Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1923)
The Christmas Dinner Our store is full of things that will add to the Christ mas dinner. Among the many good things are: Cranberries Oysters, Celery Meats of All Kinds Roasts Bananas, Apples „ Cabbage Steaks Oranges, Dates Olives Grape Fruit, Figs Honey Our assortment of canned goods is new and fresh Henry Bay PHONE 35. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA We have a nice line of Toys, Dolls, Candy, Fruit, Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos, Christmas Cards, Christmas Tree Decorations. D. Sta-nnard DR. L. A. CARTER Physician and Surgeon | Glasses Correctly Fitted. Office and Residence, Naylor Blk. -Phone 72 O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA DR. J. P. GILL I6AF Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given To DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES It Is Almost Here Christinas is alalmost here. Have you arranged for the Christmas dinner? -We Have TURKEYS CHICKENS DUCKS GEESE ROASTS OYSTERS V PICKLES And many other articles that will assist you in preparing the menu. Get your orders for the turkeys early. J. B. Ryan Meat Market --—I.!.. ■ 11.1 M—an.* ANNUAL MEETING OF HOLT COUNTY FARM BUREAU The Annual Meeting of the Holt County Farm Bureau was held in O’Neill at the Royal Theatre Tues day, December 18th. Mr. G. R. Boom er of the Extension Service, Lincoln, Nebraska, was the chief speaker of the day and gave a very good talk along the marketing line. Mr. J. W. Hickey was elected Vice President to take the place of Jacob Hirsch whose term of office expired and Mr. B. H. French was re-elected Secretary. Delegates to the Organized Agriculture week at Lincoln, Nebraska. January 7-11, were also chosen. Mrs. B. H. French was chosen lady delegate and Mr. C. J. Kimbrough. Three very good films were shown which were educational as well as entertaining. SCHOOL NOTES. The Freshmen class had their hard time party at the school house last Thursday. Nearly the entire class was there, and everyone had a fine time. The consolation prize was awarded to Edna Simonson. The Ninth English class has taken up the reading of ‘'Treasure Island,” and will continue to study it until after the holidays. TAXPAYERS LEAGUE MEETING. A meeting of the taxpayers of Holt County is hereby called for Saturday, December 29, at 1 o'clock p. m.. at the Court House in O’Neill. Every tax payer in Holt County invited to at tend this meeting as public business of importance to all taxpayers will be discussed. T. V. GOLDEN. JOHN A. ROBERTSON. EXPERT EYESIGHT SPECIALIST IN TOWN AGAIN. If you are looking for the most ex pert eyesight aid, for an eye examina tion and glasses fitted by the most modem methods and instruments at the most reasonable price with an ab solute guarantee of perfect satisfact ion, see Edward J, Norwood in O’Neill at the Golden in December 27th. and one day each month in the future. Edward J. Norwood is a graduate of bdth Optical and Optometric Schools with a broad experience in practice. He is very thoroughly trained in the general status of the eyes and the cor rection of them by glasses. See him if you wish the best of service. 29-1 A Personal Message at Xmas Time That is what a photograph of you at Christmas will mean to your distant relatives and friends. You cannot make a more accept able choice. Many people consider a photo graph the ideal gift. Now is the best time to ar range appointments — free from the bustle and confusion oi Christmas week. The Studio will be open every Sunday until Christ mas. Mrs. Downey will take the picture. O’NEILL PHOTO CO. O’Neill, Nebr. For white teeth and a clean mouth. Just the most delightful dental preparation you ever used. With Klenzo, chib dren don’t have to be urged at tooth-cleaning time. Take a tube home to try. Chas. E. Stout “The Rexair’ Store wijuaaaagBga “MERRY XMAS tO All’' Royal Theatre “IIOME OF GOOD PICTURES”^ "* — - FRIDAY -— MARY ALDEN in “HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD” 2-Reel Comedy - SATURDAY - ALMA RUBENS in “VALLEY OF SILENT MEN” 2*Reel Snub Pollard Comedy --SUNDAY & MONDAY-— GUY BATES POST in “MASQUERADER” The biggest event in screen history. The picture that is a masterpiece. The great play brought to the screen and made bigger and better in the bring ing. Amazement! If you’ve never known it before you will when you see "Masquerader.” 