The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 15, 1896, Image 6

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W. W. SANMKKS, I'ubllitier.
3 MAY J896.
; ;
: Sun. Mon. Tuo. Wod. Thur, FrI. Sal. ;
; .
4.X ' .
iliiJliiiiii I6 i
j; 17 18 J920 2J 22 23J
-24 25 2o"27 28 2? 30
. -
: qt :
J 44 4444 4444 4444 4444
Summary of tho Daily Nows.
riinflini'.NT Cr.KVW.ANt has further
amended tlio civil service rules by tin
order issued on tho 8tli bringing into
tho classified service tho interstate
coimnercc commission, which will om
brnce about MO persons.
OrnciAi.s of the treasury nt Wash
ington wero gratified at tho riso in
freight rates on gold export shipments
anil th Ink tho result will have- tho
effect of provonting for a time gold
going out of tho country.
It waB rumored at Washington that
ex- l'ostinastor Oonoral WanainaUer
was angling for tho vlco presidency.
Tub long-talked-of extension of civil
scrvico rules which takes in chief
clerks and all tho high grado depart
ment oillclnls so as to prevent tholr
removal except for cause, was signed
by the president on tho nth. It was
estimated that about ' 30,000 oillclals
wero included in Its provisions. The
new rules cover all employes except
thoso requiring continuation by tho
senate and mere workmen.
It was rumored at Washington
that tho freo coinago democrats of
Kentucky had docided to mako their
fight against Sccrotary Carlislo under
tho banner of Vlco President Steven
son, and that Mr. Stevenson had ac
quiesced in tho arrangement. Thoro
had been several informal conforonccs
among tho leaders, it was Bund, and
tho result was a determination to
bring out tho vlco president as tho
champion of tho whllo metal.
It was reported at Washington that
P. J. Kiockhoofor, disbursing olllccr
of tho state department, was short in
his accounts to tho amount of S130,
A 8KVKUE storm passed over Clark, S.
P., recently. J. H. Llndlnnd's house,
12 miles south, was takon up by tho
wind and carried a distanco of 50 feet
and destroyed. There- wero ten per
sons in tho house, and Mrs. Lindlund
was killed, whllo other members of
tho family wore moro or less injured.
Upwards of two inches of rain fell in
thrco hours.
II. II. Hoi.mks, tho murdorer recent
ly hanged at Philadelphia, was burled
on tho 8th In coinont, his tomb being a
solid wall of rock in tho Holy Cross
Mkb. Itoxnv, of Lexington, Ok.,
while llUlng a lamp spilled considor
ublo oil on .tho lloor and on her
clothes. Whoa Who struck a mutch to
light tho lamp, her clothes took ilro
and sho was burned to death.
At llutte, Mont., 250 minors, com
prising till the employes of the Rams
mines, struck becuuso the foreman re
signed on account of dislike for Timo
Keeper Applcgiite. General Manager
Ilelnzo put now mon to work and the
strikers drove thorn from the mines
with threads of violonce. A threat was
made to hung tho now forman, Gib
bons, und ho was forced into a carriage
and driven away. Troublo was foared.
Paii.ukks for tho week ondod tho 8th
were, according to Dun's Review, 238
in the United States, against 227 last
year, and 2-1 in Canada, against 34 last
Tun curpontors of Detroit, Mich., do
cided to strike on the 11th for un eight
hour day.
At tho Methodist general conference
at Clevoland, O., tho lay delegates
showed their purpose to curtail the
powers vested iu tho ministers und
mako tho conduct of tho church mora
John Wamjhip, who, whllo sorvluftu
term in Conlburg penitentiary for
larceny, brained a follow convict, Jas
per Thornton, with a coal pick, wue
hanged in tho jail yard at Birming
ham, Ala., on the 8th. Waldrip de
clined to nuiko any statement while on
the scuiloltl and died without fear.
Tho shcriil! stolo a march on tho news
pupers by having it an hour earlior
than customary, so that nobody was
present but a few officials.
A fight between negroes and Hun
garians at Keystone, W. Va., on the
8th resulted in two negroes and one
Hungarian being killed. Two others
were also injured.
