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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
r A 7r j y. r VOL. LI XO. 42 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. MARCH 15, 1007 SubirripUon ttl o ftaf hi Pteftteft X s " k k A Also Muslin Underwear cheapo er than you can EARLE -k $ NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Muddy roads. Dr. Bourne fits classes. So. Auburn Cane seed for sale by W. F. Keeling. Candies and nuts at the post office bookstore. The annual spring moving is about over with. C. H. Kindig went to.Nebraska City Wednesday. Garden and flower seeds at W. F. Reeling's. The rural carriers are certainly earning their money. Get our prices on furniture. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Richard Rnapp went over to Stella Friday to visit relatives. Best photos in southeastern Nebr., at Criley's. So Auburn. Best line of harness in Nemaha county at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. C. E. Waddle has moved on the Jim Linn farm, where Albert Sampson has been living. ro U0 1 I We offer you for produce SATURDAY and MONDAY Hens, 10c Young Roosters, 6c Old Roosters. 2ic Eggs, 15c Butter, 21c The above prices are in eral Merchandise. Yours truly, niiistoii Ladies' ! Skirts 1 I New Spring Styles are being shown at TheNewStore Prices from $2 up afford to make GILBERT PHONE 2tf - The roads are in very bad con dition now. For harness go to Edwards & B radford Lbr. Co. Wm. Culp of Shubert was in Nemaha Saturday. He thinks of moving here. Rev. G. W. Ayers expects to begin a protracted meeting at Howe Sunday night. Mrs. M. H. Taylor and Mrs. Dr. Shook of Shubert visited Ne maha friends Tuesday. Dan Bennett has moved in the Stillwell house, where Charley Scovill has been living. Rev. E. D. Gideon of Brock will preach at the Methodist church Sunday evening, March 24. Curt BroAvn went to Long Island, Kansas, the first of the week, going through with E. L Paris. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wright of Filley, Nebr., returned home Monday after a few days' visit with their daughter, Mrs. E. E. Hill. uce Ducks, 9c Geese, 6c Turkeys, Hens, 10c Gobblers, 9c trade for anything in Gen & Sons ... . I Miss Marie Rood went to Shen andoah, Iowa, Tuesday to help take care of sick relatives. Paul W. Karr of Fulton, Mo., arrived in Nemaha Wednesday afternoon on a visit to friends. S. C. Shuck of Red Cloud, Nebr., visited Nemaha friends Tuesday afternoon and Wednes day. V. D. (Doc) Lawrence has moved on the Nace farm, where A. B. Paris has lived for several years. Geo. Seid started for Scotts' Bluff, Nebr., Thursday morning, to visit John W. Rnight and family. Ralph Ritchey went to Auburn Tuesday to have some dchtal work done, returning the next! afternoon. Miss Maud Miller came down from Nebraska City Saturday and visited Mrs. E. E. Rum baugh until Monday. Jesse Scott, who has been spending his month's furlough at home, returned to Leaven worth, Ransas, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sherwood went to Shubert Tuesday evening to visit friends. From there they go to Stella and Verdon. Holton Colerick and Sam Gil lespie started for Alliance, Neb., Thursday. They expect to go to work for the Burlington road. We now have a com plete line of white Gtueeiisware. Come and see. Harrington & Sons To those that have good dogs, keep them at home, for it is my intention to shoot all dogs prowl ing around my sheep. G. F. Rider. See the beautiful white enamel ware in our windows. Positively no more to be had at the same price, when this is sold. