The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 03, 1893, Image 5

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    . . BURTWOOD 22388
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Owned by DeYARMAN BROS.,
In ono precinct In Holt county the
Mieuor foiled to find o tingle article of
houtehold furniture. Hod he returned
a few tablet and cbaira and o bed or two
tho country would be plunged In grief
for the poor mortal* who hove been toll
ing for years uml tleeplng on the cold,
hard ground, ami braving a Holt county
bliexard with no ttove In which lo burn
the wild grata that constitutes the fuel
of that particular section of Nebraska.
11 the present attestor will be permitted
to hold bis job through the coming ^
years that precinct wilt toon become the
moat populous and prosperous place
within the border* of our state. All the
tax shirkers would be headed that way !
before the * next rainstorm.—Chadron
The Hold of tho itinerant advertising
fakir Is a large one, and he may always
be found abroad In It, like a roaring
lion, seeking whom be may devour.
The average basilicas man has an In*
definite idea that advertising pays but
he usually lacks tho ability to dislin*
gulah between a profitable plan of doing
It and a skin gamo—and the Itinerant
always presents him a skin, game to
nibble at. 0. Wesley llill. .the venal
scalawag who recently sojourned in |
Fremont long enough to announce that
he would present a drama at (he opera
house, proposed to Issue a progAm of
the play and make business men pay for
it in advertisements. He evon accom
modated some ot them by collecting hie
pay In ndvance, A few days after ha
borrowed his wife's wateh, skipped the
town and abandoned her. He was fol
lowed by another faKir who proposed to
print advertisements on the back of
hotel letter paper. Tbe value of this
was perfectly apparent—to tho fakir. J:
It would build up a retail trade here by
inducing the business tlrra* of tbe east,
to whom traveling men who stop at the
hotel wrlto letters on this paper, to
come here and buy of our merchants. •
Great scheme and a great head tbut con
ceived It, but greater still those wbo
patron l/cd <t. Previous to both these
another fake was successfully worked
In Fremont It was a commercial re
view of tho city. Space in tbe paper
was hold on a basis of 10,000 copies. %
Four thousand were actually printed,
and nearly half of these are still piled
up In the press room ol tho office where
they were printed. Advertising in
almost any form helps tiade. It psye
to keep your name and ycur business
before tbe eye and in tbe mind of the
public. It need hardly be added that an
advertisement in a newspaper performs
its legitimate function. It must be
mailed to subscribers because they buy
the paper and want it, and It cannot be
left piled up In the office of publication,
Moreover the subscriber helps to pay
the cost, whereas In the multifarious
skin schemes of tbe fakirs tbe whole
cost comes upon tho advertiser.—Fre
j mont Tribune.
LEGAL notice.
Janies Ohnpinun. Mnry Chapman bis wife,
und June Valentine, Impleaded with Alonso
<+. Halley et al.. defendants, will take notion
Unit on tliu 23tli day of July, IKKI. Montague
J. Clmputiin mid A. C. Col lodge, partners do
lutr business under the llrm inline of Chup
iiiuii A Company, plaintiff herein. Died tbelr
uetlllon In tlio district court of Holt county,
Nebraska against said defendants, the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain inortgagoexecuted by defendants Alonso
O. llalley and Lauru li. Halley to Chapman ft
Company upon the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section six, and .the
north half of the northeu“t quarter of section
seven, und the northwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of section etghh township
rwenty-slx, range nine, west, lu Holt county,
Nebraska, to secure stlie payment of one
promissory note dated May 1. 1880, for the
sum of 1600 and Interest at the rate of six per
cent, per annum payable semi-annually and
ten per cent, after maturity; that there Is
now due upon said note and mortgage ac
cording to the terms thereof the asm of MOO
and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per
anuum from May 1,1803, and plulntlff prays
that said premises may be decreed to be sold
to satisfy the amount due thereon.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 4th day of Septem
ber, 1003.
Dated J uly 28, 1803.
Montaoui J. Chapman ft A. O. Cottnai,
3-4A Plaintiffs.
lly virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained
before the district oourt of Holt county. Ne
braska, on the 8th day of February, 1803, in
favor of Robert 8. Somers as plaintiff ana
against Edward S. Kelley, James C. Taylor,
Olive D. Kelley, Ueorge W. E. Dorsey and
Check H. Toncray as defendants for the sum
of fifteen hundred forty-three dollars and
fifty-seven cents and costs taxed at 137.78 and
accruing costs I have levied upon the follow
ing premises, taken as the property of said
dereudants. to satisfy said order of auto,
The southeast quarter of section throe (3),
lu township twenty-eight. (20), rouge thirteen
031. and the east half of the northeast quart
er and the northeast quarterof tbnsoutheast
quarter of section twenty-two (93), and tho
northwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of section twenty-three (23), all In township
twenty-eight (28) and- range thlrteen,(13) west
of the 0th p. m. In Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
lMghest bidder for cash. In hand, on the 14th
day of August, A. D., 1803, in front of the
court-house In O'Neill, that being the build
lug wherein the last term of district oourt
was held, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of
said day when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
this 12th day of J uly, A. D„ HUB.
1-5 H. C. McRVONY, Sheriff.
Aujruata Hoffman, widow of Paul Hoffman
deceased, Rebekah llesser, Josephus Messer,
Lyler Hoffman, Thomas J. Hoffman,
Louisa Hoffman, Paul Hoffman,
Mary Ann Hoffman. Alioe
Hoffman, Rachel Norton, John Norton,
Simeon Fitch, Thomas Dunne. Mary Dunne,
and the unknown heirs of Margret Pitch,
deceased, and Martha Buffington, non-resi
dent defendants, notice Is hereby given, that
on thu 7th day of July, 181)8, The Iowa Mort
gage Co., plaintiff in this action, filed his
petition In the office of the clerk of the dis
trict court of Holt county, Neb., the object
and prayer of which is to foreclose two cer
tain mortgages executed by Thomas Dunne
and Mary Dunne upon the southwest quarter
of southwest quarter of section S and the
north half of the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter section seven township 27
range 11 west 6 P. M. in Holt county. Neb.,
which mortgages was executed aud delivered
to plaintiff and filed for record on the 22d
da j of April and the j.’fthjdajr of May. 1887,
and recorded In books 25 and 2, of mortgages
at pages 50 and 517, that there is uow due
upon said mortgages the sum of 81177.SB.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the Jlstt day of August.lWB, or the
same will be taken as true and Judgment
entered aocordlugly. H. M. UTTLEY,
1-4 Attorney for Plaintiff.