Tiik roundhouse and 12 locomotives
belonging to tho Queen & Crescent
Railway Co. at Somerset, Ky., wero de
stroyed by tiro recently. Loss, 83(K
000; fully insured.
Tun Indiana republican convention
at Indianapolis on tho 7th iiiHtructed
its delegates for McKlnley, tho ox
pected tusslo botween tho Harrison
and McKlnley factions not taking
place. (Jen. Harrison did not visit the
convention. Tho platform dcclarod
for Round money, favoring bimetallism
on an International basis and condemn
ing tho freo and unlimited coinago of
silver at sixteen to one.
At Rome. N. Y.. John Watson II 11-
ilroth, ono of tho boys who wrecked a
New York Central express train, was
convicted of murder in tho second de
gree and sentenced to life imprison
ment. Ills two young accomplices
woro given 10 years each.
Wai.tkii May.v, employed on tho
now Santa Ko bridge at Guthrie, Ok.,
stopped off tho bridge backwards, fall
ing 20 feet and sustaining fatal inter
nal Injuries.
Tin: democratic state convention
met at Nashville, Tcnn., on tho 7th. It
was a freo silver convention from start
to ilnish. Ex-Gov. Robert L. Taylor
was nominated for governor.
Tin: prohibitionists of Arkansas
held tholr state convention at Little
Rock on tho 7th. Tho platform adopted
favors freo silver, woman suffrage,
government ownership of railroads,
telegraphs and telephones, and con
tains the usual prohibition plank.
At Texarltana, Ark., Leo Giles and
J. W. Gardner, editors of rival news
papers, got Into an affray orii tho
streets, using knives and clubs. -Both
wero sorlously injured. '
Tin: democratic convention at Tren
ton, N. J., on tho 7th declared for a
gold money standard and warmly In
dorsed President Cleveland's adminis
tration. No effort was mado to in
struct tho delegates.
Tint republicans of Michigan mot in
state convention at Detroit. Tho del
egates woro instructed for Molvinloy.
Uoth tho gold plunk submitted by tho
majority nnd tho silver plank sub
mitted by tho minority wero squelched
and tho money plank of the Minneap
olis platform of 1802 was substituted.
Whim: chasing a robber from his
store Thomas J. Marshall, proprietor
of tho Golden Rule dry goods store at
Chicago, was shot twlco and dlod a
few moments later on tho sidewalk in.
front of his place. Tho robber escaped,
after wounding two othor persons.
Tho robber entered tho store and ap
proached Miss Mattic Garretlson, tho
cushior, and demanded what money
sho hud. Sho screamed and Marshall
camo to her aid, chasing the young fel
low out to tho sidewalk.
Tiik Now York grand jury has found
indictments against James II. Duko
and nine directors of the Americnn To
bacco Co., charging them with con
ducting a monopoly in tho paper ci-g-arotto
Uv a vote of 425 to 90, the Methodist
general conference at Cleveland, O.,
on the 7th decided that tho four
women delegates might retain their
scats. Tho decision was reached sim
ply as tho result of a compromise, and
with tho undrstauding that it should
not projudico tho claims of women in
future or establish a precedent for
future conforonccs to follow.
William Woiickstkh nttomptcd to
murder his wife, Elizabeth, who kcops
a boarding house in Cleveland, O., and
was shot through the heart and in
stantly killed by John Payne, ono of
tho boarders. Worcester had recently
escaped from tho Toledo insane
asylum. Roth Payne and Mrs.Worccs
tcr were arrested to await tho result of
tho coroner's inquest
A Gutiiiuk, Ok., dispatch stated that
Deputy Marshal TSlghman had re
ceived 81,000 from tho Rock Island
Railway Co. for tho capturo of Bill
Ruidlor. Thirteen months ago the
Rock Island train was robbed at Dover
by five mon, and tho railway company
at onco offered 1,000 for each of tho
robbers, dead or alive. All five have
been captured or killed, and tho rail
way company has paid tho 81,000 for
each one.
Tin: Dljrgcr's News at Johannesburg,
Transvoal republic, stated on tho 0th
that the sentences imposod on Ham
mond, tho American, and tho other
convicted members of tho reform com
mittee will bo reduced to nominal fines,
and that the sentence proscribing im
prisonment nnd subsequent banish
ment will bo revoked.
