The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 13, 1893, Image 7

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- word as to
the ef
say a uora 48 to , .
German Syrup. I have
niv fatnilv for Bronchitis,
of Colds, with most ex
cces,. 1 have taken it my
hroat Troubles, and have
„od results therefrom. I
recommend itto my neigb
t excellent remedy in such
imcs T. Durette, Earlys
Beware of dealers who
‘something just as good. ”
asist on having Boschee’s
iyrnp. '_®
A .
t8? WlWSIi OTItT A"°
fc K!„, herb?. and 11 prepared for see
im. It l» filled _
iiuHlI it it Me. end II a packaae. It
ii, mnd four id Oran fur a free
lila'a Family Medtctae mayea
1 -Ml... AlifilVM _
tog Mothers!
Ft 0|*r Tan • Mtmttff
MM Inform Bnfrt* M
U/ka/JTedfcar mod CMM.
Mi Cmftnrmmt rfUm
trim, Mirrtr mnd Mirk,
•mitettlMf “ Hather’a Friaad” I
3 Mia yata, aad 4M aot iiperteaoe tfeak
■flimid mull la luoh oama.—Mia.
a law, >a.. Jam. 1Mb. MM.
•ram. ekaira prepaid, aa yaeatataf
Kuniu picooim.,
isilf Token Up
rs in Scott’s
ion is easily
up by the
i. In no
torm can so
fat-food be
lated with
jury to the ''
L of digestion.
Ms Emulsion
Liver Oil with Hypophos
nas come to be an article
fy day use, a prompt and
Secure for Colds, Coughs,
t troubles, and a positive
r of flesh.
ficotta Bown,.y. Y. AlMwMi«tfc
and Brilliant
David Frost ,
Morses Indian Sagwa.
«mli.0/,„r>avi<l„fro*t’ the "oW A
li!,. Ultl’ "111 he recognized
w,Uh Mr. Frost,
whj,!l, ’ ?i,h tlu* convincing
"m- of 1 "meter:izes his re.
Inci,|. J■ Widest evils with
-lie >i,(.,i,,'i'!lP<;r‘UK'e lluv*i to
ir I ,.i, ij "mskey decoctions
■"uiImI *'X wlileli the
'‘"Karin-,"*Ifuise of ‘Bit
“'Hi' ' •■liners,’ iih.l other
F"°'r- I’-ostos, mass.
"at «» i m. .V , l'°*>t‘i‘ue.l Mr.
►flliis | "I'Hetary medicine*
"iln, * ; ""1''' f"<-t 1 know
1 i,,»rj\aii,u ilir nie,i»tt ^Plwulhl
'"'‘vent ..It P'1 thriller, hut
*"■> Pree f,’ ''etcrioratliut in.
■'"’s i,‘ Harmful Efleets,
I11!» not 'IT'«'V ‘I may
‘,i,; lo appear as
In . P jemeily. but in
;'l Mriiioi. “ >’ «»yto commend
"'j'llan Siijjua' K l|,‘'ian race,
1»'."»! f,.,r 11 ,m»
rnl inv » liuif sick.
’""ter'J., j'-'i ■eheilious stomach
'Mini. S.IB, ! , nor,m*l capacity,
'"‘■“■s H-l/'t'Jr restored m? to u
M else vouM. I
■■"i'i- Ills'll. i,'° 1° learn some
r “v1 v» or*ffih,
“.. ’ "ot only an old
iy-ii.l,. PoHtv1 o t>Ut
t " 't-;i‘, s., ,lv anil Harmless
tV'A,maiataineil. and
Mill Piirrlo,! .... i_
.tiirhue i,. I,,!',,aini»ln««l. ami
"lis-l. I la. tVv ‘ tried on by
.. ■
I,..*" *U-C*OT
R'sii,. u...I 'Je Red Man.
