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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1922)
.j.. r Scmt-flelUu Subline. y WILSON TOUT. Edllor ud -'bllsher Entered at tho North Platte, jJobraslii Postotflce as Second Class Matter. SUHSUIUI'TION PRICBt Year. In .advnnco $1.60; Olio TUESDAY, 0CT0KEH ill, 1922 jt iTasjP3H0BBjfe. ifc EDITOJtlAL 3 0 k . David 8alil-"l3ct Thy mercy, Ltird, bg upon us according as hope In Thee" Paalm 33:22. o wo Salmon P. Chaso said "Tho Con- atitutlbn In all Its provisions looks to j an indoslructlbjo Union composed or indestructible states." 1 J One wook from today Is election. 1 IntC-rost Is Increasing but It Is slowj and not very Intense. Business goes 1 on as ever. Candidates aro out ! intereHt In the matlor. loimcs aro bo forolgn to their real Interests that '41..... I .. ha. ... 1 ft rtt t IT I MA they, as a class soom mystiried by tho play 01 poiiiicai iurcvo, w.a-u, !!!:!!!ri !. r" l"."! IWIUIIHl ... v Tho old timo politician Is at soa,b-4 ftft'inn lm doeB not know whor6' to placo his conildence. Ho does not ; imilorstnnd tho womon vote and so olectionoorlng and getting ncuualnted jrH Oreason rcturn,cl, from with tho votois. Womon as might .Spalding Saturday after visiting soy be expected are taking llttlo or no ' onii dnyii wllh her parents. ho. Inclined. to let It alone in Ills, Miss Volora Gartner of littrhcaru, calculations. Thoro -Is very llttlo Nobr.. como yostorday to visit her bolting on tho oloction so far and Ulster Minn Lena Gartifor. probably will not bo much at any' w. J. Braham loft this morning time. Partisans aro cortaln tholr for Lexington whoro ho will Irans candidatos aro going to booloctod but act business for a fow days, they are either not betting pooplo or, Mrg Jnm(- 0uyinttll roturnod Sun lo not care to put up any monoy ,0ay fpom Solmy,0- nttor visiting with On bunch Is trying to mttko wot and .... ,vnu tnr ,flw dry thr Ismtp but (boy cannot do it. Wet and dry is ,not in politics. It lh well for tho votors to inquire It the candlddto's aro wot or dry just a tb y would lnrjulro If they aro honefct or dishoiioat or ""It thoy liavo good JudiPinent or aro orrattc. It 1b an important qualification of each can :o Imtr not a political Issue. Son- (i t:i .it SOOlilS tp bo growing for Tlioo. Lowo for county clerk and for S. M. Soudor for troasuror. Sovoral weeks ngp.tho desire for a change prompted many voters to say thoy wore going to vino lor an enuroiy nuw hoi ui officers but foolishness of tho idea oniCOIH Oi l lOO lsnn-BS ,, , to vote for an entirely now sot of IIUH HUM It 111 Ullll t Illllllf iUU, tholr statements and aro going to' void for tho best of tho present offU CtTS... S M. Soudor stnnds at tin top of those. Registration is taking f placo slowly and, many who should votv wll) bo disqualified, unless thoy! register; soon, 1 , - -;ol Fresh Sauorkraut am Limborger ohf-cae at Matrl's market. Mr. md Mrs. A. L. Fuller, of Nosbit visited with frlonds in thd city Thurs . dny. l'w Ki'iuiucrfr Pa Goal for Rotort Hwitlnt; stivrs and "linages. This alHO burn good In hard coal Htovvj. Th Artificial Ice & Coul St()i,ttf'0 Co. The Manualo Tho Plnycr-Plono ,.' thiitcla all but lnnnan As Mother goos about ir her dally .tasks, a rost nt tho Munuola, for a fow mlmtfos' - wch day, will lighten her work nnd nvako her life moro enjoyable. i essential ,to ftnithor's lionith iuVd- happlucsu Oomo Jn 12 MftllpV limiC HOUSG cttfir feTS K Coming to North Platiu wmi oij!!!!?