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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1896)
V mwiinmi twmn.mmwmamx'mwmmmimmtmt iwmiii.iMijmwuuiiiiii a-jmmnmwwmmm thmski Mdvertim. VOLUME XLI NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FItlDAY, NOV. 13, 1896. NUMBER 20 &e t w W X EJlciMcMll:l;tJ;l CUKtS WHERE All ELSE FAILS. Dott Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. in time. Sold by drueslRta. T)R. W. W. KEELING, Nemaha City, Nebkaka. OfUce first door south of Park hotel. W. W. SANDERS, Notary :-: Public Nemalia City, Neb. Local ISTews. Cold weather this week. IEIUMIItESlir ROBERT ROSS. Prop. OatB wanted on subscription. Ono weak from next Thursday Is Thanksgiving. Jim Bennett has the mill about ready for business again. Dr. B, Bell Androws, jr., was over from Stella Friday. I We would like to get a few loads of straw on subscription. There is a good demand for corn huskdrs in this section. Shaving, llutr Droning, Shnmpoonlnc, ltuzor Honelng, Special Attention pnld to Ladles and Children. Agent for Nebraska City Steam Laundry. Kerker & Hoover, Doalor In Hli?host prices paldfor hides, lard, tailow game, etc NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. I.C.SUTTON, M. D., Shubert, Nebraska. Does a general practice. All calls promptly answered, day or night. 7-17 J, L. Jlclvln, M.D., JPh. f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON SPEOIAuiiES: Diseases of the Skin, Ills. c Women anil Children Will promnrn answer all culls, either day or ul i. t Keynote Drug Store - Nebraska B.BeKAnrJrews.M.D.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Stella, - Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, "Varicocele, Hernia, Hemorrhoids, etc , performed with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain board and hospital facilities at prices less than in a city, considering skill and sanitary surroundings. Parties seeking relief through surgical means will do well to confer with Dr. Andrews. Chris Soiilauoer Representing Babe Elliott shipped a car load of hogs Wednesday night. Frank Woodward wont to Lincoln Inst Saturday, returning Monday. W. B. Harmon, the Auburn insur ance man, was in town Wednesday. Dr. Melvin has movod his office into his residence, south of the Minick hall. Galush Melvin, of Stella, stopped with his brother, Dr. J. L. Melvin.over night Thursday. Mrs. W. W. Sunders and Mrs. Geo. Yuckloy attended services at tho M. E church at Brownville lust Sunday. Miss Eleanor Galbraith, who has been visiting at Denver for several weeks, returned home Tuesday night. William French, of London precinct, attended services at the Methodist church at Nemaha last Sunday night. Mrs. Melissa Scofield returned to Au burn Tuesday, after a visit of several days with her mother, Mrs. E. A. Minick. ' ' - Mrs. R. J. Duff visited the family of Rev E. S. Chamberlain, north of Brownville, Wednesday and Tnursdaj of this week. Removal of theAdvertiser The Advertiseu ofllce has been moved into the building recontly pur chased from S, II. Avoy, just north of tho hardwaro store, Call in and set us in our now location, pay a year's sub scription iu advance, and thus assist us in paying for tho building. Mr. Kinney, tho photogaapher, has decided to locato permanently in Ne maha. lie has leased the building va cated this week by The Advertiser, and will have it replastered and pa pered, a skylight put in, and otherwise fitted up in good Bhapo for a photoi graph gallery. Forsevoral weeks wo published 0. Shuck's advertisement of Berkshire hogs, and in it said that Mr. Shuck's hogs took several premiums at tho fait at Vordon, while the premiums were received at the Salem fair. If you like tho Berkshire hogs you cannot do better than to patronize Mr. Shuck. ?r Cooper the rustling Liveryman of Nemaha. Leave your orders for a tenin, hnck or dray, and We do TnE Rest . Our Hack moo's all lalns TVaiited! A MAN: to sell Canada grown Fruit and Ornnmeutal Trees, Hlirubo. Roses. Dul hs and Bulbous Plants, Grape Vines. Small KruIUi, Seed Potrtoes, etc. Wo catalogue only tho hardiest and most popular varieties that suc ceed In the coldest ell males. Now season now commenclnp; complete outfit free, sala ry and expenses paid from sta.t for full tlmo or liberal commission for part tlmo Apply now, addressing neaicst office, and got choice of territory. LUKE BROTHER-H COMPANY, International Nurseries, Chicago, I llluols, or Montreal, Quebec Rlpana Tabules euro Indigestion. Chamberlain' Xr and Skin Ointment . ll. J i TC ... TaIi.m G.U. 18 unequaiiea ior viiia, icimji, u Bheuin, Scald Head. Bona Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Pile, Burns, Frost. Bitea, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggist at 25 cents per box. TO HOBSlTbwNEBB. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cody's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, euro loss of appotite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 26 its per package. For tale by druggist B. F. Mclninch and daughter Belle, of London prec-nct, returned home Monday, after u visit of several days with relatives in Custer county. Dr. I. L. Callisnn, the Stella dentist, was in town Monday and Tuesday. He got considerable work, and will prob ably arrange for additional visits soon. FOR RENT. A house of five rooms in one of the most desirable locations in Nemaha, House is in good repair. A good barn on property. Apply at this office. S. Gilbert & Son need more room for their goads, and consequently are hav ing an addition built on the south side of the store room, 10x20 feet Jim Burns is doing the carpenter work. Lewis Thompson is having a new house built on bis farm northeast of town, and will move out on the farm in the spring. He can't stand the ex citement of city life. D. C. Miller is doing the carpenter work on the house. Walter Hadlock is so well pleased with Nemaha since ha moved to town that he has invested in more property. N. B. Scrivoner has seld him the west half of block 43, on the bluff oust of the Methodist church. Walt intends to fence it in for a hog lot. Attention is called to the advertise ment of J. )l. Seid, breeder of fine Poland China and Duroc Jersey hogs. Mr. Seid's hogs aro from the finest stock, and those who want good stock can buy of him with perfect confix deuce. His prices are very reasonable. Iohn C. Sliull has moved to Auburn, and is engaged in figuring to see how much he will lose financially iu being eleoted to the legislature. He will get 85 per day for sixty days for his ser vices in the legislature, $300 iu all, but will lose eight months' salary as prin cipal of the Nemaha school $400 and besides this will be out the amount of his expenses during the campaign and the additional expense he will bo to at Lincoln during the session. Several days ago Dede Burgess and Littreli traded horses. Ed is a minor but it is claimed had his father's per mission to make the trade. After the trade was made, however, Mr. and Mrs. Littiell claimed Ed had no right to make the trade and took the horse Ed got back to Burgess. Dede refused to take the horse back and it was turned loose. Friday morning 'Mrs. Littreli, who now claims the horse Ed traded, went to George Burgess' stable, where tho horse was being kept, and took it away. Dede threatens to get the State of Necraaka to assist him in aetiine possession of the herse. By .reference to an article clipped from the State Journal, headed "The Fight in Nebraska," it will be seen that Thos. J. Majors received a larger per cent of the total vote cast two years ago than has been received by any re publican candidate at the head of the ticket for the past six years, and this, too, when that year the stato was suf fering from crop failures and conses uuent hard times, and the voter were therefore more inclined to turn to popism. Col. Majors made a splendid under the circumstances, and under ordinary circumstance! would have been elected by a big majority. Dr. J. Ij, Melvin. Office at residecne, south of Minick store building. As Prof. John O. Sliull had been ab-. sent from our school for a month pre views to election, and would have to reslgh the first of January to take the seat In tho legislature to which ho was elected, the schoo board decided it was for tho best interests of the school to make tho chango in tho principal now instead of waiting until January 1st, and so have ongogod as principal for the romalndor of tho Prof. Win. M. C'ichton, who has had charge of the school while Prof. Shull was engaged in the campaign. Prof. Crichton was principal of the Nemaha school sovon years ago. He is a good teacher and will keep tho school up to its present high standard. Tho Nemaha McKinloy and Ilobart olub held n ratification moeting Mon day night. The meeting opened with prayer by Rev. J. W. Tuylor, followed by singing "Marching Through Geor gin," led by Walter Hndlock, assisted by Robert Frost. Then came speeches by Stephen Gilbert, Walter Hadlock, Robert Frost, James F. Drain, and others, and tho gleo club gave a num ber of Bongs that elicited hearty ap plause. During the evening there was frequent firing of anvils, shot guns, fire cruckers, etc, and lots of hurrahing. This club has dono effective work during tho recont campaign, The membership numbered about 185. The club hold moetings every Monday night after its organization, over two months ago, and expended about $27 for hall rent, banner, badges, etc. Nemaha preciuct gave her usual republican majority this year, a result largely due to the work of the club. The republi can glee club was in great deraand.and 1 .,,,,HBr FINE THOROUGHBRED PIGS. I have far salo fine thoroughbred Poland China and Duroo Jersey male pigs for sale My hogs are oholce and well bred, from the finest prize win ning stock in the world Choice of pigs, 810 each. Call