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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1922)
MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS Read This Letter from Mrs. W. S. Hughes Greenville. Del.—" I was under the impression that my eldest daughter had | some internal trouble as ever since the first time her sicknessap peared she had to go to bed and even had to quit school once for a week. I always take Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound myself so I gave it to ner and she has received great benefit from it. You can use this let ter for a testimonial if you wish, as I cannot say too much about what your medicine nas done for me and for my Oaughter.”-Mrs. Wm. S. Hughes, Greenville, Delaware. Mothers and oftentimes grandmothers have taken and have learned the value of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. So they recommend the medi cine to others. The best test of any medicine is what It has done for others. For nearly fifty years we have published letters from mothers, daughters, and women, young end old, recommending the Vegetable Compound. They know what it did for them and are glad to tell others. In your own neighborhood are wom®n who know of its great value. Mothers—daughters, why not try it 7 DON’T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains ot aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pas sage of urine, you will find relief if COLD MEDAL The world’s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Three sizes, all druggists. Look for the name Gold Medal on every boy and accapt no imitation Phonetic Spelling Made Easy. She is beginning to master words of one syllable in her primer, and is deeply interested in the discovery of new words. Apparently, she is des tined to be something of a lexicog rapher herself. "Daddy," she inquired, “what does double p, double i and double e spell?” “There is no such word, double p, double i and double e.” “Oh yes, there is,” was the grave rejoinder. “It spells two pies.” From saving comes having. i It’s toasted. This one extra process gives a delightful quality that can not be duplicated New Hair eatss " W " ^ use Q-Batt Hair Tonic — Don't get bald, get Q-Ban today — It's much more pleasant. At all good druggist*, 73c, •r direct from HESSW-ELLIS, CfcosfaK Mo—fctn Tarn. Cuticura Soap -IS IDEAL-: For the Hands Soap 25c, Oiatmeat 25 mid 50c, Talcam 25c. TURK LEADER PLEDGED AID IN CONFLICT Messages of Allegiance Pour Into Headquarters—British Vessels Pacing the Darda nelles. BY UNIVERSAL SERVICE. Special Cable Dispatch. London. Sept. 25.—The British admiralty Sunday night an nounced that the destroyer Speedy collided with a tug in the Sea of Marmora and was sunk. It is feared that 10 lives were lost. BY C. FrBERTELLI. Universal Service Correspondent. Paris, Sept. 25.—With British war ships pacing the * Dardanelles and dozens of transports loaded with Bri tish regular troops steaming under forced draught towards Chanak, the whole Islamic world is ready to spring to the standard of revolt at the signal of Mustapha Kemal, in spired leader of Mussulmen. Hundreds of messages are pouring into the Turkish headquarters at Smyrna from far quarters of the Bri tish empire pledging allegiance to the nationalist leader. Dispatches through diplomatic sources from Egypt and India indi cate that elaborate preparations have been completed by which the first British gun fired against the Turks will be the signal for revolt. With this ominous situation con fronting him Lloyd'George is hesitat ing in pursuing his plan to make the Dardanelles another Suez. At the same time the British withdrawal from Chanak, which would be lnter preted^as a sign of weakening, is not contemplated. Instead all efforts of diplomats are concentrated in an effort to persuade Kemal to hold his victorious armies in check until the peace congress held. BY MAJOR GENERAL F. B. MAURICE. Universal Service. WAR QUESTION AT STAKE. Constantinople, Sept. 26.