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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1922)
THE NORTH I'LAITI'IS: y EM M;HHK1TY- TRIBUNE .mi 'preBeiu-were Mrs, uen urutiry uuu llf A 1 1 U VIII if fllr llllr liruip rnnM nurn Tun nnmiTV. fpj WAp i.pMjj;.imii; tod mum uvcn c uuui JlmMMl w ' "win . Fny0 Lloyd hnd family, Mr. and 'Mrs. fodil yards by Rauch Live S Houston Lloyd hnd famU'yWCecIl ' ... . . . , .I.. Saturday. Sont. 23d. Hog FOR SALE. 1 1nteresting Information From Over the County Secured , tintcrnin t Hirtiidnj I'nrty From Our Special Correspondents " And The Newspapers. ' , i f ' BRADY VINDICATOR ' Lloyd and Jack KelBO. Little Lucille Forstedt entertained HI-T Jloys To Ho-organlzo L iweniy-ono guests Saturday in honor ? The. HM' boys will meet In STOCK SHIPMENTS Farnum defeated tho Brady team, lMt Sunday by a scoro of 7" to 1.: Brady played Staploton on Friday and r,l1lnwl nrinni ,,inmnna r nt Curtis Sunday. , llvoatock woro mad0 from tho at h,s nomo '"t week. The occass- which will bo held overy Wednesday Ror. A. F. Dickson Is the Methodist 1 1Matto Btati0n of tho Union Pacific dm-' ,0" bo,ng hl8 sovonth birthday. Tho Tomorrow tho Rotarlans will bo the preacher at Brady and Pleasant Valley i(nir ,,10 wpok on.Une osnr.lnv i afternoon was Bpent In playing of guests. Tho boys will bo addressed Hershey by George Brownfleld, I D. Brownflold, auctioneer. the, ' of her twelfth birthday at tho home church, paXlorPojt the Presbyterian ' Wednesday, Sept. 27th. Public balo of her aunt, Mrs. Harry Samuolson, ,burch tomorrow'noon for.ihojr first jof farm stock nnd machinery nt Bird Dellclous refreshments were served meeting for this school year.' Rev. , wood Station, H. S. Hasklns, owner, at the close of tho afternoon. ''Patterson of tho Presbyterian church Chas. Olson, Auctioneer. ' -will ,navo charge of those meetings. ,;o: '. Ilntertnlns on Seventh Birthday All the boys In tho Freshman, Soph- Mr and Mrs- Tom McWllllams of Melvln Ballar entertained twelve omore, Junior and Senior classes arc Eaton, Colo, nro visiting at tho home of his playmates at a birthday party invited to attend these mcotlngs, of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Tollllon. Wlnter apples at 75c per bushel. ! Plck them yburselfi Also fresh rider. Sale at.c mo on Sunday. George Stowart, 6 by Itauch Llvb Stock co. i m,log nortUwest of North Platte on i .1.- -1.1 nllllnn T?nllfl n.r,lAV. Sont. 23d.-H0K Sale at l" ",u l"""" L. & S. Groceteria. for tho coming year. nov. r. j. Omaha niiahlan goes to tho Anselmo-Mernn charge. Tho right-of-way for tho trans mission lino from Gothenburg to TottonhofI Broa. South Omnna. 1 car hogs to games, alter which a lunch was sorvod. two course uy Keith Noville and Mr. Roettger. 'Senior Class Elects Officers Children's Society Is Organized An organization meeting of tho Brady and Maxwoll was secured last week without any troublo nnd at,, no j Stinger Bros. 1 car cnttlb to South Omaha. coat. Tho line seems assured. :o: HERSHBY TIMES Tho members of the Senior class Children of tho American Rovolu- held a class meeting last week and tlon waB held Saturday at the homo tho following officers were elected ot Mrs M- Kelth Neville. Mrs. Sponsor, Miss Mabel Gibson; Presl- Novillo is organizing regent for the D. WIsner, 2 cars cattle to South dent, Georgo Dent; Vice-President, Children of the American Rcvolu-, Omaha. Louis Bretcrnltz; Secretary, Edna tlon- After singing America and L. C. Blalsl, 2 cars cattlo to South . Barber; Seargant at Arms, Chas. Riving tho Hag salute, tho election ! I. F. Hainore, 1 car hogs to Kan sas City. Roy Hungorford has purchased tho Omaha. Comstock Service Station on tho Lln- Tottcnhoff Bros. 1 car hogssto coin Highway. OgJon, Utah. Tho uniforms for the band arrived. N. E. StroBburg, 7 cars cattle to 1 Thoy aro a dark green trimmed with Osceola, pshelman and Elmer Pease. of officers took place. Edna Barber was elected president; Thelma Starr secretary; Frances Neville, Treasur er; Mary Nelson Neville, registrar; , black. Tho Star School dedication will bo hold on 'Friday, Soptembor 29th, al though school commenced there Mon day. -:o:- KnfertiiliiH In Honor or Jfelco Mrs. Harry Dixon entertained Sat- ,nMfH. A flit. - . 1 I , U1u, ovcuiub hi u xuuuiro puny in vvni,olmlna Zook. historian: Harris honor of her nleco Miss Helen Burns Rcdfleld, color bearer; Harvey Stob-' of Denver who Is a guest at tho Djx- bins, door keeper; "Virginia Neville, on home. There wero seven young wa8 elected pinner for this meeting. ladles present. After attending the On every officer she Dinned a rosette I CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Piano tuning, Holley Music Houso. 10 Eyo-Glnss men, Clinton & Son. lheatre dellcipus rcfrcshmcnts wero Q whUe and blue Md on tn0 members a bow of the same colors. Alter the meeting delicious refresh- I Miss Myra White of Sutherland I servcrl at th9 Dlxon home Shirley Hogg Is president of the BnPPed ,n tho city yesterday. . sohlor class in tho high school, Oscar Always wolcomo at Dancclnnd ovory Ecklund, vico-prcsldont, Ralph Davis, 1 Saturday nlto. secretary-treasurer. Albert Cattorson of Arnold was a A meeting to discuss n now brldgo ' business visitor In tho city Thursday, over tho North Pl Uto was hold fcotur-' Miss Margaret Cummlngs of Grand day evening and a commlttco consist- island has taken a position a4' Dr. Ing of Goo. Mudd, Robort Hontson, D. Brocks office H. Martin, John Boylo. F. P. Dicker- M. . ' . irnwnrthv ,- An n m 1 T. Til n rvct tna AtitinlnAil 4 1 . ... Mw..v.n hi.""., tho last of tho week for Omaha whoro Domestic Science Department of. the num... u, ,M..,U U1....,u... Bh(J w,n aUond Ac.Sar.Boni :o: Mrs. J. L. Kolso who spent tho summer In Denver roturned home Ifomn Dftimrtninnt l'roifpnm Tnilnr The Homo Ecomomics department n,onts wcrG Bwrved by tho llostess- of tho Woman's club will meet this ' : afternoon with Mrs. Drummy ati loader. The following topics will bo XTKT A rV XT dlscusHed: "House and Home Mana-. gemcnt, Systematized House Work,, Arrangements that save Stops, Homo SCRAP IltOtf Entertainment, Demonstration by Cast Iron -is worth most. Also Copper Table Service." nnd Brass. HIDES SOUTHERLAND COUIER Birthday Pari y ' I am paying from 7 to 10c a Sutherland 17 to Tryon C was tho Sunday, yficoro of tho game played at Tryon Thursday. There will bo no lecturo course In Wednesday. Sutherland but a homo talent course Is proposed with tho good speakers nnd musicians ot Sutherland furnish ing tho entertainment. A birthday surprise party was given in, honor of J. T. Lloyd who celebrated Mrs. Herbert Klldaro of Paxton.hjs 74th birthday, at tho'home of his was a business visitor in tho city ' daughter Cecelia of Stockton. Calif. pound now. L. LIPSHITZ VAUDEVILLE AT THE KEITH THEATRE Wednesday Only. BENTON AND CLARK Tho Fashion Plate Pair. Singing, dancing and talking. Several pretty changes of wardrobes are made during the act. This act is delightfully entertaining. BILLY EARLE The girl