J*"ve» “nil Flow
' ’ ai„t tL s,-Umt enter inti
’ . '.r''"ktli which i:
i-m iio.’v 'h'sestrensrtl
.nr ib.w.p ^°blc k.xhilara
'""-••I J * ''1,!!1111* Purlfie!
1 >11 t.1,,1 phi son, coursini
1 Aitery of the llu
l,'s ■- ' I’im'Zl1!* earnest force <
*ar; lie !..U[ 1 ’V, w,'1terau
1*00 !_J. remedy.
'«*" Sagwa
■ H per bottle. 6 for $5,
tttoti *Mn»
A lady school teacher in Boston, who
Is rather proud of her profession tlun
the revenie, is not pleased at having her
occupation thrust forward when she
meeto strangers. Not long ago at a
reception, the hostess regularly men
tioned her occupation in introducing
At length the hostess presented a
young man, adding to the introduction,
as usual, “Miss Faneuil is one of our
school teachers.”
The gentleman bowed, but Miss Fan- j
«uil said:
“I beg your- pardon, Mrs Allen, but '
I did not catch what the gentleman's
business is.”
“What the gentleman’s business is?"
repeated the hostess in perplexity.
“Yes,” MissFaneuil said, “I thought
it only right that this acquaintance
should start fair, and as you told him
my employment, it seemed only fair
that I should know his.”
The point was understood, and taken
good naturedly, but the teacher was no
longer introduced in her official capaci
ty-—Youth’s Companion.
Any sudden change in the condition of
the atmosphere is certain to bring its har
vest of roughs and colds. These, if suffered
to run on, are likely terminate in consump
tion ; but they may be readily cured by Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup. I
Ambition Crushed.
Nice little boy—“I wish yon would
teach me to black boots.”
Bootblack—"What fur?”
‘•I’m not satisfied with my aimless
existence at home and 1 wish to be in
dependent.” *
“I see. Kin you lick one boy twice
as big as yersclf wid one hand, hold y'r
kit in th’ other an’ keep off two otlier
boys wid y'r feet?”
‘•Too bad. You won't do fur a boot
black. I'm ’ftaid you’ll have to go
home an' grow up a dude. ”—Good News.
Carpenters, and other mechanics, who are
so apt to fall from scaffolds and dislocate a
limb, will please remember that there is
nothing so j^od'for inflammation as Salva
tion Oil, the greatest' cure 'for sprains and
Mslng Bias Up.
Paragraphist—“Have you seen the
new editor in chief yet?”
Literary Editor—‘‘No; have you?”
Paragraphist—“Yes, and I have been
sizing him up.”
Literary Editor—“You have?”
Paragraphist—“I have, indeed, and I
have come to the conclusion that he has
no hayseed in his hair.”
Literary Editor—-“What makes you
think so?” v
Paragraphist—“He is entirely bald.’’
New York Press.
Of medicinal agents is gradually rele
gating the old-time herbs, pills, draughts
and vegetable extracts to the rear and I
bringing into general use the pleasant
and effective liquid laxative, Syrup of
Figs. To get the true remedy see that
it is manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only. Forsale by all leading
Coming Out of His Shell.
As they were sitting loooking at the
fire, he suddenly stole a kiss.
“Well,” she said, “you surprise me.”
He made no reply.
“I did not expect you would do that. "
No answer.
“I’m beginning to think.” she added,
after a pause, “that you are not such a
ninny as you sometimes makeout to be,
And she proceeded to do up her back ]
hair, which had suddenly tumbled,
with a look of great satisfaction on her
face.—Yarmouth Begister.
In da Kubber ‘‘Paving Stones."
New ideas in paving have lately at
tracted attention.’ Among these is the
paving of a bridge by a German engin
eer with India rubber, the result hav
ing been so satisfactory as to iuduoe its
application on a much larger scale, a
point in its favor being that it is much
| more durable than asphalt and not slip
i pery. In London a section of roadway
under the gate leading to the depart
i ment platform of the St. Pancras term
inus has for some time past been paved
with this material, with the effect of
deadening, the sound made when being
passed over on wheels, besides the com
lortable elasticity afforded to foot pas
sengers. Another material which is
being,satisfactorily introduced for this
purpose is composed of granulated cork
and bitumen pressed into blocks and
which are laid like bricks or wooden
paving, the special advantage secured
in this case being that of elasticity.
