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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
.-VC VOL. LI XO. 43 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1907 8ubicrlpUon tCl ptnr in ''r Also Muslin Underwear cheapo er than you can afford to make EARLE GILBERT NEMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE 29 Warm weather. Dr. Bourne fits glasses. S6. Auburn Cane seed for sale by W. F. Keeling. Easter eggs at the postoffice bookstore. Garden and flower seeds at W. K Reeling's. . .. Bert Thorn has moved on a farm near Salem. The pop bugs are very much in evidence again. For harness go to Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Louis Shafer is recent subscribers. one of our J. H. Vanderslice went to Crab Orchard Wednesday. G. N. Titus went to Nebraska City Tuesday morning. Eastet post cards on sale at the postoffice bookstore. E. Alexander has moved into Win. E. Smiley's house. For Sale A good work mule. Inquire of Chas. Richards. Chavley Hunt has moved into the Fuller Burns property. Get our prices on furniture. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Carl Glen went to Table Rock last Friday, returning Monday. Best photos in Nebr., at Criley's. southeastern So Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Catlin of Peru were in Nemaha Tuesday. R. L. Cowell has moved on the Howe farm, southwest of Ne maha. Best line of harness in Nemaha county at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Von Farson came in from Johnson Saturday, returning Monday. Our produce prices are always right. Try us. Harrington & Sons Ladies' Skirts New Spring Styles are being shown at TheNewStore Prices from $2 up Will Cummings went to Beat rice Thursday. Marbles for sale at the post office bookstore. Mrs Elizabeth Murr of Brown ville was a Nemaha visitor Tuesday. Mrs. M. W. Knapp was quite sick Tuesday night but is about well again. Attorney M. S. Mclninch of Auburn was a Nemaha visitor Wednesday. Rev. G.,W. Ayers commenced a protracted meeting at Howe Sunday night. Mrs. R. E. Harrington went to Crab Orchard Thursday for a few days' visit. Miss Daisy Clark went to Peru Tuesday afternoon, returning the next morning. The town was crowded with teams Saturday. Hitching posts were at a premium. Floyd Ellis of Orchard, Nebr., was the guest of Ralph Ritchey the first of the week. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Fraziar drove down to Humboldt Tuesday returning the next day. Jos. Owens moved in from Wymore last week. He will live on David Frazier's farm. Several of our citizens made garden last Saturday. They believe in beginning early. A mistake was made in the bank notice published last week, so it is republished this week. C. H. Kindig went to Nebraska City on the early train Tuesday, coming back on the noon freight. Joe Bunger and Ethel came down from Peru Monday even ing, returning the next morning. Miss Maude Burns has re signed, as teacher of the Boatman school, on account of poor health. Curtis L. Brown, who has been visiting at Long Island, Kas., returned home Wednesday afternoon. Come in and see our 5 and 10c counter. Harrington & Sons Frank Scott of Pawnee county came in Saturday evening for a visit with his father-in-law, R. I. Brown. Mrs. Will Hacker and the chil dren started for their new home near Haigler, Nebr., Tuesday evening. W. E. Wheeldon is now pro prietor of Auburn's second hand store, having bought out Elmer E. Wood. E. D. Rogers was in from Auburn Wednesday, coming in to attend the funeral of Mrs. S. T. Argabright. John Bauman of Nebraska City was doing some work on the Bell telephone toll lines in this vicinity Tuesday. Cyrus Minick started for Con cordia, Kas., Tuesday morning, where he will work for the Bur lington as operator. Will S. Jay, the genial repre sentative of the Lincoln News, was in Nemaha Thursday and Friday of last week. Our old friend W. D. Abbott of Peru was a Nemaha visitor last Saturday and of course called at these headquarters. Geo. Clendenia MA Nebraska City, manager of the Nebraska Telephone Co. for this district, was a Nemahiv visitor Wednes day. Wm. Culp moved ,up from Shubert last