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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
VI k.u mTVtrrfirr,rsavy.&Mni'xrmrT3niiviiv&'fivw ..r- j...i.. I, ii.inuiwfiaL'L'rj uL'm'H.i"Jiu.- H'- i .wm' w"iji ru u hiiw; iwii 'miwiHiinmiiivm.jiiiuiiiijiU'iJULiu. uuuiiiuuij.tjxju dvertim. I NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOV. 6, 189G. NUMEEK 10 VOLUME XLI yr j&mmtif vfc JU f VlBu (r f JL :A M MiaMi VraJf;7TT:T?TV . T? riVf'Viio tiwo lHhs Mnriir ni i rirr rn in. nllC& UJULUL. All CIUC Bl ,. 1n.nU U ri'naliia f3sfit TTen Ctrl uuat VUUKii oj f iwoivouwwt III lliUUa rwiu iij ui iiHirin JU. W. W. KEELING, Nrm.vii.v City, Nehuaka. Olllco first door Houth of Park hotel. W.W.SAWDBRS, Notary :-! Public jNTeinalia City, Nob. ROBERT ROSS, Prop. shiwltivr, liulr Dressing, tjlinntpnotiluc. Jlttzor IUiiioIuk. Spoclul attention uild to I-iuI'oh mid ClilHlrcn. . Agent for Xebrwika City Steam Luumli'- Kerker & Hoover, Donler In MEATS Holiest prices patdlfor lililos, lard, tmlow game, etc NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. I.C.SUTTON. M.D., Slrabert, x?G"brasbu,. Does a general practice. All calls promptly answered, day or night. 7-17 J. L.Jteluiii, M.D., Pft. ' IISIdlltlDS pPEOlAi-iiKS: Disensesof llio SSklti, I)Ih O e-iwct Wotmui Hint UUtldi;eti 111 iroiii"ii: miswor nil nails, i-ltlior day or ,l i.. M Koynoto Drug Stme - Nebraska B.Beiiandrews.M.D.Pli.D. Surgeon Specialist, Stella, - Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, Vericocele, Hernia, Hemorrhoids, etc , performed with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain boaid and hospital facilities at prices, less than in a city, considering skill and sanitary surroundings. Parties seeking relief through surgical means will do well to confer with Dr. Andrews. ClimaSOIILAUGKK UoprcHentliiB Cooper tlio rustling Liveryman or Nemaha. Lcnvo your ordortj for a team, linclc or dray, tmd We do the Rest. IliliMIWiiP ,-r Our Hack moots all lllltlH "VaMLtedL! M M a m v t r lit tosnll Ciuinda grown Fruit M.A.N" n OrimmuiitiU Trees. (I ru Hulbous IMtints, Oraiio Vines. Biimll l,'rj8 Scuil Toti Io!h, t'to. V catalOKiio only tlio iiiudltMtnuu most popular vnriuueH umi cowl in tlio coldest climates. Now heawon now coimiinnclii; complete outllt free, sala ry and cxpoiiHus paid from Bta.t for full tlmo or liberal commission lor part tlmo Apply now, addressing nenrcHt olllco, anil cot clinic of territory. ... fc LUKK lmorilBlW COMPANY, international NurHerlos, Glitcago, IllluolH, or Montreal, Quebec Rlpans Tabules euro indigestion. Rlpans TaDules cure liver troubles. Clhamborlain'B Eyo and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt. Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped -".i. ' Pilofl. Burns. Frost Bites, Chronic Soro Eyes and Granulated Ere Lids. For eal( by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HOB3B OWMBBS. For nutting a liorso in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cudy's Condition Powders. They tono up tlio 6Vtcm, aid digestion, euro loss of appetite, relievo constipation, correct iddney (Unorders and destroy worms, gmnc new lifo to an old or over-worked horse. -. cents por packaac. For sale by druggist Local jSTews. Hurrah for McKinluyl Nomaha precinct did nobly. Mrs. Theodore Hill visited Auburn Wednesday. Eaoh party has considerable to crow over in.this statu . Minnie Yutea is sullerlng fiom a se verely sprained ankle. Tudlo and Teddio Seovill were on the sick list last wek, but uro about well again. