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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 5gmt-Beeklu grittung.; WATCH YOUR SALE DATE ' October 12. Gonoral larm Bale, WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher. , L A HollJl( H,x mllca norlh and twol mllos cast of Wellfleot, II. W. Dick, tutored ut the Nortb Platte, Nebraska Postotflco as Second Claaa Mattur. 8unscniPTi0N price t One Year, in advance ILfiO TUK8DAY, OCTOJIKK lOtli, 1922 Want Ads acroa good smooth land In cultlvu-'SJ tlon, alfalfa land. Balance Ponced SNU4,NWttSE& in pasture Well and cistern and , gjb 2 other fair Improvommonts, an Ideal prae & Lota 3, 4 stock farm. Prlco $20.00 per acre. 'Lots 1, 2, Soo or address S. P. Clayton foriEUSE4 forms, 520 W. 2nd St. North Platte, 'Lots 2, 3 & SSW mill I n m M N'ebranka. i:iitojual David said "Exalt ye tho Lord our Owl and worship at hla footstool; for bo Is holy," Psalma 99:5. FOlt SALE Shoats, Phono 788F31. T. E. DooUttlo. iFOn SALE Thorobrod Whlto L6g horn cockrels. Dan Kunkcl. WANTED Girl for general house'! . work, 621 west 4th. Phono 10C2J. . Col. Lydockcr said "Tho birth jrlght of overy son of a frco people la opportunity. Let no man bo deceived by suggestion of community ownership." The second number of the High School Round-Up was Issued yester day. It la a flvo column four pago paper well Illustrated and full of (school news of Interest to tho pupils asd teachers. Tho alumni of tho ncbool will also bo Interested In tho Alumni column which attempts to fceop students In touch with thoao who have been In school boforo. W. It. Roettgcr 1b tho faculty roproson. tatlvo In chargo of tho Hound-Up and bo has his hands full. Ho must sco that tho paper Is Interesting to tho high school studonts or thoy will not support It and It seoms ho must inako It moot tho requirements of the par ents also. So ho has sot to work to do tho Job and seems to bo succeed ing pretty well Judging from tho favorablo comments received. Tho 7lonnd-Up will bo issued twlco a month and tho subscription prlco 1b 75c a year. If any of our roadors want to learn what tho high school stands for and what tho young poo. plo or this city aro doing through tho bcIiooIb they can got a protty cood ldba by subscribing for tho student publication and reading It. The Ilound-Up Is now In its thlrtconth year and la edited by a staff of puplla who aromembera of tho Journalism class. auctioneer. October 17, JFIog solo at tho Dolmor Andoi'Hon place flvo mllcw Hotith and ono mile west of Lexington. October 19. Stock Salo, T. C. QrosHliruis, three miles northeast of North Platte, II. M. Johansen, Auc tlocor. :o: A crowded house greeted tho pro duction of "Evo" at tho Kolth last night. It waa tho samo cast which ( showed hero last year but tho show; vas cleaner and hotter staged. , Johnnie Getz as tho comedian took' i tho leading part and waa given tho , crcatcst aDDlause. Other Darts wero I well taken but the chorus was not RANTED To contract with parties lnn n ntnmltird ' w,1 w111 ,msk c00 bushols corn. .. uox 254. sutnoriana, nod. 31 91.70 -:o: Lot 11 32 , 32 33 34 34 35 35 3G 48.90 59.25 55.50 4.60 34.00 88.60 18.10 13.00 Cllnton'a for Spectacles. DELINQUENT TAX LIST TINDEI) FltOJI PAGE TOWNSHIP 15, RANGE 34 C0N 9 WANTED Girl work, who Phono 132. can NVANTED Experienced farm hand by tho month, through the winter, llox 254. Sutherland, Nobr. -:o:- Carl NolBon of Gothenburg was a buBlnoss vlBltor in tho city Friday. Judge Woodhurst Issued a marri age,, license Saturday to Harold M Hibba 21. of Wollfloot and Miss Gladys P. Jqlllff, 19 of Dlckona and then porformcd tho ceremony which made thom man and wife. -:o: NW SEW for general houso , NEVi go home nights. , " ISEJ4 W NEi NB SW SEft NEft NW SE W E nw SE All W SEW NE Wm. M. Waldman of Boone, Iowa FOR' SALE Rod and yellow onlona. apoko boforo tho Itotary club ycBter- Sorted $1.00 bu. G. n. McDoueall. day on tho subject of "Flro Proven- For Information phono 729W. tlon." Ho told his story In a straight : forward mannor and Impressed upon I F0R RENT Nino room .house all tho members of tho club that with. I modern. Inquiro A. O. Kockon, I AHA rl ' i a r.iil nn.nnnrnMnn nf Ihn cIMznnn wftTi ! "u B1XU1 UirOOC tho flro department tho common means of preventing fires could not bo successful. Ho told of tho succ ess soino towns aro having with thoir lira provention campaigns and of tho failures in other places. Ho compli mented North Platto on tho fact that I .1 ltni. jM ii.. it-i m " " I V Ull HALW lilt KWNT A itfnll nr. having fow dostructlvo flrcB in spito rnngg0(1 hom0( furntahodf tlmt can bo 19 19 19 20 20 -20 21 22 23 23 24 26 26 26 28 29 30 30 31 33 33 35 All All Mil,.. AH., All All All All All All 119.00 94.60 84.00 1 74.10 1 98.00 no A A mis &SE All All All 95.26 78.20 55.60 59.80 45.00 48.10 57.75; 206.50 167.85 126.00 I 154.00 1 363.40. 