yrup 99 - word as to the ef say a uora 48 to , . German Syrup. I have niv fatnilv for Bronchitis, of Colds, with most ex cces,. 1 have taken it my hroat Troubles, and have „od results therefrom. I recommend itto my neigb t excellent remedy in such imcs T. Durette, Earlys Beware of dealers who ‘something just as good. ” asist on having Boschee’s iyrnp. '_® A . t8? WlWSIi OTItT A"° fc K!„, herb?. and 11 prepared for see im. It l» filled _ E'SMEDICIHE iiuHlI it it Me. end II a packaae. It ii, mnd four id Oran fur a free lila'a Family Medtctae mayea 1 -Ml... AlifilVM _ 'JSItoH H. WOODWARD. IjkROY, K. Y. b tog Mothers! Ft 0|*r Tan • Mtmttff MM Inform Bnfrt* M U/ka/JTedfcar mod CMM. THER’S FRIEND” Mi Cmftnrmmt rfUm trim, Mirrtr mnd Mirk, •mitettlMf “ Hather’a Friaad” I 3 Mia yata, aad 4M aot iiperteaoe tfeak ■flimid mull la luoh oama.—Mia. a law, >a.. Jam. 1Mb. MM. •ram. ekaira prepaid, aa yaeatataf jaMyEStlenSkaiailMMi nELDIEGGLiTOI ATLANTA. OA. Kuniu picooim., isilf Token Up iverOilasit rs in Scott’s ion is easily up by the i. In no torm can so fat-food be lated with jury to the '' L of digestion. Ms Emulsion Liver Oil with Hypophos nas come to be an article fy day use, a prompt and Secure for Colds, Coughs, t troubles, and a positive r of flesh. ficotta Bown,.y. Y. AlMwMi«tfc HRPERAME leader and Brilliant David Frost , Morses Indian Sagwa. «mli.0/,„r>avii,(.,i,,'i'!lP<;r‘UK'e lluv*i to ir I ,.i, ij "mskey decoctions ■"uiImI *'X wlileli the '‘"Karin-,"*Ifuise of ‘Bit “'Hi' ' •■liners,’ iih.l other F"°'r- I’-ostos, mass. "at «» i m. .V , l'°*>t‘i‘ue.l Mr. ►flliis | "I'Hetary medicine* "iln, * ; ""1''' f"<-t 1 know 1 i,,»rj\aii,u ilir nie,i»tt ^Plwulhl '"'‘vent ..It P'1 thriller, hut *"■> Pree f,’ ''etcrioratliut in. ■'"’s i,‘ Harmful Efleets, I11!» not 'IT' f.re«'V ‘I may ‘,i,; lo appear as In . P jemeily. but in ;'l Mriiioi. “ >’ «»yto commend "'j'llan Siijjua' K l|,‘'ian race, 1»'."»! f,.,r 11 ,m» rnl inv » liuif sick. ’""ter'J., j'-'i ■eheilious stomach 'Mini. S.IB, ! , nor,m*l capacity, '"‘■“■s H-l/'t'Jr restored m? to u M else vouM. I ■■"i'i- Ills'll. i,'° 1° learn some r “v1 v» or*ffih, “.. ’ "ot only an old iy-ii.l,. PoHtv1 o t>Ut t " 't-;i‘, s., ,lv anil Harmless tV'A,maiataineil. and Mill Piirrlo,! .... i_ .tiirhue i,. I,,!',,aini»ln««l. ami "lis-l. I la. tVv ‘ tried on by .. ■ I,..*" *U-C*OT R'sii,. u...I 'Je Red Man. J*"ve» “nil Flow ' ’ ai„t tL s,-Umt enter inti ’ . '.r''"ktli which i: i-m iio.’v 'h'sestrensrtl .nr ib.w.p ^°blc k.xhilara '""-••I J * ''1,!!1111* Purlfie! 1 >11 t.1,,1 phi son, coursini 1 Aitery of the llu l,'s ■- ' I’im'Zl1!* earnest force < *ar; lie !..U[ 1 ’V, w,'1terau 1*00 !_J. remedy. '«*" Sagwa ■ H per bottle. 6 for $5, tttoti *Mn» A lady school teacher in Boston, who Is rather proud of her profession tlun the revenie, is not pleased at having her occupation thrust forward when she meeto strangers. Not long ago at a reception, the hostess regularly men tioned her occupation in introducing her. At length the hostess presented a young man, adding to the introduction, as usual, “Miss Faneuil is one of our school teachers.” The gentleman bowed, but Miss Fan- j «uil said: “I beg your- pardon, Mrs Allen, but ' I did not catch what the gentleman's business is.” “What the gentleman’s business is?" repeated the hostess in perplexity. “Yes,” MissFaneuil said, “I thought it only right that this acquaintance should start fair, and as you told him my employment, it seemed only fair that I should know his.” The point was understood, and taken good naturedly, but the teacher was no longer introduced in her official capaci ty-—Youth’s Companion. Any sudden change in the condition of the atmosphere is certain to bring its har vest of roughs and colds. These, if suffered to run on, are likely terminate in consump tion ; but they may be readily cured by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. I Ambition Crushed. Nice little boy—“I wish yon would teach me to black boots.” Bootblack—"What fur?” ‘•I’m not satisfied with my aimless existence at home and 1 wish to be in dependent.” * “I see. Kin you lick one boy twice as big as yersclf wid one hand, hold y'r kit in th’ other an’ keep off two otlier boys wid y'r feet?” “N—o.’ ‘•Too bad. You won't do fur a boot black. I'm ’ftaid you’ll have to go home an' grow up a dude. ”—Good News. Carpenters, and other mechanics, who are so apt to fall from scaffolds and dislocate a limb, will please remember that there is nothing so j^od'for inflammation as Salva tion Oil, the greatest' cure 'for sprains and bruises. Mslng Bias Up. Paragraphist—“Have you seen the new editor in chief yet?” Literary Editor—‘‘No; have you?” Paragraphist—“Yes, and I have been sizing him up.” Literary Editor—“You have?” Paragraphist—“I have, indeed, and I have come to the conclusion that he has no hayseed in his hair.” Literary Editor—-“What makes you think so?” v Paragraphist—“He is entirely bald.’’ New York Press. THK KVOI.VTION Of medicinal agents is gradually rele gating the old-time herbs, pills, draughts and vegetable extracts to the rear and I bringing into general use the pleasant and effective liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs. To get the true remedy see that it is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Forsale by all leading druggists. Coming Out of His Shell. As they were sitting loooking at the fire, he suddenly stole a kiss. “Well,” she said, “you surprise me.” He made no reply. “I did not expect you would do that. " No answer. “I’m beginning to think.” she added, after a pause, “that you are not such a ninny as you sometimes makeout to be, John.” And she proceeded to do up her back ] hair, which had suddenly tumbled, with a look of great satisfaction on her face.—Yarmouth Begister. In da Kubber ‘‘Paving Stones." New ideas in paving have lately at tracted attention.’ Among these is the paving of a bridge by a German engin eer with India rubber, the result hav ing been so satisfactory as to iuduoe its application on a much larger scale, a point in its favor being that it is much | more durable than asphalt and not slip i pery. In London a section of roadway under the gate leading to the depart i ment platform of the St. Pancras term inus has for some time past been paved with this material, with the effect of deadening, the sound made when being passed over on wheels, besides the com lortable elasticity afforded to foot pas sengers. Another material which is being,satisfactorily introduced for this purpose is composed of granulated cork and bitumen pressed into blocks and which are laid like bricks or wooden paving, the special advantage secured in this case being that of elasticity. FITV-'tn flu at«pe«i iiw b* M. sum sum VIBVK imTORBIK. Mo fit after Mm day’s use. Mar- ; ▼clou* cures. Treating aad Cl.00 trial bottle free ta Pit ! Bead to Dr. KHnc.tSl Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa. ! Whoever opposes truth is bound to rouse out a loser by it. We eat too much and take too little out door exercise. This is the fault of our mod ern civilization. It is claimed that Garfield Tea. a simple herb remedy, helps Nature to overcome these abuses. Home of the stars move with a velocity of j neurly fifty miles a second. J “Ilanson'a .Hugh- Corn Nulra.'' Wnrranted tj wil| Puu|Nt Allay. Pain aud Iaflaminetion. Hral.