CitACKSMKN blew open the safe of
Frank Novak, at Welford, near Cedar
Rapids, la., and secured 82,000 in casli
and 81,000 In securities. Tho safe was
regarded as burglar-proof and sot with
a time lock.
Tub Illinois treasury was said to bo
empty on the th, there being no
money available for paying tho ex
penses of the state institutions and all
state employes will bo compelled to
wait until July for tholr pay.
Gkouok Cannon and Thomas Athor
ton, two miners at Whitehall, Tex.,
ignited tho fuse of a blast. Because it
would not go off they wont to oxamino
it and Cannon's hoad was blown off
and Atherton died an hour after.
John Potulnv and A. Purskl, two
salooukeopcrs of South Chicago, wero
found asphyxiated at the Hotel Crystal
on the flth. They retired to their room
under the influence of liquor and, it
was supposed, turned out tho gas and
thon accidentally turned it on again.
Tin: Methodist Episcopal coneral
conference at Clovcland, O., on tho Utli
decided to increase the amount of tho
fund for tho rollef of worn out minis
ters and widows and children of de
ceased ministers by appealing to tho
A por.iCKMAN arrested Charles Boysa
colored, at tho race track at Louis
vllle, Ivy., on tho 0th for sli noting
craps and started to Central station
with the prisoner on a crowded street
car. On tho way in Boyse broke from
the olllcer and ran. Both men pulled
their revolvers and began firing.
Boyse was shot through the arm and
the policeman was shot in tho eye and
under the chin. Bath men will proba
bly die. Two people on tho car wero
also slightly wounded.
Gi'.N. Lkpcviu:, for many years a dem
ocratic congressman from Ohio, said to
a New York Journal reporter that a
conference of democrats had been held
In Washington at which It was ar
ranged to nominate Clevoland at tho
democratic national convention In
July, lie said that Pattlson, Russell,
Dickinson, Carlislo and others wero
simply stalking horses for Cleveland,
and that they wero bent on nominating
Cleveland and tho federal patronage
had been used to defeat tho silver dem
ocrats in Michigan and elsewhere so
as to Insure a sound money platform
on which Cleveland could run.
Tin: McKlnleyitos captured tho re
publican stato convention at Sacra
mento, Cal., on tho 0th, although tho
district delegates elected from tho
Fourth congressional district wore un
pledged and are avowedly Allison sup
porters. Six llromon wero perhaps fatally in
jured in a firo in Fischer's hotel at
Kingston, N. Y. Tills hotel and Rig
noy's hotel adjoining St and several
barns iu tho neighborhood wero
burned. Tho fire was started in Fisch
er's by tho explosion of a gasoline
stove. Tho injured firemen were in
Rigncy's building when the roof fell
in. Tho loss will exceed 850,000. Tho
guests in tho hotel escaped iu their
night clothes, losing all their property.
Tin: Sabbath association of Iowa re
cently met In annual convention at
Cedar Rapids. Tho meeting was in
tho interest of a more strict observance
of tho day.
Aiiout 1,000 mon stopped work and
demanded salary at tho shipyard of
tho Newport News (Va.) Ship Building
and Dry Dock Co. on tho 4th. This
action on the part of the employes was
brought about by the new time sys
torn, called the clock system. The men
claimed that much time was lost in tho
morning and at diuncr hour on nc
count of having to wait iu turn to reg
ister. Bkn Bnusit won the Kentucky derby
at Louisville on the 0th, beating Ben
Elder by a noso.
Tiik Oklahoma courts have struck a
puzzler In the Indian custom relating
to plural marriages. Tho Kickapoo
bucks have an average of five squaws
each. The Cheyenues nnd Arapahoes
are nonrly all polygamists, as are tho
Klowas, Apaches, Comanches and
Wichitns. It is stated that tho courts
havo decided to take action in tho mat
ter at once, unless polygamous prac
tices cease. Capt Woodson, of Ann
darko agency, has issued orders com
manding Indians of Ills agency, having
several wives, to at onco decide on tho
wife wanted and give up the others.
Miciiakl WKLSir,Dan Morrison, Mary
Berry, and Maggie Caldcr went out in
a boat on tho lake at Chicago and Mr.