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marlatt wont to Lincoln Wedneauu. to visit friends for a low dayB. Dentist Cnllisou, ot Stella, at the Park house Monday and Tuesday, No v. 0th and 10th. batisfaotlon guaranteed. Walter Maxwell lias moved to Ne maha, occupying part ot Tun AD visit TWBit block, north of the hardware store. Kemp Colerick now cairleo the mail between the postolllco and depot. He relieved sieve Huntington Wednesday morning. Walter Hadloek has moved into tl e residence lie recently bought of .Jerry Maiialt, and is now a lull Hedged citi ' zen of Nemaha, Mrs. E. M. Baker came in from Aui burn last Saturday, and visited her pa rents, Rev. Mr. and Mis. J. W. Tay lor, until Monday. Dr. I. L. Callison, of Stella, will bo lit the Park house Monday and Tues day, Nov. 0th and lOth. prepared to do dental work in all its branches. Mr. McNinch, living on s. Gilbert's fill iu, northeast of town, had the mis foiluno to lose a valuable cow a few niKhts ago. He thinks the cow was poisoned. Mrs. Mary M. llobbins, of St. Do roin, was in town last Saturday, and giivo Tins Advertise", a pleasant cull. Mm. llobbins has been appointed nota ry public recently. The ram last week washed out part of tlio dam at the Bennett mill. Fif teen or twenty feet of the west omi of the dam went out. Tlio workmen have the break almost repaired. T.W. Wheeler, of Lincoln, a son of Mis. Ho3inu Wheeler, came in from the capital last Saturday, visiting his mother and sister until Monday, when ho returned homo, taking his mother with him. J. W, Taylor, who has been stopping at Stella for the past four or fivu months, came over from that burg last Saturday, remaining until Monday, when he wont to Lincoln to be ready to vote for McKinley the next day. Perry Brown, an esteemed citizen of Hillsdale, died Thursday morning, of hemorrhage of tho lungs. Ho was bur ied at Prairie Union cemetery Friday. Rev. Mr, Diltz, of Brownvillo, preached tho funeral sermon. Tho deceased leaves n wife and two childrou. Mrs. Klico, who has beon visiting her daughters, Mrs. P. L. Woodward and Mrs. Ceo.Yackley, for three weeks, started for hor homo at Gamett, Kan sas, last Saturday. Mrs. Woodward went witli her as far as Kansas City, whera they will visit friends for a few days. RATIFICATION at BROWNV1LLE The republicans of Urownville will ratify the election of McKinley and llobart Saturday night of this week. Tho old cannon will roar, and all tho members of the G. 0. P. will rejolco. Tho Nemaha republicans are given a speoliin invitation to be present. Rlpans Tabules euro nausea, Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Republicans Will Ratify Monday night the Nemaha McKinloy club will havo a ratlllcation mooting at the club room iu the opera house next Monday night. Everybody in invited without regard to paat party ailllin tions. Ji n BtiniB wont to Peru Thursday. to visit liia daughtor, Mrs. Fuuvor. Jim informs us that his little grand son toll and broke his leg abovo tlio Unco. Ho fell oft of a step only about ton inches high, ami it is a mystery how the leg whs bioken by the boy falling so short u distatu-0 FINE THOROUGHBRED IMGS. I havo for sale lino thoroughbred Poland Chirm and Dnroo Jersey male pigs for sale My hogs are choice and well hied, from the lineal prizo win ning stock in the world Choice of pigs', 810 each. Call and inspect stock . J. II. SiilD. Rev. A. L, Baker, son of E. M. Ba ker, of South Auburn, and grandson of Uav. J. W. Taylor, of Nemaha, is pas tor of the M. 1$. cJsuroh at Edfiomont, South Dakota. A now church has beon built this year, which was dedi cated