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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1924)
The Frontier. VOLUMN XLV. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1924. NO. 26. _i-— LOCAL MATTERS. J. F. O’Donnell went to Lincoln tho first of the week. A shipment of new books has been received at the library. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rasley were visiting in Norfolk Wednesday. Miss Gertrude Connally has entered the Western Union Office as a student. A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nelson this (Thursday) morning. A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. John Green, Wednesday, No vember 19th. Miss Ida Boyer went to Norfolk Thursday morning to spend Thanks giving with her sister, Mrs. T. R. Ring. Neil P. Brennan, who is now travel ing for a Kansas City firm, came home Sunday for a few days visit with his family. The county board of supervisors were in session Tuesday and Wednes day. They adjourned until Tuesday, December 16th. The post office at Stafford will be discontinued November 29th. The patrons will be supplied by a rural route from Inman. George Stannard resumed his duties as traveling salesman for a book company, Wednesday of last week. He is now working in Lincoln, i An epidemic of new radio receiving sets has settled over this part of the state. Radios will soon be as common in O’Neill as a certain brand of cars. Dr. John Gilligan came up from the state university medical school at Omaha, Wednesday night and will spend Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henry and daughter, Patty Jane, drove up from Geneva last Sunday to visit the for er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Henry. Miss Cassie Carr came from Mer riman last Sunday for a visit with the the home folks. Her school has been closed on account of an epidemic of scarlet fever. John Kersenbrock went to Lincoln last Saturday to be with his wife, who was to submit to an operation that day. We understand that she is get ting along nicely. Mrs. W. B. Graves is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Jane Buckley, of Lyons, Nebraska, who came last Friday. She will leave for her home Friday morning. The dance and social gathering in the Odd Fellows hall last Tuesday evening was a social success. A large crowd was present and enjoyed dancing and playing cards, and also the luncheon. Miss Fern Hubbard came home from the state university where she is teaching, and spent Thanksgiving with the home folks. Miss Dorothy Neff, of Syracuse, Nebraska, returned with Miss Fern. The following officers were elected at the meeting of the I. O. O. F. lodge Wednesday evening:' Wm. Swigart, N. G.; Ira Moss, V. G.; J. C. Hamish, Secretary; J. S. Ennis, treasurer; H. J. Zimmerman, trustee. ** The eight months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kloepper, residing on the Gallagher raijch southeast of town, is suffering from a badly burn ed mouth the result of getting into a can of lye Tuesday morning. Snow began falling about ten o’clock this morning. We are informed by one of the local weather prognosticators that there will be ten snow storms this winter. We are now enjoying the fourth one of the series. Let us hope that our advisor knows his stuff, and that each will be a moderate one. This Ma.y Mea.n You You often hear people say—“I wonder what’s the best thing to do.” Many things sound good that have no chance of success. Why not let us talk over these things with you. This bank carries no indebtedness of. officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00 O'Neill Natiorval Bank PradticaLPresents For Christmas Gifts •* Make the homefolks happy with something that they can use. Prac tical Presents produce a lasting pleasure. Copper dad Malleable range. Buffetts Dining Tables Bed Room Suites Kitchen Cabinets Day Beds New Edison Phonographs We also have the largest and most complete line of toys for the children. ------— Warm * & Suns A son was bom to Professor and Mrs. E. H. Suhr Thursday, November 26th. The exterior of the light plant has been stuccoed during the past week. The building now presents a more modem appearance. Editor J. H. Welton and son, Ross, came up from Mullen, Nebraska, last Friday being called here by the serious illness of his brother, Charles, who died the following day. Mr. Welton is editor of the Mullen Tribune. John Donlin is quite ill at the home of his son John, who resides about twenty miles north of O’Neill. Mr. Donlin is thought to be the oldest man in Holt county, having passed his ninty-fourth birthday last June. The fire whistle sounded last Fri day forenoon announcing a fire in the alley behind the Tom Enrifeht soft drink parlor. A large number of tumbleweeds were burning, and with a high wind blowing, it was feared that the fire might spread to nearby build ings. The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. E. F. Roberts Tuesday, No vember 18th, More should attend these good meetings. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lila Loy on Tuesday, December 2nd. Each one come prepared to repeat a verse from the bible about Christmas. George Thompson, of Chambers, was a business caller in O’Neill Tuesday. A daughter was }x>m November 15th to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jardee, of Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Henry and daughter, Patrecia Jane, came up from Geneva, Nebraka, Sunday, for a visit the former’s parents, Mr. andj Mrs. E. D. Honry of this city. Chambers Sun: Last Saturday afternoon a fire broke out near the Howorth ranch about eight miles northwest of Swan Lake, that could have been a severe question at the rate the wind was blowing. John Kennedy came very near loosing his buildings.; About 100 stacks of hay burned. The fire was headed off near Swan Lake. The old time dance given by the O’Neill ball team, at the K. C. hall last Friday evening was a great suc cess socially. The dancers were sup posed to “come hard and look hard”. From the report of the affair the next morning we gather the infor mation that it would be hard to beat the good time enjoyed by all that were there. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Malone celebrated their wed ding anniversaries at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malone Tuesday evening at seven o’clock dinner especially arrang ed for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Malone were married on November 25, 1895, while Dr. and Mrs. Carter were not married until November 25th the following year. Inman Leader, Nov. 27: Ralph Leidy lost his chicken house and 140 chickens early last Monday morning when the building caught fire from a lamp in the chicken brooder. The building was just recently completed and the loss is keenly felt by Ralph who has been diligently laboring for the past year to get a start in the chicken business. V. R. Jones expects to leave with his family the latter part of the week for Hudson, South Dakota, where he will be engaged in the grain business. Mr. Jones informs the Frontier that he expects to return in the spring and install the amusement park as orig inally planned providing that the financial conditions are such at that time as to warrant the investment of several thousand dollars. This is international radio week. Most of the American broadcasters are off the air from ten until eleven o’clock central standard time, in order to let the listeners of this country pick up the foreign countries. Phil Ziemer picked up a German station, also a station in Switzerland, last night. A number of the American broadcasters have been heard in for eign countries this week. County Agent F. W. Rose will sever his connectionn with the office of county agent of Holt county and, with Mrs. Rose, will leav*e next Tues day for Albion, Indiana, where he has been elected as their county agent. Mr. Rose came here about two years ago and has made many friends both in the city and among the farmers with whom he has been closely connected by virtue of his office. Mrs. Rose is almost a stranger in this city but during her short resi dence here has made many warm friends who will regret that Mr. and Mrs. Rose are leaving the city. Word was received by relatives in O’Neill of the death of Mrs. Walter Spengler, of Seneca, Nebraska, on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mellor drove to Lincoln Wednesday to take dinner with their son, Ralph, who is attend ing the University. Jess will make a business trip to Omaha before return ing4 home. The Woman’s Working Society of the Presbyterian church will meet Thursday, December 4th, at the home of Mrs. George Longstaff, at which time officers will be elected for the ensuing year. They will also arrange for their annual Christmas sale which will take place December 13th. A full attendance is desired. GEORGE MEALS DIES FROM INJURIES RECEIVED In a letter from Romaine Saunders, of Lincoln, to J. C. Harnish of this city, he tells of the death of George Meals, at his home in Lompac, Cali fornia. Mr. Meals was struck by a train last Sunday and died the follow ing day. Mr. Meals visited with his many O’Neill frends only a few weeks ago. O’NEILL-BARTLETT ROAD APPROVED AS A FEDERAL AID PROJECT The Frontier is pleased to announce to its readers this week that the O’Neill-Bartlett road has been ap proved as a federal aid project. ST. MARY’S ACADEMY PUBLISH SCHOOL PAPER The Frontier put out the first edi tion, Monday, of “The Prairie Star," the new school paper that will be pub lished each month during the school year for St. Mary’s Academy. The publication is four pages 11 inches; wide by 15 inches long and is edited by the following students: Editor-in-Chief—Vera Madsen, ‘25. Assistant Editors: Marie McLeod, '25. Agnes Carr, '25. Joyce Kent, ’25. Gladys Ryan, ’25. Helen Ryan, ’27. Alice Hoffman, ’28. Business Mgr., Loretta Ryan, ’25. Assistant, Kamilla Uhl, ’25. NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE EXPERIENCE DIFFICULTIES ON MATRIMONIAL BARK The matrimonial bark of George Barnes and Miss