213.80 ! 101.60 56.60 2 8 10 18 14 19 22 25 26 27 30 30 31 34 36 70.00 66.80 97.80 58.40 73.50 56.50 57.96 57.95 57.96 59.15 42.80 13.90 50.75 88.60 74.15 TOWNSHIP 18, RANGE 34 All . T 2 62.15 EUj All W&SBK All All All Ntf&NU All All All All All All All All All NEU All All All All All B& All All All TOWNSHIP 14, RANGE 34 WANTED AT ONCE Applo pickers at tho Spurrier farm 11 miles west of tho city. LOST Casing and oral plain tread, to this office rim 30x3, Fed Roward. Return of tho rocent conflaragatlon. E. It. Goodman was chairman and several members of tho local volunteer flro department wore guests. Ira Bare, Wm, Hondy and Milton Forbos also spoko. :o: used by two families Incomo $372. ownor leaving city. 108 W. 2nd St. FOR SALE My equity In 6 room houso and all furniture for $1400, cash, balanco terms. 503 E. 4th St. or Phono 169W. WANTED to buy aoor'7 room mod ern houso, strictly modern; must ho prlcod right for quick sale. Ad- !ref3 Box 5GG, North Platto. Nebr. FOR SALE OR TRADE National double drawer cash register, Ford son Tractor and Plow. Call at 021 South Walnut, NOTICE TO VOTERS Tho registration books will bo open at tho otllcc of tho City Clerk during nil of the month of October. All thoso wishing to logistor uail '.hero, and do po boforo Novombor 1st, 1922. E, O. ELDER, City Clerk. SI- NOTICE "Water ront Is now duo In section d,wnorth of Union Pacific rlghgt of Way, and becomes delinquent Octi 20. All consumers In that district please paybcforo that date. I1ERSUEY S. WELCH, Water Commissioner. EXTENSION K0A1I NO. ttl LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tho Eyo-Glaas mon, Clinton & Son. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson on Sunday. Miss Gladys Jollff of Dickons vis- fitod with friends in tho city Friday,. Mrs. P. C. Brogan of KoyBtono shopped In tho city Saturday. Mra. I. C. McGeo of Maxwell waa a business visitor In tho city Friday. Mrs. E. S. Saltslder of Dickons transacted business In tho city Sat urday. Plenty money to loan on improved farms. J. P. Clabaugh, 618 Dewey Strcot. Mrs. Bon Franklin and daughter ot Julcsburg woro hualnesa visitors In tho city Friday. Mrs. Dick Browor of Hershey vis ited with friends In tho city laat wcok. Real bargains In 7-pIece glass1 water sots. Seo our windows. Austin j Jowolry Storo. I Ray Estoll of Brady undorwont an FOR SALE Natlvo red codar and- oporatlon at tho Platto Valley hos-l ubqi lumber at old, stock yards; FOR SALE 320 acres with stock and crops, if sold at once. For particu lars phono 378J, or call at 4.02 So. Elm. WANTED Rellablo porson, male pro son preferred, to bwoop and dust .Catholic church on Saturday. Phono 1198LW. All N&NS SS All All All NEK SE swyt E NE All SEViSW.ESEtf, ASWSE All Lots 1, 2, 3 &NW.NW& 13 Pt Lots 4 to .7 & ptSESEK Lot 1 WSE Pt SW No. It R Pt SW So R R SW Pt SSWK WE&W (ox R It) E&SW EpWy4( loss R R) WNW(less R R) ENE4&ptNESE North of R R WNEENW &pts Pt SE& SESWK.SWSEK, pt NESWU&NWSEK SE PtNNU,SN&S NNWVl.SE&ptNE FOR SALE Cheap Registered Short I' horn cow or will trndo for milch j cow or hogs. T. P. Rowly, Ut. 2 I Box 17. 1 FOR SALE Largo rood baby car ! rlago. Good as now. . Mrs) R. A. Boaclmmp, Maxwoll, Nofcr., Phono 1022. pltal today. To whom it May Concorn: Tho special commissioner appointed to locato a publlo road as follows: Commencing nt tho corner of sec tions 13, 14, 23 and 24 township 13, N. range 30 W., running thonco north on lino botweon soctlonB 13 and 14 ono mllo, thenco northorly through; sections 11, 10 ,and S, said town ship and rango following the south bank of tho channol of tho Platto rlvor to tho Intersection with rond No. 6 ending thoro. Sahl road to ho C6 foot wldo. Has roportod in favor thoreof, anyono having objec tions thoreto or claims for damag) 1y rOason of tho establishing of the above described road must fllo samo In ,tho office of tho County Clork of Lincoln County, Nebraska on or bo foro 12 o'clock noon on tho 19th day of. November 1922, or Bald road wilt 1e allowed without roforonco thoreto. Witness my hand ami official Boal this 28th day of Sopt., 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. DUItOC JERSEY BOARS 15 Puro bred Duroc Jorsoy Boars for I salo, wolghing from 200 to 300 lbs. j Blood lines unoxcollod. J. E. Qulnn, 220 B, 3rd St. Phono No. 1294. North Platto. Seo Gone Crook or Harold R. Burko, FJrat National Bank of 'North Platto. L. & S. Groceteria. 