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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1922)
v ■ « ■....- —. ,, M „ .. ■ ..... I. ...... — — —- — . ——— - - - - - - ■ — ■' VOLUME XLII. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1922. NO. 18. At Grady’s Store PURITAN BACON Cash Paid For Eggs BARRINGTON HALL COFFEE Ben Grady, Grocer n> i hs Higliefct Oracle Macaroni | c V ' 'T&S IN C~S Noodle*, Spaghetti and I oeli W' 1 other Macaroni Product* | PHONES 68-126 d J. A. Donohoe was a passenger to Lincoln Tuesday morning. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler, of Atkinson, a daughter, September 22nd. i Stuart Advocate: Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fay, September 19, 1922, b a baby boy. These are epochal times we are liv ing in. Hugh McKenna has gone to driving a Ford. Stuart Advocate: Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kramer, September 25, 1922, a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reifer returned Friday from an extended visit at Sand Springs, Montana. B. F. Young was up from the east end of the county Monday looking after business at the court house. E. R. Butler of the Nebraska Central Insurance company, of Lincoln, was an O’Neill visitor Wednesday. William Ernest Ritterbush, died at his home in Stuart, September 14", 1922, at the age of about sixty-three years. With the county fair, followed by the world series, to take up attention, the golf tournament is temporarily at a standstill. Gaylard Hendrick picked up a wild duck Sunday evening on the street. The duck’s wing was broken, otherwise was uninjured. Mrs. J. M. Sturdevant, of Spencer, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman, return ing home Monday. Hugh Alfs and Gustav Dahms were O’Neill visitors Saturday. While in the city Mr. Dahms made The Fron tier a pleasant call. Mrs. Thomas Quinn and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ragan, returned last Thurs day from a visit, by auto, with Mr. a"d Mrs. James Quinn, of Mapleton, Iowa. Miss Mary Hagerty returned to her home in Columbus, Nebraska, Tuesday morning. Miss Mary had been visiting with her father, Wm. Hagerty, for a week. Atkinson Graphics* Veteran Isaac Millspaugh is away attending the na tional encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Des Moines, Iowa, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zimmerman and two children, came over from Coiome, South Dakota, last week for a visit with their parents and to “take in” the fair. Atkinson Graphic: The fire depart ment was summoned to the home of F. A. Hise ear’y Tuesday morning where a bin of coal had taken fire of its own accord. Mrs. E. C. Goodenberger left last Friday for Chicago to join her hus band. Together they will continue their course of study at the McCor mick seminary. Mrs. Harry Spindler, of Foley, Ala bama, has been visiting with her son, R. D., at Meek, for the past few weeks. She expects to return to her home, in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tunnison, of Riverside, California, are the guests of Mrs. F. B. Pme and daughters, on their way home from an autc tour of the United States. They left River side early in the spring, going east by the southern route and have been visiting points of interest along the Atlantic coast during the summer. Special Corvgoleum Sale For one week we will make a special price cn all Congoleum: 9x12 Gold Seal Congoleum.....$11.95 9xlOV2 Red Seal Congoleum..._. 12.50 4',4x4 *4 Gold Seal Congoleum. 2.25 3x4*4 Gold Seal Congoleum._. 1.50 Congoleum squares without border: 9x12 Gold Seal. $8.28 9x9 Gold Seal... 6.20 6x9 Gold Seal. 4.15 7*4x9 Gold Seal.. 5.18 Congoleum, 9 ft. width, 69c e square yard. Duroleum Mats 24x54 in. for 50c. O. F. BIGLIN L Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cooper have re moved to Winner, South Dakota, where the Cooper orchestra will furnish the jazz for the natives of southern South Dakota this winter. The first general meeting of the O’Neill Woman’s Club for the fall and winter season was held at the I. 0. O. F. hall Wednesday afternoon. A large attendance was present. Bennett Hereford, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hereford, sustained a fractured arm Saturday when he fell from the woodpile at the Hereford residence while playing. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Merriman, of South Sioux City, Nebraska, arrived Friday for a visit with O’Neill friends and relatives. Mr. Merriman returned home the first of the week. , Three large flocks of geese passed over the city Wednesday night, an in dication that although summer temper ature has prevailed so far this month cold weather is not far away. John Brennan, now advertising man ager for one of the large business con cerns of Salt Lake City, was an O’Neill visitor last week enroute home from the east on a business trip. Will Graves, Dr. L. A. Burgess and Pete Hereford returned Tuesday even ing from an expedition to the south country during wnich they depleted the visible supply of ducks and chickens. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. McDonald and daughter, ot Allen, Nebraska, drove up Saturday for a Sunday visit with their son and brother, H. C. McDonald, and Mrs. McDonald, returning home Mon day. Mrs. Frank O’Connell, jr., and son, little Frank, left Tuesday morning for a visit with relatives at Topeka, Kan sas. Steve McNichols will be custo dian of the pup while little Frank is away. Mrs. D. G. Coderre was hostess at an afternoon bridge Tuesday after noon of last week. Mrs. Charles F. McKenna won high honors at auction and Mrs. F. J. Dishner the all-cut prize. Miss Mayme McManus, who has been in poor health for several months, went to Omaha Wednesday morning to consult specialists. She was accompanied by her brother, P. J. McManus. Mrs. M. F. Harrington entertained at a delightful afternoon bridge Mon day afternoon of last week. The honors were won by Mrs. William Big lin and the all-cut 'prize by Mrs. D. G. Coderre. Harry Bowen, Charles Manson, Pete Curtis and A. V. Virgin drove over to Winner Sunday to inspect a heating plant which the I. O. O. F. contemplate purchasing for installation in their new building. Warren Gilman, of Amelia, delivered two hundred head of cattle to Rector and Drayton, of Orchard, at this place Monday. The cattle were driven from here to the Rector and Drayton ranches in Antelope county. The musical that was to have been given at the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening has been postponed for one week and will be given Sunday evening, October 15th, at 7.30 o’clock at the Presbyterian church. County Judge C. J. Malone was at his desk in the office Monday for the first time since his recent illness. The Judge, is improving slowly and, unless something out of the ordinary hap pens, will soon be back to his former health. Miss Bernice Hughes, of Battle creek, won high honors at the opening fall meeting of ti:c Martez club Mon day evening, at which Mis3 Irenaeia was hostess. M!ss Rose Taylor won the all-cut and Mrs. Mary Janes the consolation prize. Atkinson Graphic: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fullenton, daughter Agnes and ndphew Leslie Fullerton are away on an automobile trip and a visit with relatives in Des Moines, Iowa. Miss Fullerton will remain in Des Moines and attend college. W. M. Evans, who resides in Plea's ant View township, was a pleasant caller at The Frontier office last Mon day. Mr. Evans is treasurer of the school district in which he lives and was called to O’Neill on business per taining to the school. Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock will speak in O’Neill next Tuesday even ing. The senator will present the democratic side to the political issues, principally those which vtfll enhance his chances to retain his seat in the United States senate. Tuesday evening of last week a large number of friends gave Frank Holderberg a farewell reception at the hall in Stuart. The evening was spent at dancing and cards. Mr. Holderberg will leave October 5th for an extended visit in Europe. Robert G. Simmons, republican can didate for Congress from this district and A. R. Humphrey, candidate for the unexpired congressional term, will be in O’Neill next Saturday for the pur pose of meeting and becoming ac quainted with the people of this lo cality. Mr. and Mrs, M. F. Kirwin and chil dren drove over to Lake Andes, South Dakota, Tuesday, for an outing. They stoplped at Ft. Randall one day and took in the Indian conclave which was in session there the first of the week. Indians were present from all parts of the country. Chris Madsen of the Amelia neigh borhood, who was arrested last year charged with the illegal manufacture of