The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 30, 1906, Image 8

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Dr. Williams' Pink Plllu Strengthon
tho Stomach and Enablo It to
Do Its Work.
When tho stoiimt'h is feohlo tho food
lies in it undigested, decays ami throws
off poisonous gases that distend tho
vails of the stomach and causo inter
ference with other organs, especially
with tho nt't ion of tho heart and lungs.
Thoso gases have other ill effects. Tin
nerves and tho bruin aro disturbed
nnd discomforts Buch as dizziness, hot
llnshfs, sleeplessness, irritablenoss nnd
despondency originate from this source
Experience shows that theso troubles
vanish just as soon as tho stomach i.1
made strong enough to digest tho food.
In other words, it needs a tonic-that will
rouse it. to do the work of changing tho
food into nourishment.
Miss Minerva O. Ladd, of Ipswich,
Mass., nays : "I had n weak stomach
from tho timo I was n little child.
"Whenever 1 took hearty food it would
causo terrible l'aintness, and I would
linally vomit what; I had eaten. At
times there would bo the most intense
pains through tho upper part of my
body. For days in succession, I would
have to lio down most of too tune.
Tho distress was often so great that I
could hardly bear it, and tho frcquout
and violent botching spoils wero very
di$aKreeable, too.
" My doctor's medicines gavomelittlo
relief and it was not until I tried Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills that I found a euro.
"Within three weeks a decided improve
ment was noticeable Tho belching
spells wero loss frcquout, tho pains
thronsh my bony woro not so lntouso,
my food was retained and after taking
tho pills for a. fow weeks longor I found
that I was altogether free from tho
miseries I had so long suffered.
Every dyspoptio should read " What
to Eat and How to Eat." Write tno Dr.
Williams Medicino Co., Schenectady,
N. Y.. for a free copy.
The Chilean government owns more
than half of its railroads, but
private enterprise is now engaged in
building a great deal of mileage.
Nearly seven hundred tons o
flowers are annually produced in the
Sicilly Islands for pcrfunic-makmg.
Young ladies of Vienna have an
odd fad. They wear their initials
worked in silk and gold, on the front
of their jackets. You ladie3 who
are engaged may weai other initials
than their own, presumably those o
the favored suiter.
Most of the tune of an infant in
Guinea is passed in tho sand. The
mother digs a hole, and buries the
child in it up to its waist. This
to prevent the little one from getting
into mischief, or injuring itself.
There are said to be 'J0,000 lepi
women than men in the state o"
lowa, and the state is also short o
school teachers.
lMcnmtut Incident Oecnrrltijr tha
World (vcr--ynjrliij that Arc Cheer
ful to Old or Yotiiiu-l'untijr Selection
that ICverjrbody Will Knjoy.
"lie's quite n classical scholar, Isn't
"Well, he's backward in reading He
"You don't say? I thought lie was
particularly good at that."
"So he is, but that's the way you
have to read Hebrew." Philadelphia
All on lllm.
Towne Yes. he certainly Is hi hard
Hrowno Well, ho has only himself
to blame.
Towne Of course, that's the biggest
part of his hard luck. Philadelphia
When tho maker of a medicine, sold
through druggists for family uso, takes
his patients fully Into his conlidenco by
frankly and fearlessly publishing broad
cast as well as on its bottlo wrappers,
a full list of all its Ingredients In plain
Enyllsh, this action on his part Is the
bfst possible evidence that ho Is not
afraid to havo tho search light of Invos
tlgation turned full upon ids formula
and that it will bear tho fullest scrutiny
and the most thorough Investigation.
Dr. I'ieren's Favorito Proscription for tho
euro of tho weaknesses, periodical pains
and functional derangements of tho or
gans distinctly feminluo, Is tho only mcdl
ciuo put up for salo through druggists for
woman's special use, tho maker of which
Is not. afraid to tako his patients into
his full conlidenco by such open and
honot publicity.
A glance at the published Ingredients
on each bottle wrapper, will show that It
Is made wholly from natlvo, American,
medicinal roots, that it contains no poi
sonous or habit-forming drugs, no nar
cotics and no alcohol puro, triplo-rollned
glycerine, of proper strength bolng used
Instead of tho commonly employed alco
hol, both for extracting and preserving
thoactlvo medicinal properties found In
tho roots of tho American forest plants
employed. It Is tho only medicine for
women's popular diseases, sold by drug
gists, that dpos not contain a largo per
centage of alcohol, which Is In tho long
run so harmful to woman's delicate, nerv
ous system. Now, clycorlno Is perfectly
harmless, and Forvcs a valuablo purposo
lossosstng Intrinsic valuo ail Its own.
and besides it enhances tho curatlvo
effect of tho other Ingredlonts entering
till" fin miuiiiu i 1V1L lLIUIli
Sotno of tho ablest medical wrltors and
teachers endorso theso viotvs and pralso
all tho several Ingredients of which "Fa
vorite Prescription" Is composed reo
ommoadlng them for the euro of tho
very same diseases for which this world
famed mcdlclno is advised. No other
medicine for women has any such txro
JessUmnl endorsement worth moro tnan
any number of ordinary testimonials. If
Interested, send name and address to Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for his itttlo
book of extracts from tho works of
omlnont medical writers and teachers,
midorslng tbo sevoral Ingredients and
tailing lust what Dr. PUrce'a medicines
aro made of. I t's fret for tho asking.
Tin A'orjr TltliiKN.
The Orator I auk you I ask you
what two things are helping niunktm:
to uet m in the world.
The Sleepy Janitor The alarm clock
and the atepluiMer.
Ho Do Wo All.
"There are some disadvantages In
being a millionaire."
"For instance?"