October itfth. Tho building is of cream quit atone and cost complete 84,871.01. It is a handsome edilice.and is tho second best church In tho con ferencc. Mr. linker is a young man with a bright future before him. C. Shuck, proprietor of tho Nemaha Yadoy Berkshire farm, won the fol lowing promiums on his hogs at tlio Auburn and balem fairs: At Auburn he got tlrsi premium on boar, sweepstakes over everything on boar, and sweepstakes over everything on sow and pigs. At Salem Mr. Shuek got (list pre mium on boar.sweepstakes over every thing on sow and pigs, first premium on yearling sow, second premium on sow, first premium on boar, lirst pre mium on pig hcvon months old, second premium on pig live months old, and second premium on boar pig. As Mr. Shuck had but few bogs on exhibition the showing is a remarkably good ono. Tho primary department of tlio Ne maha schools was awarded live pro miums at the county fair this fall, as follows: For host reproduction of a story Nollio Sanders received a fine copy of "Black Beauty." For best map of Nomaha county Ressio Leslie receiAed a copy of "Swiss Family RobinBun," For aocond host map of Nebraska VernoTaylor recoivod u copy of "Thad dous of Warsaw." The first render class received a di ploma for best form work, and the school was awardod a diploma for tho second best exhibit from any depart-, monb of any town school, the Brock high school receiving ilrst premium. WOOD AND CO UN. We wish all our delinquent subscrh bera who can furnish us wood or corn would bring the same in at once, as wo need it. Either old or new corn will be taken. T.iko the wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the city. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McElhunny, proprietor. FOR SALE OR TRADE. House and two lots in Nemaha. Apply to Kemp Coleuiok. Tho election iu Nomaha precinct re sulted in n victory for tho republicans, ovory republican candidate receiving a majority with tho oxcoption of two road overseers. Tho election board consisted of W T Russell, James A TlttiB and Chas Anderson as judges of election and W W Sanders and Clms F Zook as cleika of election. On account of the lengthy ticket and the uuiondi monts tho count was not completed until after six o'clock Wednesday morning. Two hundred and thirty nine votes were cast. Tho following is the voto in detail: Republican electors, 120; democratic independent electors, 102; gold demos cratlc electors, 1 , For governor Bibb, domocrat, 1; Iawloy.natlonal, 2 ; I lolcomb.lud dem, 100; MacColl, rep, 124. For lieutenant governor Biglln d 5; Harris I d 101 ; Jones pro 2; Teltt r 123. Secretary of state Dilworth n 2; Mattes d ; Piper r 121; Porter I d 07. Cornell I d 0!J; Crowoll pro 2; Iledlund r 125; Holler d 4. Treasurer Casey r 128; Davies pro 1; Herman noclallst labor 1 ; McGi;er iu d 4; Meservu i d 00. Superintendent Corbett r 127; Don ovan s 1 l; Glover d 2; Ja'jksou I d 08; Whitwum pro and n 1. Attorney general Churchill r 125; Nygaard s 1 2; Patrick it :i; Smith i d 08; Stroug pro 2. Land coinminHloncr Baer d !1; Boo n l; Russell r 120; Schmidt all; Wolfe i d 00. Regent Lawson pro 1; Leas d 3; Rawlings id 05; Whitmoro r 120 Supremo judge 4 years Biltenben do r pro and n 1; Estorgard a 1 l; Ir vinedS; Neville Id 00; Ryan r 120 2 years Kinkaid r 125: Ktrkpatiick id. 00; Pirated 3; Zerbys i 1. - Congressman Broad y id 103; George n 1 ; Smith pro 1; Strode r 127. ' State senator Dundas I d 03; Howe r 124. Float representative Corbin r 114; Snvdi'i- i il oo. Representatives ,'Jrd dist Forguson r 122; Howe r 30; Jones i d 07; Shull id 08. County attorney Burnham r 127; Forneuu i d 102. Coroner Jack r 132; Opporman i d 00. Assessor Drain r 120; Moore id 101. Justice of the peace Crothor r 120; Scrivonor i d 07. Constable Parson i d 00; Smiley r 123. Road overseers Dist 32 RobtFrost r 75; Geo Kittoll i d 45. Dist 33-1 J Jarvh i d 10; W W Soid r 0. Dist 34 W T Russell r 11; It 1 Smith I d 24- NEW: CASH: STORE, Nemaha, ISTcl. Rice 5c Prunes 0c Peaches 00 Package Coffeo :. 