with the quick vfeet. Her classical and eccentric dancing is clever nent and full ofpep. Sho is sure to please all. BROWN AND WHEELER In fresh paint, stands for newness, freshness and cleanliness with a touch. of song, comedy and dance. SMITH AND JORDON -.., , In a fast and furious comedy Acrobatic act with Tony Smith of, the famous trolley car trio, remembered by many as tho tramp Dago and tho Monkey. This act is' a riot. Also a good five reel feature picture will be shown. John Anderson of Gothenburg was gffiffiffiffilfiffilfiffiififfiffiffiKffiffiffiffiffiffi a business visitor wcok. in tho city last jLj James Sl.ohn captured nine prizes Gothonburg woro DUfllnesa y,sltors m Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dalton of LK "with his Horoford cattlo'ot tho-KoltlH - County Fnlr. Ho will tako them to tho i Lincoln county fair nt' North Platto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cokor entertained ' forty guosts nt a dancing parly Frldnj in honor of tho sixteenth birthday of ' tholr daughters, Marjorlo. Tho out 1 of town guests present woro Lloyd , Ilayncs and Rudolph Lundlno of, Brady and Mnurlno Vatos, Hazel Purdy, Alleon Davis, Morlo Ross and Howard , Purdy of North Platto. v :o: Ladles Coats from, $10 to $1715 at tho city last wools,. I Mrs. Will Stuart returned tho last j ol tho wogJc trom Kearney whoro BhU yjsllcfl, Jvlth rolativos for a fowl days." i w ilcox Demi "tment Store The House of Fashionable gMillineYy -:(:- Wilcox Department Storo, Mrs. Irono Roborta of Paxton ehopped In tho city last wcok. The H. S. Agency reports tho sale of the following properties and tholr j rospfctlvo locations for tho week 1 ondln'g SopU 1, 1022: ' UoBldonco property 1118 W. 4th St.; to J. H. Smith. i 614 E. 11th St. to Emma Lawrence A choice residence lot on East 4th Dr. C. A. Solby Four resldonco lots In Bollovuo Addl-; tlon to Horbort Anion. Two lots In Taylor's Addition to rt! Make Dancolnnd your amusement nnw -f! hnll. Undor mnnugomont or Amorlcan Ono reBidonco lot -in Taylor's Addi- Ml Legion Orchostra. tlon to Zotta Strlcklcr. ,' , tBl Mrs. Harry Brodbcck and daughter ono reBidonco lot in Grncelnnd Addl- Jfi Gono aro visiting In Omaha this tlon to John O. Andorson. Lgj week. . Throo lots in Taylor's Addition to jjj Mrs. Llbby Murrln is enjoying a James G. Flotchor. irj two wookb vacation iroin uaricniow iuv n. v w. Bros, news stand. H. VanDoran. r m 3 io, us. pat, vrr, HATS FOR"YOUrIG MEN THERE'S lota of scr vico left in many n dis carded felt lint that a man won't wear because it's out of ekapc. If you want "rruality without cxtraVa ganco" in a emortliat that stays smart, ask ua for n Berg Sta-Shapo Hat 31 IJP? S 3 BBO.ii. 4. r at. opr. FIVE DOLLARS JohnB.EdwarsCo. IB VR Hi m cTomorrotw! Specially Prepared Millinery Event That Will Create a Sensation! cMO Q That Are Wonderful Values! Choice- ONE of those unusual value giving occasions that are making our hat department the busiest in town I This, group was specially purchased from one of the greatest houses in New York, and com prises every new and wanted style, material, trimming, and color. We suggest early shopping. Colors: Pheasant Toast Canna Navy Brown Sand Wood Shades Poppy Red ' Purple Copen, etc Materials: Lyons Velvet Panne Velvet Duvetyn. Felt Novelty Fabrics Styles: Large Drooping Hats Pokes Off the Face Hats Turbans Rolled Bnrns Large Dress Hats Mushrooms Trimmings: Ostrich Metallic Effects Velvet and Ribbon Bows Ornaments Hacltle Sashes Novelty Pins y M I