liquor, and who pleaded guiltv at the spring term of district court to the offense charged, Saturday paid into the district court his fine of $500 and $27.45 in costs. Lloyd Gleed, of Chambers, still is mourning the loss of one brand new Ford touring car which he parked out side the grounds one day of the county fair last week. The car bore a transit card, the owner having been issued but not having yet received his regu lar license number. Roy French, of near Page, made a business trip to O’Neill Tuesday. Arthur Hendrick came up from Ne ligh Saturday night to Expend Sunday at home. A son was bom Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Moyer, who reside south of Emmet. J. C. Harnish went to York Sunday to attend a meeting of the I. 0. O. F. Home board. H. W. Eppenbaugh and family re turned to their home north of Bassett, Sunday afternoon. While out. hunting near Hay Point Sunday, Arthur Hendrick killed a young coyote about two-thirds grown. The W. C. T. U. ladies will hold a bake sale in the Henry Bay store Sat urday afternoon. Come and buy your Sunday dinner. Mike Poteet, of Lincoln, was in O’Neill last Sunday In the interest of of the new stadium which will be erected at the state university in the near future. Bob Simmons, republican candidate for congress, and A. R. Humphrey, re publican candidate for the short con gressional term, spent Sunday night in O’Neill. They went to Inman and Ewing the following day and expect to return to O’Neill the latter part of the week. Oscar Hagcnsick and wife, of Sioux City, arrived in O’Neill on Tuesday of last week, from points in Minnesota, where they have been visiting friends, for a visit with Mr. Hagensick’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hagensick. Oscar has charge of the vat room of the Sioux City plant of the Fairmont Creamery Co. They returned to Sioux City the first of the week. Mrs. 11. E. Coyne and Mrs. A. L. Willcox were hostesses at cards and luncheon at the. residence of Mrs. Will cox Saturday aftermon. Honors i.t bridge wee won by Mrs. Will Biglin. Second honors were won by Mrs. F. J. Dishner, the all-cut by Mi's. J. A. Brown and the consolation by Mrs. Arthur Ryan. The affair, a most de lightful one, was one of the first for mal ones of the fall social-season. Several prominent educators will ap pear on the program of the Holt county teachers institute for high school, grade and rural teachers which begins Friday and continues through Saturday. The dpening address Fri day morning will be by Professor George Boomer, of Lincoln, and Satur day morning Dr. I. H. Dillon of the state department of health will talk. The public is invited to hear these ad dresses. Lincoln Journal, Oct. 3. Mrs. S. B. Hart, of O’Neill, is in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. R. Yoho and her son, E. H. Hart. Mrs. Hart was for merly a resident of Lincoln and was an acGve member of the Lincoln wo man’s club and the Wesleyan woman’s educational council. Mr. Hart was one of Lincoln’s real estate dealers. They are now located on a ranch near O’Neill. Mrs. Hart’s mothr, Mrs. L. A. Benson, of New Raymer, Colo., met her in Lincoln, and after spending a couple of weeks in the city will go to O’Neill for a part of the winter. An outbreak of hostilities between P. M. Snyder, all the way from Bliz zardville, John Nolan and Con Keys was prevented by the intervention of Chrrles Wrede and William Joyce Monday. The affair was due to a mis understanding. It appears that Sny der has been engaged in cutting cock le burrs on the shares for several friends recently and had accumulated almost enough for his winter supply, stacking them in the rear of Henry Cook’s business block. Mr. Nolan laboring under the impression that they were from his own property in the west part of town, it seems dis posed of them to Mr. Keys, the latter being an entirely innocent purchaser. The affair has been adjusted by Mr. Nolan agreeing to replace Snyder’s cockle burrs from his own sup/ply. The statement of the condition of the Nebraska State Bank of O’Neill at the close of business September 30, appearing elsewhere in this issue, is one it is well for local citizens to read and digest. Showing as it does a healthy growth in business and a cash reserve of practically a third of its deposits of *366,117.29, it is an indica tion of the safe and sound policy of banking pursued by the