Welsh and Miss Berry wero drowned
and tho other two wero only saved
after nn exciting struggle in tho water.
Ihe overturning of the boat was duo
to the hilarity of Welsh, who persisted
in rocking the craft in fun.
TiiKitK was reported to bo a general
demand in Spain for the execution of
filibusters captured on the schooner
Competitor. Tho carrying out of tho
death sentence was said to bo delayed,
however, owing to the representations
of the United States government, Tho
situation was decidedly critical.
Nkaii Eastman's Mills, Ala., Ilcddcn
II. Williams, a prominent white farm
er, was lynched by a mob of 10 masked
white men for making an assault ou
his 10-year-old daughter. Tho man
was being taken back to jail by an of
ficer, after a preliminary hearing,
when tho mob took tho prisoner from
him and hanged him to a tree.
L'Ansk, Mich., has been practically
wiped out by fire, the L'Anse Lumber
Co.'s mill and nearly all tho business
houses In tho placo being burned. Two
hundred persons were mado homeless.
The total loss Is placed at S2S0,000;
small Insurance. The mill had been
idle for several days owing to a strike.
At Nunlslng, Alger county, tho entire
population wns reported fighting
llnmcs in an effort to savo the town,
and forest fires were rnglug in several
other counties.
No CAits were run at Milwaukee on
tho 10th and there was no rioting. Tho
strikers, nearly 1,000 in number, pa
raded tho streets in tho morning. Tho
strike was believed to bo practically
over, the company having all tho men
it required to operate its cars and re
fusing to treat with the strikers in any
Tiik steamer Monownl has brought
news to San Francisco of tho whole
sale massacro of traders and mission
aries by natives of tho islands of Man
ning straits and .Solomons. Tho mas
sacro was followed by ucts of canni
balism. Many missions havo been
abandoned as tho result of the atroci
ties of tho natives.
Hai.k a million dollnrs worth of mill
ing property and lumber went up in
flames nt Ashland, Wis., on tho 10th.
It is presumed that a spark from some
employe's pipe started the lire. Three
men wero burned in tho fire and tholr
.bodies uftsrward. rcsovertj .
Condensed Itrport of tho I'ant Week') Pro.
IN the sonato on tho Mr. Hilt (N. Y.) con
ttnuori his speech against Mr. PciTcr's resolu
tion for investigating tho bond Issues. Mr.
1'uttlKrcw (S. D.) Htipportoil tho rosolutlon.
Sotnu progress wns niiido on tho river nnd har
bor bill and a nmtibor of pension bills wero
passed. Mr. Call (Via.) Introduced a resolu
tion, which was adopted, reiiucstltiix tho presi
dent to protest uRulnst tho execution of Amer
ican citizens captured on board tho schooner
Competitor by u Spanish gunboat... .The-hooso
refused to nccopt tho senate amendment to tho
naval appropriation bill reducing tho number
of battle ships from four to two and a furthor
confercneo with tho senato was ordered.
AN agreement to voto tho next day upon Mr.
Puffer's resolution to InvcHtltruta tho recent
bond Issues was arrlvod at iu tho senate on
tho Oth. Mr. Lodge got un amendment adopted
that the Investigation should bo conducted by
tho regular llnanco commltteo. A difference
of opinion dovolopod between the two Florida
i-enntors as to tho resolution asking tho presi
dent to protest ugulnst tho oxocutlon of Amer
ican citizens t nit en on board tho filibustering
schooner Competitor by a Spanish gunboat.
Mr. Call thought tho senato should net at onco
and Mr. Pasco said that Secretary Olnoy was
doing everything possible In thoso hind of
cases. Tho resolution was referred.. ..Tho
houso spent most of the day In n.isMnK prlvuto
pension bills, 72 being favorably acted upon In
5J4 hours. A resolution wns pabscd amid an
outburst of applause from both sides of tho
house for llnal adjournment on May 18.
IN the debate on Mr. Potter's resolution for
Investigating tho recent bond Issuos Mr. Palmer
on tho "th referred to tho Inadequacies of tho
platform declarations of 1802 on tho financial
(luestion, and referred to the conventions held
last year at Pertlo Springs, Mo., and Spring
Hold, 111., at which tho democratio party was
committed to silver, as "snap" conventions.
