year, while it litigates the other 60 per cent. In the two previous years it had paid 75 per cent, on the first of each December, while the North western paid 60 per cent. The cases for the two previous years are in federal courts, delay being occasioned by the fact that it was first necessary for the railroads to establish their right to go there instead of to the state courts. HER IGNORANCE CAUSES MIXUP County Superintendent of Schools Didn’t Understand Injunction Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 24. (Special)— The failure of the woman county superintendent of Dawes county a few years ago to understand what an injunction meant was the moving cause for a lawsuit argued and sub mitted Friday afternoon to the su preme court. The superintendent was proceeding to redistrict the county, taking 12 sections from Dis trict 83 and dividing them between District D and I, when No. 80 stepped in with an application for an injunc tion. The superintendent did not appear at the hearing, and the in junction was entered by default. The superintendent kept on with her work of redistricting until cited for contempt of court, when she promised that she would comply rather than be punished for failure to obey. This was a year or so after she had started, and now the other two districts which have been fur nishing tuition to the pupils In the partitioned section are asking an in junction to prevent the county treasurer from paying No. 80 the tax moneys collected therein. The lower court dismissed the case on the ground that he didn’t believe he could enjoin an injunction. WAYNE °LANS GREAT COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS. Wayne, Neb., Nov. 24. (Special)— Wayne will again have another Com munity Christmas tree and program which will be sponsored by the Ki wanls. Greater Wayne club, Ameri can Legion, Business-Woman’s Pro fessional club, Wayne’s Woman’s club and Wayne Firemen. Programs will be given, Saturday, December 6, Wed nesday, December 10; Saturday, De cember 13; Wednesday, December 17; Saturday, December 20; Monday, De cember 22, and Tuesday, December 23. A program will be given in afternoon and evening. The business section of the city will be decorated for the oc casion. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS WANT MORE MONEY. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 24. (Special)— More than a million a year more for the educational institutions of the state, the university and the four nor mal schools, is asked in budget esti mates filed with the secretary of fi nance for transmission to the legis lature. The university regents and the normal board each have a ten year building program they want fi nanced. The university wants $620, 000 a year for buildings and the nor mal board $310,000. In addition the normal board wants $462,000 more for the biennium for maintenance than for the last two years. The growth at the normals, particularly Wayne and Kearney, has been unusual, and the board says the pressure is con stantly increasing. CHILD FATALLY AND MOTHER SERIOUSLY BURNED Homer, Neb., Nov. 24.—Terribly burned when n can full of kerosene, with which she was starting a fire in the kitchen stove Saturday eve ning accidentally ignited, Mrs. Sam Garner, living one and a half miles southwest of town, is in a serious ■onditlon, and her 3-year-old daugh ter, whose clothes also caught fire, is dead. Mrs. Garner grabbed the can and started for the door. In the excite ment her 3-year-old daughter got in the way, and Mrs. GarnPr stumbled, spilling some of the burning oil over herself and child. The frantic mother managed to get the biaxe out, but not until the little girl was so severely burned that she died two hours later. Mrs. Garner Is in a very critical condition. SEEKS DAMAGES FROM HIS NFGRO PASTOR Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 24. (Special) —Charging that Rev. M. C. Knight, who occupies the pulpit of the Af. ican Methodist church, by ridicu ling him from the pulpit has lost hint the love of his fellow church mem bers and much business. J. H. Law son. negro attorney, has filed suit for $10,00ft damages from the preach er. He says the preacher said he was no good, th^t he had lost hia license to practice and made sarca stic remarks about him and his wife frpm the pulpit. SAND DEALERS PUTUP FIGHT Assert Railroads of Nebraska Seek to Charge An Ex tra 10 Per Cent. Lincoln, Neb., Nov.