2-Rec! Comedy. International News. — TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY — MABLE NOWWOOD in “EXTRA GIRL” The Peter Pan of the silver sheet in a shower bath of thrills and laughs. Positive laugh panic that will shake grouches to smithereens. Hollywood or bust! She was the biggest bust that ever hit Hollywood. P. S.—This picture is just released, has not played Omaha. Comedy and Fables. - THURSDAY -- HERBERT RAWLENSON in “A MILLION TO BURN” 2-Reel Comedy - FRIDAY & SATURDAY - “WEST BOUND LIMITED” —with— RALPH LEWIS and ELLA HALL “Westbound Limited” will bring you to your toes! Ripping, roaring and tearing at ninety miles an hour across the screen in a cyclone of gigantic drama, thundering thrills and rushing romance, it will burn itself into your consciousness forever. Never before in the history of entertainment has there been an attraction like it. Don’t wait for your friends to tell you how good it is—SEE IT YOURSELF. 2-Reel Comedy Coming— “Live Piker.” “Safety Last.” “Three Wise Fools.” “Spoilers.” “Rags To Richs.” “Six Days.” SALESMAN WANTED — WITH automobile for country work. Quality line. Good pay. The Lennox Oil & Faint Company, Dept. Sales, Cleveland, Ohio. 29-lp -- MERRY XMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR To All We thank you and sincerely hope we merit your patronage in the future. We will close all day Christmas. GOLDEN BARBER SHOP D. H. Clauson, . Proprietor. Make your travel dream come toue this winter Perhaps you were unable to find time fer a vacation trip during the summer. Don’t be satisfied to merely regret it. Go to California—NOW—where days are filled with sunshine and nights are uniformly cool and clear. There is something out there which makes a strong appeal to everybody. Golf, tennis, motoring over perfect highways, surf-bathing, mountain-climbing, danc ing, or just resting among the orange groves and flowers. Excursion fares prevail. Go one way -return another, and stop off where you wish. Make the most of your trip by using the BURLINGTON’S splendid service via Denver, thef Pike’s Peak Region, the Royal Gorge, Salt Lake City Los Angeles, and San Francisco, and then return through The American n Wonderland— the Pacific Northwest— Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane,the Cascades, Olymptics and the Rockies. It’s the trip of a life-time and I want to assist you in planning it; to make your Pullman reservations; to provide you with through tickes. L. E. DOWNEY, Ticket Agent O’NEILL PEOPLE HELPED. O'Neill people have discovered that ONE SPOONFUL of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad ler-i-ka, relieves sour stomach, ga3 and constipation AT ONCE. This remedy is well known as the appendi citis preventative. Charles E. Stout, Druggist. (E-B) She 5ai/itapy JjWeat Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Home Rendered Lard. W. F. FINLEY, M.I). Phone: Office 28, Residence 276. O’Neill Nebraska I George M. Harrington I I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 8 I PHONE 11. I I O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. fj METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday Morning Service, 10:80 a. m., Sunday School, 11:80 a. m., Young People’s Service 6:80 p. m., Evening Service, 7:80 p. m. Midweek Services: Tuesday, 7:80 a. m.; Young People’s Prayer Ser vice Wednesday 7:30 p. m., Regular Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7.80 p. m. Morning Choir Saturday, 7:80 p. m. Rev. J. A. Hutchins, Pastor. PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS. The Public Library will be open each day except Monday from this time on until further notice: Afternoons, 2:00 to 6:80. Evenings, 7:00 to 9:00. Sundays, 2:00 to 6:30 p. m. MARY MCLAUGHLIN, Librarian. Qerrty Christmas! AT this joyous Yuletidesea i \ son, we wish each of our patrons the fullest measure of happiness and good cheer. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY rain ■ gpp * i