. . BURTWOOD 22388 BY NUTWOOD 600. ! v . a^‘.. .< ’ Dam NANETT, By STRATHMORE 408. . - * Owned by DeYARMAN BROS., PROPRIETORS OF [OLE WILD STOCK. FARM, o neill, NEB. In ono precinct In Holt county the Mieuor foiled to find o tingle article of houtehold furniture. Hod he returned a few tablet and cbaira and o bed or two tho country would be plunged In grief for the poor mortal* who hove been toll ing for years uml tleeplng on the cold, hard ground, ami braving a Holt county bliexard with no ttove In which lo burn the wild grata that constitutes the fuel of that particular section of Nebraska. 11 the present attestor will be permitted to hold bis job through the coming ^ years that precinct wilt toon become the moat populous and prosperous place within the border* of our state. All the tax shirkers would be headed that way ! before the * next rainstorm.—Chadron .InurnRl. The Hold of tho itinerant advertising fakir Is a large one, and he may always be found abroad In It, like a roaring lion, seeking whom be may devour. The average basilicas man has an In* definite idea that advertising pays but he usually lacks tho ability to dislin* gulah between a profitable plan of doing It and a skin gamo—and the Itinerant always presents him a skin, game to nibble at. 0. Wesley llill. .the venal scalawag who recently sojourned in | Fremont long enough to announce that he would present a drama at (he opera house, proposed to Issue a progAm of the play and make business men pay for it in advertisements. He evon accom modated some ot them by collecting hie pay In ndvance, A few days after ha borrowed his wife's wateh, skipped the town and abandoned her. He was fol lowed by another faKir who proposed to print advertisements on the back of hotel letter paper. Tbe value of this was perfectly apparent—to tho fakir. J: It would build up a retail trade here by inducing the business tlrra* of tbe east, to whom traveling men who stop at the hotel wrlto letters on this paper, to come here and buy of our merchants. • Great scheme and a great head tbut con ceived It, but greater still those wbo patron l/cd