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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1923)
I ggggg Run Out of Chalk. “Oh!” exclaimed Brown, meeting his dairyman at the railway station. “Got a box of chalk under your arm, - haven’t you? Taking it to the dairy, eh? Now, will you be kind enough to tell me what you do with It?” “Certainly,” replied the dairyman. “Your wife tells my man to chalk it down so often that he has run out of crayons, and I’m laying in a fresh supply. If you’ll come to the farm I’ll show you your account on the side of the cow barn.” MOTHER! GIVE SICK CHILD “CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" Harmless Laxative for a Bilious, Constipated Baby or Child. Constipated, bil ious, feverish, or sick, colic Babies and Children love to take genuine “California Fig Syrup.” No other laxative regulates i the tender little bowels so nicely. It sweetens the stomach and starts tne nver ana Doweis acting wu. 11 out griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say “California” to your druggist and avoid counterfeits! Insist upon genuine “California Fig Syrup” which contains directions.— Advertisement. Argument for Industry. Old Hen—I’ll give you a piece of 1 good advice. Young Hen—What Is It? Old Hen—An egg a day keeps the butcher away!—Progressive Grocer. ' .. '' Tho Cutloura Toilet Trio. Having cleared your skin keep it clear by making Cuticura your everyday toilet preparations. The Soap to cleanse nnd purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and per fume. No toilet table Is complete without them.—Advertisement. Popularity Is more^ than a reward for not displeasing people than for pleasing them. There Is no grief which time does not lessen and soften. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION <*'syk°y 6 BELL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 254 AND 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Radio Set. Complete. *«—1,600-mlle ranee. Order your eet today; ask for agency proposi tion; you can make rood money. Mitchell Radio, 1203 W. Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn. SIOUX CITY PTG. CO., NO. 50-1923. PROBE “LEAK” IN MESSAGE TO U. S. CONGRESS “Forecast” of President’* Speech Sent Out Before Official Release BY WILLIAM P. FLYTHE Universal Service Correspondent i Washington, Dec. 3.—President Coolidge's future message to con* gress and official utterances will be^ most guarded and secret until he actually begins to talk, the White House let it be known Sunday. This is the result of a situation that gives promise to developing into a scandal, in no way reflecting upon the president, but upon those in whom he reposed confidence. On Thanksgiving day, November 29, the president’s message to con gress, delivered on December 6, was distributed in booklet form to be held for publication until he should begin to speak to the joiht session of congress. A reason for doing this was that it could be sent to news paper offices by mail and save tele graph tolls ns well'as congestion of the wires. “Forecast” Sent Out The following day the leading brokerage houses In Washington sent out over their ticker tapes what was “said by experts to be a forecast of what the president would say." It was not only absolutely accurate, but private telegrams assured investors It was copied from the text. Tile next day, November 30, and not when the president went before congress, the stock market reacted very ma terially , This was noted particularly in the railroad securities. This, however, is just the begin ning, the White House indicates. The message was distributed liberally to persona who are politically oppfVea to the president. One reason why his message is said to have caused so little excitement In congress Is that there were few men on the floor Who had not been acquainted witn its context, or read it In full. Thai portion of It was expected to excite applause merely brought forth a knowing nod between members as one who would observe, ‘“I told you so.” Newspapers Not Blamed The newspapers kept the faith, the White House la sure, but there is another element about which there is not so much certainty. It is the financial journals, the representa tives of various industries and stock markets whose publications are read on stock markets or in exclusive circles of the stock speculator. Representatives of these interests, unlike dally newspapers, seeking the hones purpose of distributing the news, obtained copies at the same time. They went, of course, into the hands of persons most vitally Inter ested in what the president would say and more directly Into the hands of market manipulators, the White House let it be known. The White House Itself was unduly liberal, reposing confidence In those who called upon the president. But among those were several persons or high industrial status, who, although denying having talked over matters of importance with the president, were seen to have one of the coveted booklets in their hand or pocket. The president. It Is learned, wished to discuss with many of his callers the provisions In his wlrtten word and obtain their reactions, a result that could only be obtained after "mature consideration,” which re quired the possession of the docu> ment. Brownings Freed of Confessed Murder Salt Lake, Utah, Dec. 8.