This brought Mr. Vest to his feet nnd ho de
nounced otllco-holdors for attempting to slltlo
and prevent the cxprosslon of tho will of tho
pcoplo, and hinted that if tho Chicago conven
tion declared for sound money ho would not
feel bound to abldo by Us notion. Tho bond
resolution was thon adopted bv tho decisive
vote of M to 0. Mr. Poller presented a petition
from Indiana asking for tho passage of a bill
ho recently Introduced forbidding tho fedorul
government to Issuo a liquor license to any
ono who had not sveurod n stato license.... Tho
nut result of a :tv( hours' session of the houso
was tho passage of a bill to amend tho act cre
ating tho court of appeals so as to allow ap
peals from tho supremo courts of tho terri
tories to tho court of appeals.
Tin: river and harbor bill was completed in
tho senate on tho 8th with tho oxcoption of tho
item for a deep sea harbor on the Paclllo
coast, tho proposal for appropriating $3,093,0 JO
for a harbor at Santa Monica bay exciting con
siderable opposition from tho California sena
tors, who think it Is a Southoru Paclllo rail
road Job.... The members of tho houso voted
themselves Sill) a month each for clerk hlro
during the recess by a voto of 13) to 108. Sev
eral pct.slon bills wore passed, tho evening
session being dovotcd to private ones.
Tho Republican Kittlounl Committee
Meat In St. I.nuls .Juno 10.
Washington, May 8. Chairman Car
ter, of the national republican com
mittee, has issued a notice to tho mem
bers of the commltteo requesting thom
to meet at tho Southern hotel, St.
Louis, Wednesday, Juno 10, at noon,
for tho purpose of preparing the tem
porary roll of membership and desig
nating temporary officers for the con
vention and for tho transaction of such
other business as requires tho action of
the committee. Itappearing likely that
un unusual number of contests will bo
presented, attention is called to the
clause in tho call' for tho convention
that notices of contests must bo filed
in writing, accompanied by printed
statements of the grounds of contest,
und the cases must be presented on
the date above designated.
The Men Who Will l'luco in Nomination
the l.'niKlliluten nt St. I.ouln.
Washington, May 8. Henry Cabot
Lodge, of Massachusetts, will be
awarded tho honor of placing Reed in
nomination at St Louis. The Maine
man will be seconded by Mr. C R Lit
tlefield, one of tho dolegates-at-large
from Maine, and he will probably pick
up a far western man and perhaps a
southoru man to help out in the sec
ondary oratory. Qen. D. B. Hender
son, of Iowa, at present chairman of
the judiciary committee of tho house,
will put Allison in nomination. It is
probable that Wright Cuney, of Texas,
will be selected as ono of Allison's sec
onders. Chauncey M. Depow, of New
York, will nominate Morton, and Sen
ator Foraker will do tho chief oratoric
al honors for McKlnley.
Tonnrmrii Democrats for Freo Sliver., Tcnn., May 8. The larg
est democratic state convention over
held in Tennessee has met and ad
journed. It was n freo silver conven
tion from start to finish. Fully 3,1 500
delegates and visitors wero in attend
ance. Tho platform contains a
strong freo silver plunk, as follows:
"Wo demand a restoration of tho
monoj' of the constitution by luw pro
viding for tho free and unlimited coin
age of both gold and silver as full
legal tender money at tho ratio of six
teen to one, regardless of tho action of
any other nation." Ex-Gov. Robert L.
Taylor was nominated for governor by
Michigan Inntriicts for McKlnley.
Dktiioit, Mich., May 8. An animated
fight over tho money question was tho
most striking feature of tho Michigan
republican convention. It resulted in
squelching both tho gold plank offered
by tho majority and tho silver plank
submitted by tho minority of the reso
lutions commltteo and the substitution
therefor of tho raonoy plank of tho
Minneapolis platform of 1802. McKln
ley wns indorsed most unequivocally
and tho delegates were strongly in
structed in his favor.
Wnnittii, Children unci IIothch Hurried.
limiMN, May 8. Tho riding school
attached to tho university of Heidel
berg was burned Inst night aud two
women, two chlldron and 27 horses
were burned to deatlu
Tho Apo'n Strategy for n Mcnl.