FITV-'tn flu at«pe«i iiw b* M. sum sum
VIBVK imTORBIK. Mo fit after Mm day’s use. Mar- ;
▼clou* cures. Treating aad Cl.00 trial bottle free ta Pit !
Bead to Dr. KHnc.tSl Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa. !
Whoever opposes truth is bound to rouse
out a loser by it.
We eat too much and take too little out
door exercise. This is the fault of our mod
ern civilization. It is claimed that Garfield
Tea. a simple herb remedy, helps Nature to
overcome these abuses.
Home of the stars move with a velocity of j
neurly fifty miles a second. J
“Ilanson'a .Hugh- Corn Nulra.''
Wnrranted tj <U|I. or money refunded. A.k your
druggie, forit. Price ?u eonCe.
The man who t»!k« much about himself j
will always hare n tired audience.
■r the Buby l< Cut I lag Teeth. ■
Be cure .and use that old and n all-tried remedy. Mm. )
Winslow's Sootbisi; Stbcp for Children Teething. i
. The nearest fixed star is 21,000,000,000
miles from the earth.
Saying good-bye to our sins one at a time
is slow work.
Use's Medicine Moves the Bowels Each
Day. in order to tie healthy tills is neces
sary. Cures constipation, headache, kidney
and liver troubles and regulates the stom
ach and bowels.
Human nature on the throne is no better
than human nature in the gutter.
Tabfets. "Absolutely the best made.4’ Two
ounce package lor 5 cents, at your Drug
gists or Confectioners. Ask for them and
Stop that cough.
The devil has no fault to find with the
man who is in lore with hCnself.
t Special Kxi’urslons South.—To I'ltro
nellc, Ala.
Will leave Council Bluffs on April 10th and
May 8th. Sit hundred thousund acres of
fine farming and fruit growing land along
the line of the Mobile & Ohio P.ailroad for
sale at lrom gl.nO to go.OO per acre. Stop
over privileges at all points south of the
Ohio river. For rates and descriptive land
pamphlet with full information for Home
Seekers, call on or write
J. H. Ru e,
Agent Alabama Land and
Improvement Co.. Room 201 Merriam Block,
Council Bluffs, Iowa, or !502Furc;tm street,
Omaha. Neb.
IMmsMbb Experiment* fer the
*•■** Electrician.
With the air all ground him luminous
with purple hate, through which das
sllug electric sparks leaped with light
ning rapidity, and with brushes of elec
tric flame playing about hla fingers and
shooting from his heels to the floor,
Nikola Tesla, the Hungarian electri
cian, and the rival of Edison In the
almost magic power he exercises over
tho subtle force, concluded his lecture
on the effects of alternating currents
amid the thunderous applause of the
scientists who crowded the old Franklin
Institute last evening to hear him, says
the Philadelphia Record.
To make good hhr claim that he has
discovered means to harness electric
force, so that It. shall serve man without
Injuring him, Tesla allowed a force of
200.000 volls 10 pass through him and
Illuminate a bulb containing sulphate
of calcium which he held in hls hand.
The bulb was made to glow with a
light so Intense as to till' the room with
brightness, and to disclose the great
electrician holding It aloft unharmed
and smiling, bowing in acknowledg
ment of the wild applause of the audi
"I’m cot ting some 200,000 volts
through me now, nt the rate of millions
of vibrations a second, enough to sat
isfy the most obstinate criminal, if
traveling by the ordinary method.
Thank heaven, though, I’m not a con
“But, gentlemen, this is nothing.” en
thusiastically continued the inventor,
and the audience fully agreed before
the lecture was over that, compara
tively speaking, the words were true.
