The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 06, 1894, Image 8

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To The....
Fruit, Flowers,
Corn, Cotton,
.Land of Sunshine and Plenty..
The Grand Prairie of
Arkansas County, Arkansas,
Offers Great Inducements
For Farms and Homes
Offers a climate that compares with the most favored
part of our continent. ::::::::::
Finest fruit country in the world. ::::::
The extreme heat of the south and the intense cold of
the north are never known. :::::::
Good Land
Good Timber
Good Air
Good Water
Good Climate
- Good Health
Good People
Good Towns
Good Schools
Good Markets
Good Rain Fall
Rich, productive timber and prairie lands at from $3 to $8 per acre, high dry and healthy, on the most favorable terms.
This county offers greater opportunities for the poor mah who wants a home where he can grow anything that mother
earth produces than any country in the world. See for yourself. Special excursion on September 10 and 25 and Octo
ber 9. We want some Holt county farmers to go with us on Sept. 10 and will make very low rates. Come in and
talk it over.
Land Com. Stuttgart <fc Arkansas R. R.
Land Com. Missouri Pacific R. R.
Now is tlie time to go to
Arkansas to purchase
farms. Two million
acres of fine farming,
fruit and timber land
for sale by this com
pany on easy terms.
Colony now organizing
(to with the
Crowd on...
Maps and pamphlets
furnished tree.
Three Grand Land Excursions
WJi^ouPi pacific Railroad. andtoStobera9nd 25
Call on or address
District Land and Passenger Agents
Will be in O’Neill till Saturday and will
be pleased to answer all inquiries.
Bt Julia Sullivan.
. Monday was the opening day of the
school year, and a large number of
pupils displayed their knowledge of the
fact by answering to roll call. In the
high school the greater part of the fore
noon was occupied by the distribution
of books, classification of pupils in their
several grades and in the arrangement
of a program, while the schools dis
missed in the afternoon gave its mem
bers ample time to prepare their lessons
for the following day. Prof. McGuire
opened the session by a well-timed
address advancing his views regarding
school discipline which were well re
ceived by the pupils in general. He was
followed by Misses Carlon and Lowrie
who each delivered brief but instructive
talks, mere are now iour classes m
tbe bigb school viz: Freshmen, Sopho
more, Junior and Senior, the . last of
_ which consists, of but a single jrnpil who
will have completed the course ’/by next
June. Prof.'*McGuire will have charge
of the scientific and mathematical
branches, and thus far has established a
well founded reputation of being one of,
if not the ablest, of all tbe professors
who have ever had charge of our schools,
while his assistant, Miss Lowrie, who is a
very accomplished young lady, having
pursued a six years course in latin under
various able instructors including an
ex-precepter of Cornell University and
tbe principal of the Boston Latin school,
will instruct the classes in latin and
literature. The professor has estab
lished • "Beading Table” which will be
visited by no less tlisn twenty exchanges
weekly, thus furnishing the pupils with
excellent reading matter, and forming a
taste for literature. The program, in
keeping with all other ordinances and
arrangements of the new regime, pro
vides for tho introduction and manipu
lation of etymological textbooks, the
study of which is withal so useful, and
heretofore unheard of in this district,
that this alone without mention of
numerous other improvements and novel
methods, augurs well for the success of
the high school, at least. Then too. the
pupils of this department are treated as
ladies and gentlemen, and put upon
their honor in matters of discipline.
All the members of the board of edu
cation favored the various rooms with
their presence for a short time on
rror. McGuire bu decided that the
address of all pupils occupying his room
is High school, O’Neill, Grattan town
ship, Holt county. Neb., United States,
North America, Western Hemisphere,
Earth, Solar System, Universe, Space.
In writing to pupils, please do not fail to
write the address clearly and in full,
as any misdirecting additions or ommis
sions may send the epistle to Mars or
some other solarpl&net.
Mrs. T. D. Hanley visited the high
school Wednesday.
A committee on music, consisting of
Misses Uowrie, Hienrickson, O’Sullivan
and Cullen has been appointed for the
purpose of selecting a suitable song
book for use in the high school and
second grammar departments. The
pupils are expected to purchase those
books, and the professor Las faithfully
promised the people in the immediate
vicinity of the school to keep the win
dows lighHy closed during the opening
A class in calisthetics will be organ
ized and directed by Miss Lowrie next
Several new scholars have entered the
sophomore class since Monday.
Somebody has referred to Prof. Mc
Guire's “the revival of learniug;”
truly it is such for tho O'Neill schools.
There’s Always a Season.
It is an easy thing to account for the
wonderful growth of the Daily State
•Journal recently. Its price has been
reduced to 50 cents per month without
Sunday or 65 cents with Sunday. The
Journal has always been reliable and
honest, printing the news without fear
or favor. The people of Nebraska realize
that they need a paper published at the
capital, and when the price of the Jour
nal was reduced the subscription list
grew at a pheuomenal rate. The Jour
nal is a Nebraska paper through and
Letter List.