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Mrs. E. L. Paris and children took the south bound "flyer" Wednesday evening for their new home near Long Island, Ransas, The family will be greatly missed here. Mrs. T. J. Rumbaughand Mrs. H. Denny, who have been at Runnells, Iowa, helping care for a sick sister, returned home Wednesday. They left their sis ter a little better. Shubert continues to draw business men from Nemaha. They have taken away II. E. Williams, M. II. Taylor, Joe Har per, and M. T. Hill, and now Wm. Snelling is going. Eureka Seed Potatoes and White Plymouth Rock Cockrells for sale reasonable, as I willl move soon and wish to sell before moving. W. W. LlEBIIART. A. B. Paris and E.. L. Paris started with their. cars' for their new homes Monday" evening. Art goes to Atwood, Colorado, where he will raise sugar beets. Ed goes to Long Island, Ransas, where he will raise alfalfa, corn, hogs, cattle, etc. May success .crown their efforts. k paying ine Kignt mm I Means that you stcure a greater quantity S of goods means better results for you. S Buying at this store ttion of what is best j are most used. The reasonable prices jenable you to secure better results those ahead f the ordinary. That is whv HiaS $ careful buyer should first to take advantage of such condi $tions. J1TO. W. A car load of Missouri mules were recently sold m St. Louis . - I for a little more than $300 each average for the entire lot. They were taken to Pittsburg. Miss Geneva West of Brown villc came down to Nemaha Sat urday evening, returning Sun day afternoon. She was the guest of Miss Mae Kerker. For Sale or Trade Two mares weiirhinc about 1000 pounds apiece, both blacks, coming 8 years old. John T. Webber. Prayer meeting will be held at the Christian church every Fri day evening. Everyone invited to attend and help study the subject that will be announced each week. Miss Eunice Lindsey, wo has been visiting her grandmother and uncles here for several months, started for her home at Guyandotte, West Virginia, Mon day evening. A county Sunday school con vention will be held at Peru Sat urday evening and Sunday.March 23 and 24. The program pre pared is full of interest to Sun day school workers. C. II. Kindig returned to Ne maha Monday evening. Mr. Kindig has been suffering from a lame back for some time but is about over it now. He was laid up for several days. Mrs. A. B. Harrington and Mrs. H. W. Harrington of Crab Orchard, mother and sister-in-law of Ralph E. Harrington, are visiting in Nemaha. They came in Wednesday afternoon. 'J Mid-week prayer meeting at the Christian church. Subject: "The Study of Moses." Ex 3 4-14; Duet 31 1-13; Matt 17 1-5. . Leader, Belle Barker. The heaviest snow storm of the season came last Saturday. The snow fell a good part of the day and late at night. Probably six or seven inches fell. It was very wet and clung to trees, poles, -telephone wires, bushes, etc. By Monday evening, how ever, it was, about all gone. i insures you a selec known items that 3 - always come here? 3 RITCHET s F. L. Woodward advertised a ! cow last weok and sold her promptly for $10 more than he had previously asked for her. Again we would remark that -it pays to advertise. Ferry at St. Dcroin The Missouri river is open at St. Deroin and the ferry is pre pared to cross at any time. Good safe-'ferry. Henry Lemon, Prop. Ed Knapp carries the mail on horseback some of the time, as it is almost impossible for him to make the trip with buggy or mail wagon. 'But he never fails to get over the route in some way. C. W. Boberts went to Peru a ,few days ago and bought a fine Chester White hog of Frank Maj ors. Mr. Roberts has been rais ing thoroughbred hogs of this breed for several years and has some fine ones. Miss Pearle Roberts, who has been in Kansas City for several weeks in a wholesale millinery establishment, went to Blue Rapids, Kansas, last Saturday, where she has a position as trimmer in a millinery store. Wm. Snelling has decided to leave Nemaha and go to Shubert not that he has anything against Nemaha or the trade he has been getting, so he says, but because he can't get a good store building here. He has rented a building in Shubert. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lukens and C. M. Woodward came up from Kansas City last Saturday. Charley returned Monday. Mr. Mrs. Lukens will remain for some time probably. Mr. Lukens is in very poor health and it is hoped the change will be beneficial. They are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Woodward. A few days ago Archie Rowen broke a lamp chimney that his sister-in-law, Mrs. Alf Rowen; had used for almost twelve years. Nellie got a lamp the day she. was ten years, May 25, 1895, and has' used the . lajmp " and chimney ever since. It is not probable she will "use 0 another lamp clumneyothat long!