The great effort of the evening was his
feat of producing an illumination in a
glass bulb, in which a vacuum had been
procured by passing a powerful and
rapidly alternating current through It.
The bulb was hung from a wire
stretched across the operating desk
and connected with the tanuiuals of
the condenser. The current was turned
on and. taking a pair of forceps in his
hand, Tesla approached them to the
bulb. In an.iiistant it was aglow,with
an intense yellow light and flashes of
electricity lcniied across from one side
of the bulb to the other nnd played all
over its surface. The phosphoresence
of the bulb sat the audience wild with
delight, and Tesla was obliged to ac
knowledge tlie ovation again and
The experiment. “Vbantom Streams,”
was one of the most iteautlful of the
many with which Tesla fairly bewitch
ed his audience. Two heavily Insulated
conductors were adjusted about eight
Inches from one another and the alter
nating current turned on, when the in
terval was filled with a column of -pur
ple haze, and the scent of oeoue and
nitric acid filled the air. Another won
derful exhibition was the im^mdeacenoe
of a rarefied gas in long glass tubes.
Making the connection with one of the
terminals, and grasping it in one hand
and the tube in the other, the latter
was in an instant transferred Into a
wand of soft, opalescent light. The
magician, for such he seemed to all
who witnessed his exploits, then began
to twirl the tube rapidly, producing a
startllhg effect, not unlilfe that of a
pin-wheel, but Infinitely more beauti
Mr. Tesla stated, In Introducing the
subject, that It was his intention to
unuse and entertain his audience, nnd
he would refrain from much scientific
explanation. He was true to his prom
ise, and almost the whole time was
devoted to experiments, all beautiful
beyond description, and many of them
Illustrating principles that will solve
great practical questions. The lecturer
stated that he was sure the time would
come when Niagara Falls would supply
electric motive power for New York
and Philadelphia without the aid of a
connecting wire.
t*t Well Eaontrh Alone.
It hardly seems possible that one
can ever get too much of a good thing,
but an American farmer has discovered
to Ms sorrow that such a thing can hap
pen. He started in to dig a well a
little while ago, nooning a greater sup
ply of water than he had, and in the
course of his digging he struck a flow
ing stream, which flushed out and over
flowed a part of his farm. The flow of
water still continues at the rate of
eight barrels a minute, and up to the
present has shown no evidence that It
ever intends to stop. The farmer Is
very anxious about it, as he much pre
fers owning a farm to the privilege
of sitting upon the borders of a lake
that Is entirely his own. If the supply
continues he may have to give up rais
ing vegetables and poultry and go Into
the fish or summer resort business.
Tills is a case where all Is not well
that ends well, and where It would
have been weU to “let well enough
A Monqulto"* Armory.
A Rocheter man who has had some
experience ■with mosquitoes, says that
that Insect's bill is an elaborate con
trivance. consisting of two sharp saws
and a lance enclosed in a sheath which '
is only employed as a pump. The \
saws are bony and flexible, and tho i
teeth are near the end. which Is point- i
ed. When the mosquito has selected .
his victim, he sings a little song in his I
ear, and then settles down to work. |
The lance is the first thing he thrusts ]
Into his victims flesh, and the opening i
made by this Is enlarged by the saws 1
until it is big enough for the sheath *
or pump to be inserted, through which j
the mosquito endeavors to drain our j
veins. The discoverer of all this states
that the Irritation the victim feels wheu
■the mosquito is biting comes from the
sawing, but this is probably .hot so.
Many of us who have been bitten can
testify to having felt intensely Irri
tated before the mosquito has done any
thing more than sing.
A Fatal Defeet.
McCroker—Blobson lias invented a
pratical scheme for carrying on com
munication between earth and Mars.
O. P. Timist—Then his fortune la
McCroker-Xo: on the contrary. He
took his perfected interplanetary tele
graphic apparatus to Old Dolltis, the
capitalist. Dollus saw that the
scheme would work, but pronounced j
it impracticable.