—The shadow of punishment for first de gree murder which for the last nine monthB has been hanging over the heads of John Browning, son of John M. Browning, famous firearms in ventor and Marriner A. Browning, the inventor’s nephew was lifted Friday night when after but, one hour and 20 minutes deliberation the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Only one ballot was taken. The Browning cousins were tried on a first degree murder charge for the slaying of Benjamin F. Ballan tyne, husband of John Browning’s sister, last April 9. The actual slay ing was done by Marriner A. Brown ing, according to the defense brought out in the trial. Marriner fired the fatal shot to prevent Ballantyne from keeping hi* oath to kill John Browning, the defense maintained. 8TRATON PLANS DEBATES New York, Dec. 6.—Rellglout "modernism” as opposed to "funda mentalism” will be publicly debated soon, it was announced last night when Dr. John Roach Straton, pas tor of Calvery Baptist church where fundamentalists are holding a ser ies of meetings, accepted the public challenge of Rev. Charles F. Potter, pastor of the West Side Unitarian church. COTTON DIVES New York, Dec. 8.—Cotton broke $4 a bale in the market today upon pub lication of the government's ginning report WOMAN BURNS TO DEATH Naponee, Neb., Dec. 8.—Mrs. Margaret Stover, 80 years old, died here late yesterday from burrs re ceived when her clothing caught fire from a bonfire. Mrs. Stover lived alone. Neighbors heard her screams but were unable to save her from the flames. Says Poor Colors Cause Divorces Ht rf Afina* “Over half the divorces In the United States are caused by inhar monious color combinations in 'the dining room,1’ declared Miss Agnes McKenna, nationally known art ex pert, of Chicago,- speaKJng at a fur niture convention in San Francisco. Miss McKenna has made a life study of colors and their effects on per sonalities. She says It is her ambition to untwist the rainbow and bring down color in harmonious combing tionst so that every home will have a perfect setting. LAUNCH FIGHT ON CUMMINS Democrats Will Attempt to Force Election of Presi dent Pro Tem Universal Service Washington, Dec. 9.—The fight of the democrats to test the right of Senator Cummins, Iowa, to continue as president pro tem of the senate and at the same time retain the chairmanship of the important In terstate Commerce committee is due to break Monday. Senator Robinson, democratic floor - leader, is expected to move, when the senate reconvenes at noon, that the body proceed to the election of a president pro tem. Senator' Lodge, republican, it is lhdicated, will im meditely move to lay the Robinson motion on the table. A vote on this motion will be the first test of strength. The democrats cannot hope to force an election unless they have the sup port of the two farmer-labor senators. Magnus Johnson and Shipstead, and enough of the LaFoyette group of in surgent republicans to override the regular republican majority. Whatever the outcome, however, the democrats by this move will have forced the republicans to establish a precedent to govern future situations like that now existing. It will settle the right of the president pro tem not only to succeed to the presiding of fice of the senate upon the advance ment of a vice president to the presi dency, or In case of the death of a vice president, but will settle the Question of his right to the $12,009 vice presidential salary and use of the vice presidential automobile and his authority to designate a presiding of ficer of the senate in his absence. The democrats contend that without an election at this time the president pro tem Is without authority to des ignate any one to sit in his place. The democrats also will force a decision on the president pro terns to serve as a committee chairman or hold a committee, assignment while serving as the president of the senate FINDING OF BODIES - ENDS NATIONWIDE SEARCH FOR COUPLE Universal Service. Muskegon, Mich., Dec. 16.—Finding of the bodies of Harry B. Proctor, a real estate dealer of Grand Ilaxen. and Edna Fullager, 14 year-old school girl, In a bayou near Spring Lake, late Saturday ends a nation wide search which has lasted since they dlssappeared together last Oct ober SO. Circumstance indicate that the girl was unable to atop the car In which they were riding as it ap proached the street end at the docks. Proctor leaves a widow and two Children. Former Iowa Newspaper Man Dies in Horneli, N. Y. Cedar Rapids, la., Dec. 9.