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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1923)
Get'Your Poultry Here For Your Christmas Dinner! * We have some of the largest and best oysters on the market. Our cerery is crisp and palatable. TURKEYS CHICKENS DUCKS, GEESE ROASTS VEAL MUTTON Sanitary Meat Market O’Neill, Nebraska. For FlncrTexture and Larger Vote®6 ja the baked goods use K.C BakLg Powder «ag Ounces fiygty u»i« «»»•*“«»" p'*"4 __ urn irHT BY OUR GOVERNMENT. ^_— 1 .1 w IFTS .... FOUNTAIN PENS EViERSHARP PENCILS WATCHES DIAMONDS SaVERWARE RINGS DUTCH SILVER CLOCKS Oajfvj ' , W. F. WILLGING Jeweler lit Reardon's Drug Store .~r-«— NO RURAL MAIL SERVICE CHRISTMAS DAY The post office department has re cently ruled that rural mail carriers will not be required to cover theeir routes on Christmas day, hence there will be no services on Routes One and Two on Christmas Day. m. h. McCarthy', Postmaster. THE LIBRARY BOARD CHANGE OPEN HOURS At a meeting of the library board at the office of Dr. Gilligan, Wednes day afternoon it was unanimously voted to change the open hours of the -brary as follows: From 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. each day except Sunday and Monday. The library will not be open Sundays or Mondays or any evening after six o’clock. This change will take effect January'1st. AN INTERESTING PROGRAM OF ITALIAN MUSIC Mrs. W. H. Harty, Leader. A very interesting musical program was given at the club room Wednesday afternoon. The first number was community singing, “Christmas Carols” followed by Biography of Puccini and Develop ment of Italian music, by Miss Edna Bay. Paper, “How to Listen to Music” Miss Agnes Shoemaker. “Music Memory Work”. Miss Agnes Shoemaker. Reading from the Opera, Madam Butterfly, by Miss Elizabeth Latta. Miss Demaris Stout gave some of the most popular parts in song. Those present expressed themselves as being highly pleased with the rendition of Madam Butterfly both in reading and song. The double quartette under the direction of Mrs. C. B. Scott, rendered Italian music “Italia Italia Beloved”. PLEASANT VALLEY. Percie Grass shelled corn last Tues day. Dean Streeter purchasd a racer from Vern Patterson last week. Clyde Hamilton spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Cora Hamilton in O’Neill. Ray Asher and family were enter tained Thanksgiving by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter. Edward Grass, John Nichol and Wayne Henderson are husking corn for Charlie Grass. , Mr. and Mrs. Will Anderson and daughter, Helen, were in O’Neill on business last Saturday. Mrs. Stanley Soukup and son, Fran cis, and Edward Grass, spent last Sun day at the Clyde Streeter home. Percie Grass, Charlie Grass and George Fink were O’Neill visitors Fri day of last week and Monday of this week. Friday of last week the friends and neighbors of Rufus Wagers went into his field and husked and cribbed about 700 bushels of corn for him. Mr. «fid Mrs. Leslie Hough and Miss Alice Hamilton, of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lines, of Page, were entertained at the Charlie Grass home last Sunday. Mrs. Clyde Streeter, Mrs. Stanley Soukup, Mrs. Deane Streeter, Miss Constance Grass and Miss Lavalle Henderson attended the basket social given in District No. 125 by Miss Winifred Murray. Presents ^THAT WILL PLEASE More useful presents in a Hardware and Fur. niture Store than all the rest together. Buy Hardware and Furniture for Christmas presents this year. NEW EDISON PHONOGRAPHS We have New Edison Phono graphs at $60, $75, $100, $145, $200, $245 and $295. SEWING MACHINES, WASHERS, IRONS, ETC. White Sewing Machines and Electric White Sewing Machines. Electric Irons; Copper-Clad Ranges fti FOR THE HOME Music Cabinets Floor Lamps Table Lamps Pictures Picture Frames Stands Clocks Carving Sets Vacuum Bottles Silver Plated Ware Pocket Knives Razors Safety Razors Razor Strops . Manicure Sets Flash Lights Toilet Sets Scissors Casseroles Fry Baking Dishes Individual Custard Cups Aluminum Tea Kettles Fry Casseroles Roasters Water Pails Combination Kettles Double Boilers Pudding Pans Gem Pans Skillets Griddles Tools, Sleds Rifles Air Rifles Buffets, Duofolds Dressing Tables % Rugs—All Sizes Chairs, Tables Dressers FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS We also have things for the little folks: Rocking Horses Ice and Roller Skates Coaster Wagons Horse Cycles Automobiles Kiddie Cars Carts s WARNER Si SONS, O’NEILL TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY .■ * O’Neill People Are Doing All They Can for Fellow Sufferers. O’Neill testimony has been published to prove the merit of Doan’s Pills to others in O'Neill who suffer from bad hacks and kidney ills. Lest any sufferer doubt this evidence of merit, we produce confirmed proof—statements from O'Neill people who again endorse Doan’s Pills—confirm their former testimony. Here’s an O’Neill case: Mrs. E. B. Jones, says: “I suffered with backache. While sitting still the trouble wasn’t so bad but when I went to eret un I could hardly stand the sharp knife-like Tams, when I bent or walked around the misery was terrible. My kidneys were in a disordered condition. I got Doan’s Pills and after using a couple boxes the trouble was all gone.” FOUR YEARS LATER, Mrs. Jones said: “I think Doan’s Pills are a wonderful remedy. I gladly confirm my former statement in which I told what Doan’s had done for me.” Price 60 cents, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Pills-the same that Mrs, Jones had. Foster-Milhurn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N.Y. 5T.P ATRICK’S CHURCH CATHOLIC Sunday Services: First Mass 8 a. m., Second Mass 9 a. m., High’'Mass at 10.30 a. m. Vespers 7:30 p. m. Daily Mass 8 a. m. Catechetical Instruction for First Commun’cants 3 p. m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Confession, Saturday from 3 p. m. to 6 p m. and from 7 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. Children’s Confession, First Thursday every month at 1:30 p. m. Very Rev. M. F. Cassidy, Pastor. r-~ ------. j NEW FEED STORE! In the Roberts Barn { in connection with the | Feed Barn. All kinds of | feeds and hay carried j in stock. We make de J livery. j We do custom grinding. j Office, 336. Res. 270 or 303 j ROBERTS & HOUGH 4-m mm . . ..» THE O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY —Compiles— “Abstracts of Title” THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. The Frontier, only *2.00 per year. NEBRASKA CULVERT AND MFG. CO* AUSTIN-WESTERN ROAD MACHINERY ARMCO CULVERTS Everything In Road Machinery Western Representative L. C PETERS O’Neill :: Nebraska _• • Christmas Candy Buying at the Bakery is a real event this year. Candies in beautiful boxes as low as 15c to $5.50. Candies of our own make at bargain prices. Get the habit of buying your candy at the candy factory. * McMillian & Markey