(I. I*. Timist--Why. how was that?
McCroker--Old Dollus said the in
vention was no good nntil some way
was devised of getllnar it the tolls
paid fin messages up to Mars.—Puck.
• • - “ •
Wien anil (ItrUtlanil.v.
A century and a half ago wig-wearing
was at It* height, and little boys four
or five years of age submitted to having
their heads shaven preparatory to don
ning their false head-dresses. A Leydon
professor—Rivers by name—shocked all
chur.-hes by declaring that a Christian
must necessarily wear a wig or he eter
nally lost. On the other hand. Dr.
Thiers, a celebrated Catholic, usual led
the wig-wearsng priests in a guod-siued j
volume. The ancient Kgyptiaus all I
wore wigs, and the early Christians. j
from A. I). 477 to A. P. !tl7 considered a
false head-covering a badge of distinc
tion. This, too, in direct opposition to
Tertullian, who in vain declared them
devices and inventions of the devil, and
Clement, of Alexandria, who warned his
hearers that when the sacred hands of
the clergy were laid on their heads the
blessing would not penetrate through
false hair.
Great Minds Think Alika.
Malagasy proverbs arc very muuh
like other people's. “Uirds of a feath
er” is “Akanga tso roa volo”—“guinea
fowls of the same plumage.” “A bird
in the hand is worth two in the bush”
is “Seeiug a beautifully marked guinea
fowl and throwing away the fowl at
home In one's house.“Cnlon is
strength" is expressed “guinea fowls in
a flock are not scattered by the dogs.”
Dajmt Taxation.
It la tin Juki to taut the stomach with burlhena
that It cannot (tear. Many atlly people tbue
tyrunuUe that Mttilul arrvi lor until It rehsl*
and punishes theta uk they Unnerve Dyapep
aia In unitally tan child «r gastronomic fully,
butwbrlherthta or the mttiirul associate of In
herent feebleness from childhood. It U aurely
and pleasantly is tuedl. bin-with Moatotnirs
Moinucb Hillers. the hneal and uoai highly
aancituned gastric tonic In exlateuoe. An a re
aultof the tone Imparted to the atomach, and
the increased arllvity nr lia rtlttenlive and aa
rlntllatlve action, tenured hy I he persistent
line of thin benign luvlgoraot, general atamlne
la augmentad, ihe nerrea atrrngthrued ,and
t rami it 11 land, and a tendency to Inaomnla and
hypochondriasis defeated. Blllouaueaa, clillla
hnd fever, rheumatlam and kidney irnublea are
conquered by thle admirable medicine.
Hie Kye Wat Hold.
“Ah, yes,” she murmurs, “yon Ruy
that yon love tne. Hut l find nothing’
In your eyes but coldness.’’
“No; you wrong me., Wliat I say I
feel—so deeply."
“My dear, you don’t look it.”
“Tell me. dearest, tell me that you
cun lore a mini with a glass eye!”
Then she fainted.-—Texas Siftings.
Cttaghlsg I .ends to Cosasisp*
tl«M. Kemp's Balaam will atop the cough i
at once. Uo to your dnigglat today and get i
n sample bottle free. Large bottlee 40 cents
and 11.00._
The moon Is without water and destitute ;
of nn atmosphere.
Balter's Cod l.lvrr Oil.
The beet In the world, i urea consumption.
Means new blood end flesh. Hold bydrugiilata.
The Argument Used
BY the makers of |he second-class baking
powders to induce the dealer to push
f them off on Royal consumers is that
they cost less than Royal and afford
the dealer much more profit.
But you, madam, are charged the same price
for them as for the absolutely pure Royal, which
is perfectly combined from the most highly refined
and expensive materials. The lower cost of the
others is caused by the cheap, impure materials
'.used in them, and the haphazard way in which
they are thrown together.