—The is sue of peace or war depends on a conference of the Kemalist ministers now sitting at Smyrna. The an nouncement that the British are pre pared to discuss the question of eastern Thrace has much Improved the chances for peace. Having seen all of the British prep arations on the Asiatic side of the neutral zone, 1 can state emphatical ly that these are entirely defensive. Formidable positions have been en trenched at Chanak and Ismid, but there Is no preparation of any kind for an offensive. Attack May Cause War. War will only be brought about by a Kemalist atack on our positions with the object of crossing into Thrace. The announcement of the object of the British defense of the straits is misleading. It puts the case in the wrong light. The Kemalists desire to secure eastern Thrace before the Greek army is reformed. The reorganiza tions of Greek troops in Thrace is proceeding rapidly and the stories of mutiny and disorder are exaggerated. Kemal Is aware of this and is seek ing to get Turkish officers across the straits and the sea of Marmora to organize bands of Thrace nation alists. Bands from Constantinople also are being sent and arms are be ing smuggled in. Admiral Brocks is stopping traf fic from Asia across the sea of Marmora. So far these efforts of Turks have not been serious but any withdrawal of British forces would make them so. Murder Plots Hatching. The real reason for me British oc cupation of the straits is to prevent the Kemalists carrying the war into Europe with consequneces of which the disordered state of Anatolia is an index, while rapine and murder would certainly be let loose in Constantin ople. There is information that plots are hatching for the murder of Christians here. The information is definite, but the plotters will not act as long as the Allies show a firm front. This alone Is Justification of British ac tion, but it should be made clear that we are acting to prevent war in Eur ope and save the lives of Christians and not to bolster up the claims of the Greeks. The Turkish and Greek cases should be both heard fairly, particularly as regards the Thrace question. The policy which has brought about the present dangerous situation can be considered later. DENVER.—Striking shopmen of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railway Company will be taken back only as individuals and any new agreement will be negotiated with the associations of mechanical crafts how being formed, it was announced In an official bulletin Issued Friday night, following a conference here to day between officials of the company and striking shoperaft representa ttlves. Seniority will date from the time of re-entering service, the bul letin, signed by H. C. Stevens, super intendent of the company shops, states. Unions as Big Business. From the New York World. And So long as they are able to bor row, so long as their paper Is good, the United Mine Worker* will be able to hold out In any endurance test the op erator* care to engage In. Onoe their credit is established they can divide capital against Itself. When unions en ter the class of big business the strangle hold of capital on organized labor la broken. Men Do Not Vote as They Talk From the Boston Transcript. The Digest poll may be a new proof that there are a good many men who talk “wet” and vote "dry” when they come to the election booth. EXTRA CALL OF CONGRESS IS ASSURED .**»■. ..—4 President Harding Insists on November Session Because 3f Ship Subsidy Legisla tion. Universal Service. Washington, Sept. 25.—Efforts to persuade President Harding not to call an extra session of congress on November 15 have failed completely, It was officially stated Sunday. The president regards ship subsidy legislation of such importance to the country that he has refused to give ground before the strong pressure against an extra session. Most of this opposition to an extra session has come from congressional leaders, who fear little could be accomplished in the brief period between November 15 and the time for convening the regular session the first Monday In Decetiiber. The president, however, is known to be of the opinion that considerable progress on the ship subsidy bill can be made in that time so that when the regular session convenes all the preliminary discussion will be out of the way. Bill Favorably Reported. A spokesman for, the administra tion stated Sunday that the president will not object to minor modifications of the subsidy legislation as outlined in his message to congress several months ago. But Harding will in sist that the imi sratlve need -of a subsidy meet with the favorable at tention of congress. The ship subsidy bill already has been favorably reported from the committee and is in the calendar of the House. The plan of action counted upon by the administration is to have the House dispose of the bill in the period between November 15 and the new session in December. Then the Senate, while awaiting the enactment of the appropriation bill in the House would have sufficient time finally to dispose of subsidy legisla tion. Hostility Wiped Out. At the White House it was stated that reports from all sections of the country indicates that the former hostility to a subsidy has been com pletely wiped out. In it’s place is a growing conviction among the rank and file of voters that on an