"Well, millionaire aro continually
gel ting letters threatening them with
all sorts of uwful fates unless they
immediately pny tho writers lurgo
sums of money."
"That's nothing. I got just such let
ters every month." Cleveland Lender
A Theory.
"Why do they mako those orienta
pipes with bowltj lis big as water
pitchers?" asked tho inquisitive girl
"Those," answered tho wise woman
"are for men who havo promised that
they will confine their smoking to one
pipe after each meal." Washington
Star. .
Villi Iml.
She (preparing for a ride) Do you
think I ought to wear my veil?
He Sure. Otherwiso the wind
might blow your complexion off.
Mutter or Ap-.
Edith They say tho minister
new assistant Is a confirmed woman
Mtiymc Indeed! I had no idea ho
was us young as that.
Truth rul Tliomitw.
"Please, ma'am, could youso glmm
Kumthin' t' eat?" queried Truthful
Thomas. "I'm so hungry dat I could
eat a house.''
"Tho idea!" exclaimed the kind lndy.
"It would be impossible for any ono to
eat a house."
"Here's whore youse is wron
ma'am," replied Truthful Thomas. "Git
bl.zy an' cook me a porterhouse an1
I'll show youse."
x (ofil nt A iinwcrt'il.
lie Suppos" 1 should ask your fa
ther If I could marry you do you
think I'd stand any chance?
She No; your enso would be hope
less. He Why? Would ho say no?
She Not that,, but ho would leava
the decision to me.
Fixing tho lllamo.
Tom Cupid is responsible for an
other merger.
Jack Indeed!
Tom Yes; tho marriage of young
Poorniau and tho homely Miss Got
Jack Huh! I think cupidity is re.
sponsible for that affair.
AVcgclablc Preparation for As
similating the Food andRctiuh
llnrj thcStoronclts and Bowls or
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
IW. L. Douglas
'3 & 3 SHOES 1
N. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Ulna
cannot bo equalled ntany price.
Promotes Digedtion.Cheerrul
nessandRcst.Contnins neillicr
Opmm.Morplunc nortincral.
Tstot "Narcotic.
CltrifUd Mia?
A perfect Remedy forConslipn
Tion, Sour Slontach, Diarrhoea
ncss nnd Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signntureor
Bears the
( m Use
For Over
Thirty Years
p. ALL '
. T V 711
t i ill II van x ii
CAriTAtV 2.300.0
. M (1 nnfl ntWAOO to nyoni who cn
0lU,UUU dlsprovo thl italemmt.
II I could Inke yon Into my three lame fnctnrlet
t IJrockton, Mass.. niul show you the Inllnlti
cure with which every pnlrol shoes Is made, yoil
would reallxe wliy W. I.. DoiikIha $J.50 shoej
cost moro to make, why they hold their shatwu
lit hetter, wenr ionter, and are of (create;
Intrinsic value than iiny other $.1.50 hoe. j
W. L. Ootifjlua Stronn Mntla Shorn ton
Man, 92.BO, SZ.Otf. Oo.Vb' School
Drosm Shoes, $X.OO,$2, SI. 7 a. $1.6
CAUTION. Jnslut timn lmvlnn .I..lou
xliooi. Tiko no subHUuto. on animllH
without his niinie niul vrlmi tamud on lottotn.
Fait Calnr Eurltts used: thru will not tvear 6ruiw
NVrlto for llltutratod ('ntulou.
W. I.. DOIMU.AS, Itrnnkton, Mmv
W Sale Ten Million Boxes a Yean M
That Delightful Aid to Health!
Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth -purifie
mouth aud breath cures nasal
catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes,
and by direct application cure
all inflamed, ulcerated and ,
catarrhal conditions caused by ,
feminine ills. - ,
Paxtins possesses extraordinary
cleansing, healing and germl
c ual qualities unlike anything
esc. At all druggists. 50 cents
Tho H. Paxton Co., Boston, Mast,
Oat are. carried an mascots by Such n variety of races is re. pro -
nnny of the large ocean greyhound, scnted by tho inhabitants of the Phil-
riieso jieta aro well known to Globe ippines that tliirty one languages are
rotters. spoken there.
N. N. U. 1)21-13, YORK, NEBR
There, nro only lf0 miles of railway
in Paraguay.
r.ADIKS -Semi 10c Mlver for valiiablo lnfor
million, llox si-', Mlniicupdlls, Mltin. ;'
Contrary to the general" belief; a
eelebrated Kreneii clteniat nsaerW
that, drinking water lo.Sjjuna .iwelglit
instead of increasing it. '
There is only One
Genuine-SyrUp Of FlgS,
The Genuine is Manufactured by the
California Fig SyrupCo.
rTho full name of the company, Cullfornla Piff Syrup Co.,
li printed on the front of every package of the genuine.
The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original
Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere
1 11
lKnowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita
tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable
dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should
therefore be declined.
Buy the'genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects;
It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches!
when, bilious or '"constipated, prevents fevers and acts best 11 nn thr
kidncysV liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative" remedy is needed '
tuvii; vvuuii." uiwuiwun ATituiy ituiuuii iviiuw oi us ucnenciai
effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge , It is the)
laxative remedy of the well-informed.
Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs
. -
flewYork. H,$4M
Louisville , Ky.
wuce rarer cents pj bottib
Cefer hrta m4i brlgbter ni ftsttr colon HM aay otter dr. 0m lOe pickwe cMirt ll flftcri. They drc la cold water better Irm tay other tit. Yoa cm dn
nyurcMat tttlhMt rlMlt mrt. WrIUforfrei kooklet-llow to Drt, Uticb mi UU Otort. MO ft HOE Bit WG CO.. XnionvUU. Mfjjouri