Do you wish to pay the price of the Royal
for an inferior baking powder, made from im
pure goods, of 27 per cent, less strength? If
you buy the other powders, insist upon having
a corresponding reduction in price.
* .★ ★ “.
City of Toledo,)
Lucas Co., JS. S.
State of Ohio. )
trank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the seniol* partner
of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co,, doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said
firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and
every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of
Sworn to before me, and subscribed in my presence,
this 6th day of December, A. D. 1889.
A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public.
: LUCAS CO., o.
and acts directly
upon tiie Blood and
raucous surfaces.
UKV. H. P. CARSON, Scotlaod. Dili., nays*
Two bottles of Hull's Catarrh Cure complete*
ly cured my little friri.**
*J- S' SIMPSON, Marquess, W. Vo.. sav«
Hulls Catarrh Cure cured me of u very bud
case of catarrh.'*
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is Sold by all Dealers in Patent Medicines.
Testimonials sent free on application. it BEWARE OF IMITATIONS*
-ELY'S CREAM BALM—rieanaea the >wil|
Puu|Nt Allay. Pain aud Iaflaminetion. Hral.|
the Horn, Keatorea Taate and Smell, aa
Apply intn the Noetrlle. - ____
50c. DruggirtaortymaU. ELY BKOtL, M Warm. 8U, N. Y. I
Tie Best !
Waterproof i
Coat j
la the
1*1:0 FISH BRAND SLICKER is warranted water
r«of,ai»4wUlke<:aynu<lry»ttU3ohardr»tstonn. The
[new POMMEL SLKkEK it a perfect riding coaL am
rs the entire aa4dle. Beware of imitation*. Inm
i « co*t lf!ho“ Full RuimI" U not o: I (t. JMooli a
C»<»l.iruo fiw. A. .1 'll IWKH. B-wlon. M«m.
Jiil r.Si’.afcfSi*;
■iaavra,(nrmaliUHIto j
■ ■ TKona*-..4. i., -.-1
3 jr«iu Uu»t »*»r, IS iM^udicaiiug claim*, atty itop^
' ) < «
A "J*tW DOWN,*
end " uaed-up ” (mUnc la
the fint warning that
your liver lint doing
Ita work. And, with *
torpid liver and the
impure blood that fol
low* it, you’re mi eaajr
prey to all aorta at ail*
, That la the time to .
'take l>r. Pleroa* (toUMi
. Medical Diacovnry. Aa
— an appointing, nwiw
tit* tonic, to repel (tint*** and build up Urn -t
naadad flesh and strength, there's nothin* to .
equal it. It rouaaa aver; organ lnto-bmlth
ful action, purlflaa and enriches the Mood,
branea np the whole system, and reatorea
health and vigor.
For ovary disease canted by a disordered,
llvar or impure blood, It ie the only punraa*
feed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or oure, In
ovary cnae, you havo your money back.
$500 la offered, by the proprietor* of
Dr. Saga’* Catarrh Remedy, for an In
curable cnse of Catarrh. Their remedy
perfectly and permanently euros the
worst cases.
Cuna Conanaaptl on, OoagiM, Craap, Sot*
Throat. Sold by all DrutaUia an a Ouaraniw.
SMa, Back arCliMflfclIahTa Parana’
For a Laaw 1
PUatai will gira prat —ii«lactlra.-a» aaota.
liiWarnaM Tmn.
Iv A llanulne Dunbar Killed -<
('»»». J .adieu or Uoata nine,.’
buniliii <>r open raoo, item
wind an<l eer, beauMfutlr an
"P MMt.