| the Horn, Keatorea Taate and Smell, aa Apply intn the Noetrlle. - ____ 50c. DruggirtaortymaU. ELY BKOtL, M Warm. 8U, N. Y. I Tie Best ! Waterproof i Coat j la the WORLD I SUCKER 1*1:0 FISH BRAND SLICKER is warranted water r«of,ai»4wUlke<:aynur. Pleroa* (toUMi . Medical Diacovnry. Aa — an appointing, nwiw tit* tonic, to repel (tint*** and build up Urn -t naadad flesh and strength, there's nothin* to . equal it. It rouaaa aver; organ lnto-bmlth ful action, purlflaa and enriches the Mood, branea np the whole system, and reatorea health and vigor. For ovary disease canted by a disordered, llvar or impure blood, It ie the only punraa* feed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or oure, In ovary cnae, you havo your money back. $500 la offered, by the proprietor* of Dr. Saga’* Catarrh Remedy, for an In curable cnse of Catarrh. Their remedy perfectly and permanently euros the worst cases. SHILOHl ■ CURE. Cuna Conanaaptl on, OoagiM, Craap, Sot* Throat. Sold by all DrutaUia an a Ouaraniw. SMa, Back arCliMflfclIahTa Parana’ For a Laaw 1 PUatai will gira prat —ii«lactlra.-a» aaota. SOLID SOLD FILLED L .(LAIN OR WALTHAM. liiWarnaM Tmn. Iv A llanulne Dunbar Killed -< ('»»». J .adieu or Uoata nine,.’ buniliii <>r open raoo, item wind an Quick train. tltmt iim'oi mna. rimy warrant* t**d, luanittiictuiWH’ guar* •Htaa •o-'ompa««lM Mil* wAU'h. Hatail urlct* , WfcolMalr prl(V#li iS. If jou rut thin ih«I anil mii4 to tin w» will aa»4 br *|. |»r«»c a Minpla watch at • hpiaaal' prim 4t to •Rumination. If Ww fad o rjr mi axarMu aJatt t •ll.Mand waufe i« ywi ■> rtharwla • don't aooapt it c- taycliarpr*. Mata atylu wanted. ItoMbaaMNiM' W «rnrr »n an* in » 111 b# miiC. If 6ot r«pi-e PMttttrt. money rff»i4«l If OT«r .'#) ml|M tram ilmthi. fowl fftftfc. TMWltLMl nasraKjaxrvsar'i Oj„ ■kMly Block, umafea, Mob. IWto IK Mck Pimm No Alkalies Other Chemicals an saod la Um propoiotloa of W. BAKER *t».<8 SreaifastCow irhlrh to atwIaMp part mnd aolukte. | Itbunwralkan IkrctHmi 11 ha atrmyth of Cocoa wised iwltb 8tareb( Arrowroot or 'fluoar. sod la far Bora ton. noBMal. totting than on* omi a oup. It I* deUcloui, nourtoUng, ud UMlt 91OMTE0. _ Mi kf tnrminijiitm, MEND YOUR OWN HARNEtt WITH THOMSON’S SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS He tool* rraalred. Only • hammer njaM to drlre and clinch them easllr sad quickie; Jeering UK clineli absolutely •month. Requiring Bo hole to be made in the leather nor bare for the B&wrsra’ess'jBR aeaorted, put up In boxes. Aek your dealer for them, or Mad Me. tat ■ tempi for a bon of 100; assorted alia. _ _ MUcncrniD BY ■• '-'fe ■lUDSON L. THOMSON MFC. OO., Waltham. Maas. TIE UTCST SEIMTNWI CATARRH roiwry gwrto ty iNj IC mreftoiu o(fpn»l»e I breath aud restores ™ lo*t taste and smell. Price, *2, or seiit C. O. ^ D. if datlrett • ak premium wm ne firm witn cnis Mediator, ror the next SO doye. a deck of World’s Fair ftoumnir Playlnr Ctrda. On the fnce of each r*ril f* litho graphed, In eervn colon, one of the World's Feir building*. The latent novelty produced. Stomps fop circular*. Agents vented. Chlcifo Medloetei Co., 191 Booth Helited Ht.f Chicago, 111* Garfield Teas Pure* Court I pat mo, KetUorea Complexion, tevos Doctor*’ hill* temple free (ixnrimj> Tax Co., Sit W. tMfcht., M.Y. Cures Sick Headache mtwiwmim. HlliMiaiMh., P I ran. MtnMta m! Ib^hStu >sss5&S?;fe f ISS1 HA nuplnra kihi LAUIUI • ■ iKubanlniffraatmeottf „„ . « in*il«t FUKK. Atdrm tw^amaiii^Hiiririithrii At i Price If aflicted with j •or* ejrM, bm i f™ ti*. uvC^IiGr! (■KIWI KIU to., M. •T! »;•••*«? lUme «o.ii *f« pnb2i«b«d. & r«(ul*r >'w«!ap*di«. I»r in, .,o* nbtf awn. • Sort!™ " MURRAY 1 ’ BUSBIES 95 ‘ Hirrar Hints* {9.33 wid morm Teh)dMM4 I1#rnr»» tut r#*r, Mreetit il»e peupln.ibu mjothirfko. !•»•* on *arth. Writ# atone# W 001 Grand ( #*olo#uf No. Htf,a#4 tfyoo don't Mr it’s U*ltaMt«r a#«t coiapi«t* you #vvx mmv, •«*:l mak* you * precaul #t a WILBER H. MURRAY M’F’B CO. ls? and Salawoom FROST STREET. CINCINNATI, 0. .. . r . . .• i - **f ]> -V >■' -,»/' i* a’}** ^