adequate merchant marine depends the future commercial prosperity and safety o; the country. The situation as viewed by the president was outlined by an ad ministration spokesman Sunday who said: ’’The president has had many com munications from all parts of the country from voluntary workers for an adequate merchant marine. He is pleased to find, in place of the former hostility, a most cordial acceptance of the proposition. There now exists a different condition than we have ever had before. We htfve got the ships now, and their operation is costing more than a subsidy would cost. * "We are not concerned with the fact that the rest of the commercial world does not sympathize with our motives. That is to be expected.” It is believed at the White House that the marked change in sentiment throughout the country will have the desired effect in convincing congress to rush through the subsidy legis lation. ♦ NEWS BRIEFS. ♦ + >-f-f + + + 4- + +->+ + + 'ff + + + NEW YORK.—nve new launches, capable of making a speed of SO miles an hour, were asked Friday by Police Commissioner Enright to chase rum runners. Estimating the cost of these launches at $77,600 Mr. Enright told the board of estimate: "We have endeavored to obtain a loan of some speedy launches from the federal government but so far have been unsuccessful. Many of tho craft we now have are capable of making only eight miles an hour, which is wholly Inadequate to cope with bootleggers.” WASHINGTON. — Representative Swing, of California, today intro duced bills authorizing the purchase of sltps, and the construction of public buildings in California as fol lows: Calexico. $1.00,000; Fullerton, $125,000; Anaheim, $100,000; Santa Ana, $225,000, of which not more than $35,000 is to be expended for site; Redlands, $176,000; Bishop, $100,000; San Bernardino, $200,000; National City, $20,000 (site only). WASHINGTON.—The entire oper ating personnel of the railways of the country was called upon Friday by President Harding for a "con centrated drive” for 30 days to pro vide the transportation facilities necessary to meet the national coal emergency, PEKING. — Acceptance by Hsu Chein, a loyal adherent of Sun Yat Sen, deposed president of South China, of the portfolio of Justice in the reorganized Peking cabinet is regarded in official circles here as a marked step towards better relations between the north and the south. U. S. FIRM MAKESDEAL WITH RUSSIAN FIRM Universal Service. Special Wireless Dispatch. Berlin, Sept. 24.—An Important step toward opening up business rela tions between Russia and America is disclosed In an official telegram from Moscow to the Soviet embassy here. The telegram describes a deal which is announced as being between a big American firm and the soviet govern ment of Azerbaijan for the adminis tration of oil fields. Some More Truths. \X70tJLD you use a steam shovel to move a pebble? Certainly not. Implements are built ac cording to the work they have to do. Would you use a grown-up’s remedy for your baby’s ills? Certainly not. Remedies are prepared according to the work THEY have to do. All this is preliminary to reminding you that Fletcher’s Castoria was sought ■ out, found and is prepared solely as a remedy for Infants and Children. And let t this be a warning against Substitutes, Counterfeits and the Just-as-good stuff that may be all right for you in all your strength, but dangerous for the little babe. All the mother-love that lies within your heart cries out to you: Be true to Baby. And being true to Baby you will keep in the house remedies specially prepared for babies as you would a baby’s food, hairbrush, toothbrush or sponge. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Children Cry For Are You Prepared? A doctor in the house all the time would be a good idea. Yet you can’t afford to keep a doctor in the family to keep baby well or pre vent sickness. But you can do almost the same thing by having at hand a bottle of Fletcher’s Castoria, because it is a wonderful remedy for indigestion, colic, feverishness, fretfulness and all the other dis orders that result from common ailments that babies have. Fletcher’s Castoria is perfectly safe to use. It is a harmless sub stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Children cry for Fletcher’s Castoria. and mothers recommend it because they have found it a comfort to children and a mother’s friend. If you love your baby, you know how sweet it is to be able to help baby when trouble comes. You cannot always call upon a doctor. But doctors have nothing but good to say of Fletcher’s Castoria, be cause they know that it can only do good—that it can’t do any harm— and they