—». tap
nci.Mr Jrwrlrd (•KpmiHlon bpt
iraTfd. tiljrln
WMlt, f||l| Ji
wwit Imti’ ipHitf, Mf^
. ’> Quick train. tltmt
iim'oi mna. rimy warrant*
t**d, luanittiictuiWH’ guar*
•Htaa •o-'ompa««lM Mil*
wAU'h. Hatail urlct* ,
WfcolMalr prl(V#li iS. If
jou rut thin ih«I anil mii4
to tin w» will aa»4 br *|.
|»r«»c a Minpla watch at
• hpiaaal' prim 4<ibj*>t
to •Rumination. If Ww
fad o rjr mi axarMu aJatt t
•ll.Mand waufe i« ywi ■>
rtharwla • don't aooapt it
c- taycliarpr*. Mata atylu
wanted. ItoMbaaMNiM'
W «rnrr »n an* in
» 111 b# miiC. If 6ot r«pi-e
PMttttrt. money rff»i4«l If
OT«r .'#) ml|M tram ilmthi.
fowl fftftfc.
Oj„ ■kMly Block, umafea, Mob.
IWto IK Mck Pimm
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
an saod la Um
propoiotloa of
W. BAKER *t».<8
irhlrh to atwIaMp
part mnd aolukte.
| Itbunwralkan IkrctHmi
11 ha atrmyth of Cocoa wised
iwltb 8tareb( Arrowroot or
'fluoar. sod la far Bora ton.
noBMal. totting than on* omi a oup.
It I* deUcloui, nourtoUng, ud UMlt
91OMTE0. _
Mi kf tnrminijiitm,
He tool* rraalred. Only • hammer njaM
to drlre and clinch them easllr sad quickie;
Jeering UK clineli absolutely •month. Requiring
Bo hole to be made in the leather nor bare for the
aeaorted, put up In boxes.
Aek your dealer for them, or Mad Me.
tat ■ tempi for a bon of 100; assorted alia.
_ _ MUcncrniD BY ■• '-'fe
Waltham. Maas.
roiwry gwrto ty iNj
IC mreftoiu o(fpn»l»e I
breath aud restores ™
lo*t taste and smell.
Price, *2, or seiit C. O. ^
D. if datlrett •
ak premium wm ne firm witn cnis Mediator, ror
the next SO doye. a deck of World’s Fair ftoumnir
Playlnr Ctrda. On the fnce of each r*ril f* litho
graphed, In eervn colon, one of the World's Feir
building*. The latent novelty produced. Stomps fop
circular*. Agents vented. Chlcifo Medloetei
Co., 191 Booth Helited Ht.f Chicago, 111*
Garfield Teas
Pure* Court I pat mo, KetUorea Complexion, tevos Doctor*’
hill* temple free (ixnrimj> Tax Co., Sit W. tMfcht., M.Y.
Cures Sick Headache
I ran.
MtnMta m!
nuplnra kihi
• ■ iKubanlniffraatmeottf
„„ . « in*il«t FUKK. Atdrm
At i Price
If aflicted with j
•or* ejrM, bm i
f™ ti*. uvC^IiGr!
(■KIWI KIU to., M.
•T<nU *
ThmaptM's Eye Water.
CtmayMni uxl people
rto hm VMk Innit or A*tb
u. UouM dm Puo’aCure for
Consumption. it bu c«ro4
**—■»<»■ Hhae not In jar
•b on*- It !• not bad to taka
It i» the beet coach eyrup.
Sold everywhere. lit,
W N U Omaha. 15 1893
TbetrtTideM ani ao«t coop.iu
..r Vfthltfo* »U>!
»;•••*«? lUme «o.ii *f«
pnb2i«b«d. & r«(ul*r >'w«!ap*di«.
I»r in, .,o* nbtf awn. • Sort!™ "
‘ Hirrar Hints* {9.33
wid morm Teh)dMM4
I1#rnr»» tut r#*r, Mreetit
il»e peupln.ibu mjothirfko.
!•»•* on *arth. Writ# atone# W
001 Grand ( #*olo#uf No. Htf,a#4
tfyoo don't Mr it’s U*ltaMt«r
a#«t coiapi«t* you #vvx mmv,
•«*:l mak* you * precaul #t a
and Salawoom
.. . r . . .•
i - **f ]> -V >■' -,»/' i* a’}** ^