—(Special) —Frederick Benseinger, w’ho estab lished a society newspaper here several years ago and who was con nected with newspapers at Omaha. Lincoln, and Des Moines, is dead at Horneli, N. Y., according word re ceived here. Mr. Benseinger also worked on newspapers in Chicago and tfew York. He was born In 1885 Don Moore Honored by International Fair Men Chicago, Dec. 8.—The International Association of Fairs and Expositions Friday at the closing session of it < 33rd annual meeting elected Tihonia* H. Canfield, of Harnline. M«nn., pri Ident. Don V. Moore, of Bioux C. Ia„ was elected secretar urar. WM. M. BUTLER IS PERFECTING ORGANIZATION George Harvey to Have \ctive Management of Race for President Universal Service Washington. Dec. 9.—President Coolidge’s candidacy for the presi dential nomination .was formally launched Sunday afternoon. The announcement was made In the form of an official statement from Coolldge managers that William M. Butler, national committeeman front, Massachusetts, will be the president’^ “personal representative" and will ap point assistants In other states. Preceding the announcement, there was a conference at the White House In which Mr. Butler, Frank W. Stearns, George Harvey and James B Reynolds, who was Coolldge’s man ager in 1920, participated. While the public was barred from the conference, It is understood that the president's friends succeeded in convincing him that he should not delay longer In announcing himself as a candidate for the nomination. Brief Announcement. The only announcement made was In a brief typewritten statement, which was given out by Reynolds. It was as follows: “In answer to a question, Frank W. Stearns stated that the friends of President Coolldge are organizing under the guidance , of William M. Butler, tho Massachusetts member of the national comniitteo and a friend of Mr. Coolidge of many years stand ing, who will act as tho president's personal representative. "As ho perfects the organization he will, from time to time, make known those who, in various parts of tho country, who will co-operate with him In the organization.” It is understood that white the president will have Mr. Butler as his personal representative in the cam paign, the active management will be entrusted to George Harvey, President Silent. It was characteristic of the presi dent that he refrained from making any personal comment on the confer ence. The president has maintained from the start that he would trust the selection of the nominee entirely to his friends, that he would not "cam paign” for the place, nor make speeches in support of his own can didacy. It was In accordance with this understanding that ho permitted Reynolds to speak for him In making the formal announcement that he Is in the race. Ever since Senator Johnson an nounced his candidacy, supporter* of the president have been urging him to come out with a statement that would show he Intends to seek the nomination and at the same time give sonic encouragement to those who would like to get Into the fight for him. Platform Announced. The president refused steadfastly to discuss the matter at all until his message to congress had been deliver ed. When the South Dakota proposal convention gave him an endorsement for tho nomination White House statements indicated that the presi dent was pleased with the endorse ment and would make an announce ment not only accepting It, but giving notice to the country at large that he Is in the race for the nominalon. The message delivered by the presi dent to congress last Thursday is generally regarded as the platform of policies upon which he will stand in his campaign. Ratification of the World Court proposal, adoption of the Mellon tax reduction plan and defeat of the soldier bonus were the principal issues adopted by the presi dent In the message. Senator Johnson will make his cam paign ol' opposition to the country on the Issue of rejection of the World Court, adoption of the bonus and tax reduction. Iowa and S. Dakota Stock Are Among Prize Winners Chicago, Dec. 8.—With judging completed in the cattle divisions, activi^es during the closing days of the International Livestock show were devoted to horses and ponies. Thousands of children took advan tage of free admission today. Miss "Gentle, of L. F., owned by the Lincoln ranches of Aberdeen, S. D.. was named grand champion Gallo way, cow. The champion boar was exhibited by Taylor and Taylor of What Cheer, Iowa. H. F. Davidson Menlo. la., annexed all prizes in the Yorkshire division of the swins department. The best exhibit of Corriedale sheep was that of King Brothers of Laramie, Wyo. HOOVER FAVORS COMBINE Washington, Dec. 8.—Consolidation of railroads as proposed by present statutes but with measures to ex pedlte the process which do not exist at present, is urged in the forthcom ing annual report of Secretary Hoov er. — ».