Following Is the list of letters remaining in
the postofficeat O’Neill, Neb., unclaimed, lor
the week ending August 22,1894:
It G Adam. Peter John F. .1 Johnssn
WJ Young
In calling for the above please sny ‘‘adver
tised.” If not called for In two weeks they
will be sent to the dead letter office.
J. H. Eicos P. M.
There will be a meeting of the officers
and members of the Holt County Agri
cultural society at Campbell’s st 2 r. m.
Saturday, September 8, 1894. 1
H. Hodokim, President.
'iw-r.-' .. y. .. I •
Awarded Highest Honors atWorld Fa r
& pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. free
hmt Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
For The Campaign.
The campaign this fall will be of the
greatest interest to all the citizens of
Nebraska. The Omaha Weekly Bee
will handle all the issues of importance
during the campaign in its usual able
manner and proposes to make a price of
20 cents for the balance of this year to
all Nebraska subscribers who may desire
to keep thoroughly posted on the im
portant issues that will be discussed
Send us20 cents in silver or stamps
for the 12-page Weekly Bee up to Jan
uary 1, 189.1i. Address, Tiie Omaha Bee.
Omaha, Neb.
The best mutual insurance policy
against attacks of sickness is to be found
in taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Prevention is better than cute, and
you may prevent Ibat tired feeling by
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which will
keep your blood pure and free from
acid taint and germs of disease.
Hood’s Pills do not weaken, but aid
digestion and tone the stomach.
Hood's pills are the best after dinner
pills, assist digestion, cure headache.
Try a box, 25c.
Hood’s pills cure all liver ills, bilious
ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick head
Land Office at O’Neill, Neb.
July 31,1804.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
register and receiver at O’Neill. Neb., on
September 8.1894, viz:
JOHN L. KUHNS, HE No. 14357
for the SW*£ Sec. 25, Twp. 31, It. 13 west Cth
P. M,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: _ . _
William Veal, Wallace Johnson, John Gor
don, of Kay, Neb.'; Peter Winn, of Atkinson,
Neb. 4-0 JOHN A. U Alt MON, Register.
Land Office at O’Neill, Neb., )
September 1,1894. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at O’Neill,
Nebraska, on October 17,1804, viz:
STEPHEN BAUSC1I, H. E. No. 14,127,
For the NW section 19, township 30, north
range 12 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Frank Heeb, Joseph
Ernest, Henry Winkler and Joseph Winkler,
all of O’Neill, Nebraska.
9 0 JOHN A. HARMON, Register.
Isaac C. Edwards and Mrs. Edwards, Shis
wife, (first and real name unknown), de
fendants, will take notice that United Trust,
Limited, a corporation, plaintiff, has filed a
petititiou in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against said defendants. Im
pleaded with Orrin C. Smith, the object arid
prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage
dated March 14, 1889, for 8700 and interest, on
the southeast quarter of section 7, in town
ship 30, north of range 10 west of the 6th P. M.
in Ilolt county, Nebraska, given by Orrin C.
Smith to the Globe Investment company and
assigned to plaintiff, which mortgage was
recorded in book 47 at page 78 of mortgage
records of said county, and to have the same
decreed to be a first lien and said land sold
to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 24th day of September, 1894.
Dated August 15,1894. 6-4
8. D. THORNTON, Atty. for Pltf.
Adolph Kell, Plaintiff,
Michael F. Abitz (widower), Regina Adrians
and husband, Peter Adrians, Julia A.
Hurst and Mr. Hurst, her husband (first
name unknown), Elizabeth R. Dulin and
husband Mr. Dulin (first and full name un
known), Jerome C. Dulin and wife, Mrs.
Jerome C. Duliu, Stephen H. Boulles, Wil
liam Bruder, Mrs. William Bruder, defend
The above named defendants and each of
them will take notice that on the 17th day of
August, 1894, the above named plaintiff filed
his petition in the district court of Holt
county, Nebreska, against the above named
defendants and each of them, the object and
prayer of said petition being to foreclose a
certain trust deed or mortgage executed by
the defendant Michael F. Abitz (a widower)
to J. H. Keith, trustee for Eugene Wester-:
velt, upon the following described real
estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska,
The north half of the northwest quarter
section seventeen (17) and the east half of the
northeast quarter of section eighteen (IS),
all in township thirty (30). range thirteen (13)
west of the 6th P. M.; which trust deed or
mortgage was given to secure the payment
of of a certain bond or note dated January 1,
1887, for the sum of $550 due five years after
date, with interest at 7 per cent, per annum
payable semi-annually. Plaintiff alleges
that there is due him on said note or boml j
and trust deed or mortgage the sum of $1,000
i by reason of defendants failure to pay said
' note and interest when due, together with
the further sum of $50.60 taxes paid by the
plaintiff on the 27th day of July, 1894, with
interest at 10 per cent, from that date. The
plaintiff prays for a decree that the. defend
ants be required to pay the same or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due, and that the interest of
each of the above named defendants bedecreed
I be subject, junior and inferior to the lien of
plaintiff’s mortgage, and for other equitable
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 1st day of October, 1894.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 20th day of
August, 1894. It. R. DICKSON,
7-4 Attorney for Plaintiff.