-! ..m-..w auu win ue stageu uoro exactly ua uuriug ttb run or ono year m Now M flUiiCj illUOlv laUUo rCP ' W York, No thoatrlcal attraction lu our tlmo lifts received tho same measuro ot praise from America's leading critics. Prices $1.00, $1.G0, M , ... nnn'hlni' W tj nf"A M. J2,00, J2.50 plus tax. Mall ordors now. It la advisable to secure seats woll In ndranco for this attraction. To miss It Is to miss tho dramatic Iiao Tuning Case Ronmsuing m troat oC a Ufot,mo. ' Grocelena. m. . ' . - KtKRtMtiff ' " ---i-' UK. 0. II. CIU-SSL-l. OHAIIUATE DENTIST Office over tho McDonald State Bank. ' I I - ' 11,1 , LOCAL AND PERSONAL 1 Mr. anil Mrs. li. a. uuswubuu " Candy shoppod In tho city Saturday. 1 Mr. mid Mrs. H. A. Uustarson oi Mrs. R. .1. Clnbaigh returned froir inninliti mnrnliiir. rl IJ.' C. Cnllonder spent Tuesday In Snrnon transacting business. Airs. "V. II. Daly of Coring Is visit-! lug In tho city with relatives. Mrs. .loo Herrod left yesterday for .... v Kearney after visiting with relatives ln (10 cty for acvoral days. j mrQM E(IWftU of Gothen,)Urg npcni Saturday ln tho city transacting busl- i : csh. JJossio Show and Hazel Duvall spent Sunday in Ilcrshey at tho J. K. Eshlo- an homo. cii-orgo Wllklns spent Wednesday In aothcnl)urg visiting his paronts Mr.i d M Dan wnkln8i Erb of Gothenburg; - Pont Trm, in tho city visiting her' ,8tor MIgfJ noxJ0 Erb Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Brank of Oandy transacted business in ,,n' - le cuy 1 iiurs- , .... CIiuh. . Ilohnofl of Sutherland spout Saturday in tho city transacting busl-' nofis. 1 Ralph Kitchen, ownor of tlio Paxton hotol in Omaha was a city .visitor horo yostorday. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Strnhorn loft Uiis morning for Donvor lo visit with .... .i roiniivoB ror mew uays. MrSi Lt Conneaiiy of Wal- )ai!0 H,)0nt tho wcek oml ,n tho olty visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Con- nonlly. M p,.,,........ ,.(r,i n' . , ' , , UI Ra , "7 , , I ,J0r ,omo ,n Drdgoporl( Saturday, I nHop visiting lit tho homo of her mother Mrs. J. T. Murphy. :o: Tho biggest republican effort of tho campaign was mndo last night when Senator Goo W. Norrls spoko at tho! Kolth theatro to a big audience. Tho! Chambor of Commorco bnnd paraded tho streets previous lo tho mooting and drew n good crowd which readily' entered tho theatro at tho end of tho. band concert. Senator Norrls made ' what was said by ropunllcan loaders to bo a vory flno address. A number: of residents of othor communities! made tho trip to North Platte for thoi rally. :o:- NOTICE I I wish to announce through your i Vapor, to the party or parties win) hnvo started tho rumor that I (the undersigned) liavo been soliciting stlbscrij.tloiiB tor V. A. Bradshnw, who Is 111 tho Dally Nowa Auto Contest, do .emphatically dony tho cliargo and furtheriuoro will pay $100 to anv ono j who will como forward nud'provo that! I liavo asked anyono ln tho stnto or tiny other state to subscribe for tho Omaha Daily Nows this year. Yours Respectfully, Mrs. Lillian Snyder; 40S West 9th. North Platto, Nob. :o: , """"" - 1 I'm 1 1 1 1111 1 " " f' 11 " 1 1 r r 1 JTLT I I IfCriTU ONE NIGHT K I I FY CI I II MONDAY, PI. O. I .J ' , ,.. M AD0LPH KLAUBSR PRESENTS THE SENSATIONAL SUCCESS 1 aflM Unin n T. ntU,ln I W mmm WB1 !