■*>■» — -- German People Pleased With British Elections Universal Service Beviin, Dec. 7.—The results of the English election dominates the (itten tion of the German pr>'ss and govern ment circles. Both agree that th» apparent defeat of Baldwin and th< vlotorjf of Lloyd George is of th< greatest Consequence in detern.inin the fate of Europe and will prohnb' result in the inauguration of a nr era. SAY “BAYER” when you buy-^w^ie Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fois Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism / j/yytPonly “Bayer” package which contains proven directions. Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Aspirin to the trade mark of Barer Manufacture of MouoaeeUcactdester of Salic?llcacld Largest Sandstone Quarry. The world's largest sandstone quar ries are located in Ohio, u few miles to the south of Lake Erie, in the vi cinity of the towns of North Amherst and Berea. From these quarries come also vast quantities of whetstones and grindstones and there is much that is of interest with respect to the industry. One of the quarries has been mined to a depth of 105 feet in places and the distance around It is a mile and a half Looking Jnlo this pit from one edge, one is reminded of the ruins of the Coliseum, for the walls are cut in shallow terraces, which are not unlike the seats of the open-air theater of the ancients. In cutting a block of standalone wedges are driven in sideways at the base of the block, while steam drills bore holes from the top to meet the openings made by the wedges. A machine called a clutn neler cuts the block away. You may not get nil that is coining to you in tlds world- but look out for tlve next. When some people attempt to show their knowledge they display their ignorance. American Popcorn in Spain. Old Spanish customs and tastes are succumbing to the assaults of Yankee salesmen. Flivvers have unhorsed the caballero and the rattling through Seville and over the highest peaks of the Pyrenees. The Castiillan now sits down to a breakfast of American corn flukes, and soon people at the street corners of ^punish cities and the crowded throngs at the hull fights will be treated to popcorn. That is, if the plans of n prominent business man in Vigo succeeds. He has Jus' received an American popcorn vending machine, without doubt the first one to lx* seen in Spain, says Consul Henry T. Wilcox. The'machine arrived without any pop corn, which Is unknown in Spain, and the merchant now wants to buy a email trial order of corn with which to start business. Value of Experience. Mother—Are you really sujp that you love him? Daughter—Don’t he so naive, moth er. When n girl has had the experience of three engagements, as I have, she should know the symptoms.—Boston Transcript. Children Cry for “Castoria” A Harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups — No Narcotics! Mother! Fletcher’s Castorla has been in use for over 30 years to relieve babies and children of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep without opiates. The genuine bears signature oi -- m0 - — —■—- - - '"in.. «-ar ~ i» Your doctor advises internal cleanliness HE will tell you that the first results of consti pation-headache, sleepless nights, bilious ness, backache, etc.—warn that the body is flooded with intestinal poisons. In time, these poisons may cause the breakdown of health and lead to serious disease. In constipation, say intestinal — specialists, lies the primary cause of more than VS three-quarters of all illness including the gravest diseases of life. A Hence, doctor# urge internal cleanliness— regular and thorough removal of food waste from the body. Laxatives Aggravate Constipation Laxatives and cathartics do not overcome constipation, says a noted authority, but by their continued use tend only to aggravate ‘Keep Clean Ineidm" Say Phytidani. the condition and often lead to permanent mjuty. Why Physicians Favor Lubrication Medical science, through knowledge of the intesti nal tract gained by X-ray observation, has found at last in lubrieatbn a means of overcoming constipa tion. The gentle lubricant, Nujol, penetrates and softens the hard food waste and thus hastens its passage out of the body. Thus Nujol brings in ternal cleanliness. Nujol is used in leading hospitals and is prescribed by physicians throughout the world. Nujol is not a medicine or laxative and cannot gripe. Like pure water it is harmless. Get rid of constipation and avoid disease by adopting the habit of internal cleanliness. Take Nujol as regularly as you brush your teeth or wash your face. For sale by all druggists. 14U.101 r«o. u.s. pat. orr. . For Internal Cleanliness Disordered Stomach Take a good dose of Carter’s little liver Pills —then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and for Sallow, Pimply, Blotchy Skin. They end the mbtiy of Corutfpalh*. SwU D*w; W1 fries