20 Mocha and Java Roast Coffeo ..... 30 Japan Tea 35 Lilly Starch 00 Ilorao Shoo Tobacco .' 37 Battle Axo Tobacco 23 Toddy 23 DRY : SOOSS, : GENTS' Kirkendall Co. Shoes: Everything at BedRock Prices Everything that is kept in a gonoral store can bo found here, with prices to suit tho times, Call and see mo and get prices. MR . Ander NEMAHA, Judges of election John Dressier I d 102; Walter Iladlock r 122; Win G Maxwell r 124: Atthtir I'nria i d 00; G N Titus r 126; Webber i d 02. Clerk of olection Anderson 1 (1 100; Kyle 1 d 100;' Sunders r 122; Zook r 120. Report of school in district 58 for the mouth ending Oct, 30th. 1800: No. on roll, 48. No. of visits from county superin tendent, one. Names of thoso prcsont one!) day: Charlie Armstrong, David Armstrong, BortioWolfo, Josao Ballard, Floyd Tib bets, AHeo Wasson, Lizzie Kolthloy, Rosa Daniels, lnu Chandler and Etta Armstrong, Perfect in spoiling: Floyd TibbotB, Fred Boatman, .Tease Boatman, Ebbie Kennedy, Dolosslo Boatman, Alico Wasson and M audio Keithley. E, Delia Kemptiiokne, Teachor, W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kindB made out acs' curatoly. Legal documents drawn up All business given prompt and careful attention. Wo havo Hindu nrrangoniontB whorpi by wo can aopd The Advkutiseu and the Inter Ocean both ono year for only 61-00 caah In advance. RELIEVED OF TERRIBLE PAINS R. E MorBo, traveling Biilesman, Galveston, Texas., says: Ballard's riiiitw Liniment cured mo of Rheuma.. Usui of three months standing after use of two bottles. J, S. Doan, Dan ville. Ills., says 1 have used Ballard's Snow Liniment for years and would not bo without it. J. 11, Groch, Rio, Ills., says" Ballard's Snow Linlmenc cured terribjo pains iu back of head and nock when nothing elso would. Every bottle guarmj,cod. ,Pricorrt cents. Sold by Taylor tho druggist. Slnnn lft7fi thprn lnivo beon nino enli demies of ifysentory In different parts of tho country in which Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was used with perfect huccjsb. Dyeen tory, when epidemic, lh almost as se vere and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Heretofore the best effortB of tho most HldMed nhvHichma have failed to check its ravages, this remedy, however, has the most maliminnt cases, both of children and adults, and under tho most trying conditions, which proves it to be tho best mebicine in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by Taylor' the druggist. RlpnnB Tabules: at druggists. Rlpana Tabules euro dizziness. Ripana Tabules cure dyspopsla. Rlpans Tabules: gontlo cathartic. Rlpana Tabules: ono gives rolicf. RIpanB Tabules euro biliousness. Canned Corn 0o Canned String Beans (Is Canned Tomatoes 8c Canned Lima Beans 8c Sugar Drip Molasses, lino 40 Oat Meal OS All Hhiides in Henriettas 22c pr yard Good Prints at 05c Ll Muslin at 05c 24 inch Turkoy Red Handkerchiefs 05c 21 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 03c A new line of Hats from 15o to S2.Q0 McKinley Hats are beauties. Boys Suits from 85 cents to 84 .00 : FURNISHING : GOODS The best on the market. NEBRASKA. son's Gash Store. 7