* ^Special)—* Sand dealers and the railroads of the state are warring before the state railway commission over a proposition of the latter to collect freight on the basis of 110 per cent, of the rated car capacity where no weights have been taken, which is of frequent occurrence. The roads say that the sand men have been systematically overloading the cars while paying only on the basis of the minimum carload weight. The sand men say that the railroads are really asking a 10 per cent, increase, which isn’t justified by conditions. TWO OMAHA BANKS TO BE MERGED Omaha, Neb., Nov. ! —A bank merger, effected by the sale of the Corn Exchange National to the Oma ha National, was announced Satur day night by their respective presi dents, Harry S. Clarke, Jr., and Wal ter W. Head. Beginning Monday morning, all business of the Corn Exchange will be transacted at the Omaha National. Officers and employes of both banks will work today perfecting details of the transfer. The price paid for the Corn Ex change is said to have been .slightly less than $100,000. The purchase price includes assets and liabilities of the Corn Exchange, but not the bank furniture nor the lease on the Corn Exchange banking rooms, ac cording to H. O. Eastman, one of the Corn Exchange vice presidents. Temporarily the officers and staff of the Coj^n Exchange will continue their duties at the Omaha National, but permanent disposition of the Corn Exchange personnel awaits de cision by the Omaha National board of directors, it was announced. MORECASH TO BE ASKED FOR Nebraska Rail Commission Makes Up Its Claim to Budget Board Lincoln, Neb., Nov. (Special.* —A total of $143,480 is asked for in the way of state appropriations by the state railway commission in the estimate just filed for the considera tion of the budget makers. T>ho commission wants $50,000 to pay for extra help in rate cases, $35,380 for salaries of commissioners and sec retary, $10,000 for maintenance and $58,200 for salaries for experts, stenographers and assistants regu larly employed. This budget is the same size aa was in force before Governor Bryan started swinging his snickersnee on appropriations. The commission had to cut off an assistant accountant and a hearings reporter, and asks to have these put back on the roll at a total of $8,200 for the biennium. The only other increase is in the ap propriations for extra help, needed in the railroad rate litigation and the tattle with the Northwestern Bell Telephone company now in su preme court. SAYS RICH NEBRASKAN WAS HER FATHER Lincoln, Neb., Nov. " (Special.) _Mrs. Flora S. Peacock of Concor dia, Mo., has appealed to the su preme court from an order of a trial judge in Nemaha county to the jury which was trying her claim to part of a valuable estate to return a ver dict for the administrator. The woman is 45'years old, and her story is that Paul Walkenhorst, who died a year ago in Nemaha county, in possession of $117,000 worth of prop erty, is her father. She says that she was born out of wedlock when her father and mother were in their teens, her mother’s parents having prevented their marriage. The Nebraska law provides for a written acknowledgement of taterni ty in the presence of a witness in order that an illegimate heir may inherit, and it was on this ground that she lost in the trial court. All she presented were two letters writ ten by Walkenhorst to her mother and treasured for 45 years, in which he admitted paternity and asked her to come and marry him in Nebraska. IOWAN IS CHAMP OF ALL CORN HUSKERS Des Moines, Nov. —Fred Stanek„ of Fort Dodge, Monday afternoon won the midwest corn husking championship, defeating five other entries from Nebraska, Illinois and Iowa. Virgil Archer, of Benedict, Neb., was second; Perle Mansfield, of Nokomis, 111., third; Ben Grim mius, of Grundy Center la. fourth; Henry Neihaus, of Nokomis, 111., fifth, and Louis Dinklage, of Wisner, Ne1>.. sixth. Stanek husked 26 bu shels and 15 pounds in one hour and 20 minutes. ANOTHER BLAZE IN NEBRASKA’S NEW CAPITOL Lincoln. Neb., Nov. ", (Special.) —The second fire inside of a week occurred Monday at the statelhouse. This time a burning pasteboard box used by the janitors as a waste pa per receptacle and located on a third story corridor caught fire in some mysterious way. A lot of smoke frightened some of the occu pants. The paper boxes have been used in spite of a warning from the state fire marshal. The other blaze followed an explosion in tthe food laboratory.