Frances Slaymaker of Holt county is threatened with de struction in a petition filed in district court Monday afternoon by Wesley K. Slaymaker, father of the bride. The young couple eloped to Bonesteel, S. D., on Nov. 8, and were married. The bride who is aged 17, was taken from her husband immediately on their re turn to Nebraska, by her parents. The bride’s father is a prominent ranch man residing south of Stuart. The bridegroom’s father, E. T. Barnes, re siding north of Emmet, also is one of the large ranch operators of the county. MRS, CHARLOTT NICHOLL. jt (Page Reporter, Nov. 27.) Charlott McCaw was born in Port Glenone, Ireland, May 9, 1847, and died at her home in Page, Nebraska, November 22, 1924. In 1875 she mov ed to the U. S. A. and resided a few years at Knoxville, Illinois. In 1875 she was united in marriage to Samuel Nicholl. To this union was bom three sons, one died in infancy, two remaining, Samuel and William, reside in Page. She is preceded in death by her hus band, who died May 30, 1904. In the community she ranked always as a woman of culture, sympathy, a kind neighbor, a devoted mother, a true friend and withall a woman of heroic mold, in bravely meeting the stem re quirements and often disappointments of life. The ever ready helping hand will be missed, not only in the home, but in the entire community. Mrs. Nicholl has been a faithful member of the Presbyterian church since a child. She leaves to mourn her loss, two sons and a large circle of friends. Funeral services were held from the Methodist church in Page, conducted by Rev. H. H. Todd. Interment made in the Page ceme tery. . . 14 ad PAT HARTY ELECTED COM MANDER AMERICAN LEGION The American Legion Simonson Post No. 93 held their Annual ban quet and election of officers at the “Subway” Tuesday night with about twenty-five members of the Post pres ent. The first part of the evening was spent in enjoying the fine banquet af ter which the remainder of the even ing was spent in a general good time by the ex-soldiers. C. W. Conklin, a member of the State Executive com mittee held the chair during the busi ness meeting. The officers elected were: Pat Harty, Commander. Ed. M. Gallagher, First Vice-Com mander. Loren Richardson, Second Vice-Com mander. Executive Committee: Geo. H. Jones. Charles Reka. H. L. Bennett. Ben Grady. G. E. Miles. Commander Harty has appointed Gerald Miles, adjutant for the corner year. Publicity officer: G. E. Miles F. W. Rose, who is the retiring adju tant, will leave this city on next Tues day for Albion, Indiana, was requests ed to be present at a farewell party in his honor next Monday evening, and a committee was named to look after the nencessary details. Also with the close of the meet ing all those present paid their dues for the year 1925, making 100 per cent of those present, making a good start for the membership which the Post expects to increase over that of last year of a total of sixty-two. Next year the National American Legion Convention will be heM in Omaha, and will be a splendid chance for the ex-service men of this com munity to attend at least one Nation al Convention, so all you ex-service men who are not now members of this post }ion now so that you will be in standing and will be eligible to at tend. FRANK CONARD. (Inman Leader, Nov. 27.) Frank Conard, who has been en gaged in the hotel business in Inman for the past twenty years, died at his home Wednesday morning at 2:30, death being due to a complication of troubles. The funeral services will be conducted from the M. E. church Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock, Rev. Savage preaching the sermon. Mr. Conard was one of the early settlers of this community, coming to Inman thirty-one years ago, Jlrst settling on a farm and later moving to town. He was born in Lycomin County, Pennsylvania, July 18, 1859. At the age of nine years he moved with his parents to Minnesota, where he grew to manhood. He was mar ried to Miss Sarah Maust, May 4, 1881, at Preston, Minnesota, coming to Inman abount thirty-one years ago. To this union were born five children, Plenny, Wesley, Lottie, Raymond and Elias, two of whom, Lottie Thomp son and Ray Conard together with the mother, survive to mourn his loss. His brothers and sisters living are Robert Conard, Inman, Nebraska; George Conard, Meek; Mrs. Mary Newberry and Mrs. Ella Judd, of In man, and ten grand children. The sympathy of the community goes out to the family in their hour of sorrow. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Friedel, of Stuart, Monday, November 17th. System Counts In everything, systematic proced ure wins. Hit arid miss tactics always fail. This applies with equal force to saving money. Save systematically. Put away a stated minimum amount every payday, or every so often, and the rapid accumulation will surprise you. On our books are many successful people who save regularly—in good times and bad—and most of them started with only one dollar. You can do it, too. We pay 5 per cent on savings. The Nebraska State pai)k