1 1 FOR SALE 80 whlto leghorn hens at $1.00 each, March to June hatch, 80 whlto loghorn pullets at $.50 each. Mrs. P. A. Ullrich, HorBhoy, Nobr., R. 2, Box 20 Or Phono 29F03. FOR SALE Onlona. $1.50 per bu Will keep through winter. Also cabbago, 8 miles woet of town, mllo north of Lincoln highway. mllo from Platto Valley school houso. K. Nabota & Ogata. NOTICE OP PETITION Estato No. 1913 of Robort A. Mc Knlght, deceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska. To all persons lntorostod in said Estato take notlco that a potltlon has boon filed for tho appointment of William S, McKnight aa Administrator of said estato, which has boon sot for hoar. Ing herein on Novombor 3, 1922 at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated Octobor 4, 1922. Wm,' H. O. Woodhurst, County Judgo DOUCET MUSIC STUDIO Trevlyn E. Doucat Toachor of Violin and Cornet FARM FOR SAIE 12 miles from Wallace, Nebraska, 560 acroa 240 Public Sale Having decided to quit tho stock business and confino my attention entirely to tho dairy business, I will soil at public auction at my farm threo miles northeast of North Platte, on the Tryon route, on Thursday, Oct. 19th. Commencing at 1 o'clock east time, the following property 100 Head of Cattle 1 load good big two-yeas old feeders, 1 load two-yoar holf ors, 8 head milch cows, balanco yearling steers and heifers. 6 Head of Horses Yoarlings to three year oldB 30 Head of Shoats FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS Sums uudor $10 cash. All sums ovorlhat a mount will bo glvon six months timo at ton per cent if bankablo and a two per cent discount will bo glvon for cash. T. C. GROSSHANS, Owner. P. C. riELSTICKER, Clork. II. M. JOHANSEN, Auct. 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 t 8 8 9 10 10 11 13 17 17 19 19 20 21 23 24 24 24 64.20 62.45 17.30 : 57.95 57.95 67.95 36.50 29.20 14.20 29.05, 59.70 14.60 33.00 56.10 29.05 48.30 182.65 60.30 203.95 4.41 25.50 111.20 ,302.10 343.20 103.20 565.70 287.3fr 49.50 170.50 25 146.30 25 25 25 26 28 30 31 202.15 146.80 J 374.10 , 181.10 1 151.60 ! 69.101 20.10 I A CHEERING CROP! Tho 1922 crop has already seat throughout tho country a precoptlble wavo of Optimism. Condltiona right here in Nortfe. iPlatto and vicinity aro already look ing better; business ia beginning to show ronewed activity. At tho beginning of a now era o prosperity let us rosolvo to contlniM boing thrifty, to sottlo our obligations proptly, making euro of aonjUad prosperity for tho futmra The Platte Valley State Bank Wi'iWi mJ. . W . ,J. ,J, iV! .V. l J 1 hi v.' dge Brother BU5INE55 SEDAN With this car, Dodge Brothers.have literally created a new typer of sedan. They have combined open car ruggedness with closed car protection and smartness. They have demonstrated, once for all, that a sedan can be as practical and almost as inexpensive as an open touring car. The body is built of hand-welded steel because steel is sturdy, and will take a permanent, oven-baked finish, eliminating forever the cost of repainting. The Beats are upholstered in attractive, genuine Spanish blue leather, because leather will wash and wear. To further enlarge the car's usefulness, the rear seat, back and side cushions, Beat frame and foot rest are quickly removable, giving sixty-four cubic feet of fiat loading space in the rear compartment. The manifold uses made possible by this unique feature are readily imagined. The top and rear quarters are of non-rumble, fabric construction, conforming with the present attractive vogue. From cord tires to curtain cords, the fittings, inside and out, are distinctive and complete. In fact, every detail of the car emphasizes its strik ing adaptability to business as well as social use. The price is $1360.00 delivered I V. ROMIGH, Dealer. Phone 844. A A PmUnti Pmndini Hft 6 50.10 7 64.70 8 49.80 9 66.45 10 103.85 11 110.50 12 40,70 12 1670 13 80.70 14 6 4; 3 15 66,35 17 66.25 18 64.46 19 64.49 21 68,36 22 66.36 23 6fi, 24 48,6 26 14,C 27 6,35 28 6.36 29 6f.W 30. 8141 31 4.4 32 51.95 33 6.6 34 67.7 35 G7.9S p! I i Si V 6th & Locust St.