week. He is living in Wm. E. Smiley's house, re cently vacated by W. G. Max well. J. C. Killarney and Geo. E. Codington of Auburn were in Nemaha Tuesday looking after the Auburn Telephone Co's lines here. G. V. Argabright of Red Cloud, Nebr., came in to Nemaha Tues day, called here by the death of his mother, Mrs. S. T. Arga bright. Nemaha has had a soft coal famine for awhile, but it was relieved Tuesday morning by the arrival of a car of coal for the lumber yard. E. L. Argabright of Bolivar, Mo., arrived in Nemaha Tuesday morning, called here by the death of his mother, Mrs. S. T. Argabright. Mrs. Carl E. Sanders and Miss Alice Peabody went to Falls City Wednesday evening to visit Mrs. Wm. E. Smiley. They expect to return this morning. A. B. Harrington of Crab Or chard, senior member of the firm of Harrington & Sons, came in to Nemaha Wednesday. He re turned home Thursday. Mrs. W. F. Keeling gave a reception to her Sunday school class Tuesday night, in honor of Otto Snelling, who will soon move to Shubert. Refreshments were served. The class is com posed of boys, being No. 4 in the Methodist Sunday school. All had a pleasant time. WF SELL fifinn RinTIIFfili Thoy can't bo othorwiso, as thoy aro mado by Dixie Tailoring Company who novor fail to ploaso anyono You Can't Appreciate the Comfort of a Suit cut and mado to your moasuro until ycu liavo worn one. We Guarantee Satisfaction J1TO. W. phone 20 Arthur Stevens and Miss Lillio Jennings, both of Aspinwall precinct, were married at the court house in Auburn Thursday of last week. Miss Pearle Thompson gave a party at her home last Saturday night. A large number of young people were present and all had a delightful time, i W. B. Norvell has moved to Nemaha, moving into the Ben Baldwin property west of the postoffice. He has bought the Barker dray line. Cyrus Minick went to Syracuse last Friday to look after affairs on the farm of A. R. Titus while the latter was visiting. He re turned Monday evening. Mrs. C. H. Bacon came up from Shubert Tuesday morning, on the early train, getting here in time to eat breakfast with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Barker. See the beautiful white enamel ware in our windows. Positively no more to be had at the same price, when this is sold. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. One week from next Tuesday is village election day. M. W. Knapp, F. L. Woodward and Peter Kerker are the retiring members of the board of trustees. For Sale or Trade Two mares weighing about 1000 pounds apiece, both blacks, coming 8 years old. John T. Webber. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Titus came down from their home near Syracuse, Nebr., Friday night of last week, and visited relatives in Nemaha and vicinity until Monday night, when they went to Shubert. Rev. E. D. Gideon of Brock will preach a missionary sermon at the Methodist church Sunday night. This sermon is education al and no collection for missions will be taken at that time. On Wednesday night of next week Rev. Wolf will preach at the Methodist church. His theme will also be missions, Have Some Style About You t J You can't got it by wearing Storo Clothos Wo can mako you look liko a four-timo winnor .. .. TRY US RITCHEYl NEMAHA, NEBR.I f Prof. J. E. Gibney, who was called to his home at Elkhorn, Nebr., two weeks ago, by the death of a brother, returned here Thursday evening of last week. Paul W. Karr of Fulton, Mo., who had been visiting in Nema ha, for a few days, went to Ord. Nebr., Monday, where he"ill work for J. L. Speece and E. F. Burson. Wm. E. Smiley moved to Falls City last Friday. This move was made necessary if he held his position with the Burlington, unless he was away from home all the time. Verne Taylor came up from Shubert Tuesday morning to do some work for the Auburn Tele phono Co., putting in new phones and new lines. Thirteen new subscribers were added. Ferry at St. Deroin The Missouri river is open at St. Deroin and the ferry is pre pared to cross at any time. Good safe ferry. Henry Lemon, Prop. Sherwin-Williams Faint Fleck's Stock Pood Little Chick Feed Cracked Corn Bran & Shorts Wall Paper W. F. Keeling d 4