wouldn’t want you to use for baby a remedy that you would use for yourself. * MOWERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S 6A8TORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS; mPonffi Gives Charming New Color Tone to Old Sweaters1 ytSlIIS PUTNAM FADELESS DYES—dyes or tints as you wishr Far-Away Jobs. Mrs. Knlcker—Do you look for work 1 Weary Willie—No, mum; me meth od Is to listen in for it. SHE DYED A SWEATER, SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT WITH “DIAMOND DYES” Each package of “Diamond Dyes” con \ains directions so simple any women can dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses, skirts. waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings. dmpericB, hangings, everything, even if she has never dyed before. Buy “Diamond Dyes”—no other kind—then perfect) home dyeing is sure because Dia mond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods.—Advertisement. Vegotable Fancy Work. We question whether the greatest of green young ladles could be so abso lutely verdant, but here’s the story as It comes to us: “I have some particularly fine as paragus today,” said the market man to Mrs. Youngbride, and he displayed a bunch for her admiration. “Picked not three hours ago," lie added. Mrs. Youngbride looked at it with unaffected amazement. “Does It grow like that?” she asked. “I always supposed the cook braided the ends of it.”—Boston Transcript. FREEDOM FROM LAXATIVES Discovery by Scientists Has Replaced Them. Pills and salts give temporary re lief from constipation only at the ex pense of permanent injury, says an eminent medical authority. Science has found a newer, better way—a means us simple as Nature Itself. In perfect health a natural lubricant keeps the food waste soft and moving. But wtien constipation exists tills nat ural lubricant is not sufficient. Medi cal authorities have found that the gentle lubricating action of Nujol most closely resembles that of Nature’s own lubricant. As Nujol Is not a laxative It cannot gripe. It Is In no sense a medicine. And like pure water It is harmless and pleasant. Nujol is prescribed by pliys'clqns; used in leading hospitals. Get a bottle from your druggist today.—Advertise ment. The Little Dipper. Tom (at bathing beach)—What caused that splash? Jots—Oil, a mere slip of t girl. Is indispensable In all cases of Distemper. I Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Heaves and Worms among horses and mules. Used and endorsed by leading stock farms and veteran drivers of United States and Canada for thirty years. Sold in two sizes at all drug stores. Which City Editor? Many people liuve queer ldeus about newspaper work. Some think that reporters go out In the morning and walk up and down streets looking for “news.” Others seein to believe that news paper men have a secret Insigh? Into affairs. Newspaper men often refrain from changing tills attitude. Iiut the woman who came to see the city editor today had a new one. “Are you the city editor?" she usked. "Yes, madam,” he replied. “Which city?” she Inquired blandly. —Washington Star. Even when you are discouraged. It Is apparent the world Is not. We know some parents who are as unreasonable as their children. ART NEEDLEWORK Free Catalogue of Stamped Luncheon Seta,' Bod Spreads, Centers, ScurfH, Pillow Cases, etc., Hoads, D. M. C. Cottons and complete line of Embroidery Materials. THE PIPER CO., 6th & Sycamore. CINCINNATI, OHIO. we startyouTn business Representatives making high ua $50 dally, VEL-VA-LAC eliminates paint jobH. Pre serves, renews automobiles, furniture. Glvea high gloss, bright lustre. No rubbing. No labor. Dries while you watch. Everyone wants. Brand new. Nothing like It. No invest* ment. Don’t wait. Write for Inform. American Distributing Co., 226 W. Pico, Los Angeles, Cal. HOTEL MARTIN In the Hurt of SIOUX CITY Absolutely Fireproof - Ilatf-s From 11.78 BIG CAFETERIA-HOME COOKING SIOUX CITY PTG. CO., NO. 39-1922. The Pessimist. An American, after many yenrs as1 a happy bachelor, found himself at, last hooked and booked for matrl.l mony. Early on Ills wedding day a| friend met him carrying a wreath tied up with mourning ribbons. I “Good heavens, man,” said the friend, “I thought this was your wed ding day.” I “So It Is,” was the glum reply. “Then what on earth are you doing with thnt?” ’ “Oh, it’s nil right,” explained the, bridegroom-elect. “I’m just going to lay it on the statue of liberty." Itlches have wings, but frequently they go Into a nose dive. Every genuine package has the cross and circle printed in red. Redecorate little trouble, expense and satisfaction. There is one best way Instead of Kalsomine or Wall Paper