-. C WWWBK WWWWWWWBW1 lWW HI- B - a WWWWBW- WWBWn VWWWB NORTH TLATTE, NEBR. W ftBm ' -.-fl-RK Hk. WM HjMl r' -" ' W Office Phono 183 Resldenco.233 ?) 11 JHttk kH MUM. JH-S iCIiCW C A'-IC II I'C I 1 l' i v.i h j ik. rvf-i hm h ra !- a m mm hhihh m W I ,K IISHMli -V. illftrnH I THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Wanteds . FOR SALE! Croon' peppers and cole- v T. I T.nnknr. Phono C98.I. v - WANTED Woman to do washing. ToV . como to house Phone 217 J, . . . . . . r UiV gnuu- " -' inT' niinrniiroii I'nuin.i i:mnn Uonr, largo Box 198. , type. w. K. IIolntHie, county and nation you must go j . FOR SALE Potatoes. Lot no fill your cellar for winter. Phono order 784F5. COc a bu. A. S. GIIEGO.T FOR SALE Hens, three dozen Barrel Plymouth rocks. Hnve flnlslicd moulting. Doollttles. . FOR SALE Ono section of land 8 miles north of, town. All under fence. Phono 1140J. WANTED Experienced girl for gen ! oral houso work. Call Mrs. M. E. Scott, 303W. WANTED Situation as clerk, three years experience. Address D. Caro North Plntto Tribune. WANTED Placa to work whilo going to school. Phono Glen Starn at Senior HlghSchool. ; r WANTED Girl tfor genoral houso- work. Mds. G. B. Dont. G20 West, 4th St. FARM FOR SALE 12 miles from Wullaco, Nebraska, GGO. acros 240 acres good smooth land in cultiva tion, alfalfa land. Bnlnnco fenced In pasture. Woll and cistorn and othor fnir improvemmonts, an Ideal tock farm, Prices $20.00 por norc. Soo or atldross S. F. Clayton for terns, B20 W. 2nd St. North Platte. Nebraska. . vnn SAT.ia Native red codar at the ; old stock yards. Will sell at auc- laat Will, and Testament or said dp 1 . . , . t 1 ,..1 r ,. ceased, and duly admlttod to probate , tlon to tho highest bidder for cash m U)0 Couutv CouH of Lncoi cotm. j a lot of used lumbor, ditforent v., Nphrnskn. Uipcp will be sold at dimensions, fence posts, largo build- public sale to tho highest bidder for i lug- posts, nine to ton foot long, fash at the oast front door , of the i 7 , . . ., , , hou-e located at 220 South Locust St., oxlra heavy gate posts, and a num- ,n Uu) tfIty Qf North p)ntto Lnco,n , bcr of largo gates, kindling wood, county, Nebraska, which house Is , feed bunks otc. Sale called for located upon the real estate herein i Novomber 15th, 1922, at ono o'clock after described, on tho Gth day of No vember. 1922 ' t tVe hour of 1 o'clock 1 '11nrl, p. m., "the follo-.-I)g described , real JOHN BURKE. Ownor. ostnlo to-wlt: An undivided one-half ' : AGENTS WANTED-Unusual oppor- un(tv ,, , PInttft nnd tunity open In North Platto and soveinl nearby cities for ambitious . . . . , ,, t,, Industrious. Wt and women. Ex, porlonce nnd capital holpful but not, necessary. You win do laugni per manent, profltablo business retail ing Rnwlolgh Good Health food products, spices, flavors, medicines, to'let articles, ,etc 150 overyday lnooBBltios sold on time; lowest wholotfule. Largest company. Es tablished. 34 years. Ask for nppll-i cation. Give ago. occupation, rotor-, oncos. W. T. Rnwlolgh Co., Dept. 44, Freoport, 111. :o: t ! Fresh sauerkraut and Hmbergoi' - lohocso at Martl's market. ; - 1)11. HAROLD U. WALKER j Practice limited to Eye, Eur. Nose nnt j Throat I ' Offl?S 0VW 3IfT0ililW Hniil .' Phono ariii FOR Choice lot of young Red Poll bulls m farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dowoy stml ; 1 - nn m --- I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glnapp of Candy visited with friends In tho city Sunday. TO TIIK VOTERS HcllUIng wIUiTSTtUo city HmU, of K'nhoT S North Platte, Neil tho rAiay 0f October, r,0okn of tho different wards nhow tho (V.TtvruMiftf vnolntrnM'nn ICIrst ward. '..y.. o :-a 40. q ?; 1 ri y ..j"' J",'. 