and Inspect stock . J. II. Seid. FOR SALE OR TRADE. House and two lots in Nemaha. Apply le Kemp Coleriok. W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds mado out acs curatoly. Legal documents drawn up All business glvon prompt and careful attention. Wo have mado arrangements where by we can sond The Advertiser and tho Inter Ocean both one year for Only 81.00 cash in advance. RELIEVED OF TERRIBLE PAINS R. E. Morse, traveling salesman, Galveston, Texas., says: Ballard's Snow Liniment cured mo of Rheuma tism of three months standing after use of two bottles. J. S. Doan, Dan ville. Ills., Bays I havo used Ballard's Snow Liniment for years and would not be without it. J. II. Groub, Rio, Ills., says Ballard's Snow Liniment cured torriblo pains in back of head and nock when nothing else would. Every bottle guaranteed. Price SO cents. Sold by Taylor the druggist. m Thursday of this week Doc Clark's residence, in the north part of Browrxr ville precinct, caught fire from a defec tive Hue and burned to the ground. The fire had such a start whon discov ered that very little was saved out of tho house only one bod, what clothing they were wearing, and perhaps a few other little things. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are stopping with Rev. E, S, Chamber lain since the firo. We understand Mr. and Mrs. Clark wero away from the house for some time, and when Doc returned he found the house in flames. Fortunately he had taken out an insurance policy on the house and contents oniy about three weeks ago. He will rebuild at once. assisted. iul.tlie-raeenjjs.aJr;o4YJU,TU Auburn, Shubert, Hillsdale and Lon don. C. .Shuck, proprietor of the Nemaha Valley Berkshire farm, won the fol lowing premiums on his hogs at the Auburn and Sulem fairs: At Auburn he got first premium on boar, sweepstakes over overything on boar, and sweepstakes over everything on sow and pigs. At Salem Mr. Shuek got first pre mium on boar.sweepstukes over every thing on sow and pigs, first premium on yearling sow, second premium on sow, first premium on boar, first pre mium on pig Kcven months old, second premium on pig five months old, and second premium on boar pig. As Mr. Shuck had but few hogs on exhibition the showing is a remarkably good one. Rlpana Tabules cure biliousness. Since 1878 there have been nine eph demies of dysentery in different parts of the country in which Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was used with perfect suco3ss. Dysen tery, when epidemic, is almost as se vere and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Heretofore the best efforts ef the most skilled physicians have failed to check its ravages, this remedy, however, has cured the most malignant cases, both of children and adults, and under the most trying conditions, which proves it to be the best mebicine in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by Taylor tho druggist. YOUR HAIR CAN BE SAVED from falling out or turning gray. This is a positive fact, and we guaranteo Beggs' Hair Rwnewor to do It. It e'e uisos thescalp,leaving the boir glos sy and luxuriant. Sold by Tayler Rlpans Tabules: at druggists. Rlpana Tabules euro headache. Rlpans Tabules cure dizzlnesB. Rlpans Tabules cure dyspepsia. RlpanB Tabules: gontlo cathartic. Ripans Tabules: ono gives relief. NEW: CASH: STORE. Canned Goods Canned Corn 6o Canned String Beans Os Canned Tomatoes 8c Canned Lima Beans 8 In accordance with the custom of The Advertiser for the past twelve yeurs.we have printed cards containing the election returns of Nemaha county at the recent election, and our Bubscr!. bers can get one by calling at this of fice. We borrowed the Granger ab . stract for this purpose and for the sup plement. Ripans Tabules euro constipation. WOOD AND CORN. We wish all our delinquent subscrU bers who can furnish us wood or corn would bring the same in at once, as wo need it. Either old or new corn will be taken. Take the wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the oity. EuBy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McElhaney, proprietor. Rlpans Tabulos euro nausea. I Rico Be Prunes 6c Peaches 00 Package Coffee 20 Mocha and Java Roast Coffee 30 Japan Tea 35 Lilly Starch 00 Horse Shoo Tobacco 37 Battle Axe Tobacco 23 Toddy 23 Sugar Drip Molasses, fine 40 Oat Meal 08 All shades in Henriettas 22c pr yard Good Prints at 05c Lb Muslin at 05c 24 incii Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 05c 21 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 03c A now line of Hats from 15c to $2.00 McKinley Hats are beauties. Boys' Suits from 85 conts to 84.00 DRY : GOODS, : GENTS' : FURNISHING : GOODS Ml.MTS, QUEEJVSnVMllE, Kirkendall $ Co. Shoes: The best on the market. Everything at BedRook Prices Everything that is kept in a general store can be found here, with pricoB to suit tho times, Call and see mo and get prices. N. R. Andersons Gash Store, NEMAHA, NEBRASK A ...