George W. Morris and Emma S. Morris, de
fendants, will take notice that J. L. Moo»*e
trustee, plaintiff, has filed a petition in the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against said defendants the object and pray
er of which are to foreclose a mortgage
dated March 16, 1888, for $575 and interest and
tax payments, on the northwest quarter of
section 28, in township 28. north of range 11.
west of the 6th 1*. M„ in Holt county, Ne
braska, given by said defendants to the
Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation and as
signed to plaintiff, which mortgage was re
corded in Du ok 36, at page 83 of mortgage
records of said county, and to have the same
decreed to ho a first lien and the said land
sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer the same on or
beiore the 1st day of October, 18!M.
Dated August 10, 1S!4, 7,4
_ „ _ m J- L. Moore, Trustee, Pltf.
Py B, D, Thornton, Ills Attorney.
George V. Weaver and Mary E. Weaver,
defendants, will take notice that .1. L. Moore,
Plaintiff, has filed a petition in the
district court of llolt county, Nebraska,
against said desendants, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a niort
gage dated December 4, 1888, for S250 and
interest and tax payments, on the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter and the
southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
and the northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section thirteen, in
township 31 north of range 1(1, wert of the
(>th P. M . in Holt county, Nebraska, given
. Weaver and Mary E. Weaver to
the Globe Investment Company and assigned
to the plaintiff, which wa.-. recorded in book
44, at page 127. of mortgage records of said
county, and to have the same decreed to be a
same Cn al><* su^ land sold to satisfy the
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 1st day of October, 1894.
Dated August 23.1SH4. 7-4
„ .. .!• L. Moons, Trustee, Plaintiff.
By b-1). Thoknton, His Attorney.
Ilenry Kohler, Anna Dora Kohler, W. C.
Robinson, Mary Ann Rutherford, and j. S
\V ingate, defendants, will take notice that J.
L. Moore.trustee plnlntitT.lms hied a petition
ill the district court of Holt conntv. Ne
braska, against said defendants, the obieet
und prayer of which are to foreclose a mort
onRn!j' i'1 lfis8.f°r and interest
on lot, 4 and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of sect ion three, and lot
one. and the south east quarter of the north
east quarter of section four in township 2ft
north of range !>, west of the 0 l*. M Wt
county, Nebraska, given by Henry Kohler
and Anna Dora Kohler, to the Dakota Mortal
uhrintiff""wI!mi'1 r'll 1 °11 ■ uud assigned to Urn
‘J1-... was recorded iu
boj>k at pmre i»(j,, of mortgage records of
hia*°hlr'L y’i«onU to the samedecreed to
thesume!1 11 and said laud sold to satisfy
nr^be rmsmmmiVTiJ to ?nswor said petition on
or berore the 1st day of October 1894.
Dated, August 23,1894.
w_a n 'rn„.■- Moore, trustee plain tiff.
tsy a. li. rhorntou, uis attorney.
(fate Sank of f
At O’Neill, In the state of Nehr,
close of business August SI, 18M;
Loans and discounts.
Overdrafts secured and
Other stocks, bonds and
Due from national banks 39.67k
Due from State Banks "
and bankers. 1,600
Banking house, furniture "
and fixtures and other
real estate.
Current expenses and
taxes paid.
Checks and other cash
Items. oidd,
Bills of other banks. 3,gig -.
Fractional paper cur
rency, ntckles and cents n
Specie....... 9l«
Legal tender notes. 5,0U)
Capital stock paid In.
Undivided profits.
Individual deposits sub
ject to check. 33,
Demand certificates of
deposit. 9,
Time certificates of de
posit. 4i,
Due to State Banks and
bankers.... . 6.
Bills papable.
,687 53
797 1:
',■105 9(
State of Nobraska, County of Holt
I, John McHugh, cashier of th
named bank, do solemnly sweat
above statement Is true to the
knowledge and belief.
John McHtiou.
Subscribed and sworn to her,*
8rd day of Sep.. 1894. J. H. Meh
[seal] Notart
My commission expires March »f
Livery, Feed and Sale Si
Finest turnouts in the
Good, careful drivers
wanted. Also run the 0’
Omnibus line. Comm
trade a specialty. Have a
of HcCaffert’s hearse.
Fresh, Dried and Salt
Sugar-cured Ham, Bn
Bacon, Spice Roll Bat
Kinds of Sausages. .
Purchase Tickets and Const
Freight via the
F. E.&M.V.andSJ
Passenger east, - * !
Freight east, - • ' *
Freight west, - • •
Passenger west, • -
The Elkhorn Line is now runnln?
Chair Cars daily, between Oui:ih!iaJ
wood, jroe to holders of first-class
Fer any Information call0
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtaineJ
ent business conducted for Modch‘t!—
,Oua Office is Opposite U. S. P‘tC
and we can secure patent in less US'*
remote from Washington.
bend model, drawing or photo.,v '
,,tion. We advise, if patentable °r '■
i charge. Our fee not due till pair - ,
» PaxPHLET, “How to Obtain !’> ■
cost of tame in the V. & and foreifi"
Ont free. Address,
Opp. Patent onice, Wasmingtc'^