In tho Transvaal some of tho fruit
gardens aro much exposed to tho rav
ages of large cynocephullc apes, and a
good guard has to bo kept or the re
sult of long hard labor would bo losL
In some of thoso gardens grow certain
shrubs which aro much affected by
wasps, tho insects liking to attach
thereto their nests Thcso wnsps,
though small, havo h very venomous
sting. Baboons have often been no
ticed eyeing with envious glances tho
fast ripening fruit In ono certain gar
den, but feared to gather, for fear of
attracting tho nssaults of wasps. Ono
morning tho farmer heard tcrriblo
cries, and with tho aid of a good field
glass he witnessed tho following trag
edy: A large, venerable baboon, chief
of the band, was catching tho younger
apes and pitching thom Into tho shrubs
whereon hung the wasps' nests. This
ho repeated again and again, in spite
of tho most piteous cries from his vic
tims. Of course, tho wasps assumed
tho defensive in swarms. During this
part of tho performance tho old brute
quietly foil on tho fruit, deigning occa
sionally to throw fragmentary re
mains to some femalo and young ba
boons a llttlo further off. Westmins
ter Budget.
The iron grasp of scrofula has no
mercy upon its victims. This demon
of tho blood is often not satisfied with
causing dreadful sores, but racks the
body with tho pains of rheumatism
until Hood's Sursnpnrilla cures.
"Nearly four yoara ago I became af
flicted with scrofula and rheumatism.
Running sorca broko out on my thighs.
Pieces of bono camo out and an operation
was contemplated. I had rheumatism in
my legs, drawn up out of shnpo. I lost ap
petite, could not sleep. I was a perfect
wreck. I continued to grow worse and
finally gavo up tho doctor's trea'tment to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Soon nppctlte
camo back; tho sores commenced to heal.
My limbs straightened out and I throw
away my crutches. I am now stout and
hearty and am farming, whereas four
years ago I was a cripplo. I gladly rec
ommend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Urban
Hammond, Table Grove, Illinois.
Is tho Ono Truolllood Purifier. All druggists. II."
Prepared only by C. I. Hood &.Co Lowcll.Mass.
Hnnrl'c Pil!;curo Uvor lUs- cnsy-to
1 IUUU r itis mfco, easy to opernto. 2oc.
"Just as
Good "
never yet
f V avitvi
Simply refuse
the "just as good " sort.
If your dealer will not
supply you wo will.
Samples showing labels and materials malted frse.
"Homo Dressmaking," a new book by Miss
immi M. Hooper, of the Ladies' Home Journsl,
ellinp how to put on Bias Velveteen Skirt Blnd
ngs sent lor 25c, postage paid.
B. H. & M. Co., P. O. Box 699, N. Y. CU7.
may be accomplished by never vary
ing devotion to a single purpose is
seen in the history of the McCormick
Harvesting Machine Co., Chicago.
For 65 years they have simply been
building grain and grass-cutting ma
chinery, and while there are probably
forty manufacturers in this line, it is
safe to say that the McCormick
Company builds one-third of all
the binders, reapers and mowers used
throughout the entire world.
The many imitations of
HIRES Rootbeer simply
point to its excellence the
genuine article proves it.
Mxtooulr tir Ttie Clurl-i K. lllrf ('".. 1'hlMtlphl.
A '.. pulikSe luiUei 5 jiJ1ou. bold ctcrjubtrc.
Keep ir.lllc, Imttfr. etc..
Ill L'oixl roiiilltloii unlnir
iiotlilnK but witter, (onllni; belnjx clou Ijj eiopnrut on.
Send stump forpartlculnn. Icnt.KSH I Arontc Wnnlart
lUHtlUUlUTOrt CO.. ST. iMVlo, Mo. AgOlllb f d II I U U
casliWECKlY and want
imii mk!;uwii;i;i; (
fell GOLD (M.CW.OO)
rim Riiif ui, nth.i.
STJKK Trcts. Ontllt, FR1X No Money to Invest.
Ko nicU. STIES IIBO'S, Lguljlaci, Ko., JJwkport, UU
I w I dt &J i