banking inter ests of O’Neill. O’Neill indeed is for tunate in its banking institutions. During the times of depreciation and deflation their soundness has been un questioned and in fact they have rank ed at the head of all of the banking institutions of the state, both large and small, in this respect. And at the same time there has been money to loan to regular customers legitimately in need of it. Very few cities and towns in the state and nation can report as satisfactory condition. Mrs. Frank O’Conner, sr., and Ed ward O’Connell were called to Chicago Sunday afternoon by receipt of the sad intelligence that their nephew and cousin, Frank O’Connell of that city, had been murdered Saturday by ban dits. Mr. O’Connell had been engaged in the cigar business at Twenty-sec ond and Halstead streets for many years and was accustomed on Satur days to cash salary checks for custo mers, to a very large total amount. Saturday bandits entered the store and held it up. Mr. O’Connell resisted and attempted to secure posession of the pistol of one of the men. He was shot by another, the bullet entering just below the heart and killing him. The bandits then rifled the cash regis ter, securing several thousand dollars in Currency. A municipal court bai liff passing on the opposite side of the street was attracted by the shooting an 1, noting the direction taken by the bar its in their flight, notified the Maxwell street police station. The man were apprehended within several b'ocks of the scene of the murder with the loot still in their possession. The funeral of Mr. O’Connell was held Tuesday. : Svi^ecr Per Sk. $7.50 / lb. package pepper 35c While Pickling Vinigar, 50c per gallon Seal Brand Coffee, 40c lb. Comb Honey, 25c per pound. J. C. Horiskey Rummage Sale and Friday and Saturday, October 13th and 14th~ In the old Biglin Store Lunch served continuously from 11:30 to late evening Menu: Soup, Ham Sandwitch, Baked Beans, Pie, Doughnuta, Rolls, Pickles, Hash, Coffee. Come and See our bargains in Cloth ing, Furniture, Shoes, Books and Novelties. O’Neill Woman’s Club George Babl, Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz, and daughters, Elda and Armilla and Miss Mamie Cole left Wednesday by auto for an extended visit with relatives and friends at Humphrey and Cornlea, Nebraska. Ed. O Conner, of Emmet, received a number of cuts on his face and hands when he was'thrown through the wind shield of his Ford car last Thursday evening. It seems that Ed was driving on the grade north of ON’eill when the car departed from the straight and narrow way and landed up against the bank on the opposite side of the ditch causing Ed to travel through the wind shield. Both Ed and the car were badly damaged. Out-of-state hunters are flocking to Holt county this fall as the prairie chicken Mecca of the country. Seven non-resident licenses were issued by County Clerk Porter the first of the week,, to the following: W. F. Miller, E. H. Higgins, Des Moines, Iowa; E. H. Hawbaker, Stratford, Iowa; C. E. Hughes, F. L. Shoemaker, Andrew Brown and Oliver Lambert, Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. Hughes is a trap shooter of national fame. H. C. Howard was ilp from Page several days last week visiting with old time friends ar.d attending the Holt county fair. The Woman’s Club have arranged for an entertainment to be given by Skcvgaard (Scow Gaw) and his tal ented wife who are touring the large cities of the country. The only reason that the club were able to secure a date with these entertainers was because of an open date between Norfolk and Chadron. This will indeed be a musical treat. The entertainment will be given at the K. C. opera house, Satur day evening, October 28th. Thomas N Jenkins left Sunday for New York he will complete his work at Columbia university for his !”!. D. dgree. JVir. Jenkins, who grad uated with high honors in medicine at the University of Cicago just jre vious to the entrance of the United States into the world war, served with distinction over seas and since that time has been engaged with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenkins, in farming on the Will Cronin place north of the city .which they purchas ed several years ago. 42 head of feeders, mostly 2s and 3s. 25 sucking calves. 25 yearting steers and heifers. These cattle are all in excellent flesh. Wallace Johnson O’Neill, Nebraska