SOUTH! To The.... Fruit, Flowers, Corn, Cotton, Timber,Vegetables .Land of Sunshine and Plenty.. The Grand Prairie of Arkansas County, Arkansas, Offers Great Inducements For Farms and Homes Offers a climate that compares with the most favored part of our continent. :::::::::: Finest fruit country in the world. :::::: The extreme heat of the south and the intense cold of the north are never known. ::::::: ARKANSAS NO COLD SNAPS NO HEATED TERMS NO CYCLONES NO BLIZZARDS Good Land Good Timber Good Air Good Water Good Climate - Good Health Good People Good Towns Good Schools Good Markets Good Rain Fall Rich, productive timber and prairie lands at from $3 to $8 per acre, high dry and healthy, on the most favorable terms. This county offers greater opportunities for the poor mah who wants a home where he can grow anything that mother earth produces than any country in the world. See for yourself. Special excursion on September 10 and 25 and Octo ber 9. We want some Holt county farmers to go with us on Sept. 10 and will make very low rates. Come in and talk it over. W D MATHEWS, Land Com. Stuttgart th P. M . in Holt county, Nebraska, given . Weaver and Mary E. Weaver to the Globe Investment Company and assigned to the plaintiff, which wa.-. recorded in book 44, at page 127. of mortgage records of said county, and to have the same decreed to be a same Cn al><* su^ land sold to satisfy the You are required to answer said petition on or before the 1st day of October, 1894. Dated August 23.1SH4. 7-4 „ .. .!• L. Moons, Trustee, Plaintiff. By b-1). Thoknton, His Attorney. NOTICE. Ilenry Kohler, Anna Dora Kohler, W. C. Robinson, Mary Ann Rutherford, and j. S \V ingate, defendants, will take notice that J. L. Moore.trustee plnlntitT.lms hied a petition ill the district court of Holt conntv. Ne braska, against said defendants, the obieet und prayer of which are to foreclose a mort onRn!j' i'1 lfis8.f°r and interest on lot, 4 and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of sect ion three, and lot one. and the south east quarter of the north east quarter of section four in township 2ft north of range !>, west of the 0 l*. M Wt county, Nebraska, given by Henry Kohler and Anna Dora Kohler, to the Dakota Mortal uhrintiff""wI!mi'1 r'll 1 °11 ■ uud assigned to Urn ‘J1-... was recorded iu boj>k at pmre i»(j,, of mortgage records of hia*°hlr'L y’i«onU to the samedecreed to thesume!1 11 and said laud sold to satisfy nr^be rmsmmmiVTiJ to ?nswor said petition on or berore the 1st day of October 1894. Dated, August 23,1894. w_a n 'rn„.■- Moore, trustee plain tiff. tsy a. li. rhorntou, uis attorney. Bd. REPORT OF THE CONDITION (fate Sank of f At O’Neill, In the state of Nehr, close of business August SI, 18M; RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. Overdrafts secured and unsecured. Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. Due from national banks 39.67k Due from State Banks " and bankers. 1,600 Banking house, furniture " and fixtures and other real estate. Current expenses and taxes paid. Checks and other cash Items. oidd, Bills of other banks. 3,gig -. Fractional paper cur rency, ntckles and cents n Specie....... 9l« Legal tender notes. 5,0U) Total. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. Undivided profits. Individual deposits sub ject to check. 33, Demand certificates of deposit. 9, Time certificates of de posit. 4i, Due to State Banks and bankers.... . 6. Bills papable. ,687 53 797 1: ',■105 9( Total. State of Nobraska, County of Holt I, John McHugh, cashier of th named bank, do solemnly sweat above statement Is true to the knowledge and belief. John McHtiou. Subscribed and sworn to her,* 8rd day of Sep.. 1894. J. H. Meh [seal] Notart My commission expires March »f DeYarmanI CHECKER ftfTTfVTVIlT Livery, Feed and Sale Si Finest turnouts in the Good, careful drivers wanted. Also run the 0’ Omnibus line. Comm trade a specialty. Have a of HcCaffert’s hearse. C. GATZ Fresh, Dried and Salt Sugar-cured Ham, Bn Bacon, Spice Roll Bat Kinds of Sausages. . (fl Purchase Tickets and Const Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andSJ RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPAllf GOING EAST. Passenger east, - * ! Freight east, - • ' * OOINQ WIST. Freight west, - • • Passenger west, • - Freight, The Elkhorn Line is now runnln? Chair Cars daily, between Oui:ih!iaJ wood, jroe to holders of first-class tatlon, Fer any Information call0 w, J. DOBBS O’NEILL. NJEB. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtaineJ ent business conducted for Modch‘t!— ,Oua Office is Opposite U. S. P‘tC and we can secure patent in less US'* remote from Washington. bend model, drawing or photo.,v ' ,,tion. We advise, if patentable °r '■ i charge. Our fee not due till pair - , » PaxPHLET, “How to Obtain !’> ■ cost of tame in the V. & and foreifi" Ont free. Address, 3.A.SNOW&I Opp. Patent onice, Wasmingtc'^