18S; Third ward 401. If you wnnt to vo for your cliqJge;f men tc rcp- t. - ..i. itV' '- rp.niiL vuu ill Lilt? vajiuuti Liiiiuua uli i.iu :i Si? "i." . , . , , t , n iHttfaf November. ifsr'.nPTtov f'mtMffisinMMnfl. f O. E. Elder, City Clerk. EXTENSION 110 AI) NO. 21 To Whom It Mny Concern Tho special commissioner appolntod to locate a. road as follows: Commencing at tho southeast corner, of Section '21, township 11, range 31, on rorftl 21, thence rulinlng north 1 mile on" section line between sec tion '24, townshop 14, rango 31, and section 19, township 14, range 30, thence west ono mile between sec- tons 24 and 13, township 14, range 31, to tho northwest corner of sec- t on 24 and connect with road No. 7ff has . boon reported In favor thereof, anyono having .objections thoreto or claims for damages by reason of tho establishing of the above doscrlbed roau must nio same in tno ornco or tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon i.n the 10th day of November 1922, or ild rond .will be allowed without rc;oronco tfioroto. w'llnosa my hand and official Beal ptdmbor 28th ' 022. A. S. ALLEN. County Clofti. NOTICE OF SALE Nntleo In herehv Blvnn that" I. Wes ioy t. Wilcox. Administrator with tho Will annoxdil of Ibe Estate of Bridget ! Jonos, deceased, in pursuance or 1110 authority granted the Executor in tho untorest 111 -uii or lots 1 anu z in block 7 MJU(!J.g nddit0n to the City of Mnrtli Plhf ... Mn..!n rmintv. No- Interest in all of lots 1 and 2 in of North Platte. Lincoln County, No- brnslcn, and tlKf fdllowlng chattels to- wit: 1 brass bedstead with .matress, 1 er wUh j l)n3kct ot old ; - tin wnro, 1 Iron tub with two and , tono - half dozen fruit cans, oorreo pot, 2 granlto pots, 1 tea kottlo, 1 iron tub Containing ltitcncn ware, a sranii iiu ittiWln frames. 1 old camel sweeper, i picture decorated cross, 1 trunk, 1 1 1922. WKRT.RY' T. WILCOX. . . ' . Administrator with tiio win annexeu, of tho estate of Bridget Jones, ,T)e- ceased. tDON'T FORGET TO VOTIi. O. W- FOR" SERVICE. ECONOMY. -r A.n.lffj - Wheat Is Nature's Best Food v Nature has provided for man a great multitude of nourishing foods. The. most perfect of these is wheat the staff of life. Bread made from good wheat is perfect food. But the wheat rnfist be properly ground or it will lose some of its qualities for health making. SIOUX LOOKOUT FLOUR Is made right by the latest designed milling ma chinery. With it the house wife can make those big crusty brown loaves which appeal to the members of the family. AT ALL GROCERS. To gel right down to brass tacks, have you seen or heard about the hew Wool Sport Suits? Isn't she. good looking in this one? A checked wool skirt and flannel Jacquette. The "Nayvee" gar ments, which includes the last exclusively at E. T. Tramp & Sons, READY - TO NOTICE Notice Is heroby giro: Pnyno . . Uiat I will sell on tho 7th day of No- vcmbor at 2 p. m. at publlo auction ',lt .lhe Yrk FC'1 St' , , , chairs whih have of in .to - UgO Willi mCv ' 'HUM mv $28 and tbc costs of tho Kilo uuo me. .... . , r." inoi) untort tins :.vru REGISTER FOU YORT .EFFICIEMCY. word in middies. Shown j - WEAR. - II i3 9 ( j